Saturday, September 7, 2024

Who Are Rule Of Law Republicans

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On The Eve Of Her Removal From The House Republican Leadership Rep Liz Cheney Of Wyoming Delivers A Passionate Warning On The Floor Of The Chamber

Cheney, the third-ranking GOP representative, said on Tuesday night:

This is not about partisanship. This is about our duty as Americans.

Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar. I will not participate in that. I will not sit back and watch in silence while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former president’s crusade to undermine our democracy.

The Republican Conference convenes on Wednesday. Legislators are almost certain to strip Cheney, the Conference chair, of her role after House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called for the move this weekend.

See also Cheney: Republican Party Is At A Turning Point

Cheney wore a replica pin of George Washington’s battle flag as she rose to “discuss freedom and our constitutional duty to protect it”, following Donald Trump’s lies about the November election and his instigation of the attack on the US Capitol on January 6.

Millions of Americans have been misled by the former President. They have heard only his words, but not the truth, as he continues to undermine our democratic process, sowing seeds of doubt about whether democracy really works at all.

I am a conservative Republican and the most conservative of conservative principles is reverence for the rule of law.

Cheney summarized, “Those who refuse to accept the rulings of our courts are at war with the Constitution.”

The Group Is Part Of A Larger Conservative Ngo That Calls For Increasing Legal Immigration & Expanding Free Trade

Republicans for the Rule of Law is part of a larger organization called Defending Democracy Together. That group, a coalition of Republicans and Conservatives, says it is opposed to the “nativist” tendencies in the modern Republican party. The group is in favor of free trade and legal immigration. The organization’s mission statement says, in part:

“Today, the Republican Party finds itself entertaining some of the same unsettling nativist and authoritarian impulses that characterized Europe throughout the 20th century. These ideals are antithetical to what it means to be a Republican, and what it means to be American.

Defending Democracy Together is a 501c4 advocacy organization created by lifelong conservatives and Republicans — many of whom have served in Republican administrations and write for conservative publications. We are dedicated to defending America’s democratic norms, values, and institutions and fighting for consistent conservative principles like rule of law, free trade, and expanding legal immigration.”

Trump The Republican Party And The Rule Of Law By: Michael Klarman Kirkland & Ellis Professor Harvard Law School


A quick glance around the world these days can be frightening for defenders of the rule of law: thousands of officially sanctioned extrajudicial killings in the Philippines under President Rodrigo Duterte; lengthy prison sentences on fraudulent charges for two journalists reporting on ethnic cleansing of Rohingya in Myanmar; the officially orchestrated torture and dismemberment of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul; the imprisonment of hundreds of opposition politicians and journalists by President Recep Erdogan in Turkey; government packing of the courts in Poland; the criminalization of immigrant aid groups and the forced closing of Central European University in Hungary.  The list goes on and on.  Surely, most Americans believe, such things could never happen in the United States.

Think again.  President Trump poses a greater threat to the rule of law than anything Americans have witnessed in generations. To be sure, the United States is not likely any time soon to see officially sanctioned killings of drug users without due process or mass incarcerations of journalists daring to criticize the government.  Yet, along a wide variety of dimensions, Trump shreds the rule of law.  The Republican Party, which has largely become a “cult” of Trump worshipers—in the words of recently retired Republican senator Bob Corker—has been mostly complicit.  Consider several examples.


Do Republicans Value Democracy Or The Rule Of Law The Answer Is Clear But There’s Still Time To Fight Back

Newt Gingrich; John Roberts; Donald Trump

Even before the latest Supreme Court decisions approving hyper-partisan gerrymandering and effectively allowing the addition of a citizenship question to the census, experts have wondered aloud whether Republicans remain committed to democracy. Toward the end of a recent plenary panel on Supreme Court reform at the American Constitution Society’s national convention, University of Chicago law professor Aziz Huq suggested, “We don’t really know how committed the Republican Party is to the project of democracy.”

