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How Many Republicans Voted For Trumps Impeachment

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Overview Of Impeachment Process

See also: Impeachment of federal officials

The United States Congress has the constitutional authority to impeach and remove a federal official from office—including the president—if he or she has committed an impeachable offense. Impeaching and removing an official has two stages. First, articles of impeachment against the official must be passed by a majority vote of the U.S. House of Representatives. Then, a trial is conducted in the United States Senate potentially leading to the conviction and removal of the official.

In most impeachment trials, the vice president presides over the trial. However, in impeachment trials of the president, the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court presides. In order to remove the person from office, two-thirds of senators that are present to vote must vote to convict on the articles of impeachment.

Why Did Republicans Vote To Dismiss The Impeachment

The Senate just voted on my constitutional point of order. 45 Senators agreed that this sham of a “trial” is unconstitutional. That is more than will be needed to acquit and to eventually end this partisan impeachment process.This “trial” is dead on arrival in the Senate.

— Senator Rand Paul January 26, 2021

The senators were voting as to whether it is constitutional to impeach a former president, but not whether or not Trump is guilty of the charge against him. The constitutional language is vague on this issue and legal experts disagree, with both sides of the political spectrum arguing it is and isn’t. The main argument against impeachment relies on two parts of the constitution in Article II, Section 4, “shall be removed from office if convicted in an impeachment trial,” and in Article 1, Section 3 “shall not extend further than to removal from Office.” But there isn’t a consensus among the GOP with five of their members, Senators Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, and Toomey, voting against the motion and to proceed with the trial.

The Vote Echoed A Longstanding Dynamic Thats Poised To Continue

For years, Senate Republicans worked with Trump to pass tax legislation and appoint federal judges, and stayed silent during problematic moments in his presidency.

Forty-three Republicans ended up backing him yet again, indicating that while the party is somewhat split, the bulk of GOP lawmakers are still aligning themselves with him.

According to a Vox/DFP survey, there is a similar divide among likely Republican voters: 12 percent of Republicans would have backed his conviction, while 85 percent opposed it.

Trump’s support from the Republican base is likely a factor behind some lawmakers’ decisions: If they were to go against him, it’s possible they’d face a serious electoral challenge in 2022 or 2024.

Beyond showing just how closely Republicans are still tied to Trump, the vote also sent another major message about the party, revealing how open the majority of GOP lawmakers are to condoning an attack on the democratic process itself.

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Why Didnt The Trial Begin While Trump Was Still In Office

The articles of impeachment were not sent to the Senate immediately since the Senate wouldn’t be in session until the day before Joe Biden’s inauguration. The Democrats waited further until an agreement was reached in the Senate for the power-sharing structure that would regulate how the evenly split Senate would operate going forward. Under an agreement with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell the trial was delayed to give the Senate more time to get Biden’s nominees for his Cabinet approved.

Second Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Second impeachment trial of Donald Trump

Second impeachment of Donald Trump
The House of Representatives votes to adopt the article of impeachment
January 13, 2021  ?–? February 13, 2021 
Acquitted by the U.S. Senate
Voting in the U.S. Senate
Protesters gathered outside the Capitol on January 6, 2021

The second impeachment of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, occurred on January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired. It was the fourth impeachment of a U.S. president, and the second for after his first impeachment in December 2019. Ten representatives voted for the second impeachment, the most pro-impeachment votes ever from a president’s party. This was also the first presidential impeachment in which all majority members voted unanimously for impeachment.

Who Are The 10

Here they are in order of the most pro-Trump districts:

1. Rep. Liz Cheney, Wyoming’s at-large district: Trump won Wyoming 70% to 27%, and she’s the third-ranking leader in the House. So for her not just to vote in favor of impeachment but also issue a stinging rebuke is quite the step. Cheney was unequivocal in her statement, saying Trump “summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack.” She called what Trump did the “greatest betrayal” of a U.S. president ever.

2. Rep. Tom Rice, South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District: This is one no one saw coming. The congressman, who has served since 2013, comes from a pretty pro-Trump district , and there was no indication he would do so beforehand. Even during his vote, Twitter was alight with speculation that Rice had cast the wrong vote. Turns out, he cast it exactly as he wanted to. Later Wednesday, Rice : “I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable.”

I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable.

— Congressman Tom Rice January 13, 2021

— Adam Kinzinger January 14, 2021

Trump Impeachment Results: How Democrats And Republicans Voted

FEB. 5, 2020

67 votes needed to convict

Not Guilty

67 votes needed to convict

Not Guilty 0 53

The deeply divided Senate on Wednesday acquitted President Donald J. Trump on the two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — brought by the House. See how every senator voted below.

