Thursday, July 25, 2024

Who Are The 10 Republicans Who Voted For Impeachment

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Dana Bash: It’s Reprehensible That Republicans Who Propagated Election Fraud Lies Did Not Apologize

From CNN’s Dana Bash / Written by CNN’s Maureen Chowdhury

CNN’s Dana Bash called out House Republicans who did not come out and admit that they were wrong for propagating false election fraud claims during the House impeachment debate.

“Those who did say that the election was stolen, those who propagated that, those who fed the lies of the President, ‘I’m sorry, I made a mistake,’ we heard that from nobody. And that’s frankly reprehensible,” CNN’s Dana Bash said.

“Especially given the fact that they all know better,” Bash added.

“I think they know the reality. I think that they know the truth. I think that, in their heart of hearts, understand that when the secretaries of states in swing states like Georgia or Pennsylvania or Arizona say ‘This election wasn’t stolen,’ and it was free and fair and honest that, that actually is the truth,” Bash continued.

Bash also highlighted how, aside from the backtracking from election fraud claims, Republicans didn’t acknowledge the live footage from last week’s attack which show rioters stating “the President told us to come here.”

Watch Bash’s full remarks:

Liz Cheney John Katko And Dan Newhouse Among 10 House Republicans Who Voted In Favour Of Motion

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump a second time on Wednesday. The House voted 232-197 in favour of an unprecedented second impeachment just one week after the violence at the U.S. Capitol.

Those 232 votes were cast in favour of the bill by 222 Democrats — along with 10 Republicans, members of Trump’s own party.

The Republicans include:

House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Face Backlash At Home In Test Of Trump’s Staying Power


The 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump are facing a wave of anger at home, with Republican officials, donors and voters condemning their votes and primary challengers launching their campaigns early.

The backlash has turned their 2022 primaries into tests of how long Trump can hold the stage in Republican politics and whether GOP voters are willing to turn the midterms into tests of loyalty to him.

The group of 10 Republicans includes moderates in swing districts, as well as some reliable conservatives, including the No. 3-ranking House Republican, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, and South Carolina Rep. Tom Rice.

“It started out big and it’s still growing. People are angry,” said Bryan Miller, the Republican chairman in Wyoming’s Sheridan County who said he plans to run against Cheney in the party’s 2022 primary. “She’s not living up to what we in Wyoming wanted, across the board. And it’s a huge betrayal.”

Anthony Bouchard, a Wyoming state senator who is also running against Cheney, said he’s been “flooded” with messages encouraging a primary run.

“I believe that her impeachment vote revealed who she has allegiance to, and I don’t think the voters will forget it any time soon,” Bouchard said.

He said any establishment donor money that goes to support those 10 GOP lawmakers will be “dwarfed” by money aimed at ousting them.

Video: GOP Rep. Kinzinger: This is not the party I joined

“I do not think this is going to dissipate,” Miller said.

Republicans Voted To Impeach Trump 7 Already Facing Challenges For Their Seats In Congress

U.S.Donald TrumpRepublicansGOPCongress

Some of the Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump in January are already having their seats challenged and their ability to hold onto their place in Congress may be dependent on the moves the former president makes in the next 18 months.

Ten Republicans joined Democrats in impeaching Trump a historic second time, a move that was quickly met with condemnation back in their home states. They’ve been publicly scolded, pushed to resign and warned that local organizations will mount a strong push to oust them from office in the primary.

“After my last election, I had decided not to run again. But the vote by Congressman Valadao to impeach President Trump with no witnesses, evidence, or without allowing any defense was too much for me to stay on the sidelines,” Chris Mathys, a former Fresno, California, city council member, told Newsweek.

Valadao, who represents California’s 21st district, wasn’t in office during Trump’s first impeachment, as he had been ousted from office in 2018 by Democrat TJ Coxx. In November, Valadao won back his seat from the Democrat who beat him in 2018 by less than a point. The Republican placed blame on Trump for the Capitol riot, saying that his rhetoric was “un-American, abhorrent and absolutely an impeachable offense.”

What The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Donald Trump Have Said About Their Decision

Liz Cheney leads 10 Republicans who voted to impeach trump ...

