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Are There More Registered Republicans Or Democrats

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When Was The Republican And Democratic Parties Formed

The Democratic Party was founded by Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren on January 8, 1828, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. He was the United States’ seventh president but the first democratic President.

The Democratic Party’s shocking emergence can be linked to the country’s anti-federalist factions. It was during that time the United States of America gained independence from British colonial masters.

The anti-federalist factions, which democrats originated from, were also grouped into the Democrat-Republican party. This was done in 1792 by James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and other federalists’ influential opponents.

On the other hand, the Republican Party is pretty much younger than the Democratic Party. It was formed in 1854 by anti-slavery modernizers and activists.

The republicans were against the expansion of slavery in Western territories. They fought hard to protect African Americans’ rights after the civil war.

The Republican Party is often known as GOP. The meaning is Grand Old Party. The first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln. From Lincoln’s emergence, Republican Party started gaining ground in America.

Republicans Narrow Voter Registration Gap In Swing States

October 1, 2020 / 1:54 PM / CBS News

National Voter Registration Day06:43

There are still more people registered as Democrats than Republicans in the battleground states of Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, but Republicans have been gaining ground. 

There are multiple forces at play: Republicans are making strides with registering voters, the two-party system is losing its appeal — especially with young people — and Democrats are being purged from the rolls as they either move out of those states or aren’t showing up at the polls.

“The people who have been removed from the file since are more Democrats than Republicans,” said Tom Bonier, CEO of TargetSmart, a nonprofit politics data firm. “Overwhelmingly, those people didn’t vote in 2016. What that tells you is these are people who had already either moved from the state or already died prior to November 2016, and they just hadn’t been removed at that point.”

The latest national CBS News Battleground Tracker poll shows Joe Biden with a 10-point lead among likely voters, but that lead narrows to within the margin of error in several key states, meaning the race could come down to who shows up at the polls on or before Election Day.

Registered Republicans Outnumber Democrats In West Virginia

The red wave that has swept West Virginia over the past decade now includes historic gains in Republican voter registration numbers, according to figures released Thursday.

There are now about 448,900 registered Republicans, or 36.8% of all registered voters in West Virginia, according to figures released by the secretary of state’s office. That compares to about 444,600 registered Democrats, or 36.5%.

“It’s an exciting day for the West Virginia Republican Party!” Roman Stauffer, the state Republican Party’s acting chairman, said in a statement.

An additional 275,000 registered voters, or 22.6%, had no party affiliation. The rest were affiliated with minor political parties.

According to the GOP, 11 counties switched from Democrat to Republican pluralities in 2020, and 24 of the 55 counties are now Republican majority or plurality. Berkeley County saw an increase of 3,694 Republican voters, the most in the state, the statement said.

In November, Shelley Moore Capito became the first Republican from West Virginia reelected to the U.S. Senate since 1907. Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, who won his third term in November, is the first Republican attorney general to hold the position since 1933.

Donald Trump won 68% of the state vote in the presidential race in 2016 and about 69% of the vote in November. A Democratic presidential candidate has not carried West Virginia since Bill Clinton in 1996.

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin is the only Democrat to currently hold statewide office.

New York City Voters Shifted From Republican Or Independent To Democratic Party Ahead Of Primary

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The Democratic Party in New York has consistently grown its voter base over the years and has also drawn previously party-unaffiliated and Republican voters to its ranks. In the last year alone, more than 88,000 voters who either had no party registration or were registered with the Republican Party switched their affiliation to the Democrats, potentially creating a new bloc of voters that candidates may seek to woo in races such as the crowded and competitive primary contest to replace term-limited Mayor Bill de Blasio.

According to data from the state voter file analyzed by Prime New York, a political consulting firm, 67,965 unaffiliated voters and 20,528 Republicans joined the Democratic Party, for a total of 88,493 new Democrats. In that same period, 20,136 Democrats switched over to the Republican Party.

Just 209 voters from the Republican and Democratic Parties gave up their party affiliation and became so-called “blank” or “independent” voters.