If the GOP still values the rule of law, then perhaps the danger to democracy will recede after President Trump leaves office. But if the GOP no longer cares about democracy, then our political system could be in peril. Democracy probably cannot survive, after all, if one of our two major political parties is indifferent to its fate.

Unfortunately, the answer to Huq’s question is clear. The Republican Party is not at all committed to democracy, and GOP leaders and voters would happily tolerate alternative political arrangements. That is a worrisome claim, to be sure, but the evidence is indisputable. Republicans have abandoned any concerns they may have had for the integrity of our political system.

  • Thanks to gerrymandering, dark money and voter suppression, it will remain very difficult for Democrats to capture the levers of power. They will require wave elections to do so;
  • A Viral Ad Released By The Group Says Republican Silence On The Mueller Report Is Deafening

    Republicans for the Rule of Law:

    Republicans, your silence is deafening. Stand up for the rule of law.

    — Republicans for the Rule of Law April 23, 2019

    A new ad from the Republicans for the Rule of Law has been going viral on social media; you can see it above. Many people are retweeting it and adding instructions to “listen with your sound turned all the way up,” because this video is supposed to be all about silence. The spot, shot in black and white, features close-ups of Republican Ben senators Sasse, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, John Kennedy, Tim Scott. They’re all looking straight ahead and saying nothing. You can hear a bit of static and the faint sound of a ticking clock.

    A caption at the end reads, “Republicans: Your silence is deafening. Our president attempted to obstruct justice. Stand up for the rule of law.”

    Theyve Been Jabbing At Mike Lee & Praising Maryland Governor Larry Hogan On Social Media

    The women of Utah have questions for Senator Lee, including: “Do you mean you already fully understood his utter disregard for the rule of law, and just don’t care?”

    — Republicans for the Rule of Law April 23, 2019

    Republicans for the Rule of Law recently reposted a letter to the editor that appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune, slamming Utah Senator Mike Lee. The letter, written by the Utah chapter of Mormon Women for Ethical Government, asked Lee why he continues to stand by the president. The letter reads:

    “When you state that nothing in this report changes your view of this president, do you mean that you already fully understood that President Trump was doing whatever he could to obstruct justice and was “saved” only because his staff refused to follow his orders? Do you mean that you support the president despite this unethical and self-serving behavior?”

    Republicans for the Rule of Law has also been showering praise on Maryland governor Larry Hogan. Hogan is the son of the late Maryland representative Lawrence Hogan, who was the only Republican representative to vote for all three articles of impeachment against Nixon. More recently, Larry Hogan made headlines when he called the Mueller Report disturbing and said it didn’t exonerate the president.

    They Recently Posted An Embarrassing Video Of Lindsey Graham From The Clinton Era

    Sen. Graham says President Clinton should be removed from office for obstructing justice in 1999: “He is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the land. He encouraged people to lie for him. He lied. I think he obstructed justice.”

    — Republicans for the Rule of Law April 22, 2019

    On April 22, Republicans for the Rule of Law posted a video of Lindsey Graham talking about presidential misconduct. You can see that video above. The video shows Graham saying:

    “This is about a person out of control. He took the law, turned it upside down. Every time there was a crossroads, he put his personal and legal interest ahead of the nation. He is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the land. He encouraged people to lie for him. He lied. I think he obstructed justice. I think there’s a convincing and compelling case that he has in fact engaged in conduct that it would be better for him to leave office than to stay in office.”

    of course, this clip is taken from a 1999 interview Graham gave to C-Span, and the president he’s talking about is Bill Clinton, not Donald Trump. But some people take the video as a sign of Republican double standards and are saying that the clip is “embarrassing” for Lindsey Graham, who pushed hard for Bill Clinton to leave office but has supported President Trump.

    Their Legal Adviser Is The Son Of The 1940 Republican Nominee For President

    Republicans for the Rule of Law has a legal advisory board of seven legal advisers. One of those seven advisers is Wendell Wilkie II, who is an adjunct fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and an adjunct professor at NYU. Willkie’s father, Wendell Willkie, was the 1940 Republican nominee for president. Willkie initially ran on an anti-isolationist platform, although his positions evolved during the campaign. He was beaten handily by Franklin D Roosevelt.