PoliticsDonald TrumpHouse RepublicansGOPImpeachment

Just 10 Republican members of the House broke with their party on Wednesday and voted to impeach President Donald Trump following the riots at the Capitol on January 6.

The most senior was Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who serves as House Republican Conference Chair and had previously urged her caucus not to vote to reject the Electoral College results.

She was joined by nine of her colleagues, including some unexpected names, who explained their decision either before the vote was taken or after the president had been formally impeached for the second time.

“The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the president,” Cheney said in a statement on Tuesday.

“The president could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not,” Cheney added.

New York Congressman John Katko was the first House Republican to announce his intention to vote in favor of impeachment, which he duly did.

“To allow the president of the United States to incite this attack without consequence is a direct threat to the future of our democracy,” Katko said in a statement on Tuesday. “For that reason, I cannot sit by without taking action. I will vote to impeach this president.”

“I’ve been loyal to him, but he certainly didn’t feel loyal to us,” Rice said.

Of The 10 House Republicans Who Voted For Impeachment Already Have Primary Challengers

Dr Steve Turley

Rumble — SAVE $50 OFF your 4-Week Emergency Food Supply Kit here:’t wait for an emergency before you prepare for one! Click on the link now! ^^^————————————————————————??? YOUR PATRIOT PATH TO FREEDOM! ???9 Of The 10 House Republicans Who Voted For Impeachment Already Have Primary Challengers! In this video, we’re going to look at how pundits are already admitting that the 10 Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment are set to lose their seats, how several of them had the gall to vote in favor of giving illegals amnesty, and why it is that the Republicans had better rid themselves of all RINOs or face eventual political annihilation; you are NOT going to want to miss this!————————————————————————

Report: 9 Of The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump Facing Primary Challengers

Nine out of the 10 Republican lawmakers who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump are facing primary challenges for their congressional seats.

Fox News reports that a majority of those who joined Democrats and the media circus during the second impeachment trial are facing a “barrage of pro-Trump primary challengers.”

“Some of them,” like Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger , according to Fox, “may have a very hard time holding on to their seats.”

The former President has vowed to back challengers to any Republicans who voted in favor of impeachment as they gear up for a fight in 2022.

Republicans who voted for impeachment face barrage of pro-Trump primary challengers

Stun Guns ‘stinger Whips’ And A Crossbow: What Police Found On The Capitol Protesters

Not long after security forces cleared the last of the pro-Trump mob from the Capitol, a police officer stationed nearby spotted a “suspicious male in a white passenger van with red spray paint on the side.” The Ford Econoline 150 had Georgia plates and a red MAGA hat on the dashboard.

“I’m one of these,” the man said to the officer as he pointed to the hat, according to a police report.

The man, Grant Moore of Buford, Ga., went on to say that he was supporting the Chinese who were “currently protesting around the city,” the report says. Whatever that meant, Moore, 65, was soon placed under arrest on weapons charges.

Inside his vehicle was a book bag containing a semi-automatic handgun with a fully-loaded 6-round magazine, the police report says. The officer also found three other magazines inside the bag and 12 loose rounds in one of the van’s front compartments.

The guns and ammunition were among an unusual collection of weapons the police seized from protesters who flooded into D.C. to support President Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election.

Gop Leader Mccarthy: Trump ‘bears Responsibility’ For Violence Won’t Vote To Impeach

Some ambitious Republican senators have never been as on board the Trump train as the more feverish GOP members in the House, and the former might be open to convicting Trump. But their ambition cuts two ways — on the one hand, voting to ban Trump opens a lane to carry the Republican mantle in 2024 and be the party’s new standard-bearer, but, on the other, it has the potential to alienate many of the 74 million who voted for Trump, and whose votes they need.

It’s a long shot that Trump would ultimately be convicted, because 17 Republicans would need to join Democrats to get the two-thirds majority needed for a conviction. But it’s growing clearer that a majority of the Senate will vote to convict him, reflecting the number of Americans who are in favor of impeachment, disapproved of the job Trump has done and voted for his opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

Correction Jan. 14, 2021

A previous version of this story incorrectly said Rep. Peter Meijer is a West Point graduate. Meijer attended West Point, but he is a graduate of Columbia University.

