Saturday, July 27, 2024

Will Any Republicans Vote To Impeach

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Democrats 10 Republicans Vote For 2nd Impeachment Of Trump

Trump Is Impeached A Second Time, 10 Republicans Vote Against President | NBC News

Democrats in the House of Representatives, joined by 10 Republicans, voted to impeach President Donald Trump for a second time, in a;232197 vote on Jan. 13. The single article of impeachment alleges that the president incited an insurrection that resulted in the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

The impeachment, accomplished in a single seven-hour session, was the fastest in U.S. history. It is also the first time in the nations history that a president has been impeached twice.

Republicans criticized the rush, arguing that it offered no due process to the president and no confidence in the proceedings to the American people. Democrats justified the truncated process by alleging that Trump poses a danger to the nation every day he is in office.

We know that the president of the United States incited this insurrection, this armed rebellion, against our common country, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi alleged. He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love.

Every Democrat voted in favor of impeachment.

Republicans who voted to impeach the president were Reps. Liz Cheney , John Katko , Adam Kinzinger , Fred Upton , Jaime Herrera Beutler , Dan Newhouse ,;Anthony Gonzalez ,;Tom Rice , David Valadao , and Peter Meijer

Some Republicans argued that moving forward with impeachment would further divide the nation.

He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding, McCarthy said.

Trump Attorney Blames Senate For Not Trying Trump In January Does Not Mention Sen Mcconnell Blocked Trial

Trump attorney Michael van der Veen on Saturday blamed the Senate for not holding the impeachment trial in January, without mentioning that then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked the chamber from doing so.

The January exception argument is a creation of the House managers own conduct by delaying they sat on the article, van der Veen said. They could have tried the president while he was still in office if they really believed he was an imminent threat. They didnt.

After last months bipartisan impeachment vote in the House, McConnell said Trump had simply no chance of a fair or serious trial before Bidens inauguration Jan. 20.

McConnells office informed aides to then-Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer that he would not agree to immediately reconvene the Senate that week, according to a person familiar with the matter, despite pressure from Schumer to invoke rarely used emergency powers that allow the two Senate leaders to unilaterally reconvene.

Van der Veen also on Saturday falsely claimed the House impeachment managers had not referenced the Constitution or due process in making their closing arguments.

Several of the managers had done just that. Just minutes earlier, Rep. Joe Neguse had called out Trumps defense team for not allowing the former president to be a witness.

You cant claim theres no due process when you wont participate in the process, Neguse said.

Glenn Kessler contributed to this report.

Trump Impeachment Results: How Democrats And Republicans Voted

67 votes needed to convict

Not Guilty

67 votes needed to convict

Not Guilty 0 53

The deeply divided Senate on Wednesday acquitted President Donald J. Trump on the two articles of impeachment abuse of power and obstruction of Congress brought by the House. See how every senator voted below.

The votes fell far short of the two-thirds majority required to convict and remove the president from office. The Senate rejected the abuse of power charge 52 to 48, largely along party lines. Senators then voted 53 to 47 to defeat the second article charging Mr. Trump with obstruction of Congress.

One Republican, Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, broke with his party and voted in favor of the first article of impeachment, supporting the effort to remove the president.

Motion to Consider Witnesses or Documents

Vote failed on Friday.

On Friday, Senate Republicans succeeded in blocking a motion to consider additional witnesses and documents in the trial, including testimony from John R. Bolton, the presidents former national security adviser.

The crucial vote was cast largely along party lines and paved the way for Mr. Trumps acquittal in the third presidential impeachment trial in the nations history.

For the latest updates, follow our live coverage of the impeachment trial.

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Process For Impeachment And Conviction

The following two charts show the process for impeachment, which begins in the U.S. House with the introduction of an impeachment resolution and a committee inquiry conducted by the United States House Committee on the Judiciary. If the committee adopts articles of impeachment against the official, the articles will go to a full floor vote in the U.S. House.

When articles of impeachment are adopted by the U.S. House, the process moves to the U.S. Senate where senators will either acquit or convict the official following a trial.

Republicans Are Open To Impeachment Witnesses But Democrats Need A 4th

Did Any Republicans Vote for Impeachment?

Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney seem open to witnesses in President Trumps impeachment trial. With one more Republican, Democrats could commandeer the proceedings.

By Sheryl Gay Stolberg

WASHINGTON The Capitol math is clear: Democrats need only four Republican votes to force the Senate to subpoena witnesses like John R. Bolton, the former White House national security adviser, to testify in President Trumps impeachment trial. Three have signaled they may be open to doing so: Senators Mitt Romney, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

That leaves Democrats searching for an elusive fourth vote.