    Todays Gop Bears No Resemblance To Party That Stood For The Rule Of Law

    The BDN Opinion section operates independently and does not set newsroom policies or contribute to reporting or editing articles elsewhere in the newspaper or on

    Frederic B. Hill of Arrowsic is a former foreign correspondent for The Baltimore Sun and conducted wargaming exercises on national security issues for the Department of State in both Republican and Democratic administrations.

    The crisis in the Republican Party over the leadership role of Rep. Liz Cheney revolves around “the big lie” that Donald Trump won the 2020 election. But there is another, broader lie: the Republican party of 2021 is no longer conservative as it claims. It is reactionary, right-wing and on the verge of embracing authoritarianism.

    One fact to set things straight: more than 60 court cases brought by Trump and his lawyers to claim election fraud were rejected by judges across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Secretaries of state, including Republican officials, found no fraud.

    Yet Trump and his backers continued to undermine our democracy for months before, during and after the election as 3,000 Americans died almost daily from a pandemic that, as president, Trump did little to deter or diminish.

    An impoverished vocabulary? The daily distortions of Fox News and repetitive labelling of unfavorable developments as “fake news” and “cancel culture.”

    Democrats Abandon Rule Of Law And Equality Before The Law

    American Politics, News | | | Subscribe |

    The impeachment trial of President Trump reveals how ready the Democrats are to overthrow the well-established principles of the rule of law and equality before the law in the interests of political expediency.

    Sharp differences between the Democrat-comprised—-and compromised—House Managers and the President’s legal team marked more than twelve hours of debate—as the House Managers unsuccessfully sought to have the Senate issue subpoenas to compel the production of new witnesses and documents to add to the volume of evidence elicited by the House in its partisan decision to impeach the President.

    The views expressed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and one of the House Managers —Jerrold Nadler—on the need for bipartisanship in the impeachment trial were ignored by the Democrats. Not one of the seven House Managers chosen to prosecute the House case was a Republican.

    The results were predictable.  Partisan positions were adopted on every attempt to amend the trial schedule by the Democrats and were correspondingly opposed by the Republicans. The Senate voted on party lines 53-47 except for one amendment 52-48. The Democrat strategy of claiming bipartisanship on one amendment was one very tiny crumb the Democrats could claim to securing bipartisanship.

    It was devastating to see the principle that no one was above the law trashed by the Adam Schiff-led House Managers on Day 2 at the Senate trial. 

    Republicans Must Choose Between Trump And The Rule Of Law

    The president’s actions Wednesday portend a choice for GOP officials: Is their greater loyalty to the president or to the public’s right to know what he’s done?

    About the author: Conor Friedersdorf is a California-based staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs. He is the founding editor of The Best of Journalism, a newsletter devoted to exceptional nonfiction.

    After Wednesday, elected officials in the Republican Party should have no doubt that Donald Trump will force them to choose in coming days, weeks, and months between loyalty to him and loyalty to the rule of law, between the public’s right to the truth and Trump’s efforts to hide it.

    The president began the day with an extraordinary threat on Twitter: “If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level,” he wrote, “then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!”

    It would be nakedly corrupt to hinge a Senate investigation on partisan game theory or retaliation rather than on the substance of the law and the public interest. Yet the tweet was quickly overshadowed by even bigger news—Trump’s ouster of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

    Read: The latest drama in Trump’s slow-motion Saturday night massacre

    Adam Serwer: Trump will only get more dangerous.

    International Network To Promote The Rule Of Law

    The International Network to Promote the Rule of Law is a network of over 3,000 law practitioners from 120 countries and 300 organizations working on rule of law issues in post-conflict and developing countries from a policy, practice and research perspective. INPROL is based at the US Institute of Peace in partnership with the US Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Strategic Police Matters Unit, the Center of Excellence for Police Stability Unit, and William and Marry School of Law in the United States. Its affiliate organizations include the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Folke Bernadotte Academy, International Bar Association, International Association of Chiefs of Police, International Association of Women Police, International Corrections and Prisons Association, International Association for Court Administration, International Security Sector Advisory Team at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Worldwide Association of Women Forensic Experts , and International Institute for Law and Human Rights.

