Friday, July 26, 2024

Joe Biden Republican Vice President

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Banking And Financial Regulation

North Texas Democrats, Republicans React To Joe Biden’s Projected Presidential Win

During the 2000s, Biden sponsored bankruptcy legislation, which was sought by MBNA, one of Delaware’s largest companies and Biden’s largest contributor in the late 1990s, and other credit card issuers. He fought for certain amendments to the bill that would indirectly protect homeowners and forbid felons from using bankruptcy to discharge fines. He also worked to defeat amendments which would have protected members of the military and those who are pushed into bankruptcy by medical debt. Critics expressed concern that the law would force those seeking bankruptcy protection to hire lawyers to process the required paperwork, making it more difficult for students to execute education-related debt. The overall bill was vetoed by President Bill Clinton in 2000, but then finally passed as the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act in 2005, with Biden supporting it. During his 2020 presidential campaign, Biden moved to the left on the issue, endorsing Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s bankruptcy reform proposal, which would roll back many aspects of the 2005 law.

During and after the Obama/Biden administration, Biden strongly supported the DoddâFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The Dodd-Frank Act implemented new financial regulations designed to prevent a reprise of the 2008 financial crisis. The Act also created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He also supported the pro-consumer .

Busing And Affirmative Action

In the mid-1970s, Biden was one of the Senate’s leading opponents of race-integration busing. His Delaware constituents strongly opposed it, and such opposition nationwide later led his party to mostly abandon school integration policies.

In his first Senate campaign, Biden expressed support for busing to remedy de juresegregation, as in the South, but opposed its use to remedy de facto segregation arising from racial patterns of neighborhood residency, as in Delaware he opposed a proposed constitutional amendment banning busing entirely. In May 1974, Biden voted to table a proposal containing anti-busing and anti-desegregation clauses but later voted for a modified version containing a qualification that it was not intended to weaken the judiciary’s power to enforce the 5th Amendment and 14th Amendment.

Biden supported a measure forbidding the use of federal funds for transporting students beyond the school closest to them. In 1977, he co-sponsored an amendment closing loopholes in that measure, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law in 1978.

Biden Says He Would Consider Choosing A Republican As Running Mate

Former Vice President Joe Biden said at a campaign stop in New Hampshire Monday that he would consider choosing a Republican running mate if he wins the 2020 Democratic nomination, but that he “can’t think of one right now,”CNN reports.

What he’s saying:“There are some really decent Republicans that are out there still, but heres the problem right now with the well-known ones: Theyve got to step up. You know what I mean?”

  • Biden also said it is “presumptuous” for him to talk about potential running mates without having won the nomination.
  • “Whomever I would pick for vice president and theres a lot of qualified women, theres a lot of qualified African Americans, there really, truly are. Id pick someone who was simpatico with me, who knew what my priorities were and knew what I wanted to do,” Biden said.

Why it matters: Biden faced backlash earlier in the primary for allegations that he spoke fondly about working across the aisle with segregationist senators during a speech about “civility.”

  • He later apologized and said the comments were misconstrued, but throughout his campaign has continued to emphasize the importance of working with the “opposition” to get things done.

Between the lines: The pitch wouldn’t be the first time a presidential nominee weighed a bipartisan White House ticket. The late Republican Sen. John McCain considered choosing independent Sen. Joe Lieberman, once a Democrat, as his vice presidential pick in 2008.

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Who Will Joe Biden Pick As His Vice

The Democratic challenger is expected to pick a woman to run alongside him in an election year made unusually tense by the pandemic, anti-racism protests and the polarizing president he’s running against. Here are some women he might consider

This article was published more than 1 year ago. Some information may no longer be current.

Joe Biden is set to formally become the Democratic presidential nominee at a party convention late next month. But for many voters, Mr. Bidens most important move will come weeks earlier, when he unveils his choice of running mate in early August.

The vice-presidential pick is the quadrennial parlour guessing game over who is best suited to round out the ticket, do no harm and energize the party base. But in a tense and unusual election year rocked by a pandemic, a national reckoning over racism and police brutality, and an increasingly unpopular incumbent president, Mr. Bidens choice of running mate matters more than ever.

He has committed to choosing a woman, assuring that his running mate will make history as the first female vice-president if Mr. Biden prevails in November. In the wake of protests over racial injustices, some Democrats are pushing him to choose a woman of colour, or someone capable of exciting younger and more progressive voters put off by the prospect of choosing between two white men in their 70s.

