Friday, July 26, 2024

Did The Democrats And Republicans Switch

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The Ideology Of Old Republicans And Modern Democrats

Why Did the Democratic and Republican Parties Switch Platforms?

Lincoln; was an;anti-slavery Republican;in;his day. In terms of pushing for social justice, using federal power, and taxation;his position was similar to todays progressivesocial liberal.

The Federalists and;Whigs;who became the Republicans were often classically conservative in terms of trade, taxes, and general authority. However, factions like;Conscience Whigs,;Half-Breeds, and Radical Republicans worked along with the fact that Republicans were not the Confederate pro-slavery South and drew a lot of progressives in Americas first 100-or-so years especially in the mid-1800s at the height of tension over slavery.

With that noted, we can say the;anti-slavery;Republicans of Lincolns time;roughly held;the beliefs of their predecessors the;Federalists;and;Whigs, but ;also of;todays modern Progressives and;Democrats.

Compared to their opposition the above major parties;are roughly;pro-north, pro-banking, pro-federal power, pro-northern factory, and pro-taxes. They favor collective;rights over individual rights,;typically using Federal power to ensure the;welfare of the collective. Thus, they;are;classically;conservative in terms of favoring authority, but liberal in terms of social policy.;So they are, as a party, classical conservatives;and social liberals;.

TIP: See this documentary from 1992 to understand New Democrats.

Democrats Wanted To Entice Western Settlers With Money

Democrats thought they figured out a strategy. Republican federal expansions in the 1860-70s favored big businesses in the Northeast, such as banks, railroads and manufacturers. Yet small-time farmers who had gone to the West received very little.

Both parties tried to exploit this frustration, by promising the little guy some of the federal monies. Democrats stuck with this stance favoring federally funded social programs and benefits while Republicans were gradually driven to the opposing position of smaller, hands-off government.

The Founding Federalists And Anti

To see how the parties have evolved properly from the founders to 2016, we;can start by comparing;pre-Civil War factions such as the;founding;Federalists and Anti-Federalists;in the First Party System.

Here we can compare figures like the North Eastern Federalists Alexander Hamilton and John Adams;to the Virginian Anti-Federalists Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry to get a sense of the two general types of ideologies that color Americas future parties and factions .

Here we can see the roots of progressivism and states rights populism in the Democratic party and the roots of traditional pro-business conservatism in the Federalists. Here we can also note that, despite none of the founders supporting slavery, it is the small government mentality to Democrats that allows for slavery, while the Whig-like conservatism of the Federalists is more geared toward global trade and banking and less tolerant of the nefarious institution.

Although we can put the founders in two big tents and understand American history that way, looking;at the nuanced views;of the founders allows us to better;understand the roots of the different types of liberal and conservative / elite and populist positions that we find in each party system.

Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties.Thomas Jefferson

National debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.Alexander Hamilton

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The Third Party System: Reconstruction And The Gilded Age

Post-Civil War era politics in the United States can be understood by examining the;Third Party System factions of;Reconstruction and the Gilded Age.

In the Gilded Age things change in a major way due to both parties embracing cronyism but before we get there we need to understand Reconstruction.

The changes in the Republican party in this era are best explained by looking at;the conservative, moderate, and radical;Republicans of Reconstruction;. Meanwhile factions like carpet baggers and ex-Southern Unionist scallywags are illustrative of different reconstruction Democrats.

Here it is vital to note one of the hardest;things to talk about in American history, but Ill say it plain. The South didnt want to lose the war, they wanted to win, they didnt want to stop slavery, they wanted to continue it. They did not respond well to losing the war. Lincoln was immediately executed, Andrew Johnson took over, he was impeached, and the military had to occupy the south while the KKK committed what was frankly genocide against Freedmen.

As noted above, Reconstruction was part rebuilding, part Civil Rights ,;part enforcing actual law and order and preventing forced slavery under different names and murder , and part ;Redeemers.

The Redeemers completely changed the Democratic party by unifying the non-racist factions and moving the Democratic party toward business interests .

The Conservative Coalition Vs The New Deal Coalition

Bill Whittle

Now that we know the basics, the changes in both parties in the 1900s are perhaps best understood by examining;the Conservative Coalition;and the New Deal Coalition.

The Conservative Coalition was a coalition between the anti-Communist Republicans like Nixon and Reagan and conservative Southern Democrats. It arose to oppose FDRs New Deal progressivism, and it blocked a lot of the progressive legislation the New Deal Coalition tried to pass from the 1930s to the 1960s. The socially conservative solid south;was still its own entity. It sometimes voted;with other Democrats, and sometimes broke off into its own factions. See the 1960 election Kennedy v. Nixon v. Harry F. Byrd. The Coalition tellingly dwindled post 64 Civil Rights and ended in the Clinton era as conservative southerners became Republicans and formed;the modern construct of the Red States and the Blue States.

Meanwhile,;the New Deal coalition explains the progressive coalition of Democrats and Republicans the Conservative coalition opposed. Today the two parties largely resemble these coalitions.