    INPROL provides an online forum for the exchange of information about best practices. Members may post questions, and expect a response from their fellow rule of law practitioners worldwide on their experiences in addressing rule of law issues.

    Cosmopolitan Republicanism And The Rule Of Law


    2 Cosmopolitan Republicanism and the Rule of Law
    Oxford University Press

    This chapter discusses a republican conception of the rule of law. It argues that republican freedom demands more of the rule of law than either the formal requirements of justice as regularity or the constraints and immunities of liberal constitutionalism. The fundamental requirement of the republican rule of law is the ‘right to right’: the legal status and political standing that are sufficient for the exercise of the normative powers necessary to change reflexively the legal and political order.

    Oxford Scholarship Online requires a subscription or purchase to access the full text of books within the service. Public users can however freely search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter.

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    Trump Is Growing The Gops Antirule Of Law Wing


    The American right has always been home to factions that demand “law and order,” while declaring themselves — and not the federal government — the arbiters of legality. The roots of this anarchic conservatism run deep into the foundation of the Republic. Andrew Jackson, who is hailed as a great democratizer by mainstream U.S. history, was a great champion of settlers who defied federal restrictions on their liberty to kill indigenous people and confiscate their lands. The South has, of course, always had a complicated relationship with the concept of federal sovereignty. And the Christian right, once it abandoned that whole “render unto Caesar” tripe, has insisted that God’s law comes before man’s .

    This tendency made itself felt during the Obama years through the armed standoff between right-wing militias and federal agents at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada. And it gained new institutional form through the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, a group of active law-enforcement officials who believe the U.S. Constitution gives local government primacy over the state and federal governments, at least on the subject of firearm regulations.

    If somebody cheated in the Election, which the Democrats did, why wouldn’t the Election be immediately overturned? How can a Country be run like this?

    — Donald J. Trump December 9, 2020

    One Pennsylvania Republican offered some insight into her colleagues’ motives in an interview with the :

    Meaning And Categorization Of Interpretations

    The Oxford English Dictionary has defined rule of law this way:

    The authority and influence of law in society, esp. when viewed as a constraint on individual and institutional behaviour; the principle whereby all members of a society are considered equally subject to publicly disclosed legal codes and processes.

    Rule of law implies that every citizen is subject to the law. It stands in contrast to the idea that the ruler is above the law, for example by divine right.

    Despite wide use by politicians, judges and academics, the rule of law has been described as “an exceedingly elusive notion”. Among modern legal theorists, one finds that at least two principal conceptions of the rule of law can be identified: a formalist or “thin” definition, and a substantive or “thick” definition; one occasionally encounters a third “functional” conception. Formalist definitions of the rule of law do not make a judgment about the “justness” of law itself, but define specific procedural attributes that a legal framework must have in order to be in compliance with the rule of law. Substantive conceptions of the rule of law go beyond this and include certain substantive rights that are said to be based on, or derived from, the rule of law.

    The substantive interpretation preferred by Dworkin, Laws, and Allan, holds that the rule of law intrinsically protects some or all individual rights.

    Some Trumpists Turn Against Cheneys Successor

    Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, who entered the House as a centrist in 2014 but has recast her as a Trumpist with support of Trump’s disinformation, has been endorsed by House GOP leader McCarthy as Cheney’s successor.

    But some Trumpists are already jabbing at Stefanik as a moderate in disguise. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas sent a memo to every Republican representative that Stefanik had cast a series of votes opposed to Trumpism.

    We must avoid putting in charge Republicans who campaign as Republicans but then vote for and advance the Democrats’ agenda once sworn in — that is, that we do not make the same mistakes that we did in 2017….

