Thursday, July 25, 2024

Which Republicans Voted For Impeachment In The House

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Rep Adam Kinzinger Illinois

These House Republicans voted for impeachment

Trump used his office to attack the legislative branch of government, Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois 16th Congressional District said in a statement Tuesday, causing violence and destruction to our nations symbol of democracy.

There is no doubt in my mind that the President of the United States broke his oath of office and incited this insurrection, Kinzinger wrote. If these actions are not worthy of impeachment, then what is an impeachable offense?

FILE PHOTO: Members of the National Guard gather at the U.S. Capitol as the House of Representatives prepares to begin the voting process on a resolution demanding U.S. Vice President Pence and the cabinet remove President Trump from office, in Washington, U.S., January 12, 2021. REUTERS/Erin Scott TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY/File Photo

Here Are The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump After The Capitol Riot

Tala Michel Issa, Al Arabiya English

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Ten Republicans of the US House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump after rioters stormed the Capitol building last week, making him the first president in US history to be impeached twice.

Trumps support within the Republican party appears to be wavering. While only 10 Republicans voted for impeachment, during Trumps first impeachment in 2019 the party closed ranks, with zero votes for impeachment at the time.

All House Democrats voted in favor of the impeachment; 197 Republicans voted against it. The 10 Republican votes for this impeachment trial made history as the tally exceeded the previous record of five Democrat votes during Bill Clintons 1988 impeachment trial.

The US House of Representatives, the lower house of Congress, first decide if a President should be impeached. If the house finds in favor the Senate, the upper house of Congress, will then hold a trial overseen by the US chief justice.

The Senates response to the presidents second impeachment is yet to be determined. In order to render a guilty verdict, 17 Republicans would have to join Democrats.

As of yet, only a small number of Republican senators have shown interest in potentially convicting Trump in a Senate trial. The trial would begin after Trump has left office and after President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on January 20.

Report: 9 Of The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump Facing Primary Challengers

Nine out of the 10 Republican lawmakers who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump are facing primary challenges for their congressional seats.

Fox News reports that a majority of those who joined Democrats and the media circus during the second impeachment trial are facing a barrage of pro-Trump primary challengers.

Some of them, like Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger , according to Fox, may have a very hard time holding on to their seats.

The former President has vowed to back challengers to any Republicans who voted in favor of impeachment as they gear up for a fight in 2022.

Republicans who voted for impeachment face barrage of pro-Trump primary challengers

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Numerous Gop Primary Challengers Could Split Anti

As they prepare to face primary challengers, the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach then-President Donald Trump after his supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 raised significantly more money during the first quarter of 2021 than they did two years earlier.

The group, leveraging the power of incumbency, also swamped their GOP primary opponents in almost every instance during the first round of fundraising since angering Mr. Trump with their votes, new Federal Election Commission filings show.

While all the incumbents outraised challengers who filed campaign finance reports, it is still early in the two-year election cycle and money is just one factor in typically low-turnout primaries.

Mr. Trumps political-action committees could also weigh in financially on some of the contests, and his endorsements could carry significant weight with the partys base. The PACs arent required to report their latest totals until July, but one of them, Save America PAC, started the year with $31 million in the bank and has continued to raise money since then.

In a speech earlier this year at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he called out all 10 by name, Mr. Trump told his supporters to get rid of them all in next years elections.

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Congressman Says Some Republicans

Facing mounting pressure from within the party, Senate Democrats finally hinted Tuesday that an emboldened Schumer may bring the For the People Act back for a second attempt at passage. But with no hope of GOP support for any voting or redistricting reforms and Republicans Senate numbers strong enough to require any vote to cross the 60-vote filibuster threshold, Schumers effort will almost certainly fail.

Senate Democrats are running out of time to protect Americas blue cities, and the cost of inaction could be a permanent Democratic minority in the House. Without resorting to nuclear filibuster reform tactics, Biden, Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may be presiding over a devastating loss of Democrats most reliable electoral fortresses.

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Rep Liz Cheney Wyoming

The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack, Cheney wrote. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not.

Cheney is the highest-ranking House member to vote for Trumps impeachment.

States With Republican Governors Had Highest Covid Incidence And Death Rates Study Finds

States with Democratic governors had the highest incidence and death rates from Covid-19 in the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, but states with Republican governors surpassed those rates as the crisis dragged on, a study released Tuesday found.

From March to early June, Republican-led states had lower Covid-19 incidence rates compared with Democratic-led states. On June 3, the association reversed, and Republican-led states had higher incidence,the study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Medical University of South Carolina showed.

For death rates, Republican-led states had lower rates early in the pandemic, but higher rates from July 4 through mid-December, the study found.