New York has a closed primary system, where only those with a party affiliation can vote in party primary elections. With 3.7 million registered Democrats in the city as of February 21, compared to just over 566,000 Republicans and about 1.08 million independents, the Democratic primaries all but decide the winner of the general election as well, at least for almost all citywide, boroughwide, and district-specific seats.


The Richest Politicians In Congress

Are there more Republicans or Democrats in the United ...

Another financial question many voters want to know involves the 116th Congress. Who are the richest politicians in Washington? Are there more Democrats or Republicans who top that list? The answer may surprise you. In fact, the top 10 richest politicians are fairly evenly distributed across the aisle. Furthermore, nearly half the members of Congress are millionaires. Based on reported numbers from May 2019, the median net worth of Congress members is just over $1 million. Listed below are the 10 wealthiest members.

  • Senator Rick Scott                      R – Florida                  $259.7 million
  • Senator Mark Warner                D – Virginia                $214.1 million
  • Rep. Greg Gianforte                    R – Montana              $189.3 million
  • Rep. Paul Mitchell                       R – Michigan             $179.6 million
  • Senator Mitt Romney                  R – Utah                     $174.4 million
  • Rep. Vernon Buchanan               R – Florida                 $157.1 million
  • Senator Mike Braun                     R – Indiana                $136.8 million
  • Rep. Don Beyer                             D – Virginia               $124.9 million
  • Rep. Dean Phillips                        D – Minnesota          $123.8 million
  • Rep. Nancy Pelosi                         D – California           $114.7 million

    Past Jumps In Party Affiliations

    The bump in Democratic affiliation following Biden’s inauguration mirrors that of former President Barack Obama’s first term, Jones said.

    “That was really the high point that we’ve seen; kind of the 2006-2009 period, when really the majority of Americans either identified as Democrats outright or were independents but they leaned toward the party,” he said. “Our data on this only goes back to the ’90s, but it’s pretty much the only time we consistently had one party with the majority of Americans on their side.”

    Republican advantages, though rarer and more short-lived, followed the Gulf War in 1991 – when George H.W. Bush was in office – and the 9/11 terrorist attacks during President George W. Bush’s term, according to Gallup. More people also reported GOP affiliation after the 1994, 2010 and 2014 midterm elections.

    Whether the Republican Party can regain advantage during the 2022 midterm elections may rely on the successes of the Biden administration, according to Jones.

    “A lot of it is going to depend on how things go over the course of the year. If things get better with the coronavirus and the economy bounces back and a lot of people expect Biden can keep relatively strong approval ratings, then that will be better for the Democrats,” Jones said. “But if things start to get worse – unemployment goes up or coronavirus gets worse – then his approval is going to go down. It’s going to make things a lot better for the Republican Party for the midterm next year.”

    California Voter And Party Profiles

    NOTES: “Likely voters” are registered voters meeting criteria on interest in politics, attention to issues, voting behavior, and intention to vote. For a full description of these criteria and regional definitions, visit . For race and ethnicity, results are presented for Latinos, non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic Asian Americans, non-Hispanic African Americans, and non-Hispanic “other race” and multiracial adults.


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    Polling Data Shows Republican Party Affiliation Is Down As Independents Leaning Toward The Democratic Party Surge

    Democrats have a nine-percentage-point affiliation advantage over Republicans at the moment.

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    The GOP is losing its grip, according to the latest Gallup poll. 

    The number of Americans identifying as Republicans or as independents who lean toward the GOP dropped to 40% in the first quarter of 2021, compared with the number of Democrats or independents leaning toward the Democratic party hitting 49%. And that nine-percentage-point lead is the greatest Democratic advantage that Gallup has measured since the fourth quarter of 2012, when former President Barack Obama was re-elected. 

