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Mike Bloomberg Is Republican Or Democrat

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The Hubris Is Unbelievable: Dems Seethe Over Bloomberg Gop Donations

Democratic candidates hammer Mike Bloomberg at Nevada debate

Good luck explaining the Scott Brown endorsement against Elizabeth Warren.

11/26/2019 05:21 AM EST

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Michael Bloombergs debut 2020 campaign ad touts that he took charge of New York in the wake of 9/11.

What Bloomberg doesnt mention: He leaned heavily on an endorsement from Rudy Giuliani, the then-New York mayor who is now President Donald Trumps personal attorney, to win that post. Bloomberg trumpeted his support in TV advertising and direct mail, chastising his Democratic opponent for being no friend of Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani is just one of many skeletons in Bloombergs partisan closet. As he pursues the Democratic presidential nomination, hell have to explain the millions hes spent putting Republicans into office, including contributions backing more than a dozen current and former members of Congress.

The billionaire businessman, who has switched parties several times throughout his political career, endorsed George W. Bushs 2004 reelection campaign, contributed to John McCain and even held a fundraiser for a House GOP member as recently as last year.

And thats not all. Beneficiaries of his largesse include former Sen. Orrin Hatch , a vigorous Trump defender, and Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby of Alabama, who once chaired the Senate Banking Committee.

Then theres former Sen. Scott Brown . Bloomberg endorsed and held a fundraiser for Brown when he ran against Elizabeth Warren in 2012.

Sally Goldenberg contributed to this report.

Michael Bloomberg Under Growing Scrutiny As Presidential Campaign Heats Up

Already, Bloomberg has drawn the attention of Trump, Sanders, the progressive leader who sits atop national polls for the Democratic nomination, and a chattering class of Democratic elites so bent on stopping Sanders that it’s not always clear defeating Trump is their highest priority. And Bloomberg didn’t compete here or in any of the other three early voting states, preferring instead to reserve his fire for the Super Tuesday slate of contests in 14 states on March 3.

“The Beatles were wrong,” Republican strategist Alex Castellanos said in an interview here. “Two billion dollars can buy you love, and he is reshaping the political debate here. And in a culture that eats its heroes in one news cycle, his campaign of not running for president may be the best way to run for president.”

Sanders has to worry that he could get swamped if the Democratic establishment rallies behind Bloomberg. The rest of the Democratic field has to worry that’s exactly what the establishment worried about Sanders and Trump is getting ready to do. And Trump has to worry that he’ll end up facing off against a more successful capitalist who beat Sanders and proved that the Democratic Party isn’t the “socialist” summer camp that Trump likes to portray it as.

“Bloomberg could win the Trump campaign before Trump gets to,” Castellanos said.

But things are about to get a lot more interesting, as Bloomberg appears to be on the verge of kicking into a much higher gear after Tuesday’s results are in.

Pritzker: Governors Are On Our Own As Federal Government Has Fallen Down After Coronavirus

Joe will stand on the side of working families and serve as a partner to us in Illinois as we work to create good paying jobs, expand healthcare and invest in education, Pritzker said. After four years of Donald Trumps failure to lead with honor, tell the truth, or stand up for the middle class, we need a steady hand and a President who is ready to move our nation past the divisiveness and vitriol that have become the norm in 2020. I trust Joe to lead with his head and heart, to do whats right, and to get things done for the American people.

During Pritzkers successful 2018 bid for governor, Biden praised the billionaire businessman-turned politician during a campaign swing through Illinois. Biden had already received an endorsement from Penny Pritzker, JBs sister who served in the Obama administration as the commerce secretary.

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Mayor Of New York City

While at the helm of his company, Bloomberg served on the boards of leading cultural institutions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Central Park Conservancy, and the Jewish Museum, and he donated $100 million to Johns Hopkins University. Yet he was known for tyrannical outbursts in the Bloomberg offices, browbeating employees and turning against anyone who left his firm. Intensely competitive, Bloomberg, a lifelong Democrat, entered the 2001 race for mayor of New York City as a Republican. Bloomberg funded much of his mayoral campaign himself, spending more than $68 million from his personal fortune .

Bloombergs campaign themes focused on issues of great concern to New Yorkers: improvements in traffic and transit, housing, and education. What helped him most, however, was the endorsement of outgoing New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, whose leadership following the was universally praised. After trailing badly in the polls just weeks before the November 6 election, Bloomberg won the mayors race. He immediately led redevelopment efforts, pushed for the passage of a controversial citywide smoking ban , revitalized tourism, and erased the citys budget deficit.

The Winners And Losers Of Fridays Democratic Debate

Mike Bloomberg Is The Racist, Sexist, Elitist Id of the Democrat Party ...

Mind you, most Democratic office-holders know this is general-election suicide: Just two years ago, 79 House Democrats voted against the Congressional Progressive Caucus budget that aimed to hike taxes by $9 trillion over 10 years and that was before the 2018 elections, when dozens of new moderate members won by appealing to the center.