House Votes To Impeach Trump But Senate Trial Unlikely Before Biden’s Inauguration

9. Rep. John Katko, New York’s 24th: Katko is a moderate from an evenly divided moderate district. A former federal prosecutor, he said of Trump: “It cannot be ignored that President Trump encouraged this insurrection.” He also noted that as the riot was happening, Trump “refused to call it off, putting countless lives in danger.”

10. Rep. David Valadao, California’s 21st: The Southern California congressman represents a majority-Latino district Biden won 54% to 44%. Valadao won election to this seat in 2012 before losing it in 2018 and winning it back in the fall. He’s the rare case of a member of Congress who touts his willingness to work with the other party. Of his vote for impeachment, he said: “President Trump was, without question, a driving force in the catastrophic events that took place on January 6.” He added, “His inciting rhetoric was un-American, abhorrent, and absolutely an impeachable offense.”

Trump Calls For ‘no Violence’ As Congress Moves To Impeach Him For Role In Riot

This time, there will be more. Some Republican senators have called on Trump to resign, and even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he is undecided at this point.

Trump’s impeachment won’t lead to his removal — even if he is convicted — because of the timeline. The Senate is adjourned until Tuesday. The next day, Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president. But there’s another penalty the Constitution allows for as a result of a Senate conviction that could be appealing to some Republican senators — banning Trump from holding “office” again.

While there is some debate as to the definition of “office” in the Constitution and whether that would apply to running for president or even Congress, that kind of public rebuke would send a strong message — that Republicans are ready to move on from Trumpism.

Rep Tim Ryan: Probe Underway On Whether Members Gave Capitol Tours To Rioters

7. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington’s 3rd: Herrera Beutler was swept in with the Tea Party wave in 2010, but her district is a moderate one. Trump won it 51% to 47%. Herrera Beutler gained prominence several years ago for giving birth to a child three months early, born without kidneys and a rare syndrome. Her daughter, Abigail, became the first to survive the often-fatal condition. The now-mother of three and congresswoman from southwest Washington state declared on the House floor her vote in favor of impeachment: “I’m not choosing sides, I’m choosing truth.”

8. Rep. Peter Meijer, Michigan’s 3rd: Meijer is a freshman, who won his seat with 53% of the vote. He represents a district that was previously held by Justin Amash, the former Republican-turned-independent who voted in favor of Trump’s impeachment in 2019. Meijer, a Columbia University grad who served in Afghanistan, is a social conservative in favor of restrictions on abortion rights and against restrictions on gun rights and religious freedoms. But he said Trump showed no “courage” and “betrayed millions with claims of a ‘stolen election.’ ” He added, “The one man who could have restored order, prevented the deaths of five Americans including a Capitol police officer, and avoided the desecration of our Capitol, shrank from leadership when our country needed it most.”

Here Are The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump After The Capitol Riot

Watch House Republicans criticize Democrats for the ...

Tala Michel Issa, Al Arabiya English

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Ten Republicans of the US House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump after rioters stormed the Capitol building last week, making him the first president in US history to be impeached twice.

Trump’s support within the Republican party appears to be wavering. While only 10 Republicans voted for impeachment, during Trump’s first impeachment in 2019 the party closed ranks, with zero votes for impeachment at the time.

All House Democrats voted in favor of the impeachment; 197 Republicans voted against it. The 10 Republican votes for this impeachment trial made history as the tally exceeded the previous record of five Democrat votes during Bill Clinton’s 1988 impeachment trial.

The US House of Representatives, the lower house of Congress, first decide if a President should be impeached. If the house finds in favor the Senate, the upper house of Congress, will then hold a trial overseen by the US chief justice.

The Senate’s response to the president’s second impeachment is yet to be determined. In order to render a guilty verdict, 17 Republicans would have to join Democrats.

As of yet, only a small number of Republican senators have shown interest in potentially convicting Trump in a Senate trial. The trial would begin after Trump has left office and after President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on January 20.

Mcconnell Urges Gop Senators To Focus On Transition Of Power Not Impeachment

From CNN’s Phil Mattingly

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is urging his colleagues to focus for the next seven days on the transition of power and the inauguration, not impeachment, according to a senator.

