Wednesday, September 18, 2024

What Percent Of Republicans Approve Of Trump

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More Than Half Of Young Americans Are Going Through An Extended Period Of Feeling Down Depressed Or Hopeless In Recent Weeks; 28% Have Had Thoughts That They Would Be Better Off Dead Or Of Hurting Themself In Some Way

Fifty-one percent of young Americans say that at least several days in the last two weeks they have felt down, depressed, or hopeless–19% say they feel this way more than half of the time. In addition, 68% have little energy, 59% say they have trouble with sleep, 52% find little pleasure in doing things. 49% have a poor appetite or are over-eating, 48% cite trouble concentrating, 32% are moving so slowly, or are fidgety to the point that others notice — and 28% have had thoughts of self-harm

Among those most likely to experience bouts of severe depression triggering thoughts that they would be better off dead or hurting themself are young people of color , whites without a college experience , rural Americans , and young Americans not registered to vote .

In the last two weeks, 53% of college students have said that their mental health has been negatively impacted by school or work-related issues; overall 34% have been negatively impacted by the coronavirus, 29% self-image, 29% personal relationships, 28% social isolation, 25% economic concerns, 22% health concerns–and 21% politics .

A Plurality Believe History Will Judge Trump As A The Worst President Ever; Less Than A Quarter Of Young Americans Want Trump To Play A Key Role In The Future Of Republican Politics; Young Republicans Are Divided

Thirty percent of young Americans believe that history will judge Donald Trump as “the worst president ever.” Overall, 26% give the 45th president positive marks , while 54% give Trump negative marks ; 11% believe he will go down as an average president.

Twenty-two percent of young Americans surveyed agree with the statement, “I want Donald Trump to play a key role in the future of Republican politics,” 58% disagreed, and 19% neither agreed nor disagreed. Among young Republicans, 56% agreed while 22% disagreed, and 21% were neutral. Only 61% of those who voted for Trump in the 2020 general indicated their desire for him to remain active in the GOP.

If they “had to choose,” 42% of young Republicans consider themselves supporters of the Republican party, and not Donald Trump. A quarter indicated they are Trump supporters first, 24% said they support both.

Question30 Thinking About The Relationship Between The United States And Israel Do You Think The Us Is Too Supportive Of Israel Not Supportive Enough Of Israel Or Is The Us Support Of Israel About Right

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoToo supportive       28%    10%    36%    32%    30%    26%    35%    21%Not enough           24     49     11     18     25     23     19     31About right          34     33     35     38     34     34     39     35DK/NA                14      8     18     13     11     16      7     14                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspToo supportive       39%    27%    22%    20%    28%    24%    26%    33%    33%Not enough           17     31     29     23     28     26     27     10     21About right          30     27     39     43     36     36     36     35     33DK/NA                14     15     10     14      8     15     11     22     14

Question31 Regardless Of Your Overall Feelings Toward The Israelis And The Palestinians Who Do You Think Is More Responsible For The Outbreak Of Violence In The Middle East: Israel Or Hamas

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoIsrael               19%     6%    28%    19%    19%    19%    24%    15%Hamas                46     76     30     43     53     39     52     55BOTH EQUALLY    12      5     17     12     10     13      9     10DK/NA                24     13     26     25     18     29     15     21                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspIsrael               27%    17%    16%    15%    18%    19%    18%    21%    23%Hamas                33     44     57     55     62     46     54     27     34BOTH EQUALLY    13     14     11      8      7     11      9     17     11DK/NA                28     26     16     22     13     24     19     35     31

Question15 In General How Satisfied Are You With The Way Things Are Going In The Nation Today; Are You Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Or Very Dissatisfied

Poll: 16 Percent Approve Of How Trump Conducts Himself ...

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoVery satisfied        6%     3%     8%     5%     5%     6%     5%     4%Smwht satisfied      31      6     50     32     27     35     35     21Smwht dissatisfied   24     17     27     24     22     25     27     23Very dissatisfied    38     74     13     36     43     34     33     51DK/NA                 2      -      2      2      2      1      1      2                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspVery satisfied        3%     7%     4%     9%     4%     4%     4%    10%     7%Smwht satisfied      31     30     32     28     20     31     26     48     40Smwht dissatisfied   31     23     18     23     24     25     24     25     22Very dissatisfied    33     39     44     39     50     39     45     12     31DK/NA                 2      1      2      1      2      1      2      5      -

Question27 As You May Know President Biden Has Decided To Withdraw All Us Troops From Afghanistan By September 11 2021 Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of President Biden’s Decision

