Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Contact Donald J Trump

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Presidential Campaign And 2011 Hints At Presidential Run

President Trump gives a farewell address to the American people

In 2000, Trump ran in the California and Michigan primaries for nomination as the Reform Party candidate for the 2000 United States presidential election but withdrew from the race in February 2000. A July 1999 poll matching him against likely Republican nominee George W. Bush and likely Democratic nominee Al Gore showed Trump with seven percent support.

In 2011, Trump speculated about running against President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, making his first speaking appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February 2011 and giving speeches in early primary states. In May 2011, he announced he would not run, and he endorsed Mitt Romney in February 2012. Trump’s presidential ambitions were generally not taken seriously at the time.

Release Of Detailed Property List

The detailed property list was unsealed on September 2. The list showed that Trump had intermingled classified items with other items, like documents and photographs without classification markings, news clippings, unspecified gifts, items of clothing, and a book. A box found in Trump’s office is listed as containing “43 empty folders with classified banners 28 empty folders labeled ‘Return to Staff Secretary/Miliary Aide’ 24 government documents marked confidential, secret or top secret 99 news articles and other printed media and 69 government documents or photos that were not classified.”

China Trade War Heats Up

As trade talks break down, the United States raises tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods from 10 to 25 percent, leading China to retaliate in kind. In the following months, the Trump administration also imposes new restrictions on Chinese telecom firms, labels China a currency manipulator, and threatens to halt all private U.S. investment in China. Trumps plan to raise tariffs on an additional $300 billion worth of Chinese goods is, however, put on hold.

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Changing The Asylum Rules

Trump announces a safe third country agreement with Guatemala that would require asylum seekers to remain there, rather than wait in the United States while their claims are processed, or face deportation. The deal is challenged in Guatemalan court, but similar arrangements with El Salvador and Honduras are soon announced. The moves come after Trump issues new rules that asylum seekers in Mexico must remain there and uses the threat of tariffs to pressure Mexico to step up its own border security efforts.

Trump Walks Back Iran Strike

The Trump campaign is already fundraising off impeachment hearings

In the wake of an Iranian downing of a U.S. drone, Trump on Iranian targets, but calls off the operation at the last moment. The incident comes after months of rising tensions, including increased U.S. sanctions on Iran for violating the terms of a 2015 nuclear deal and Iranian threats to shut down the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial global shipping lane.

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Us Troops To Leave Syria And Afghanistan

Trump announces the United States will withdraw all of its more than two thousand troops from Syria, though he doesnt specify a timeline. He asks the Pentagon to come up with a plan to withdraw half of those serving in Afghanistan as well. Many Democrats and Republicans in Congress call the decision precipitous, and Mattis offers his resignation the next day, saying the president deserves a secretary better aligned with his views.

Drone Strike On Soleimani

A U.S. drone strike kills Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps elite Quds Force, in Baghdad. The Pentagon links Soleimani to violent demonstrations at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, as well as the deaths of hundreds of American and allied troops in the region. Though Trump says he ordered the strike to stop a war, Soleimanis killing raises fears of further escalation. Tehran retaliates by firing missiles at two Iraqi bases hosting U.S. soldiers, prompting Washington to impose new sanctions on Iran.

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Trump Motion For Appointment Of Special Master

On August 22, 2022, Trump filed a motion in the Southern District of Florida seeking appointment of a special master to review all material seized on August 8 and to determine if any should be returned to him. The case was assigned to District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee. In court papers, Trump did not suggest he had any “standing order” to declassify materials, a defense he had initially proposed. Trump also suggested that the Presidential Records Act is not criminally enforceable.

A few days later, Cannon said she was inclined to approve Trump’s request. Legal experts believed Trump’s demand for a special master was a strategic error, according to The New York Times.

In a subsequent filing, the Justice Department reported that the government’s review of seized materials had already been completed. It explained that the FBI filter team had finished their examination of documents “identified a limited set of materials that potentially contain attorney-client privileged information” and were following relevant procedures to deal with privilege disputes. Criminal investigators would not be allowed to access or review such privileged documents. The completion of the document review by the government was seen as weakening Trump’s efforts to get a special master appointed to review the materials recovered from him.

The Donald J Trump Guide To Getting Away With Anything

Watch President Donald Trump’s address to the nation on coronavirus pandemic

The former president has a knack for avoiding consequences for his misbehavior.

With each new scandal involving Donald Trump, the question arises again: Is this the one that will finally exact some pain on the former president?