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Republicans And Democrats Did Not Switch Sides On Racism

NOTE:;Below is a summary article byFrances Rice and further below is a more extensive article by Kevin D.Williamson.____________________________________Republicans And Democrats DidNot Switch Sides On RacismThese Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity thesedays and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never hadbefore, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we’ve got to dosomething about this; we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough toquiet them down, not enough to make a difference.~~ President Lyndon B. JohnsonLeftists Become Incandescent When Reminded of theSocialist Roots in Nazism.I would rather die a thousand times and seeold glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than see this beloved landof ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimenof the wilds.These Negroes, theyre getting uppity thesedays.; Thats a problem for us, since they got something now they neverhad before.; The political pull to back up their upityness.; Now,weve got to do something about this.; Weve got to give them a littlesomething.; Just enough to quiet them down, but not enough to make adifference.; If we dont move at all, their allies will line up againstus.; And therell be no way to stop them.; Itll be Reconstructionall over again._______________________________From the May 28, 2012, issue of National Review.

The Rise Of Modern Social Liberalism And Social Conservatism

Later we get a third way with Bill Clintons New Democrats. This third way is an extension;of the;progressive bourbon liberal wing, but mashed-up with the progressive social liberal wing, and Reagan-era;conservatism. These three social liberal ideologies which Clinton embodied can collectively be referred to as an;American liberalism. These factions, which we can today denote as;progressive, neoliberal, and social liberal, can be used to differentiate types of liberals on the political left from the New Deal Coalition and the modern Democratic party of today.

TIP: As noted above in the introduction, there is no one way to understand Americas political ideologies, but each angle we look at things from helps us to better understand;bits of the historic puzzle.

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The Fifth Party System And American Liberalism And Conservatism

In more modern times we can;to look at;the Fifth Party;System in which race, social justice, the;currency debate, religious issues like Temperance and Prohibition, and other issues of modernization seen in earlier systems had already split the parties into many factions. In this era, we;can see a telling split by comparing;the socially conservative anti-communist classical liberal Republican Hoover to;the big government pro-worker social liberal Democrat FDR;.

To fully grasp what happens from;Hoover and FDR on, itll help to quickly discuss;American liberalism and conservatism and how they;relate to other ideologies like progressivism.

Although we can see shadows of most modern political ideologies;in any age of recorded;history by looking to old nation-states like;Sparta, Athens, and Rome;or to revolutionary Britain, America, and France, American liberalism and conservatism undergo a noticeable change in the Gilded Age and Progressive era. Given this, the general;tension over social issues, and thus the use of government, can be described in modern times;as being between a few;general political ideologies:

NOTE: Many;elites are classical liberals and/or conservatives, yet most issues discussed in politics between voters are social issues . For example, almost everyone on K street and Wall Street are neoliberals and neoconservatives, yet the average voter votes on;social justice issues. Think about it.

The Big Lie Claim Is A Dodge

Democrats vs Republicans: Did the parties switch?

Before these filings, Biden had attacked Georgias voting-integrity law as Jim Crow in the 21st century. While Democrats current focus is Georgia, the talking-point of the party is that voting rights are under attack by GOP-controlled states after Republicans seized on former President Donald Trumps false claim of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election as a pretext for passing new legislation curtailing ballot access.

Biden later repeated the Jim Crow canard in pushing H.R. 1, the so-called For the People Act, which could gut many mainstream state statutes designed to ensure voting integrity, such as voter ID laws. In a speech in Philadelphia earlier this month, after branding state election-integrity laws a 21st-century Jim Crow assault, the president sought to connect Trumps attacks on the validity of the 2020 electioncalling it both the Big Lie and the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil Warthe January 6, 2021 storming of the capitol, and the supposed imperative for passage of H.R. 1.

There is a dangerous confluence of factors at play here that has permeated the press coverage of election-related matters. By coloring all criticism of the 2020 election as part of The Big Lie, the left allows itself to ignore evidence of actual fraud, widespread illegal voting, violations of the Electors Clause, and, frankly, just plain incompetence.

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A Response To The Claim Welfare Is Equatable To Slavery

In the 1850s, inequality in the Northern big government cities, northern immigration in the big cities , and African slavery in the small government south all existed side-by-side. and in ways, so it is today . Northern cities still favor bigger government, and they still have problems of racism and inequality, Rural South still favors small government . This does not make the North of today equatable to the slave economy of the South of yesterday however.

There is this idea that welfare is equatable to slavery in this respect, as in both cases a societal structure is providing basic essentials for a class of people . This argument, often presented in tandem with the claim the parties didnt switch/change is essentially a red herring that misses the nuances we describe on this page .

The southern conservatives who held slaves and fought for the Confederacy essentially switched out of the Democratic party starting in the 1960s, and even continuing to the modern day , in response to LBJs welfare programs . In other words, if the southern conservative had wanted to oppress a class of people with welfare, one would logically assume they wouldnt have switched out of the Democratic party over time in response to welfare programs.