    With all due respect to my friend, Elise Stefanik, let us contemplate the message Republican leadership is about to send by rushing to coronate a spokesperson whose voting record embodies much of what led to the 2018 ass-kicking we received by Democrats.

    Members of the hard-right Freedom Caucus have privately expressed reluctance, if not opposition, about Stefanik’s ascendancy.

    The New York representative has sought to appease critics by promising that she would resign as Conference chair before casting a vote that differs from the majority of House Republicans. She told reporters on Tuesday, “We have a great deal of support from the Freedom Caucus and others.”

    Freedom Caucus co-founder Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Trump have backed Stefanik.

    International Development Law Organization

    The International Development Law Organization is an intergovernmental organization with a joint focus on the promotion of rule of law and development. It works to empower people and communities to claim their rights, and provides governments with the know-how to realize them. It supports emerging economies and middle-income countries to strengthen their legal capacity and rule of law framework for sustainable development and economic opportunity. It is the only intergovernmental organization with an exclusive mandate to promote the rule of law and has experience working in more than 170 countries around the world.

    The International Development Law Organization has a holistic definition of the rule of law:

    More than a matter of due process, the rule of law is an enabler of justice and development. The three notions are interdependent; when realized, they are mutually reinforcing. For IDLO, as much as a question of laws and procedure, the rule of law is a culture and daily practice. It is inseparable from equality, from access to justice and education, from access to health and the protection of the most vulnerable. It is crucial for the viability of communities and nations, and for the environment that sustains them.

    IDLO is headquartered in Rome and has a branch office in The Hague and has Permanent Observer Status at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

    Republicans For The Rule Of Law Agreement


  • I hereby grant permission and authorize Defending Democracy Together, a 501 organization, its affiliated project Republicans for the Rule of Law, its assigns and licensees to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute, and make use of my likeness, any and all video, and/or photographs I voluntarily submit for DDT’S expressed use, as well as any voluntarily submitted recordings of my voice and/or any of my voluntarily submitted written or transcribed statements for any lawful purpose.
  • This authorization and release shall NOT extend to any other likeness, video, photographs, recordings of my voice, statements, or use of my name which I have not voluntarily submitted to DDT, regardless of medium and regardless of public availability.
  • I further understand and expressly grant DDT authorization to use any voluntarily submitted likeness, images, videos, recordings of my voice, statements, as well as my name, in the following manner:

  • Use in any reproduction, distribution, derivative works, display, and/or performance as DDT shall solely determine;
  • Use in any composite or modified forms and in any media, now known or later developed, including without limitation newspapers, television, radio, the World Wide Web, and/or social media;
  • Use for any purpose, in any language, throughout the world including, without limitation, for the purpose of education, advertising, and promotion; and

    Ending Trumps Assault On The Rule Of Law

    Protecting voting rights is an essential step that Biden must take to repair our democracy. But it is only the first one.

      Save this story for later.

    Donald Trump, both in his own behavior and in the policies of his Administration, has waged war on the rule of law. The tragedy of the coronavirus pandemic has absorbed the nation’s attention for most of 2020, so it’s easy to forget that Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives less than a year ago––and that he deserved to be. Trump’s withholding of congressionally appropriated assistance to Ukraine, in an attempt to extract from its government damaging information and propaganda about the Biden family, was precisely the kind of offense that the Framers intended impeachment to address. Trump’s defiance of Congress’s right to investigate his wrongdoing was another proper ground for his removal.

    Why Biden must win:

    Read our endorsement.

    October 5, 2020Jeffrey Toobin

    The Rule Of Law In The United States

    The Constitution serves as the foundation for the rule of law in American justice. It establishes a system of rights, freedoms, and checks and balances that ensure a fair and just society for all without government overreach and tyranny. This includes separation of power between three distinct branches of government .

    Ultimately, no person, whether individual or policymaker, has the right to subvert the rule of law. Amendments are possible if and when societal shifts make them necessary, but the process is challenging for a reason. Not only does it prevent rulers from changing the law to suit their needs, but it also helps to maintain a more stable government and freedom for all Americans.