The votes fell far short of the two-thirds majority required to convict and remove the president from office. The Senate rejected the abuse of power charge 52 to 48, largely along party lines. Senators then voted 53 to 47 to defeat the second article charging Mr. Trump with obstruction of Congress.

One Republican, Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, broke with his party and voted in favor of the first article of impeachment, supporting the effort to remove the president.

Motion to Consider Witnesses or Documents

Vote failed on Friday.



On Friday, Senate Republicans succeeded in blocking a motion to consider additional witnesses and documents in the trial, including testimony from John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser.

The crucial vote was cast largely along party lines and paved the way for Mr. Trump’s acquittal in the third presidential impeachment trial in the nation’s history.

For the latest updates, .

Here Are The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump After The Capitol Riot

Tala Michel Issa, Al Arabiya English

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Ten Republicans of the US House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump after rioters stormed the Capitol building last week, making him the first president in US history to be impeached twice.

Trump’s support within the Republican party appears to be wavering. While only 10 Republicans voted for impeachment, during Trump’s first impeachment in 2019 the party closed ranks, with zero votes for impeachment at the time.

All House Democrats voted in favor of the impeachment; 197 Republicans voted against it. The 10 Republican votes for this impeachment trial made history as the tally exceeded the previous record of five Democrat votes during Bill Clinton’s 1988 impeachment trial.

The US House of Representatives, the lower house of Congress, first decide if a President should be impeached. If the house finds in favor the Senate, the upper house of Congress, will then hold a trial overseen by the US chief justice.

The Senate’s response to the president’s second impeachment is yet to be determined. In order to render a guilty verdict, 17 Republicans would have to join .

As of yet, only a small number of Republican senators have shown interest in potentially convicting Trump in a Senate trial. The trial would begin after Trump has left office and after President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on January 20.

Trump Et Al V Deutsche Bank Et Al

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, AG

The House Financial Services and committees issued subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and Capital One Bank asking for financial records relating to Trump, his adult children, and his businesses. Trump’s personal attorneys tried to delay or prevent the information from being given to the committees by getting a court injunction. Although the defendants are Deutsche Bank and Capital One Bank, U.S. district judge Edgardo Ramos permitted representatives of the House committees to take part. Ramos canceled a May 9 preliminary hearing when the committees agreed to hand over “substantial portions” of the subpoenas to the plaintiffs. On May 22, Ramos affirmed the validity of the subpoenas. Trump’s lawyers had asked Ramos to quash the subpoenas, but Ramos said such a request was “unlikely to succeed on the merits”. The committees later reached an agreement with Trump’s lawyers to delay enforcement of the subpoenas while an appeal is filed, provided the appeal is filed in an “expedited” manner. On May 28, Ramos granted Trump’s attorneys their request for a so they could pursue an expedited appeal through the courts. and briefs for it were due by no later than July 12. On June 18, The Trump legal team filed a brief similar to the one in the Mazars case.

Oral arguments began on August 23.

Liz Cheney John Katko And Dan Newhouse Among 10 House Republicans Who Voted In Favour Of Motion

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump a second time on Wednesday. The House voted 232-197 in favour of an unprecedented second impeachment just one week after the violence at the U.S. Capitol.

Those 232 votes were cast in favour of the bill by 222 Democrats — along with 10 Republicans, members of Trump’s own party.

The Republicans include:

With Trump Facing His Second Impeachment Trial In The Senate Republicans Are Arguing It Would Be Unconstitutional To Try Trump Now That Hes A Civilian

Senator Rand Paul on Tuesday introduced a motion to dismiss the single article of impeachment against former President Donald Trump claiming it is unconstitutional. The argument goes that impeachment is for removing an incumbent president so the Senate does not have the constitutional authority to try Trump now that he has left office. The motion was defeated but forty-five of his colleagues agreed with him.

The size of the support among GOP members does not bode well for a conviction of the former president who was impeached by the House for a second time just over a week before he left office. Two-thirds of the Senate would need to vote to convict Trump after the trial which is set to begin 9 February. That means 17 Republicans would have to side with Democrats in finding him guilty of inciting insurrection.

December 2017 And January 2018 House Votes

On December 6, a second privileged resolution on articles of impeachment, H.Res. 646, was brought on the floor by Representative Al Green, Democrat of Texas. The resolution listed two articles, i.e. proposed reasons for impeachment: “Associating the Presidency with White Nationalism, Neo-Nazism and Hatred” and “Inciting Hatred and Hostility”. House majority leader Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California, moved for the resolution to be defeated ” rel=”nofollow”>tabled”), which was agreed to by a 364–58 vote with four members voting present.