    Gallup routinely measures U.S. adults’ party identification and the political leanings of independents. The latest poll surveyed a random sample of 3,960 U.S. adults by phone between January and March of 2021. And while Democratic Party affiliation actually dropped by one point from the fourth quarter of 2020, to 30% — where it has hovered for most of the past eight years — the number of Americans identifying as independent rose to 44% from 38% last quarter. And this growing number of independents came at the expense of the Republican party, as 19% of independents said they lean Democrat, compared with 15% leaning Republican. Most of the remaining 11% of independents didn’t swing either way. 

    And several events have happened during those three months that could position the Democratic Party more favorably in voters’ eyes, the Gallup report noted. 

    Read more:


    The Message Hyperpolarization Doesn’t Work

    There’s a message in the voter numbers. Republicans still lead the state, with nearly 35% of the vote. But independents aren’t far behind with more than 32% … and growing.

    “What it shows is the hyperpolarization seen in politics between the two major parties has been pushing folks to the independent column,” pollster Mike Noble, of OH Predictive Insights, told me. “The only issue is, more are leaving the Republican Party than the Democratic Party and that’s because they have a brand issue.”

    Noble chalks the declining Republican ranks up to their Looney Tunes audit.

    “We know a majority of independent or moderate voters don’t believe the election was stolen,” he said. “Yet there is this audit going on that is not very transparent or professionally run. The GOP as a brand, I believe it is impacting them and the registration numbers reflect that.”

    I hear from those voters all the time, principled Republicans who wonder when the party of conservative values became the cult of Trump.

    ASU just stuck a fork in the ridiculous ban on college mask mandates

    “Republican leadership have become right wing extremist and any means to an end operators,” he wrote. “Especially the AZ collection of whackos. I’ll continue to vote Democrat across the board until things transform back to normalcy, if they ever do.”

    Meanwhile, there is this from the official Twitter account of the Arizona Senate for the Maricopa County audit.

    Support local journalism:Subscribe to today.

    Biggest Influencers: Democrats Or Republicans

    To understand who influences politics, you can easily find out who the wealthy support. For example, the Walton family, the owners of the retail giant Walmart, has traditionally donated to Republican candidates. Alice Walton, the daughter of Walmart’s founder, hasn’t strayed from that too much. That is, until the 2008 election. In 2008 and 2016 the Walton family donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign.

    She isn’t the only person from a wealthy family to change tradition where politics are concerned either. Many of the younger individuals in America’s richest families have begun to sway from their family’s political associations as well. Below you’ll find the affiliation and overall net worth of the top 10 richest families in America.

    There Are Fewer Registered Republicans Than Independents For The First Time Ever

    There are now more registered independents than Republicans, marking a first for the U.S.

    According to data from Ballot Access News, independents make up 29.09 percent of registered voters, while Republicans make up 28.87 percent and Democrats make up 39.66 percent. The data comes from the 31 states that require registration by party.  

    An analysis by The Washington Post, which first reported the data, notes that there hasn’t been a large drop in GOP registration since President TrumpDonald TrumpKamala Harris should offer Vietnam ‘market economy’ statusSupporters at Alabama rally boo Trump after he tells them to get vaccinatedCNN posthumously airs final interview with late Rep. Paul Mitchell was elected, meaning he’s likely not linked to the change. The growth of independents is more likely part of a broader trend since voter registration began in the 1900s. 

    In 2004, Democrats made up 42.19 percent of the vote, Republicans made up 32.79 percent of the vote and independents made up 23.15 percent of the vote. The number of independents has been growing since, while the number of Democrats and Republicans has slowly declined.

    Democrats did see a boost in 2008 when former President Obama was elected, hitting a peak of 43.62 percent of registered voters. But by 2016, the percent of registered Democrats had declined to 40.6 percent. 

    What Republican And Democrats Believe

    Let’s start with this example. There are one or more reasons why you chose that person to be your friend. It could be because of how he or she talks, sense of humor, intelligence, educational background, ideology, or other factors.

    The bottom line is you made the individual your friend because of one or more factors you discovered in that person that pleases you. This explains why most people would prefer joining republicans than Democrats and vice versa.

    Republicans and Democrats have diverse ideologies and beliefs. These beliefs or ideology is part of what draws people to join either political party.