How Vice Presidential Candidates Are Selected

Vice President Joe Biden Rallies Democrats For Midterm Elections

Prior to the ratification of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804, the runner-up in the presidential election became vice president of the United States. The Twelfth Amendment required ballots to be cast separately for the offices of president and vice president.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, vice presidential candidates were typically chosen by the party to balance a ticket either geographically or ideologically. In 1960, for example, John F. Kennedy , a northerner, chose Lyndon B. Johnson from Texas to be his running mate. Elaine Kamarck, the founding director of the Center for Effective Public Management, said this framework began to shift in 1992 for a partnership model. Recent presidents “have chosen running mates for their ability to help them be partners in the ever more complex governing process,” Kamarck said.

Changes to the primary process in the 20th century also adjusted the purpose of the national convention, with most presidential nominees securing the nomination prior to the event. The last multi-ballot Democratic national convention took place in 1952. Conventions were no longer a forum for debate and negotiation around the selection of the vice presidential candidate. For this reason, nearly every Democratic and Republican vice presidential nominee since 1984 has been announced prior to the national convention.

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Former New Jersey Republican Gov Christine Todd Whitman

Whitman served as New Jerseys governor before being tapped by President George W. Bush in 2001 to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Speaking briefly during the convention on Monday, she said the election isnt about a Republican or Democrat. Its about a person: a person decent enough, stable enough, strong enough to get our economy back on track a person who can work with everyone, Democrats and Republicans, to get things done.

Donald Trump isnt that person Joe Biden is, Whitman said.

What Did The Report Find

The Senate Homeland Security Committee’s report found that two members of the Obama administration had complained in 2015 to the White House about Hunter Biden’s new lucrative role on the board of Burisma.

“Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board cast a shadow over the work of those advancing anticorruption reforms in Ukraine,” the report says.

But the report failed to find evidence that Obama administration policy was influenced by the younger Biden’s job, instead citing concerns from officials who called his job “awkward for all US officials pushing an anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine”.

“Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine,” the report says, adding that Biden relatives “cashed in on Joe Biden’s vice presidency”.

But it continues: “The extent to which Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board affected US policy toward Ukraine is not clear.”

Ahead of the report’s release – just six weeks before the presidential election – committee chairman Ron Johnson said in interviews that it was the committee’s goal to release it before the election in order for voters to learn more about Mr Biden and his family before casting their ballot.

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Agriculture And Rural Issues

Biden supported the 2008 farm bill, calling it a “responsible compromise.” When he chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden identified agricultural development and global food prices as major issues.

While in the Senate, Biden called for strong action against invasive species, citing the economic and environmental risks associated with them, including displacement of native shipping, the introduction of disease, and interference with shipping.

In the Senate, Biden paid particular attention to issues affecting the poultry industry, which is economically important to Delaware, especially in the Delmarva peninsula. In the 1990s, Biden criticized the Russian government for threatening to ban imported U.S. chicken, and in 2008 criticized the Russian government for banning imports of chicken from 19 poultry processing plants in the United States, Biden stated that “Russia is once again using non-tariff barriers as an excuse to close its markets to American poultry. … Russia has repeatedly shown that it is not ready to abide by the rules of international trade.” Biden described the Russian action as “part of a bigger picture in which Russia has failed to behave as a responsible member in the international community” and called for the U.S. to block Russia’s application to join the World Trade Organization. Biden also worked to promote funding to research avian influenza.

Political Positions Of Joe Biden

Biden says he would be open to a GOP running mate
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Joe Biden, President of the United States, served as Vice President from 2009 to 2017 and in the United States Senate from 1973 until 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, he made his second presidential run in 2008, later being announced as Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama‘s running mate in 2008. He was elected Vice President in 2008 and re-elected in 2012. In April 2019, Biden announced his 2020 presidential campaign. He became the presumptive Democratic nominee in April 2020, was formally nominated by the Democratic Party in August 2020, and defeated Republican incumbent Donald Trump in the .

Over his career, Biden has generally been regarded as belonging to the mainstream of the Democratic Party. Biden has been described as center-left and has described himself as such. Figures farther to the left such as Bernie Sanders have criticized Biden for not embracing Medicare for All or the Green New Deal. Biden’s policies emphasize the needs of middle-class and working-class Americans and have drawn political support from those groups. Various commentators and observers have likened Biden’s views and proposals to the populism of Ted Kennedy, whom Biden cites as a mentor, and to the Christian democracy of continental Europe.

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The Puzzling Decision To Withdraw From Debates

For most presidential candidates, debates are valuable. They serve as a large-scale, long-format means of detailing their plans and policies to the American public. Thus, it is surprising that the Republican Party would opt out of these debates during this cycle. First, it is always challenging for a presidential challenger to get as much airtime as a sitting president. Because of the nature of the office and the committed press coverage to a sitting President, the incumbent already has a leg up on the competition when it comes to delivering their message to the public. While there have been rumors that President Biden may not seek a second term, the Republican Party must operate under the assumption that he will seek reelection. As a result, the presidential debates offer a challenger an opportunity to be on the same playing fieldin some sense literallyas the sitting president.