The question is in the air once more following the FBIs seizure of top-secret documents from Mar-a-Lago last week. On the one hand, as both Trumps allies and adversaries have noted, such a warrant on a former president is unprecedented, one of Trumps lawyers reportedly told the government all files were returned prior to the search, and Trump has offered nonsensical defenses, all of which point to the seriousness of the situation. On the other, many cases involving mishandled classified information end without chargesjust ask Hillary Clintonand some experts speculate that the goal of the search may simply have been to recover the documents rather than to build a criminal case against Trump.

But because this case is only the latest in a string of scandals, the question cant be separated from a broader context: Trumps repeated ability to escape the most serious, and sometimes any, consequences for his serial misbehavior. This skill has birthed memes, including a reappropriation of the Teflon Don moniker, well-deserved conservative mockery of premature political death warrants, and the immortal Ah! Well. Nevertheless tweet.

Before the Presidency

Russian Collusion

Extorting Ukraine

When: 201721

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National Emergency Over Coronavirus

After initially downplaying the risk of a new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, Trump declares a national emergency as cases balloon. The move unlocks roughly $50 billion in federal funding and allows the loosening of some regulations on health-care providers. Trump also announces new efforts to boost coronavirus testing, after what many see as an anemic federal response, and later signs more than $2 trillion in economic stimulus legislation. Trump increasingly blames China, where the virus originated, for misleading the world and threatens retaliation.

Judge Cannon Appoints Special Master

On September 9, DOJ and Trump’s lawyers submitted their joint filing, each side proposing two different candidates and differing views on the tasks and duration of the special master’s review. DOJ suggested Barbara Jones and Thomas Griffith and Trump’s legal team suggested Raymond J. Dearie and Paul Huck Jr..

A few days later, DOJ filed papers saying that it would accept Dearie as special master, while Trump’s lawyers filed a document opposing both judges proposed by the DOJ. Trump’s filing also suggested that some documents marked classified may not be and that Trump may have the right to have them in his possession.

On September 15, 2022, Cannon appointed Dearie special master, tasked him to review all documents seized in the August 8 search, and ruled that Trump would have to pay the costs. Dearie accepted the appointment.

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Eleventh Circuit Reverses District Judge’s Halt To Use Of Records In Criminal Investigation

In early September 2022, DOJ asked Cannon to rescind her rulings to have the special master review classified material and halt FBI access to classified material seized during the search, arguing that these materials were “inextricably linked with the criminal investigation” and noting that Cannon’s orders had also halted the Intelligence Community‘s review of classified material. DOJ said it would appeal Cannon’s rulings to an appellate court if she did not rescind them herself. DOJ did not oppose the appointment of a special master to review personal documents and “some other items”. On September 15, Cannon refused to reconsider her rulings blocking the use of any of the material for investigative purposes pending the special master’s review. She denied even DOJ’s request of a limited stay to allow investigators to again access the approximately 100 documents bearing classification markings.

The next day, DOJ asked the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to stay Cannon’s rulings pending appeal, thus immediately allowing the criminal investigation to proceed. DOJ requested the right to review the classified documents recovered from Trump’s residence and to have such documents exempted from review by the special master. DOJ also argued that Trump’s lawyers may be “witnesses to ‘relevant events’ in the criminal probe” and thus should not have access to such documents.

A New Mideast Peace Plan

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In a joint White House appearance, Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announce a new plan to end decades of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Analysts say the deal, developed without Palestinian input, favors Israel by awarding it large portions of the West Bank and Jerusalem, and by weakening long-standing U.S. support for a fully autonomous Palestinian state. Palestinian leaders roundly reject the proposal, which is opposed by most Arab states and received ambivalently by European countries.

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Withdrawal From Iran Nuclear Agreement

The president announces the U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action , the 2015 agreement on Irans nuclear program. Trump says it did not sufficiently curb the countrys civilian nuclear program or its regional aggression. Without citing any material Iranian violations, Trump announces that the United States will reinstate two sets of sanctions on Iran that had been waived with the deals implementation they will take effect in August and November and range from aircraft imports to oil and petroleum product exports.

Misogyny And Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct

Trump has a history of insulting and belittling women when speaking to media and on social media. He made lewd comments, demeaned women’s looks, and called them names, such as ‘dog’, ‘crazed, ‘crying lowlife’, ‘face of a pig’, or ‘horseface’.

In October 2016, two days before the second presidential debate, a 2005 “hot mic” recording surfaced in which Trump is heard bragging about kissing and groping women without their consent, saying “when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything… grab ’em by the .” The incident’s widespread media exposure led to Trump’s first public apology during the campaign and caused outrage across the political spectrum.

At least 26 women have publicly accused Trump of rape, kissing and groping without consent, looking under women’s skirts, or walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants. In 2016, he denied all accusations, calling them “false smears” and alleging a conspiracy against him and the American people.