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Rep Anthony Gonzalez Cites The Toxic Dynamics Within The Republican Party For Pushing Him Out Of Congress

Donald Trump | Impeachment Trial in the Senate Chamber

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump for his role in inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, will not run for re-election in 2022.

“While my desire to build a fuller family life is at the heart of my decision, it is also true that the current state of our politics, especially many of the toxic dynamics inside our own party, is a significant factor in my decision,” said Gonzalez, 36, in a statement posted to Twitter on Thursday.

While his two young children and wife, Elizabeth, were central to his decision to give up his seat after only two terms, the former president also played a large part in the congressman’s choice.;

“This is the direction that we’re going to go in for the next two years and potentially four, and it’s going to make Trump the center of fund-raising efforts and political outreach,”;he said in an interview with The New York Times on Thursday.;”That’s not something I’m going to be part of.”

His vote to impeach Trump put him at odds, not only with the former president, but with furious constituents and Ohio’s Republican Party leaders, who for his resignation earlier this year.;

Miller launched his campaign for Ohio’s 16th congressional district with a statement against the incumbent, claiming;in a tweet that Gonzalez “betrayed” Northeast Ohioans with his vote.

Trump’s Iron Grip Loosens

Several House Republicans to vote to impeach President Trump

With just a week left in his term, it now appears all but certain that Donald Trump will become the first president to be impeached twice.

Unlike his first go through the process, this vote will have the support of at least a handful of Republicans – including Liz Cheney, a member of the party’s House leadership team. There is also, unlike January 2020, a chance the Senate has enough votes to successfully convict the president. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s recent signals of approval are evidence of that.

Of course, the primary consequence of Senate conviction – removal from office – seems of limited relevance with so little time left in the Trump presidency. Democrats, however, view impeachment as a formal way of marking their outrage at the president’s behaviour, not just last week, but during his months of challenging and undermining November’s election results.

A successful conviction could also result in Trump’s being banned from ever holding federal public office again and stripped of the privileges enjoyed by ex-presidents.

That prospect alone, in the minds of Democrats , makes impeachment worth the effort.

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House Vote: 218 Representatives

Once the articles make it out of the Judiciary Committee, the 435 members of the House of Representatives can debate the merits of the articles of impeachment.

Just like in the Judiciary Committee, lawmakers need only achieve a simple majority in order to successfully impeach the president and move this whole thing to the Senate. If 218 representatives vote in favor of even one of the articles of impeachment, the president would be impeached. However, itâs worth noting that impeachment does not necessarily ensure the presidentâs removal from office.

John Katko Of New York

GettyRep. John Katko.

Katko has represented New Yorks 24th District since 2015. Katko, a former assistant U.S. attorney, issued a statement on January 12 saying he would vote to impeach Trump. Katko said in a statement, To impeach a sitting president is a decision I do not take lightly. The U.S. Constitution outlines its use only when a high crime or misdemeanor has occurred. He added:

Katko added, Finally, ahead of tomorrows vote on impeachment, the House will this evening consider a non-binding resolution requesting that the Vice President invoke the 25th amendment to remove this President. Vice President Pence has made clear he will not do this, and believes elected representatives should be tasked with this effort, not acting and remaining cabinet members. Accordingly, I will not support this effort.

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Republican Senators To Watch

The Times reported that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell believes the president committed impeachable offenses and is “pleased” at the prospect of his impeachment.

“I have not made a final decision on how I will vote and I intend to listen to the legal arguments when they are presented to the Senate,” McConnell said on Wednesday.;

Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey also said publicly that Trump violated his oath of office.

“I do think the president committed impeachable offenses,” Toomey told Fox News. “I’m not sure it’s desirable to attempt to force him out, what, a day or two or three prior to the day on which he’s going to be finished anyway so I’m not clear that’s the best path forward.”

Read more:;How the Senate could vote to bar Trump from ever holding federal office again and kill any chances of a 2024 run now that the House has impeached him

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski;;and said if the GOP couldn’t separate itself from Trump, she may leave the party. Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse also said he would seriously consider any articles of impeachment against the president in the wake of the violence.

Other GOP Senators including Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, Mitt Romney of Utah, and John Thune of South Dakota have openly criticized the president’s attempts to overturn the election.;

Insider will continue updating this list.

Raskin Compares Trumps Actions On January 6 To Lighting A Fire In Closing Argument

These 10 House Republicans voted to impeach Trump on Wednesday

Trump lawyer Michael van der Veen, meanwhile, insisted his client did nothing wrong and maintained he was the victim of vengeful Democrats and a biased news media. He called the impeachment proceedings a charade from beginning to end.

While he often seemed angry during his presentation, van der Veen was delighted by the acquittal. Reporters saw him fist bump a fellow member of Trumps legal team afterward and exclaim, Were going to Disney World!