Today it is a Southern Republican who flies to Confederate flag, today it is a Republican who champions small government in America. Yesterday, it was a Southern Democrat.

The Republican Party Was Founded To Halt Slavery

Before you talk about whether the republicans and democrats switched platforms, you must understand their early positions. The Republican Party formed in 1854 in Exeter, New Hampshire. The Republican Partys main purpose was to stop or halt the expansion of slavery in the United States.

During the 1860s, Republicans dominated the Northern states. They planned an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed these measures. Alexander Hamilton would be very proud. After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted additional protections for African Americans. Southern Democrats largely opposed these expansions of power.

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Hillsborough Gop Sticks With Antifa Myth

In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 invasion of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters, the Hillsborough County Republican Party and Chairman Jim Waurishuk stuck to the false narrative that the incident was perpetrated by leftists and antifa and blamed Democrats.

All pre-planned, orchestrated and executed by Democrats to implicate and blame President Trump and Trump patriots, said one Waurishuk Facebook post.

Pelosi and the House Democrats invited busloads of Antifa to riot, said another.

In fact, Florida Republicans, including state GOP Chairman Joe Gruters, had helped organize busloads of demonstrators for the rally that preceded the Capitol riot.

The Hillsborough GOP Facebook page reposted an item saying Antifa planned to dress as Trump supporters, and added the comment, As always, a lot of gaslighting against Trump supporters. Dont believe everything you read or hear on #FakeNewsMedia.

Contact William March at .

Television And The Internet

Did the Republicans and Democrats Switch? Part 1

A 2013 review concluded that there is no firm evidence that media institutions are contributing to the polarization of average Americans. No evidence supports the idea that longstanding news outlets are becoming increasingly partisan. Analyses confirm that the tone of evening news broadcasts remained unchanged from 1968 to 1996: largely centrist, with a small but constant bias towards Democratic Party positions. However, more partisan media pockets have emerged in blogs, talk radio, websites, and cable news channels, which are much more likely to use insulting language, mockery, and extremely dramatic reactions, collectively referred to as outrage. People who have strongly partisan viewpoints are more likely to watch partisan news.

Furthermore, a 2018 study highlights that there is no correlation between increased media and Internet consumption and increased political polarization. The data confirms a larger increase in polarization among individuals over 65 compared to those aged 18â39, revealing that Internet consumption is only a small factor in calculating the cause of political polarization.

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When And Why The Democratic And Republican Parties Switched Platforms President Lincoln’s Philosophies Were Actually Democratic


The Democratic-Republican Party is the earliest political party in the United States.
Democratic-Republican Party

The Whig Party was a political party formed in 1834 by opponents of President Andrew Jackson and his Jacksonian Democrats, launching the two-party system.’ Led by Henry Clay, the name Whigs was derived from the English antimonarchist party and was an attempt to portray President; Jackson as “King Andrew.”;Whigs;tended to be wealthy and have an aristocratic background. Most Whigs were based in New England and in New York.;While Jacksonian Democrats painted the Whigs as the party of the aristocracy, they managed to win support from diverse economic groups and elect two presidents: William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor. The other two Whig presidents, John Tyler, and Millard Fillmore gained office as Vice Presidents next in the line of succession.

Early Whig Party Campaign Poster.

Northern Democrats were in serious opposition to Southern Democrats on the issue of slavery. Northern Democrats, led by Stephen Douglas, believed in Popular Sovereigntyletting the people of the territories vote on slavery. The Southern Democrats , reflecting the views of the late John C. Calhoun, insisted slavery was national.


William Jennings Bryan Legendary “Octopus Poster” from the 1900 Campaign.
Abraham Lincoln, photograph by Gardner, 1865.

An Introduction To The Different Types Of Democrats And Republicans: This Is A Story Of Factions Switching And Parties Changing

I cant stress this enough, a;major thing that changes in history is the Southern;Social Conservative one-party voting bloc .

This is the easy thing to explain given the conservative Souths historically documented support of figures like Calhoun,;John Breckenridge;and his Socially Conservative Confederates of the;Southern Democratic Party,;, the other Byrd who ran for President,;Thurmond, C. Wallace,;Goldwater , and later conservative figures like Reagan, Bush, and Trump .

The problem isnt showing the;changes related to this, or showing the progressive southerners like LBJ, the Gores, and Bill Clinton arent of the same exact breed as the socially conservative south, the problem is that the party loyalty of the conservative south;is hardly the;only thing that changes, nor is it the only thing going on in American history .

Not only that, but here we have to note that;the north and south have;its own factions, Democrats and Republicans have their own factions, and each region and state has its own factions and that gives us many different types of Democrats and Republicans.

Consider,;Lindsey Graham essentially inherited;Strom Thurmonds seat, becoming the next generation of solid south South Carolina conservative, now solidly in the Republican party.

Birmingham was all about a Democrat spraying a firehose at a Democrats, while the Democrats sent in the national guard to stop the protestors, while;a Democrat told the guard to stand down.

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