Earlier on Wednesday, McConnell sent a note to Republicans, writing, “while the press has been full of speculation, I have not made a final decision on how I will vote and I intend to listen to the legal arguments when they are presented to the Senate.”

McConnell has rejected calls by Democrats to bring the Senate back immediately to convict President Trump in his final days in office.

Factbox: Ten Republicans Back Trump Impeachment After Storming Of Us Capitol

3 Min Read

– After the Republican party spent years defending President Donald Trump’s behavior, 10 Republican lawmakers voted to impeach him Wednesday on charges that he incited his supporters to carry out the deadly Jan. 6 attack on Congress.

Below are the 10 Republicans who voted for impeachment along with 222 Democrats in the House of Representatives:

The Gop Impeachment 10 Try To Navigate Cheneys Demise And Their Own Futures

When 10 Republicans voted to impeach President Donald Trump on Jan. 13, it marked a historic milestone: It was the most House members from a president’s party to vote to remove him from office.

But since that vote, the 10 lawmakers have cut different paths in grappling with the fallout as they consider their political futures in a party still beholden to Trump.


Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have made their votes career-defining, arguing that pushing back against Trump’s false assertions that the 2020 election was stolen is about protecting democracy and the soul of the Republican Party.

Others, such as Reps. Anthony Gonzalez , Jaime Herrera Beutler and Peter Meijer , have vocally defended their votes and Cheney amid a caucuswide push to oust her from leadership, though they have not sought to make it a marquee issue.

The rest have moved on, even if they stand by their decision, seemingly in line with House GOP leadership’s argument that what is important now is opposing President Biden’s agenda and regaining the majority in the 2022 midterms, not what happened after the 2020 election.

How an obscure Texas firm helped convince many the election was stolen from Trump

In a letter sent to his Republican colleagues on Monday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said it was time for Cheney to go.

McCarthy backs ousting Cheney from GOP leadership, paving way for removal vote this week

Trump Expected To Make A Statement On Impeachment Proceedings Official Says

From CNN’s Kaitlan Collins and Jim Acosta

President Trump will make a statement reacting to today’s impeachment proceedings soon, an official familiar with the matter tells CNN. It will likely be a video.

The House has just voted to impeach President Trump for the second time – making him the only US president to ever be impeached twice. The resolution passed 232 to 197.

The impeachment resolution the House voted on charges Trump with a single article, “incitement of insurrection,” for his role in last week’s deadly Capitol riot.

More on this: A White House official said aides to the President are concerned the video he is recording this evening will be removed by YouTube, as Trump has seen his presence on social media vanish in recent days as tech giants like Twitter and Facebook have cracked down on the President’s often false and irresponsible content. 

The official said the plan is to post the video on But YouTube is used by the White House to post videos on the official government site. The official said news outlets would be wise to make a digital recording of the video as soon as possible, in the event it is pulled down by YouTube.

The Oval Office is under consideration as a location for recording the video. It could be posted sometime during the next couple of hours.

The House Just Voted To Impeach President Trump Here’s What Happens Next

From CNN’s Zachary B. Wolf

The House has just voted to impeach President Trump for the second time – making him the only US president to ever be impeached twice. The resolution passed 232 to 197.

The impeachment resolution the House voted on charges Trump with a single article, “incitement of insurrection” for his role in last week’s deadly Capitol riot.

Ten Republicans, including the House’s No. 3 Republican, Liz Cheney of Wyoming, joined with Democrats to impeach Trump.

There is no such thing as a routine impeachment but this one is unprecedented in all sorts of ways.

The overall impeachment process laid out in the Constitution is relatively simple:

  • A president commits “high Crime or Misdemeanor”
  • The House votes to impeach
  • The Senate conducts a trial

This impeachment process will feel entirely new and different from the one we saw in late 2019 around the Ukraine investigation, most notably because the Senate trial is expected to occur after Trump leaves office.

Here’s why that’s important:

New President Joe Biden will be asking the Senate to vote on his Cabinet nominees and act on legislation to address the Covid pandemic as well as relief for Americans hurt by the troubled economy.