Among Republicans, 238 voted to table the articles of impeachment and one did not vote. Among Democrats, 126 voted to table the articles of impeachment, 58 voted against tabling the articles of impeachment, four voted “present” and five did not vote.

Green’s effort did not receive the support of Democratic leadership. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and minority whip Steny Hoyer issued a statement saying that “egitimate questions have been raised about fitness to lead this nation,” but “ow is not the time to consider articles of impeachment” given ongoing investigations by congressional committees as well as the investigation by the special counsel.

Drafted Articles Of Impeachment

Seven of the Ten Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump ...

Within hours of the storming of the Capitol, multiple members of Congress began to call for the impeachment of Donald Trump as president. Several representatives began the process of independently drafting various articles of impeachment. Of these attempts, the first to become public were those of Representative Ilhan Omar ” rel=”nofollow”>D–) who drafted and introduced articles of impeachment against Trump.

Representative David Cicilline ” rel=”nofollow”>D–) separately drafted an article of impeachment. The text was obtained by CNN on January 8. On Twitter, Cicilline acknowledged the coauthorship of Ted Lieu and Jamie Raskin, and said that “more than 110” members had signed on to this article. “Article I: Incitement of Insurrection” accuses Trump of having “willfully made statements that encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—imminent lawless action at the Capitol”. As a result of incitement by Trump, “a mob unlawfully breached the Capitol” and “engaged in violent, deadly, destructive, and seditious acts”. On January 10, it was announced that the bill had gathered 210 cosponsors in the House.

House Impeaches Trump A 2nd Time Citing Insurrection At Us Capitol

This vote could expose some of them to potential primary challenges from the right as well as possible safety threats, but for all of them Trump had simply gone too far. Multiple House Republicans said threats toward them and their families were factors weighing on their decisions on whether to impeach this president.

Ten out of 211 Republicans in the House is hardly an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, and clearly, most Republicans’ sympathies still lie with Trump — and his ardent base of followers. But the 10 represent something significant — the most members of a president’s party to vote for his impeachment in U.S. history.

Trump Calls For ‘no Violence’ As Congress Moves To Impeach Him For Role In Riot

This time, there will be more. Some Republican senators have called on Trump to resign, and even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he is undecided at this point.

Trump’s impeachment won’t lead to his removal — even if he is convicted — because of the timeline. The Senate is adjourned until Tuesday. The next day, Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president. But there’s another penalty the Constitution allows for as a result of a Senate conviction that could be appealing to some Republican senators — banning Trump from holding “office” again.

While there is some debate as to the definition of “office” in the Constitution and whether that would apply to running for president or even Congress, that kind of public rebuke would send a strong message — that Republicans are ready to move on from Trumpism.

Republicans Who Voted To Acquit Trump Used Questions Of Constitutionality As A Cover

Following the vote, McConnell gave a scathing speech condemning Trump’s lies about election fraud as well as his actions on January 6, only moments after he supported acquittal.

That speech was emblematic of how many Republican senators approached the impeachment vote: Although GOP lawmakers were critical of the attack on January 6, they used a process argument about constitutionality in order to evade confronting Trump on his actual actions.

Effectively, because Trump is no longer in office, Republicans say the Senate doesn’t have jurisdiction to convict him of the article of impeachment. As Vox’s Ian Millhiser explained, there’s some debate over that, but most legal scholars maintain that it is constitutional for the Senate to try a former president.

“If President Trump were still in office, I would have carefully considered whether the House managers proved their specific charge,” McConnell said. McConnell, however, played an integral role in delaying the start of the trial until after Trump was no longer president.

His statement on Saturday was simply a continuation of how Republicans had previously approached Trump’s presidency: There’s been an overwhelming hesitation to hold him accountable while he was in office, and that still appears to be the case for many lawmakers.

Trump Et Al V Mazars Et Al

Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP

The House Oversight Committee issued a subpoena to the accounting firm for Trump’s financial information from before his election to the presidency. The President and his lawyers have tried to delay or prevent this information from getting to the committee by seeking a court injunction against both the committee’s leadership and Mazars.

On April 23, 2019 U.S. district judge Amit Mehta set a May 14 date for the preliminary hearing, although several weeks later he decided the entire suit would be heard on that date. May 20, Mehta ruled that accounting firm Mazars had to provide its records of Donald Trump‘s accounts from before his presidency to the House Oversight Committee in response to their subpoena. In a 41-page opinion, he asserted that Congress has the right to investigate potential illegal behavior by a president, including actions both before and after the president assumed office. The ruling was appealed by Trump’s personal legal team and briefs for such were due by no later than July 12, 2019, when oral arguments were scheduled.