    Let’s start with Republicans. What do Republicans believe in?

    Republicans boast libertarian and centrist factions. But they primarily believe in social conservative policies. They abide by laws that help conserve their traditional values. These include opposition to abortion, marijuana use, and same-sex marriage.

    So the Republican Party’s platform is generally centered on American conservatism. It comprises establishment conservatives, Freedom Caucus, or Tea Party members, described as right-wing, populist, and far-right.

    The Republican Party’s position has changed over time. They now transcend beyond traditional values, which often includes Christian background. The Republican’s evolved position now includes fiscal conservatism and foreign policy.

    Here’s a quick summary of what the Republican Party believes in:

    Here’s a quick look at what Democrats believe in:

    Map 1 And Table 1: Party Registration Totals By State July 2018

    Are there more Republicans or Democrats in the United ...

    Democrats no longer control the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, or for that matter most of the governorships or state legislatures. But they still maintain a toehold in the political process with their edge in the realm of voter registration. At least that is the case in the 31 states and the District of Columbia that register voters by political party. As of this month, 13 of these states boast a Democratic plurality in registered voters, compared to eight states where there is a Republican plurality. In the other 10 states, there are more registered independents than either Democrats or Republicans, with Democrats out-registering the Republicans in six of these states and the GOP with more voters than the Democrats in the other four. They are indicated in the chart as “I” or “I.” Nationally, four out of every 10 registered voters in party registration states are Democrats, with slightly less than three out of every 10 registered as Republicans or independents. Overall, the current Democratic advantage over Republicans in the party registration states approaches 12 million.

    These Five Maps Show How California Is Divided Between Democrats And Republicans

    Nami Sumida

    California has over 22 million registered voters, an all-time record achieved ahead of the 2020 presidential election. The state’s number of registered voters now  Florida’s entire population.

    Of the 22 million, about 10 million are Democrat and 5 million are Republicans. The remaining 6.5 million are independents or registered to other parties, according to the most recent Report of Registration from the California Secretary of State released in February 2021.

    The traditional political map of California below shows the party breakdown varies by county. Those in the Bay Area tend to have large shares of Democrats, while northern, eastern and some central counties lean more Republican.

    California Secretary of State Report of Registration on Feb. 10, 2021

    Lassen County is the reddest county, with 55% of its 16,000 registered voters identifying as Republican and 18% as Democratic. Neighboring Modoc County, with a little over 5,000 registered voters, was the second most Republican.

    As for the bluest, it’s difficult to see in the map above, but it’s San Francisco. The county, which is also a city, has nine times as many registered Democrats as Republicans. But seeing San Francisco on a traditional map is difficult because of the county’s small land area.

    California Secretary of State Report of Registration on Feb. 10, 2021California Secretary of State Report of Registration on Feb. 10, 2021California Secretary of State Report of Registration on Feb. 10, 2021

    For The First Time There Are Fewer Registered Republicans Than Independents

    For the first time in history, there are more registered independents in the United States than there are registered Republicans.

    It may not be for the reason you think, though.

    New data from Ballot Access News, which tracks registrations in the 31 states that require voters to register by party, shows that independents account for 29.09 percent of voters in them, compared with 28.87 percent for Republicans. As recently as 2004, Republicans outpaced independents by nearly 10 percentage points.

    There are still way more registered Democrats; 39.66 percent of voters are registered with that party.

    This marks the first time since party registration began in the early 1900s that the number of registered independents in the United States has surpassed members of either major political party, according to Ballot Access News.

    Here’s the data going back to 2004:

    But before anybody chalks this up as having to do with the current occupant of the White House, it’s worth parsing the trends.

    While independents have surpassed Republicans, there actually hasn’t been a huge drop in GOP party registration since President Trump took office. Since October 2016, GOP registration has dropped by half a percentage point. The number of registered Democrats declined by nearly a full point over the same span. Independents have benefited from both drops.