In 2020, Senate business ground to a complete halt during the trial. This time, incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is hoping to pursue a half-day schedule to conduct the trial part of the day and business the rest of the day.

Watch the moment:

Here Are All Of The House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Donald Trump

Ten members of the GOP joined with Democrats in the vote.

President Donald Trump impeached for ‘incitement of insurrection’

The House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald Trump — making him the only president in American history to be impeached twice.

Unlike his first impeachment in 2019, 10 Republicans joined Democrats to charge Trump for the “incitement of insurrection” for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol with a final vote of 232-197.

Some Republicans may have feared for their own safety if they voted for impeachment, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of those who voted against Trump, said. Kinzinger told ABC’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast that some members of his party are likely holding back from voting for impeachment due to fear of highlighting their own participation in supporting the president’s false claims of election fraud.

Democrat Jason Crow, of Colorado, relayed similar thoughts in an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday morning.

“I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues last night, and a couple of them broke down in tears talking to me and saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment,” he said.

Here is a list of the 10 Republicans who took a stance against Trump:

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.“It’s not going to be some ‘Kumbaya moment’ on the floor — it’s going to be an awakening by the American people to hold their leaders accountable to their rhetoric,”

Gop Lawmaker Who Voted For Impeachment: I’m At Real Peace Right Now

From CNN’s Annie Grayer

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of the Republicans who voted “yes” to impeach President Trump, told CNN he is at peace with his vote.

“I think this is one of those votes that that transcends any kind of political implication if the moment. This is one of those that you’re going to look back on when you’re 80 and this will be the one you talk about,” Kinzinger said. 

“I don’t know what the future is, you know, I don’t know what that means for me politically but I know I’m at real peace right now,” he added.

Kinzinger said he didn’t feel pressure from the party, but that his constituents were all over the place. Kinzinger said he didn’t know how many of his Republican colleagues would be joining him to vote for impeaching Trump.

House Impeaches Trump A 2nd Time Citing Insurrection At Us Capitol

Ohio Rep. Anthony Gonzalez among 10 Republicans who voted ...

This vote could expose some of them to potential primary challenges from the right as well as possible safety threats, but for all of them Trump had simply gone too far. Multiple House Republicans said threats toward them and their families were factors weighing on their decisions on whether to impeach this president.

Ten out of 211 Republicans in the House is hardly an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, and clearly, most Republicans’ sympathies still lie with Trump — and his ardent base of followers. But the 10 represent something significant — the most members of a president’s party to vote for his impeachment in U.S. history.

Rep Hoyer: Republicans I’ve Talked To Say This Action Is Required

The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump on Wednesday afternoon charging him with “incitement of insurrection.” Among the vote were 10 House Republicans. That includes:

  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming
  • Rep. John Katko of New York
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina
  • Rep. David Valadao of California
  • Rep Peter Meijer Becomes 7th House Republican To Back Impeachment

    Rep. Peter Meijer, R-Mich., announced Wednesday he will vote to impeach President Donald Trump, becoming the seventh House Republican to do so.

    “We saw profiles in courage during the assault on the Capitol. Police officers, badly outnumbered, putting their lives on the line to save others,” Meijer said. “Members of Congress barricading doors and caring for colleagues. A vice president who fearlessly remained in the Capitol and refused to bow to the mob. “

    “There was no such courage from our president who betrayed and misled millions with claims of a ‘stolen election’ and encouraged loyalists that ‘if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country any more,'” he continued. “The one man who could have restored order, prevented the deaths of five Americans including a Capitol Police officer, and avoided the desecration of our Capitol shrank from leadership when our country needed it most. “

    Meijer joins Reps. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wash., John Katko, R-N.Y., and Fred Upton, R-Mich.

    One Voted Last Week Against Certifying Electoral College Results

    Bridget BowmanStephanie AkinKate Ackley

    Ten Republicans voted Wednesday to impeach President Donald Trump, exactly one week after a violent attack on the Capitol by the president’s supporters. 

    The Democrat-led House voted 232-197 to approve one article of impeachment against Trump, charging the president with “incitement of insurrection.” 

    The GOP lawmakers who voted to impeach the president from their own party included Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the third-highest-ranking Republican in the House. Cheney’s vote has prompted House Republicans to call on her to step down as conference chairwoman.

