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How Many Votes Did Trump Get In Michigan

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A Closer Look At How Trump Lost Michigan: State Releases Election Results By City Township

Donald Trump campaign loses lawsuit to stop vote count in Michigan: Reuters

Election officials, poll watchers and challengers monitor the counting of Grand Rapids absentee ballots at DeVos Place on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020. Cory Morse | MLive.com

In 2016, Donald Trump won the affluent suburbs of Grosse Pointe Woods, Bloomfield Hills and Rockford.

In 2020, there was a 12-point swing in all three communities, and Joe Biden took all three.

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Pressure On State And Local Officials

As the Trump campaign’s lawsuits were repeatedly rejected in court, Trump personally communicated with Republican local and state officials in at least three states, including state legislators, attorneys general, and governors who had supported him in the general election and continued to support him. He pressured them to overturn the election results in their states by recounting votes, throwing out certain votes, or getting the state legislature to replace the elected Democratic slate of Electoral College members with a Republican slate of electors chosen by the legislature. In late November, he personally phoned Republican members of two county electoral boards in Michigan, trying to get them to reverse their certification of the result in their county. He then invited members of the Michigan state legislature to the White House, where they declined his suggestion that they choose a new slate of electors. He repeatedly spoke to the Republican governor of Georgia and the secretary of state, demanding that they reverse their state’s election results, threatening them with political retaliation when they did not, strongly criticizing them in speeches and tweets, and demanding that the governor resign.

Look First To Metro Detroit

A few weeks ago, the Free Press took a deep dive into the state’s regions, their voting trends and their importance in electing statewide candidates. That piece concluded that history indicated that anytime a Democratic presidential or gubernatorial candidate won better than 56% in metro Detroit defined as Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties he or she would win the state.

Clinton won the Democratic-leaning region 55.8%-39.9% for Trump four years ago.

Biden won it 58.6%-40.1%.

Driving Biden’s success wasn’t only the fact that he did better percentage-wise than Clinton did in 2016 across metro Detroit, however. Record turnout of 5.5 million, larger than that seen in the election of 2008, drove his victory. In Oakland County, the state’s second largest county, turnout was nearly 75%, higher than the 72% seen in 2008 in Detroit which is getting smaller and the rest of Wayne County, turnout was 62%, just under that seen in the 2008 election.

And it helped Biden buck history.

And while Trump won Macomb, his margin, 53%-45%, was well below the 54%-42% Trump beat Clinton by there four years ago.

This year, he won the precinct again. But it was 56%-45%.

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Election Deniers Who Say Trump Won In 2020 Now Running For Attorney General In Key States

Part of what made the bureau suspicious, as detailed in its report, was some petition sheets not showing evidence of normal wear that would be found if a person carries a petition around for hours or even days to gather signatures. It also said some petitions appeared to be round-tabled, meaning people took turns signing lines on the petitions in an attempt to make the signatures appear authentic. Plus, it said it found the petitions included fake signatures of many dead voters. Looks like Trump was right again, this time about dead people getting involved in elections.

Election experts, including two at the University of Michigan, have explained that in the past, campaigns relied on volunteers to gather signatures. In recent years, however, more campaigns have hired commercial firms that pay people by the signatures they collect, work often done with little supervision. Still, in most cases, valid petitions are submitted. That wasnt the case this time.

Why didnt the campaigns double check the petitions before submitting them to the state?

In response to the news that he may be dumped from the ballot, Johnson made a statement that implied he was taken advantage of by criminals. Another Republican of the five identified by the bureau, Michigan State Police Capt. Michael Brown, dropped out of the race, saying he cannot and will not be associated with this activity.

Trump Still Wins Small Michigan County After Hand Recount

BREAKING: Joe Biden Wins Pennsylvania, Presidential Election

BELLAIRE, Mich. A livestreamed recount of the presidential election in a small Michigan county turned up no sign of shenanigans Thursday, only a handful of additional votes for President Donald Trump.