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoApprove              62%    41%    75%    63%    61%    62%    65%    54%Disapprove           29     49     15     29     32     26     26     37DK/NA                 9     10      9      7      7     12      8      9                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspApprove              66%    62%    64%    57%    59%    56%    58%    78%    64%Disapprove           22     30     29     34     34     33     33     14     25DK/NA                12      8      7      9      7     11      9      8     11                     Mltry                     HshldApprove              59%Disapprove           36DK/NA                 5

Young Americans Are Significantly More Likely To Be Politically Engaged Than They Were A Decade Ago; A Sharp Increase In Progressive Political Values Marked Since 2016

Less than one year after Barack Obama’s election, 24% of young Americans considered themselves to be politically active . Twelve years later, we find the share of politically active Americans increased by half — and now 36% are politically active. The most politically active among this cohort are young Blacks . 

Over the last five years, on a host of issues ranging from health care, to climate, immigration, poverty, and affirmative action–young Americans are increasingly more likely to favor government intervention. For example, we found:

  • A 19-point increase in agreement with the statement “Qualified minorities should be given special preferences in hiring and education” .
  • An 18-point increase in agreement with the statement “Government should do more to curb climate change, even at the expense of economic growth” .
  • A 16-point increase since 2016 in agreement with “The government should spend more to reduce poverty” .
  • A 16-point increase in “Basic health insurance is a right for all people, and if someone has no means of paying for it, the government should provide it” .
  • An 8-point increase in agreement with “Recent immigration into this country has done more good than harm .

Question14 If The Election Were Today Would You Want To See The Republican Party Or The Democratic Party Win Control Of The United States House Of Representatives

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoRepublican Party     40%    92%     3%    42%    49%    32%    38%    54%Democratic Party     49      5     93     41     38     59     59     36DK/NA                11      3      3     17     13      9      3     10                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspRepublican Party     32%    43%    47%    40%    56%    41%    48%    10%    31%Democratic Party     47     51     47     51     36     52     44     76     50DK/NA                21      6      6      9      9      7      8     14     18

Forty Percent Of Young Americans Expect Their Lives To Be Better As A Result Of The Biden Administration; Many More Feel A Part Of Bidens America Than Trumps

  • Whites: 30% better, 28% worse
  • Blacks: 54% better, 4% worse
  • Hispanics: 51% better, 10% worse

Forty-six percent of young Americans agreed that they “feel included in Biden’s America,” 24% disagreed . With the exception of young people living in rural America, at least a plurality indicated they felt included. This stands in contrast to “Trump’s America.” Forty-eight percent reported that they did not feel included in Trump’s America, while 27% indicated that they felt included . The only major subgroup where a plurality or more felt included in Trump’s America were rural Americans. 

  • 39% of Whites feel included in Biden’s America, 32% do not ; 35% of Whites feel included in Trump’s America, 41% do not .
  • 61% of Blacks feel included in Biden’s America, 13% do not ; 16% of Blacks feel included in Trump’s America, 60% do not .
  • 51% of Hispanics feel included in Biden’s America, 12% do not ; 17% of Hispanics feel included in Trump’s America, 55% do not .

Question1a Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of The Way Joe Biden Is Handling His Job As President Combined With: Do You Strongly Or Somewhat Approve/disapprove

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoApprove strongly     34%     6%    63%    29%    25%    43%    44%    22%Approve smwht        14      4     22     13     13     15     12     12Disapprove smwht      6      9      3      9      8      4      7      8Disapprove strongly  34     79      4     32     42     27     31     50DK/NA                11      3      8     18     11     11      6      8                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspApprove strongly     20%    38%    38%    46%    21%    38%    30%    70%    32%Approve smwht        25     14     10      8     12     12     12     14     21Disapprove smwht     10      5      5      2      8      7      7      3      8Disapprove strongly  26     34     41     37     52     35     43      2     20DK/NA                20      9      6      8      7      8      7     12     19

Question26 Do You Think President Biden’s Policies Are Helping The Nation’s Economy Hurting The Nation’s Economy Or Aren’t Making Much Of A Difference

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoHelping              38%     5%    74%    31%    29%    47%    48%    30%Hurting              35     82      4     33     42     29     34     50No difference        21     13     18     29     25     18     15     18DK/NA                 5      -      4      7      4      5      3      2                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspHelping              28%    42%    38%    50%    27%    44%    36%    63%    37%Hurting              26     36     45     36     50     39     45      6     19No difference        39     15     14     11     20     14     17     19     34DK/NA                 7      6      3      3      3      2      2     11      9                     ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME............<30K   30-50  50-100 100-200  200K+Helping              40%    39%    39%    31%      44%Hurting              27     28     37     47       41No difference        25     28     23     17       12DK/NA                 8      4      1      5        3