Second, presidential campaigns are always a clash and contrast of ideas, and there is no grander stage for that to be played out than in a debate. There are no other opportunities for presidential candidates to face off, directly, across from one another, than in the commission sponsored debates. If a candidate is confident that they are a better candidate, with a more electable set of ideas, and would bring to the office a style and approach far superior to that of their opponent, they should clamor for the opportunity.

Joe Biden As Vice President

Biden kicked off his second attempt at the White House 20 years later, during the 2008 primary, but dropped out after securing only 1 percent of the delegates in the Iowa Democratic caucuses. Barack Obama tapped him to be his running mate after winning the Democratic nomination. In the November 2008 presidential elections, Obama and Biden bested their Republican opponents, John McCain and Sarah Palin, with 52.9 percent of the popular vote. In 2012 they defeated Republican challenger Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan.

After taking office in January 2009 as the 47th vice president of the United States, Biden was charged with overseeing a $787 billion economic stimulus package, running a middle-class task force and reviving an arms reduction treaty with Russia. He also played a strong advisory role with respect to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2015, Biden’s eldest son Beau died of brain cancer, dealing a heavy blow for a man who had already endured such loss. Biden considered a presidential run in 2016 but ultimately decided against it.

READ MORE: 9 Things You Should Know About the Vice Presidency

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The Election Of Joe Biden: Republican Perspective

Dave Hoppe, GLG Network Member and former Chief of Staff to Speaker of the House Paul RyanRead Time: 6.5 Minutes

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Vice President Biden is leading in the polls in a number of contested states and has been declared the winner by ABC at this time. What he will do as President early in his term will depend upon the result of the runoffs in Georgia. There are a range of possibilities in this scenario, including a Senate controlled by the Democrats with 50 votes and the vice presidency, or the Republicans winning 51 or 52 seats in the Senate to stay in the majority.

This is critical because if Vice President Biden has a Democratic majority in the Senate, he will have a very different agenda than if he has to work with a divided legislative branch.

Donald Trump Should Be Furious The Rnc Nixed Presidential Debates

Biden assumes role of Romney attacker

On Thursday, the Republican National Committee voted to withdraw its partys candidates from participation in the official presidential debates. Their unanimous vote to separate from the Commission on Presidential Debates is historic and comes after months of suggestions by the RNC and its chairperson Ronna McDaniel that the party would do so. While it is unclear whether such a move would bar a Republican standard bearer from participating if he or she chose to do so, such a move is a serious threat to the democratic process. It should also infuriate any potential 2024 Republican nominee who believes they could win a debate against President Joe Biden.

The Commission on Presidential Debates sponsors the general election debates between the partys presidential nominees and the partys vice presidential nominees . The RNCs decision to withdraw from participation would not impact debates in the party primaries, which are typically formed from agreements among media organizations, a political party, and the potential candidates from a given party.

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Foreign And Military Policy

Biden has said that “The United States will always reserve the right to defend itself and its allies, by force, if necessary. But force must be used judiciously to protect a vital interest of the United States, only when the objective is clear and achievable, with the informed consent of the American people, and where required, the approval of Congress.” He has emphasized “returning the United States to its traditional role as the leader of a world order based on promotion of democracy, multilateralism, alliance-building and diplomatic engagement” and pledged in 2020 that if elected, he would reinvigorate the U.S.’s traditional alliances, including with countries alienated by Trump, and would convene a summit of major heads of state.

Biden opposes military action aimed at regime change, but has said that “it is appropriate for us to provide nonmilitary support for opposition movements seeking universal human rights and more representative and accountable governance.” With respect to humanitarian intervention, Biden has said the U.S. has “a moral duty, as well as a security interest, to respond to genocide or chemical weapons use” but that such cases “require action by the community of nations, not just the United States.”

Saudi Arabia And Yemen

Biden ordered a halt in the arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates which the Trump administration had previously agreed to. Two years after Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination, Avril Haines, the Director of National Intelligence under Biden’s administration, announced that the intelligence report into the case against Saudi Arabia‘s government would be declassified. It was reported that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman would be blamed for the murder, as was concluded by the CIA.

On February 4, 2021, the Biden administration announced that the U.S. was ending its support for the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen. President Biden in his first visit to the State Department as president said “this war has to end” and that the conflict has created “a humanitarian and strategic catastrophe.” However, the details of the end of American involvement in the war have yet to be released as of April 2021.

In September 2021, Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan met in Saudi Arabia with Crown Prince Bin Salman to discuss the high oil prices. The record-high energy prices were driven by a global surge in demand as the world quit the economic recession caused by COVID-19.

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