Trump padded his Antrim County victory with 11 more votes, while Joe Biden lost one. The Republican county in the northern Lower Peninsula has been under intense scrutiny since the Nov. 3 election when initial results showed a local victory for Biden.

It was attributed to human error, not any problems with voting machines, and corrected. But a judge still took the extraordinary step of allowing a resident to take forensic images of election equipment.

The hand tally confirmed the truth and affirmed the facts: Dominions voting machines accurately tabulated the votes cast for president in Antrim County, said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

It is time for the disinformation campaigns to stop, and for elected and other leaders on both sides of the aisle to unequivocally affirm that the election was secure and accurate, Benson said.

Biden lost Antrim County but won Michigan by 154,000 votes.

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Michigan Recount Confirms Trump Won County That Went To Biden

In the ongoing comedy of errors that is the 2020 presidential election, a recount confirmed that President Donald Trump won Michigans Antrim County, even though the election night results appeared to show that Joe Biden had taken the county.

A hand recount in Antrim County conducted Dec. 17 showed that Trump garnered 9,759 votes, while Biden got 5,959, the Detroit Free Press reported.

This was the third time that the countys results were modified.

On election night, it looked like Biden had won the county, with the former vice president apparently up by roughly 3,000 votes the following morning.

Two days later, the county reversed course, saying President Trump won Antrim by around 2,500 votes.

Eventually, Trump was the winner by nearly 3,800 votes a larger margin of victory than previously claimed. The audit conducted Dec. 17 showed Trump with one more vote than the previous results, and Biden with 11 fewer votes.

County officials claimed the original miscount that wrongly showed Biden had won was the result of human error a common refrain amid an alarming pattern of bizarre, dubious errors that seem to all favor Biden.

Antrim uses Dominion Voting Systems machines and software, which have come under fire amid allegations of glitches that conservatives say seem to always work against Republicans.

Fact Check: Vote Spikes In Wisconsin Michigan And Pennsylvania Do Not Prove Election Fraud

8 Min Read

Social media users have been sharing posts claiming that during the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4 there were vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots only for Democrat Joe Biden in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, suggesting this proves voter fraud allegations. These vote spikes did occur, but they also included Trump votes, accounted for largely left-leaning urban counties, and one state experienced a clerical error.

The posts appear to originate from a tweet by Nick Adams, who describes himself as a bestselling author endorsed by President Trump . The tweet, posted at 12:48 a.m. GMT on Nov. 5, 2020, says: Between 3:40-4:30AM, they found 140,000 mail in ballots for Biden in Wisconsin. Between 3:30-5:00AM, they found 200,000 mail in ballots for Biden in Michigan. Between 2:00-4:00AM, they found 1,000,000 mail in ballots in Pennsylvania. All for Biden. None for Trump. Comments and captions say, Fraud!! Fraud gone rampant A fraud is a fraud.

A spokesman for data analysis website FiveThirtyEight told Reuters via email that the jumps in Michigan and Wisconsin were due to counties releasing large batches of results all at once and that the votes were not just for Biden. One large jump of almost 140,000 ballots in Michigan was due to a clerical error that has since been resolved. In Pennsylvania both the Trump and Biden campaign gained around 1 million votes on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4.

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Gsa Delays Certifying Biden As President

Although all major media outlets called the election for Biden on November 7, the head of the General Services Administration , Trump appointee Emily W. Murphy, refused for over two weeks to certify Biden as the president-elect. Without formal GSA certification or “ascertainment” of the winner of the election, the official transition process was delayed. On November 23, Murphy acknowledged Biden as the winner and said the Trump administration would begin the formal transition process. Trump said he had instructed his administration to “do what needs to be done” but did not concede, and indicated he intended to continue his fight to overturn the election results.

‘it’s Simply A Matter Of Statistics’

President Donald Trump attempts to claim election victory as several states still count ballots

Our selection of 31 cases is only a small sample of the 10,000 names on the list, but it has clearly revealed the flaws in the database shared by Trump supporters.