Question18 Would You Prefer To See Candidates Running For Elected Office That Mostly Agree With Donald Trump Or Mostly Disagree With Donald Trump

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoMostly agree         39%    85%     7%    38%    49%    30%    33%    55%Mostly disagree      53     10     90     50     42     64     62     39DK/NA                 8      5      3     12      9      7      5      7                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspMostly agree         32%    42%    45%    37%    56%    39%    47%     6%    32%Mostly disagree      59     50     48     55     38     55     47     79     63DK/NA                 9      8      7      8      7      6      6     15      5

Question29 From What You Know About The Situation In The Middle East Do Your Sympathies Lie More With The Israelis Or More With The Palestinians

Poll: Republicans who think Trump is untruthful still ...

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoIsraelis             39%    74%    22%    33%    44%    35%    41%    50%Palestinians         29      8     43     30     27     30     36     21DK/NA                32     17     35     36     29     35     22     29                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspIsraelis             26%    38%    52%    47%    53%    42%    47%    21%    27%Palestinians         38     33     20     22     24     28     26     31     33DK/NA                36     29     29     31     23     30     27     49     40

Question13 Would You Say That Joe Biden Is Doing A Better Job As President Than You Expected A Worse Job Or About What You Expected

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoBetter               21%     4%    38%    17%    19%    24%    24%    16%Worse                24     57      2     23     30     18     24     33As expected          52     39     58     56     50     55     51     49DK/NA                 3      1      1      4      2      4      1      3                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspBetter               15%    25%    22%    26%    17%    19%    18%    37%    22%Worse                15     24     29     27     34     26     30      1     15As expected          65     49     48     44     48     51     50     59     57DK/NA                 5      2      1      2      1      3      2      3      5

Question34 Do You Support Or Oppose Raising Taxes On Corporations In Order To Pay For Improvements To The Nation’s Infrastructure

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoSupport              61%    28%    87%    59%    56%    66%    67%    50%Oppose               32     66      7     35     39     26     30     44DK/NA                 6      6      6      6      5      7      2      5                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspSupport              67%    60%    54%    65%    51%    60%    56%    76%    71%Oppose               23     34     42     31     46     34     40     16     20DK/NA                 9      6      4      4      3      6      4      8     10                     ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME............<30K   30-50  50-100 100-200  200K+Support              64%    71%    65%    54%      62%Oppose               29     26     34     42       36DK/NA                 8      3      1      4        2

Nearly A Third Of Young Americans Say That Politics Has Gotten In The Way Of A Friendship; Differences Of Opinion On Race

Thirty-one percent of young Americans, but 37% of young Biden voters and 32% of young Trump voters say that politics has gotten in the way of a friendship before. Gender is not a strong predictor of whether or not politics has invaded personal space, but race and ethnicity are. Young whites are more likely than young Blacks to say that politics has gotten in the way–and nearly half of white Biden voters say politics has negatively impacted a friendship; 30% of white Trump voters say the same.

When young Americans were asked whether a difference of opinion on several political issues might impact a friendship, 44% of all young Americans said that they could not be friends with someone who disagreed with them on race relations. Sixty percent of Biden voters agreed with this sentiment, as did a majority of women and Blacks . Americans between 18 and 24 were more likely than those slightly older to feel that race relations would cause a problem with friendships. Differences of opinion on whether or not to support Trump was an issue for slightly more than a third , followed by immigration , police reform , abortion , climate change , and guns .

Question16 Do You Think That Joe Biden’s Victory In The 2020 Presidential Election Was Legitimate Or Not Legitimate

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoLegitimate           64%    25%    96%    62%    57%    71%    75%    51%Not legitimate       29     66      3     28     34     24     21     41DK/NA                 7      9      1     10      9      5      4      8                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspLegitimate           70%    65%    59%    65%    55%    63%    59%    91%    67%Not legitimate       21     28     35     27     38     32     35      6     22DK/NA                 9      7      6      7      8      5      6      3     10

Letting Trump Completely Dominate The Convention Could Have Consequences For A Party That’s More Popular Than He Is

The Republican National Convention is lousy with Trumps. It’s not just that the president will apparently be free associating for nearly an hour every evening . It’s not just that his children and even some of their girlfriends and spouses have been given prominent speaking slots. It’s that as an institution, the GOP has chosen to undergo a process of self-erasure, taking hours of free advertising that could have been anchored in touching up the party’s brand or appealing to wavering Republicans and instead handing them heedlessly over to the president for him to butcher.