The question of whether four Republicans will defect and if so, who looms large in the Capitol as the Senate prepares to receive articles of impeachment from the House on Wednesday, prompting the third presidential impeachment trial in American history. If they did, Democrats could effectively commandeer the Senate floor during the proceeding and defy Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, by moving to call witnesses.

That could derail Mr. McConnells hopes to secure a quick acquittal of Mr. Trump with little debate, drastically altering the course of the trial and potentially, of Mr. Trumps presidency.

Am I curious about what Ambassador Bolton would have to say? Yes, I am, Ms. Murkowski told reporters, according to Alaska Public Radio. But she said she would not prejudge the need for him to testify until after the cases are presented.

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Constitutionality Of Senate Trial Of Former President

The question of whether the Senate can hold a trial for and convict a former president is unsettled. Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Article II, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution

Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution, also states the following:

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Article I, Section 3, Clause 7, of the U.S. Constitution

J. Michael Luttig, who served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit for 25 years, said that such a trial would be unconstitutional. He interpreted the language of Section 4 to refer to an official in office.

Luttig said, “The very concept of constitutional impeachment presupposes the impeachment, conviction and removal of a president who is, at the time of his impeachment, an incumbent in the office from which he is removed. Indeed, that was the purpose of the impeachment power, to remove from office a president or other ‘civil official’ before he could further harm the nation from the office he then occupies.”

House Republican Who Voted To Impeach Trump Won’t Run Again

AKRON, Ohio The first of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump for his role in inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol announced Thursday night he will not seek reelection next year.

U.S. Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio would have faced Max Miller in the 2022 primary. Trump has endorsed Miller, a former White House and campaign aide, as part of his bid to punish those who voted for his impeachment or blocked his efforts to overturn the results of the election.

Gonzalez represents a district near Akron.

In a statement, Gonzalez, 36, cited his two young children for his decision to retire, while also noting the chaotic political environment that currently infects our country.

While my desire to build a fuller family life is at the heart of my decision, it is also true that the current state of our politics, especially many of the toxic dynamics inside our own party, is a significant factor in my decision, he wrote.

The Ohio Republican Party censured Gonzalez in May for voting in February to impeach Trump. Gonzalez, a former college and professional football player, has stood by his decision in favor of impeachment in the face of fierce pushback from his partys conservative wing.

The Associated Press

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Who Are The 10

Here they are in order of the most pro-Trump districts:

1. Rep. Liz Cheney, Wyoming’s at-large district: Trump won Wyoming 70% to 27%, and she’s the third-ranking leader in the House. So for her not just to vote in favor of impeachment but also issue a stinging rebuke is quite the step. Cheney was unequivocal in her statement, saying Trump “summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack.” She called what Trump did the “greatest betrayal” of a U.S. president ever.

2. Rep. Tom Rice, South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District: This is one no one saw coming. The congressman, who has served since 2013, comes from a pretty pro-Trump district , and there was no indication he would do so beforehand. Even during his vote, Twitter was alight with speculation that Rice had cast the wrong vote. Turns out, he cast it exactly as he wanted to. Later Wednesday, Rice explained: “I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable.”

I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable.

Congressman Tom Rice

Adam Kinzinger

United States V Nixon Ruling

Growing Numbers Of Republicans Are Willing To Vote For Impeachment | TODAY

In a much-anticipated landmark ruling on July 24, 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered President Nixon to release all White House tapes, not just selected transcripts, pertinent to the Watergate investigation. The unanimous ruling in United States v. Nixon found that the president of the United States does not possess an absolute, unqualified executive privilege to withhold information. Writing for the court, Chief JusticeWarren Burger stated:

We conclude that when the ground for asserting privilege as to subpoenaed materials sought for use in a criminal trial is based only on the generalized interest in confidentiality, it cannot prevail over the fundamental demands of due process of law in the fair administration of criminal justice. The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.

A short while after the decision was made public, Nixon issued a statement saying that, while “disappointed in the result, I respect and accept the court’s decision, and I have instructed Mr. St. Clair to take whatever measures are necessary to comply with that decision in all respects.” The president was at the Western White House in California at the time, where he remained through July 28.

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Ten Republicans Joined Democrats In Impeaching Trump A Historic Second Time A Move That Was Quickly Met With Condemnation Back In Their Home States Theyve Been Publicly Scolded Pushed To Resign And Warned That Local Organizations Will Mount A Strong Push To Oust Them From Office In The Primary

After my last election, I had decided not to run again. But the vote by Congressman Valadao to impeach President Trump with no witnesses, evidence, or without allowing any defense was too much for me to stay on the sidelines, Chris Mathys, a former Fresno, California, city council member, told;Newsweek.