While a close call, I am persuaded that impeachments are a tool primarily of removal and we therefore lack jurisdiction, the influential Kentucky Republican wrote in the email, which was obtained by NBC News.

McConnell, whod rebuffed Democratic efforts to start the trial while Trump was still in office, had condemned Trumps conduct after the riot and said hed keep an open mind about voting to convict something hed ruled out entirely during Trumps first impeachment trial last year.

After voting to acquit, McConnell blasted Trump for his disgraceful dereliction of duty and squarely laid the blame for the riot at Trumps door in what amounted to an endorsement of many of the arguments laid out by House impeachment managers.

Theres no question none that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day, McConnell said in a speech on the Senate floor.

Cassidy gave a simple explanation for his vote in a 10-second video statement he posted on Twitter.

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Liz Cheney John Katko And Dan Newhouse Among 10 House Republicans Who Voted In Favour Of Motion

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump a second time on Wednesday. The House voted 232-197 in favour of an unprecedented second impeachment just one week after the violence at the U.S. Capitol.

Those 232 votes were cast in favour of the bill by 222 Democrats along with 10 Republicans, members of Trumps own party.

The Republicans;include:

House Republicans Face Some Backlash Over Vote To Impeach Sounding A Warning To Senators

In his first phone town hall since voting to impeach former President Trump, a voter told South Carolina Congressman Tom Rice his decision was inexcusable.

Next time around, I dont think youre going to get elected, said his Myrtle Beach constituent, from the district Rice has represented since 2013. Im not happy with you. And I certainly wont vote for you again. So if you can figure out some way to redeem yourself, Im all ears.

But the next caller, an 80-year-old woman, commended Rice for the tremendous courage he showed by voting for impeachment.;

If you want a Congressman that is going to bow down to bullies thatll go along with the crowd, Oh, everybody else on this side voted this way, so I better vote that way so people back home dont question me if thats the guy you want, then Im not your guy, Rice said.

But if you want somebody whos gonna stand up for whats right, and protect our Constitution like I took an oath to do, then I am your guy.

For Rice and the nine other House Republicans who voted for impeachment, Mr. Trumps rally speech before the attack at the Capitol and his long silence as rioters breached the building was reason enough to join Democrats in impeaching the president a second time.;

But their decision was met with an immediate backlash from many constituents, local parties and their Republican colleagues.;

Rebecca Kaplan contributed reporting.

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One Voted Last Week Against Certifying Electoral College Results

Ten Republicans voted Wednesday to impeach President Donald Trump, exactly one week after a violent attack on the Capitol by the presidents supporters.;

The Democrat-led House voted 232-197 to approve one article of impeachment against Trump, charging the president with incitement of insurrection.;

The GOP lawmakers who voted to impeach the president from their own party included Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the third-highest-ranking Republican in the House. Cheneys vote has prompted House Republicans to call on her to step down as conference chairwoman.

While many in the group have a history of breaking with their party, the yes votes included several with a strong record of supporting Trump and one, South Carolina Rep. Tom Rice, who voted last week against certifying President-elect Joe Bidens Electoral College victory in two states.;

Most Republicans in the House opposed impeachment, with many arguing the hurried process would further divide the country. But for these 10 Republicans who supported impeachment, the fact that Trump incited the riot at the Capitol was indisputable.;

Four Republicans did not vote on impeachment, including Texas Rep. Kay Granger, who recently tested positive for COVID-19. The others were Reps. Andy Harris of Maryland, Greg Murphy of North Carolina and Daniel Webster of Florida.

Here are the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump:;

Dan Newhouse Of Washington

President Trump faces Senate trial after historic House vote on impeachment

Newhouse, who has represented Washingtons 4th District since 2015, announced his decision to impeach Trump during a speech on the House floor during the debate over the articles of impeachment. Newhouse said in his speech:

Last week, hateful and un-American extremists stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking both the structural embodiment of our Republic and the values we promote as citizens of this great nation. This violent mob, intent on disturbing the constitutional duties of Congress, resulted in the tragic loss of American lives, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer. The mob was inflamed by the language and misinformation of the President of the United States.

This is a pivotal and solemn moment in our countrys history. I wholeheartedly believe our nation and the system of government it was founded upon may well be in jeopardy if we do not rise to this occasion. This is not a decision I take lightly.

Newhouse added, Turning a blind eye to this brutal assault on our Republic is not an option. A vote against this impeachment is a vote to validate the unacceptable violence we witnessed in our nations capital. It is also a vote to condone President Trumps inaction. He did not strongly condemn the attack nor did he call in reinforcements when our officers were overwhelmed. Our country needed a leader, and President Trump failed to fulfill his oath of office.

Newhouse concluded, I will vote yes on the articles of impeachment.

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