Oral arguments took place on July 12, 2019, before a three-judge panel consisting of Neomi Rao, David Tatel, and Patricia Millett. On August 8, the Justice Department filed a brief supporting the president’s position. On October 11, 2019, the appeal panel affirmed the ruling 2–1 with Neomi Rao dissenting.

A 2/3 Majority Is Needed In The Senate To Remove Trump


It was easy to get the votes needed to impeach Trump in the House, but that won’t be so easy in the Senate. The Republicans have a majority there and very few are likely to cross party lines.

A total of 67 Senators would need to vote to convict and remove Trump during the impeachment trial, Reuters reported. This is because the law requires that a 2/3 majority of the Senate’s 100 members would need to vote for the President to be removed from office before Trump would actually be removed. There are 45 Democrat Senators and 53 Republican Senators, plus two Independents who typically vote Democrat.

Before the 67 votes needed to remove Trump could be reached, at least 20 Republicans would have to join with Democrats in voting to remove Trump , Reuters reported. This just isn’t likely to happen.

Sen. Chris Murphy has said that he only knows of a handful of Republicans who might vote to remove Trump, The Hill reported. He wouldn’t name them, but he said some in the Senate were considering it, but it was a small list that could be counted on one hand. That’s definitely not enough to meet the 20 Republican Senator count that would be needed.

He added that an anonymous removal vote wouldn’t be appropriate and, even if it happened, only a handful of Republicans would still consider voting to remove Trump. So don’t expect the rules to change in a Republican-led Senate that would allow for anonymous voting.

Ny Lawmakers Rejoice End To Tragic Chapter In Our States History As Cuomo Quits

Ten House Republicans crossed party lines on Wednesday and voted to impeach President Trump — which is 10 more than the amount to go against him the first time around.

The GOP lawmakers aligned with Democrats to formally charge the outgoing commander-in-chief with “inciting violence against the government of the United States” in last week’s storming of the Capitol by supporters he had addressed during a rally near the White House.

No Republicans voted in 2019 to impeach Trump the first time.

Here are the 10 GOP members who voted to impeach on Wednesday:

Trump Acquitted In Impeachment Trial; 7 Gop Senators Vote With Democrats To Convict

Dareh Gregorian

The Senate on Saturday voted to acquit former President Donald Trump on a charge of incitement of insurrection despite significant Republican support for conviction, bringing an end to the fourth impeachment trial in U.S. history and the second for Trump.

Seven Republicans voted to convict Trump for allegedly inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, when a mob of pro-Trump supporters tried to disrupt the electoral vote count formalizing Joe Biden’s election win before a joint session of Congress. That is by far the most bipartisan support for conviction in impeachment history. The final vote was 57 to 43, 10 short of the 67 votes needed to secure a conviction.

Republican Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania all voted guilty.

The vote means the Senate cannot bar Trump from holding future federal offices.

Moments after the vote concluded, the former president issued a statement praising his legal team and thanking the senators and other members of Congress “who stood proudly for the Constitution we all revere and for the sacred legal principles at the heart of our country.”

“This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it,” Trump said.

Efforts To Impeach Donald Trump

10 Republicans Voted to Impeach Trump, 7 Already Facing ...

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Various people and groups assert that U.S. presidentDonald Trump engaged in activity both before and during his presidency, and talk of impeachment began before he took office. Grounds asserted for impeachment have included possible violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by accepting payments from foreign dignitaries; alleged collusion with Russia during the campaign for the 2016 United States presidential election; alleged obstruction of justice with respect to investigation of the collusion claim; and accusations of “Associating the Presidency with White Nationalism, Neo-Nazism and Hatred”, which formed the basis of a resolution for impeachment brought on December 6, 2017.

On September 24, 2019, of the House of RepresentativesNancy Pelosi announced that six committees would undertake formal impeachment inquiries after reports about controversial interactions between Trump and the country of . This inquiry resulted in Trump’s first impeachment on December 18, 2019.

Protesters calling for impeachmentTrump’s inauguration

After The 2018 Midterm Elections

On March 11, 2019, Nancy Pelosi said, “I’m not for impeachment, Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it. No. I don’t think he is. I mean, ethically unfit. Intellectually unfit. Curiosity wise unfit. No, I don’t think he’s fit to be president of the United States.” She then scolded herself for “coming across too negatively”.

With the Democrats in control of the House, and with a direct impeachment inquiry deemed somewhat toxic, the work of investigations into Trump’s possible crimes were divided into several committees while waiting for some outside force, such as the Mueller probe or the Southern District to force the Democratic leadership’s hands.

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