    International Commission Of Jurists

    Republicans For The Rule Of Law

    In 1959, an event took place in New Delhi and speaking as the International Commission of Jurists, made a declaration as to the fundamental principle of the rule of law. The event consisted of over 185 judges, lawyers, and law professors from 53 countries. This later became known as the Declaration of Delhi. During the declaration they declared what the rule of law implied. They included certain rights and freedoms, an independent judiciary and social, economic and cultural conditions conducive to human dignity. The one aspect not included in The Declaration of Delhi, was for rule of law requiring legislative power to be subject to judicial review.

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations defines the rule of law as:

    a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness and procedural and legal transparency.

    Republicans For The Rule Of Law

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    Republicans for the Rule of Law is the principal initiative of the conservative, anti-Donald Trump political group Defending Democracy Together, founded by Bill Kristol, Mona Charen, Linda Chavez, Sarah Longwell, and Andy Zwick in 2019. The project, a 501 group, created an advertising campaign to pressure Republican members of Congress to “demand the facts” about the Trump-Ukraine scandal during the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump.

    Status In Various Jurisdictions

    2005 map of Worldwide Governance Indicators, which attempts to measure the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society.   90–100th percentile*   0–10th percentile *Percentile rank indicates the percentage of countries worldwide that rate below the selected country.

    The rule of law has been considered as one of the key dimensions that determine the quality and good governance of a country. Research, like the Worldwide Governance Indicators, defines the rule of law as: “the extent to which agents have confidence and abide by the rules of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, the police and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime or violence.” Based on this definition the Worldwide Governance Indicators project has developed aggregate measurements for the rule of law in more than 200 countries, as seen in the map at right.

    Trumps Inviolate Legal Rights

    Sacrificing Trump’s legal rights because they might lead to prolonged litigation and hold up the Senate trial seemed more important to Democrats, whilst this argument was bitterly opposed by Trump’s legal team.

    What was being played out was what always happens in any trial—claims by one side being rebutted by the other side and the Judge making the decision to end the deadlock. Only one side can emerge the winner—and usually the other side is left to lick its wounds. These partisan differences of opinion can only be resolved by the Courts.

    The problem is that the law is not perfect and that lawyers and judges have differing opinions.

    Trial judges, appellate judges and even higher appellate judges are often proved wrong and see their judgements reversed.

    Respect for the rule of law and equality before the law for both Trump and the Senate must be determined by a strong and independent judiciary —not the law of the jungle – which separates a democracy like America from Russia.

    Trump’s inviolate legal rights need to be tested in the Courts—and the Court’s decision respected –—no matter how long it takes.


    Trumps Gop Vs The Rule Of Law

    • May 10, 2018

    The Republican Party has celebrated itself for nearly 50 years as the “law and order” party. But in the past month, a disconnect has grown between the rule of law and the party.

    Vice President Mike Pence recently praised the former sheriff Joe Arpaio — who was found guilty of criminal contempt of court for ignoring a judicial order — as a champion of the rule of law, comments that unfolded as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein battled a caucus of Republican House members, led by Mark Meadows, who seem focused on destroying the separation of powers as they seek to undermine the Justice Department’s independent investigation of the White House.

    In rare public remarks, Mr. Rosenstein issued a strong rebuke to such efforts, which included talk of impeaching him. “The Department of Justice is not going to be extorted,” he said.

    These Republican assaults — and others, like Rudy Giuliani’s comparing F.B.I. agents to “storm troopers” over last month’s raid of Michael Cohen’s office and residence — on the traditions of the rule of law have not gone unnoticed by people like James Comey, a lifelong Republican. He recently said that Republicans “don’t represent anything I believe in.”

    Instead, it is now the party of Mr. Trump, who himself highlighted this shift. During the campaign, he said: “Don’t forget, this is called the Republican Party. It’s not called the Conservative Party.”

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