Valadao, who represents Californias 21st district, wasnt in office during Trumps first impeachment, as he had been ousted from office in 2018 by Democrat TJ Coxx. In November, Valadao won back his seat from the Democrat who beat him in 2018 by less than a point. The Republican placed blame on Trump for the Capitol riot, saying that his rhetoric was un-American, abhorrent and absolutely an impeachable offense.

That vote in favor of impeaching Trump violated the trust of the millions of Americans that voted for Trump in the November election, according to Mathys, who unsuccessfully sought a seat in New Mexicos House during the 2020 primary. The decision was so egregious, that Mathys doesnt think voters will forget it.

Whit Ayer, a GOP strategist, told;Newsweek;it was a very gutsy decision to vote in favor of impeachment because they knew they would likely draw challenges. However, it remains to be seen how much the impeachment will play in the 2022 primary and one of the factors that is still up in the air is how much of a political powerhouse Trump will be in 18 months.

Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler

Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington State said that she would vote to impeach because she believed that the president had acted in violation of his oath of office.

I understand the argument that the best course is not to further inflame the country or alienate Republican voters, she said. But I am a Republican voter. I believe in our Constitution, individual liberty, free markets, charity, life, justice, peace and this exceptional country. I see that my own party will be best served when those among us choose truth.

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Louisiana Gop Votes To Censure Sen Cassidy

Literally minutes after Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., voted to convict President Donald Trump the Louisiana GOP voted to censure him. Cassidy was one of seven Republicans to cross party lines.

The Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Louisiana has unanimously voted to censure Senator Bill Cassidy for his vote cast earlier today to convict former President Donald J. Trump on the impeachment charge, the Republican Party of Louisiana said in a statement.

Cassidy, who vacillated between convicting and acquitting the president this week, has been a senator since 2014. He was previously a congressman from the state. A censure officially condemns a politician, but does not carry any further power, such as removal from office.

Our Constitution and our country is more important than any one person, Cassidy said in a statement. I voted to convict President Trump because he is guilty.

-ABC News Quinn Scanlan

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Here Are The Republicans Who Voted To Hear Witnesses At Trumps Impeachment Trial


By Clare Foran and Ali Zaslav, CNN

Five Republicans voted with Democrats on Saturday in favor of allowing witnesses during former President Donald Trumps second impeachment trial, a move that now means it is unclear when the trial will conclude. The final vote tally in the Senate was 55-45.

  • Susan Collins of Maine
  • Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

CNNs Jeremy Herb and Kristin Wilson contributed to this report.

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Early Calls For Impeachment

During the opening months of the 93rd Congress, multiple resolutions calling for a presidential impeachment inquiry were introduced in the House and referred to its Judiciary Committee. The committee began an examination of the charges under its general investigative authority. In February 1973, the House approved a resolution providing additional investigative authority that did not specifically mention impeachment.

The first resolution to directly call for President Nixon’s impeachment was introduced on July 31, 1973, by Robert Drinan. His resolution, which did not contain specific charges, was made in response to Nixon’s clandestine authorization of the bombing of Cambodia, as well as his actions relative to the growing Watergate scandal. The resolution was effectively ignored by leaders of both parties. House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill later said,

Morally, Drinan had a good case. But politically, he damn near blew it. For if Drinan’s resolution had come up for a vote at the time he filed it, it would have been overwhelmingly defeatedby something like 400 to 20. After that, with most of the members already on record as having voted once against impeachment, it would have been extremely difficult to get them to change their minds later on.

Republican Senators Would Vote To Impeach Trump If Vote Was Secret

Republican strategist Mike Murphy said that he was told by a Republican Senator that 30 Republican Senators would vote to convict Trump on impeachment if the vote was secret.

Murphy said on MSNBCs Andrea Mitchell Reports, These Senate Republicans, should the Democrats vote impeachment which is far more likely than not, are going to be pinned down to a yes/no answer. If they provide cover to Donald Trump for this, a clear violation of his role as president, were going to lose Colorado with Cory Gardner, were going to lose Maine with Susan Collins, were going to lose Arizona with McSally and the Democrats will put the senate very much in play. The politics of it will get worse and worse for Trump. Maybe that will motivate him going forward. Romneys right, more facts. One Republican senator told me if it was a secret vote, 30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump.

Mike Murphy also noted that the Ukraine scandal has changed the political conventional wisdom on impeachment. It was formerly believed that Trump impeachment would help Republicans, but the Ukraine case is so easy to understand and cut and dry that if Republicans give Trump cover on this, it could cost them their seats.

Video of Murphy:

Republican strategist Mike Murphy said that there are 30 Senate Republicans who would vote to convict Trump if the vote was secret.

Sarah Reese Jones

If Senate Republicans save Trump, they might be dooming themselves in 2020.

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