That’s an enormous mistake for a very simple reason: The Republican Party is more popular than Donald Trump and it will continue to exist long after he leaves office. Every minute that the party submits to his untreated logorrhea and his manic determination to showcase the central roles that nepotism and incompetence play in his administration is not only completely and inexplicably wasted but one that actively contributes to the looming possibility of an across-the-board walloping at the hands of Joe Biden and the Democrats in November.

President Trump? He’s the least popular incumbent at this stage of his term since George H.W. Bush, who lost his re-election bid to Democrat Bill Clinton. Last week an AP-NORC poll pegged his approval rating at 35 percent. Voters disapprove of his handling of the coronavirus — destined to be the central issue of this campaign — .

Despite The State Of Our Politics Hope For America Is Rising And So Is Youths Faith In Their Fellow Americans

In the fall of 2017, only 31% of young Americans said they were hopeful about the future of America; 67% were fearful. Nearly four years later, we find that 56% have hope. While the hopefulness of young whites has increased 11 points, from 35% to 46% — the changes in attitudes among young people of color are striking. Whereas only 18% of young Blacks had hope in 2017, today 72% are hopeful . In 2017, 29% of Hispanics called themselves hopeful, today that number is 69% .

Question10 Is Your Opinion Of Mitch Mcconnell Favorable Unfavorable Or Haven’t You Heard Enough About Him

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoFavorable            15%    39%     4%    11%    18%    11%    17%    22%Unfavorable          58     32     69     63     58     58     73     53Hvn't hrd enough     26     28     26     24     22     29      8     23REFUSED               2      2      -      2      2      1      3      2                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspFavorable             7%    15%    19%    21%    25%    16%    20%     1%     7%Unfavorable          52     62     62     57     58     61     60     60     48Hvn't hrd enough     40     23     17     19     15     21     18     37     45REFUSED               1      -      2      3      2      2      2      2      -

Question7 Is Your Opinion Of Kevin Mccarthy Favorable Unfavorable Or Haven’t You Heard Enough About Him

CBS NEWS POLL: 76 Percent of SOTU Viewers Approve of Trump ...

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoFavorable            12%    26%     4%    12%    14%     9%    16%    15%Unfavorable          33     13     48     32     34     31     47     27Hvn't hrd enough     54     58     47     54     50     57     35     57REFUSED               2      2      2      1      2      2      1      1                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspFavorable             8%     7%    16%    17%    19%    12%    16%     3%    10%Unfavorable          21     32     36     43     34     35     34     38     23Hvn't hrd enough     70     60     46     37     45     52     49     54     66REFUSED               1      1      2      3      1      1      1      5      2

Question9 Is Your Opinion Of Chuck Schumer Favorable Unfavorable Or Haven’t You Heard Enough About Him

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoFavorable            27%     5%    50%    23%    23%    30%    42%    18%Unfavorable          37     70      9     38     46     28     38     50Hvn't hrd enough     35     25     40     36     28     41     19     31REFUSED               2      -      1      3      3      1      2      1                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspFavorable            10%    28%    29%    40%    21%    30%    26%    35%    25%Unfavorable          35     35     45     36     58     35     46     15     20Hvn't hrd enough     53     37     23     23     18     34     26     47     54REFUSED               1      1      2      1      2      1      1      3      1

Question33 Do You Think The Nation’s Economy Is Getting Better Getting Worse Or Staying About The Same

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoBetter               34%     9%    59%    30%    30%    38%    45%    25%Worse                36     68     10     37     41     31     29     48The same             28     22     29     30     28     28     26     25DK/NA                 2      1      2      3      1      3      1      2                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspBetter               25%    37%    33%    45%    26%    38%    32%    57%    30%Worse                35     37     42     29     48     35     42     10     31The same             37     24     23     23     25     25     25     29     35DK/NA                 2      2      2      3      1      2      2      4      4                     ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME............<30K   30-50  50-100 100-200  200K+Better               27%    37%    36%    37%      39%Worse                33     35     37     42       36The same             37     28     27     20       23DK/NA                 2      1      -      1        1

Question5 Is Your Opinion Of Donald Trump Favorable Unfavorable Or Haven’t You Heard Enough About Him