    Can An Unregistered Voter Vote For Republicans Or Democrats During General Elections

    Voting in a general election is the right of every citizen eighteen years of age or older. And yes, you don’t have to be a registered member of either the Democratic or Republican Party to vote for a candidate during a federal, state, or local election.

    However, your state may give you the privilege to state the political party you belong to on the voter registration card. But you’re free to cast your vote for any candidate you prefer.

    So, it also doesn’t matter if you voted for Republicans in the previous election. You can switch sides and vote for Democrats in the upcoming election.

    Gop Registration Drop After Capitol Attack Is Part Of Larger Trend

    WASHINGTON — In the weeks since the January riot at the Capitol, there has been a raft of stories about voters across the country leaving the Republican Party. Some of the numbers are eye-catching and suggest that the GOP may be shrinking before our eyes, but a closer look at the numbers over time shows that a larger change has been working its way through the party for some time.

    In fact, when one takes into account shifts in the composition of the Democratic Party, the real story seems to be more about a deeper remaking of the nation’s two major political parties.

    To be sure, the headlines from the last few weeks have been striking, with multiple states reporting large declines in Republican voter registrations.

    In Pennsylvania, more than 12,000 Republicans dropped the “R” from their registrations in January. In North Carolina, the figure was close to 8,000. In Arizona the figure was about 9,200 through late-January. And in one county in California, San Diego, more than 4,700 Republicans left the party last month.

    Those are sizable changes and they are much larger than the moves away from the Democrats in those places, but they come with some caveats. There are always some losses and gains in registrations for the Democrats and Republicans. Partisan identity can be fluid for a large chunk of the voters, and remember: just because a voter is registered with one party doesn’t mean he or she always votes for its candidates.

    Cook Partisan Voting Index

    Another metric measuring party preference is the Cook Partisan Voting Index . Cook PVIs are calculated by comparing a state’s average Democratic Party or Republican Party share of the two-party presidential vote in the past two presidential elections to the nation’s average share of the same. PVIs for the states over time can be used to show the trends of U.S. states towards, or away from, one party or the other.

    Nationwide Voter Registration Data By Party

    In the 32 jurisdictions that have registration by party, here are the number of registered voters in each party and the number of independents:

    Democratic: 47,106,084Reform: 9,004oth parties 1,814,973

    This data uses the most available figures for each jurisdiction. All are as of September or October 2020, except that New York has no data newer than February 2020, and Massachusetts is August 2020.

    In February 2020 the numbers were:

    Democratic: 45,715,952Reform: 6,665oth parties 1,712,747

    The February 2020 tally is the only one in U.S. history in which the number of voters registered independent and miscellaneous was greater than the number in either major party. But between February and now, Republicans regained their second-place position.

    The print issue of Ballot Access News for November 1, 2020, has this information by state. All the numbers in that edition are correct for the state-by-state figures and for the national totals for the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian Parties, and the number of independents. Unfortunately the totals for the other parties, as printed, are not, and the national percentages as printed are not. I forgot to update some of the national totals when I was working with the template of the February 2020 data. A correction will be made in the December 1 issue.

    Will More Republicans Die From Covid Than Democrats

    •   |  509 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.Influencer2 mo People lie, right and left. You’re looking not at a number comparing those immunized or not immunized against voter rolls, but asking two questions at random, what party do you affiliate with, and do you plan to get vaccinated.Either way, it’s a brain dead question. More people would die regardless. Let’s say that 45% between both parties is only 30% of Americans , that’s enough to fall short of the unknown number that we would need to reach for herd immunity, which to the best of my knowledge no country has reached yet to find that sweet spot.It will simply mutate more and more and recircle the globe again and again. Which honestly is fine by me. The panic and blow to the economy were worse than the virus. Maybe sars-cov-3 will be more exciting though. I was in panic mode until there were more concrete numbers a few months in with cov-2.You also have to figure that if a virus becomes too deadly it wipes itself out as the hosts for that virus die faster than they can transmit it, like ebola, some strains of flu or dysentery. I’m not too concerned as me and my family caught it already, and kind of figured on this sticking around like the flu. 0|0

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