And so would-be moderate Bloomberg aims to starkly raise tax rates on corporations, investors and individual high earners, not only rolling back many of the Trump tax cuts but boosting estate and capital-gains taxes while creating a 5% surtax on incomes over $5 million a year.

And his advisers say he might come up with even more revenue-raising measures and specifically said he didnt see the current $1 trillion deficit as an issue.

Which suggests that hell also be offering spending plans that compete with the other candidates, who are calling for trillions to go for a Green New Deal, Medicare for All and so on.

Yes, Mike Bloomberg has been a liberal his whole life, only registering temporarily as a Republican so he had a path to run for mayor of New York City. Hes always been pro-gun control and long wanted to spend big to combat global warming.

But hes abandoning other principles for this run witness his complete 180 on stop-and-frisk and now his tax-hike fever. Will he come out against charter schools next?

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Who Are Prominent Democrats

Notable Democrats include Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was the only president to be elected to the White House four times, and Barack Obama, who was the first African American president . Other Democratic presidents include John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. The latters wife, Hillary Clinton, made history in 2016 as the first woman to win the presidential nomination of a major U.S. political party, though she ultimately lost the election. In 1968 Shirley Chisholm won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, becoming the first African American woman elected to Congress, and in 2007 Nancy Pelosi became the first woman to serve as speaker of the House.

Move To Homewood And Early 20th Century History

In the early 20th century, the university outgrew its buildings and the trustees began to search for a new home. Developing Clifton for the university was too costly, and 30 acres of the estate had to be sold to the city as public park. A solution was achieved by a team of prominent locals who acquired the estate in north Baltimore known as . On February 22, 1902, this land was formally transferred to the university. The flagship building, Gilman Hall, was completed in 1915. The relocated in Fall of 1914 and the followed in 1916. These decades saw the ceding of lands by the university for the public Wyman Park and Wyman Park Dell and the , coalescing in the contemporary area of 140 acres .

Prior to becoming the main Johns Hopkins campus, the Homewood estate had initially been the gift of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a Maryland planter and signer of the , to his son Charles Carroll Jr. The original structure, the 1801 , still stands and serves as an on-campus museum. The brick and marble style of Homewood House became the architectural inspiration for much of the university campus versus the style of other historic American universities.

In 1909, the university was among the first to start adult programs and in 1916 it founded the US’ first .

Since the 1910s, Johns Hopkins University has famously been a “fertile cradle” to ‘s .

Presidents of the university

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Other Educational And Research Philanthropy

Through Bloomberg Philanthropies, Bloomberg established the American Talent Initiative in 2016 which is committed to increasing the number of lower-income high-achieving students attending elite colleges. Bloomberg Philanthropies also supports CollegePoint which has provided advising to lower- and moderate-income high school students since 2014.

In 2016, the Museum of Science, Boston announced a $50 million gift from Bloomberg. Bloomberg credited the museum with sparking his intellectual curiosity as a patron and student during his youth in Medford, Massachusetts. It is the largest donation in the museum’s 186-year history.

In 2015, Bloomberg donated $100 million to Cornell Tech, the applied sciences graduate school of Cornell University on the school’s Roosevelt Island campus.

In 1996, Bloomberg endowed the William Henry Bloomberg Professorship at Harvard University with a $3 million gift in honor of his father, who died in 1963, saying, “throughout his life, he recognized the importance of reaching out to the nonprofit sector to help better the welfare of the entire community.”

National Parties Give House Members Candidates New Campaign Guidelines Amid Coronavirus

Everything Mike Bloomberg Said at the Las Vegas Democratic Debate | NBC New York

WASHINGTON Congressional candidates plodding ahead in light of the coronavirus pandemic have received some recent guidance from national party organizations as they look to balance the needs of their campaigns with new public health restrictions.

A Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesperson told NBC News that the organization is urging campaigns to follow the guidance of national experts and their local public health experts and make sure that they are continuing to connect with voters, but doing that safely, while erring on the side of caution to keep their campaign staff, volunteers and voters all safe.

The DCCC is also recommending that campaigns shift where possible to virtual events like tele-town halls, virtual phone banks or live-streamed roundtables.

National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., sent Republican House members a memo that ran through some suggested best practices on issues like fundraising, public events and communications.

Some of that guidance mimics what the DCCC told their members the NRCC suggests limiting grassroots events, shifting field work to phone canvassing and launching tele-town halls.

On fundraising, Emmer cautioned that candidates should continue to fundraise but be sensitive that your donors may have suffered financial losses during this pandemic and ask their donors how they are holding up in light of the crisis.

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Bloomberg’s Millions For Republicans Drawing Democrats’ Fire

He’s spent millions boosting Republicans and hundreds of millions more for Dems.

Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, whos made his major contributions to Democrats and liberal causes a central part of his pitch to Democratic primary voters, highlighted his efforts in Tuesdays debate arguing that, unlike others on the stage, hes achieved results.

“I have a 6-million-person organization around this country, Moms Demand Action, and Everytown,” he said to applause on the Charleston debate stage.

While hes also touted the roughly $100 million he spent to support House Democratic candidates in 2018, his critics seized on the millions he spent earlier in his political career to boost Republicans for the House and Senate.

“I don’t care how much money Mayor Bloomberg has,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said during Tuesdays debate, citing Bloombergs contributions to several GOP senators to make the case hes out of step with primary voters.

“The core of the Democratic Party will never trust him. He has not earned their trust. I will. And the fact that he cannot earn the trust of the core of the Democratic Party means he is the riskiest candidate standing on this stage.”

Bloombergs super PAC spent nearly $3 million in support of then-Illinois Rep. Bob Dold between 2012 and 2014 as well as millions more in support of other Republicans running for both the House and Senate over the years.

Bloomberg also gave to former President George W. Bush and Rudy Giuliani.

Super Tuesday Results And Suspension Of Campaign

In the March 3, 2020 “Super Tuesday” primaries, Bloomberg finished in third or fourth place in most of the 14 states involved, picking up a total of 61 delegates out of the more than 1,000 that were available. On March 4, 2020, Bloomberg suspended his campaign, stating, “I’m a believer in using data to inform decisions. After yesterday’s results, the delegate math has become virtually impossible and a viable path to the nomination no longer exists.” Bloomberg then endorsed Joe Biden.

Following the suspension of his campaign, Bloomberg donated money to nonprofits which register people of color to vote. This includes a $2 million donation to Collective Future, a group that registers black voters, and a $500,000 donation to Voto Latino, which registers young Latinos as voters.

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How Much Is Bloomberg Spending

With Michael Bloomberg, Capital Won

Mr Bloombergs ad spending has so far out-paced Mr Trumps, according to advertising data.

In the past two weeks alone, Mr Bloomberg has splurged more than $1m per day on Facebook ads, mostly targeting Super Tuesday states that will vote on 3 March.

Thats more than five times what Mr Trump has spent over the same period, according to NBC News.

According to Forbes, the co-founder of financial media company Bloomberg LP is worth $62bn. Mr Trumps own fortune is estimated at $3.1bn.

Mr Trump disparaged his fellow New York billionaire on Thursday, tweeting: Mini Mike Bloomberg is a LOSER who has money but cant debate and has zero presence, you will see.

In response, Mr Bloomberg said the people of New York City laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown.

Earlier in the week, Mr Trump called Mr Bloomberg a total racist after an audio tape emerged of the former mayor making incendiary comments while defending the controversial stop and frisk policing policy.

. we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will.

Mike Bloomberg

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Early Years And Daniel Coit Gilman

The trustees worked alongside four notable university presidents of , of , of and of . They each vouched for to lead the new University and he became the universitys first president. Gilman, a -educated scholar, had been serving as president of the prior to this appointment. In preparation for the universitys founding, visited and other German universities.

Gilman launched what many at the time considered an audacious and unprecedented academic experiment to merge teaching and research. He dismissed the idea that the two were mutually exclusive: The best teachers are usually those who are free, competent and willing to make original researches in the library and the laboratory, he stated. To implement his plan, Gilman recruited internationally known researchers including the mathematician the biologist the physicist , the and Charles D. Morris the economist and the chemist , who became the second president of the university in 1901.

Gilman focused on the expansion of graduate education and support of faculty research. The new university fused advanced scholarship with such professional schools as medicine and engineering. Hopkins became the national trendsetter in programs and the host for numerous scholarly journals and associations. The , founded in 1878, is the oldest American in continuous operation.

Prominent Environmental Group Endorses Joe Biden

WASHINGTON Former vice president Joe Biden embraced an endorsement from a prominent environmental advocacy group, the League of Conservation Voters , Monday and suggested that hes open to building on his climate plan with environmental leaders and organizations.

The LCV, which aims to elect pro-environmental candidates nationwide, announced its formal support for the apparent Democratic nominee in a statement Monday morning. That statement applauded Bidens proposed climate plan and the candidates record of protecting the environment and addressing the climate crisis.

We are proud to endorse Joe Biden to be the next president of the United States, LCV Action Fund Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Tiernan Sittenfeld, stated. We cannot afford the cost of inaction or another four years of a Trump presidency.

Responding to the endorsement, the Biden campaign said in its own statement Monday that its committed to working with the LCV on expanding its current climate policy.

I have asked my campaign to commence a process to meaningfully engage with more voices from the climate movement, Biden said. Together, his campaign along with leaders and organizations like the LCV will collaborate on additional policies in areas ranging from environmental justice to new, concrete goals we can achieve within a decade, to more investments in a clean energy economy.

We are all in to help elect Joe Biden, she added.

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