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoFavorable            37%    84%     4%    35%    46%    28%    29%    52%Unfavorable          57     13     91     57     47     66     68     44Hvn't hrd enough      3      1      4      2      2      3      1      1REFUSED               3      2      1      5      4      3      2      2                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspFavorable            29%    38%    42%    39%    52%    38%    45%     5%    30%Unfavorable          59     57     53     58     44     60     52     82     57Hvn't hrd enough      7      2      2      1      1      1      1      3     10REFUSED               5      3      3      1      3      1      2      9      3

Question6 Is Your Opinion Of Nancy Pelosi Favorable Unfavorable Or Haven’t You Heard Enough About Her

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoFavorable            36%     2%    73%    29%    27%    45%    47%    26%Unfavorable          49     94     12     52     60     40     49     65Hvn't hrd enough     13      3     14     16     12     13      3      9REFUSED               2      1      1      2      2      2      2      1                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspFavorable            21%    42%    37%    47%    23%    42%    33%    54%    37%Unfavorable          50     48     56     47     71     48     59     21     31Hvn't hrd enough     28      9      5      4      4      8      6     21     30REFUSED               1      -      2      2      1      2      1      4      2

Question2 Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of The Way The Republicans In Congress Are Handling Their Job

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                      WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoApprove              25%    54%    11%    21%    26%    23%    16%    33%Disapprove           64     36     80     67     65     63     80     58DK/NA                11      9      9     12      9     14      4      9                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspApprove              22%    28%    27%    24%    29%    26%    27%    17%    22%Disapprove           59     61     64     70     65     66     66     71     56DK/NA                18     11      9      7      7      8      7     12     22

Question11 Do You Think The Republican Party Is Moving In The Right Direction Or The Wrong Direction

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoRight direction      30%    66%    12%    24%    34%    25%    19%    40%Wrong direction      57     22     77     60     53     61     75     49DK/NA                13     12     11     16     13     14      6     12                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....              18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspRight direction      29%    27%    32%    34%    38%    27%    33%    16%    26%Wrong direction      55     59     56     57     55     61     58     68     51DK/NA                16     14     12      8      7     12     10     16     23

Question12 Do You Think The Democratic Party Is Moving In The Right Direction Or The Wrong Direction

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoRight direction      44%     7%    80%    38%    35%    52%    51%    33%Wrong direction      46     92      9     50     55     37     43     59DK/NA                10      2     11     13     10     11      6      7                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspRight direction      38%    45%    44%    51%    30%    48%    39%    69%    44%Wrong direction      44     46     51     44     64     44     54     20     33DK/NA                18     10      5      5      6      8      7     11     23

Question8 Is Your Opinion Of Liz Cheney Favorable Unfavorable Or Haven’t You Heard Enough About Her

Profiles in Courage: Why Republicans May Ride the Trump ...

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoFavorable            29%    12%    44%    30%    26%    32%    42%    22%Unfavorable          31     52     16     28     36     25     32     38Hvn't hrd enough     38     35     38     39     36     40     23     38REFUSED               2      1      2      3      2      3      3      2                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspFavorable            13%    33%    33%    40%    25%    32%    29%    37%    27%Unfavorable          22     34     35     32     42     31     36     14     21Hvn't hrd enough     63     32     30     24     31     34     33     42     51REFUSED               2      1      3      4      2      3      2      7      -

Question3 Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of The Way The Democrats In Congress Are Handling Their Job

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoApprove              43%     8%    81%    35%    34%    52%    50%    31%Disapprove           47     88     10     52     57     37     46     61DK/NA                10      4      9     13      9     11      4      7                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspApprove              37%    44%    42%    49%    27%    48%    38%    68%    48%Disapprove           48     45     52     44     67     46     56     18     34DK/NA                15     11      6      7      6      6      6     15     18

Question4 Is Your Opinion Of Joe Biden Favorable Unfavorable Or Haven’t You Heard Enough About Him

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoFavorable            49%     8%    89%    42%    39%    58%    58%    35%Unfavorable          42     88      6     43     51     34     38     58Hvn't hrd enough      6      3      3     11      7      5      2      4REFUSED               3      1      2      4      3      3      2      2                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspFavorable            44%    50%    48%    57%    34%    51%    43%    80%    53%Unfavorable          41     42     46     38     60     44     52      4     29Hvn't hrd enough     10      8      4      3      3      3      3      9     13REFUSED               5      1      2      2      3      1      2      6      6

Trump Approval Remains Stable In New Nbc Poll With Republicans Unmoved After Capitol Violence

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump is the only president in history to be impeached twice — this time for his role in encouraging a deadly assault on the Capitol by his supporters — but he is poised to leave office with a job approval rating that is fairly typical of his entire time in office.