    While many in the group have a history of breaking with their party, the “yes” votes included several with a strong record of supporting Trump and one, South Carolina Rep. Tom Rice, who voted last week against certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory in two states. 

    Most Republicans in the House opposed impeachment, with many arguing the hurried process would further divide the country. But for these 10 Republicans who supported impeachment, the fact that Trump incited the riot at the Capitol was indisputable. 

    Four Republicans did not vote on impeachment, including Texas Rep. Kay Granger, who recently tested positive for COVID-19. The others were Reps. Andy Harris of Maryland, Greg Murphy of North Carolina and Daniel Webster of Florida.

    Here are the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump: 

    Ten Republicans Who Broke Ranks To Vote For Trump’s Impeachment

    On 13 January, the US House of Representatives voted to impeach Donald Trump a second time, charging him with “incitement of insurrection”, after accusations were levelled against him for ‘instigating’ violence after his supporters breached the US capitol on 6 January, resulting in five deaths and widespread damage.

    A vote by the US House of Representatives on Wednesday made Donald Trump the first president in the history of the United States to be impeached twice, after he was blamed for engaging in high crimes and misdemeanors by “willfully inciting violence against the government of the United States” during the deadly riots that engulfed the Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on 6 January.

    After the article of impeachment was introduced on 11 January by Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu, five days after the Capitol mayhem that resulted in five deaths, the House approved the resolution to impeach Trump 232 to 197, with at least 10 Republicans breaking ranks to support ousting the president.This was, historically, the most bipartisan impeachment vote in US history .

    Here are the 10 Republicans who voted for impeachment:

    Democrats 10 Republicans Vote For 2nd Impeachment Against Trump

    Daily News Article

    redo Jump to…

    To impeach is to make a formal statement saying that a public official is guilty of a serious offense in connection with their job

    – Democrats in the House of Representatives, joined by ten Republicans, voted to impeach President Donald Trump for a second time in a 232-197 vote on Wednesday. The single article of impeachment alleges that the president incited an insurrection that resulted in the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

    The impeachment, accomplished in a single seven-hour session, was the fastest in U.S. history. It is also the first time in the nation’s history that a president was impeached twice.

    Republicans criticized the rush, arguing that it offered no due process to the president and no confidence in the proceedings to the American people. Democrats justified the truncated process by alleging that Trump poses a danger to the nation every day he is in office.

    “We know that the president of the United States incited this insurrection, this armed rebellion, against our common country,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi alleged. “He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love.”

    Every Democrat voted in favor of impeachment.

    Republicans who voted to impeach the president were Republican Reps. Liz Cheney , John Katko , Adam Kinzinger , Fred Upton , Jaime Herrera Beutler , Dan Newhouse , Anthony Gonzalez , Tom Rice , David Valadao , and Peter Meijer

    Republicans Voted To Impeach Trump The Backlash Has Been Swift

    Reid J. Epstein

    It’s been less than two weeks since Reps. Peter Meijer, Tom Rice and Liz Cheney broke with nearly all of their Republican colleagues in the House and voted to impeach President Donald Trump, but in their home states, the backlash is already growing.

    In Michigan, a challenger to Meijer received a boost when Steve Bannon promoted him on his podcast.

    In South Carolina, a local Republican is getting so many calls urging him to run against Rice that he can’t keep his phone charged.

    And in Wyoming, a state senator called Cheney, the No. 3 Republican in the House, “out of touch” with her home state as he announced his primary campaign against her.

    The 10 House Republicans who voted for impeachment are already facing a fleet of primary challengers, censures and other rebukes from their hometown Republican Party organizations, an indication that the battle over Trump will play a defining role in shaping the direction of the party during the next two years.

    “Trump might be gone, but Trumpism is virtually guaranteed to be a part of the 2022 elections,” said Ken Spain, a former senior official at the National Republican Congressional Committee. “The tectonic plates have shifted within the GOP, and now members are trying to figure out how to straddle the fault lines.”

    “I don’t know what he was thinking. I’m sure he’s got his reasons for why he voted the way he voted,” Richardson added. “If there’s ever been a Trump country, we live in Trump country.”

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