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Promotion Of Conspiracy Theories

Before and throughout his presidency, Trump has promoted numerous conspiracy theories, including Obama birtherism, the Clinton Body Count theory, QAnon, the Global warming hoax theory, Trump Tower wiretapping allegations, a John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory involving Rafael Cruz, linking talk show host Joe Scarborough to the death of a staffer, alleged foul-play in the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, alleged Ukrainian interference in U.S. elections, and that Osama bin Laden was alive and Obama and Biden had members of Navy SEAL Team 6 killed. In at least two instances, Trump clarified to press that he also believed the conspiracy theory in question.

During and since the 2020 presidential election, Trump has promoted various conspiracy theories for his defeat including dead people voting, voting machines changing or deleting Trump votes, fraudulent mail-in voting, throwing out Trump votes, and “finding” suitcases full of Biden votes.

Donald J Trump V United States Of America

Trump attempted to contact Jan. 6 hearing witness, Cheney says
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Donald J. Trump v. United States of America, case no. 22-81294-CIV-CANNON, was a lawsuit filed on August 22, 2022, by former U.S. president Donald Trump in the Southern District of Florida. He sought the appointment of a special master to review materials seized on August 8, 2022, during the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, a part of the investigation into Donald Trump’s handling of government documents.

Trump requested that the special master review the seized materials, some of which were classified, for potential attorney-client or executive privilege. The case was assigned to District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee. On September 1, Cannon ordered the United States Department of Justice to release the previously sealed detailed property list of the seized materials. She ordered the DOJ to halt its review of all materials on September 5 and appointed Raymond J. Dearie, senior judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, as special master on September 15.

On September 16, the DOJ appealed the ruling to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. On September 22, the appeals court granted the DOJ’s request to restore investigators’ access to the classified files that had been seized during the Mar-a-Lago search and block the special master from access to them.

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Hearing On September 1 2022

The DOJ argued that the FBI had already reviewed 520 pages from 64 document sets to look for privileged material and that Trump had no right to keep them or exert executive privilege over them, an assertion that Cannon pushed back against. Trump’s lawyers argued the government had misconstrued the role of the Presidential Records Act. They also stated that Trump, while president, was allowed to designate records as “personal” outside the review of a court. They compared the conflict over the documents with an “overdue library book scenario”.

Cannon ordered the DOJ to release the detailed property list they had previously filed under seal. Neither DOJ nor Trump’s team objected to making it public.

How Donald Trump Can Become House Speaker

The U.S. House of Representatives has failed to elect a new speaker in six ballots across two days as a group of Republicans continues to oppose Representative Kevin McCarthy.

In the sixth ballot on Wednesday, Democratic Representative Hakeem Jeffries won 212 votes, McCarthy won 201, 20 Republicans voted for Representative Byron Donalds and Republican Representative Victoria Spartz voted “present.”

That left McCarthy short of the required majority for a second day and it remains unclear whether he can make a deal with his GOP opponents to secure the speaker’s chair.

Some Republicans may be looking to possible alternative candidates and one seemingly unlikely choice is former President Donald Trump, who is not a member of the House.

Republican Representative Lauren Boebert suggested that she could nominate Trump during an interview with Sean Hannity on Wednesday. She had voted for Donalds on Wednesday and previously voted for Representative Jim Jordan on Tuesday.

“There are certainly names that have been floated around, and hey, maybe I should nominate President Donald J. Trump tomorrow,” Boebert told Hannity.

That’s a suggestion that has been floated by some of the former president’s supporters in the past and it is technically possible for Trump to fill that role if a majority of those voting choose him.

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Russia: Trump & His Teams Ties

Despite Russias harmful national interests against the U.S., and its human rights violations around the world, President Trump and his team are directly and indirectly tied to Russia.

Throughout the 2016 presidential election, President Trump not only refused to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin, but was even friendly and accommodating in his remarks. In his own words, President Trump called President Putin highly respected.” More recently, President Trump put the U.S. on equal moral footing with Russia when responding to Bill OReillys question about Putin being a “killer,” saying “We’ve got a lot of killers… you think our country’s so innocent?” This is absolutely false moral equivalence, and unheard of for the President of the United States to insult and demean the country he leads.

President Trump has harshly criticized NATO, and exclaimed that only the NATO allies that paid equally to the alliance deserved protection from the United States. Though these remarks were softened by British Prime Minister Theresa May, who claims that President Trump fully supports the North Atlantic Treaty Organization , it’s still unclear how supportive he will be of NATO allies like the Baltic states in light of his relationship with Russia.

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