A new NBC News poll found that 43 percent of voters nationwide gave Trump a positive job approval rating, just barely down from 45 percent who said the same before the November election and the 44 percent who approved of his performance shortly after he took office in 2017.

Half Of Republican Respondents Said Former President Should Play Major Role In Partys Future

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Former president Donald Trump’s popularity rating among Republicans has begun to bounce back since he left office, with half of respondents saying they think he should play a “major role” in the GOP’s future.

According to tracking by Morning Consult, 81 per cent of Republican voters polled between 23 to 25 January hold positive views of Mr Trump, including 54 per cent who do so strongly.

The number marks an improvement on the 76 per cent low of Republican voters who favoured him in tracking between 10 and 12 of January ahead of his impeachment when those who strongly favoured Mr Trump sat at 49 per cent.

Fifty percent of Republican voters in a poll by the company between the 22 and 25 of January also think Mr Trump should maintain a significant role in the party’s future, an increase of nine percentage points since the insurrection.

The former president’s popularity dropped following the 6 January when pro-Trump supporters attacked the Capitol as lawmakers gathered to certify Joe Biden’s win, vandalising and looting the building.

Question1 Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of The Way Joe Biden Is Handling His Job As President

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoApprove              49%     9%    87%    43%    40%    58%    57%    36%Disapprove           41     88      6     41     51     31     38     57DK/NA                10      3      7     16      9     10      5      7                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspApprove              47%    53%    48%    56%    35%    51%    43%    85%    55%Disapprove           36     39     46     39     60     42     51      5     29DK/NA                17      8      6      6      5      7      6     10     16

% Of Republican Voters Approve Of The Outgoing President Up 3 Points From Last Weeks Nadir

  • 20% of GOP voters disapprove of Trump’s job performance, similar to the share who support a Senate conviction in the upcoming impeachment trial.

  • The bulk of Republican voters disapprove of the way Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has handled impeachment proceedings.

  • Overall, 55% of voters back Trump’s conviction and removal by the Senate, 5 points more than the share who did so ahead of the chamber’s February 2020 vote for his first impeachment trial.

President Donald Trump’s approval rating among Republican voters is back on the uptick after it dropped earlier this month following the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a group of Trump supporters, underscoring the political risk facing Senate Republicans who are set to decide the president’s fate in their chamber’s upcoming impeachment trial. 

Morning Consult Political Intelligence tracking conducted Jan. 15-17 found 79 percent of Republican voters approve of the outgoing president, up 3 percentage points from 76 percent in polling conducted Jan. 10-12, before 10 House Republicans joined all Democrats in voting to impeach Trump on a charge of inciting the insurrection that resulted in the deaths of five people, including a Capitol Police officer.

The samples included responses from more than 4,400 Republican voters, with margins of error of 1 point.

Nearly half of Republican voters disapprove of McConnell’s approach to impeachment, while 32 percent approve of how he’s tackled the issue.

% Of Republican Voters Approve Of The Outgoing President Up 3 Points From Last Weeks Nadir

  • 20% of GOP voters disapprove of Trump’s job performance, similar to the share who support a Senate conviction in the upcoming impeachment trial.

  • The bulk of Republican voters disapprove of the way Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has handled impeachment proceedings.

  • Overall, 55% of voters back Trump’s conviction and removal by the Senate, 5 points more than the share who did so ahead of the chamber’s February 2020 vote for his first impeachment trial.

President Donald Trump’s approval rating among Republican voters is back on the uptick after it dropped earlier this month following the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a group of Trump supporters, underscoring the political risk facing Senate Republicans who are set to decide the president’s fate in their chamber’s upcoming impeachment trial. 

Morning Consult Political Intelligence tracking conducted Jan. 15-17 found 79 percent of Republican voters approve of the outgoing president, up 3 percentage points from 76 percent in polling conducted Jan. 10-12, before 10 House Republicans joined all Democrats in voting to impeach Trump on a charge of inciting the insurrection that resulted in the deaths of five people, including a Capitol Police officer.

The samples included responses from more than 4,400 Republican voters, with margins of error of 1 point.

Nearly half of Republican voters disapprove of McConnell’s approach to impeachment, while 32 percent approve of how he’s tackled the issue.

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