From our investigation it’s clear that in almost all of our 31 test cases, the data for genuine voters in Michigan has been combined with records of dead people with the same name and birth month and year from across the United States to yield false matches.

“If the lists are linked based on name and birth date alone, in a state the size of Michigan, you’re guaranteed to get false positives,” says Prof Justin Levitt, an expert on the law of democracy.

It’s known as the birthday problem – the high probability that two students in the same class share the same birthday.

So if you compare millions of voters in Michigan with a database of deaths across the United States you’re bound to find cross-over, particularly if the voter database doesn’t include the day of the month on which a person is born.

“It’s simply a matter of statistics that if you cross-reference millions of records with millions of other records, you’ll get a sizable number of false positive matches. We’ve seen this before,” says Prof Justin Levitt.

With her vote safely cast, and counted, Maria Arredondo tells us she’s looking forward to the new administration.

“He was a great vice-president under Obama. I’m so pleased. A weight has lifted off my shoulders.”

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Us Election Results : Joe Biden’s Defeat Of Donald Trump

Georgia recertifies election results, confirming Bidens victory, despite Trumps continued refusal to formally concede

Tue 8 Dec 2020 10.21 GMT Last modified on Thu 21 Jan 2021 03.18 GMT

Tue 8 Dec 2020 10.21 GMT Last modified on Thu 21 Jan 2021 03.18 GMT

The race for the presidency is usually decided in a small number of key battleground states that switch party allegiance between elections.

2 months ago

Michigan Legislature Not Quite Maga

Trump batted .500 in his bid to remake the Michigan Legislature as a MAGA operation. Legislative candidates he backed won five of 10 races overall, and they knocked off one of the three incumbents they challenged.

Jonathan Lindsey of Bronson defeated state Sen. Kim LaSata in the 17th District GOP primary. But state Sen. Lana Theis of Brighton coasted to victory over Trump-endorsed challenger Mike Detmer in the 22nd District, and state Rep. Greg VanWoerkom easily beat Trump-endorsed Mick Bricker in the 88th.

Elsewhere, Trump-backed state House candidates Rachelle Smit of Martin, Angela Rigas of Caledonia and Mike Hoadley of Au Gres each won open seat GOP primaries.

Jay DeBoyer of Anchor Bay defeated Trump-backed Jacky Eubanks in the 63rd House District GOP primary. And as of Wednesday morning, Shiawassee County Sheriff Brian Begole held a significant lead over Trump-endorsed Kevin Rathbun in the 71st state House District, with most votes yet to be counted coming from Begole’s home base of Shiawassee County.

Rep. Matt Maddock, a Milford Republican who Trump has backed to be the next House GOP leader, ran uncontested in the 51st District. Jon Rocha, who was disqualified from the ballot but continued to campaign as a write-in candidate, finished fourth to Gina Johnsen of Lake Odessa in the 78th state House primary.

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Us Election : The ‘dead Voters’ In Michigan Who Are Still Alive

BBC Reality Check

Donald Trump’s supporters have claimed that thousands of votes were cast in the US election using the names of people who had died.

“I may be 72,” Maria Arredondo from Michigan told us when we called her. “But I’m alive and breathing. My mind is working fine and I’m healthy.”

We spoke to other people in similar situations to that of Maria in Michigan and found similar stories.

There have been occasions in previous US elections of dead people having apparently voted.

This could happen through clerical errors or perhaps other family members with similar names voting with their ballots, but Trump supporters have alleged this has happened on a massive scale at this election.

We set out to find out whether there is evidence for this claim.

Peter Meijer Republican Who Voted To Impeach Trump Loses Michigan Seat

Map: Trump counties less likely to vote absentee in Michigan primary ...

Trump-backed challenger John Gibbs triumphs, while Democrats hopeful Kansas abortion vote will energize voters in November

On one of the most consequential nights of the US primary season, amplifiers of Donald Trumps stolen-election myth won in Arizona and Michigan in the latter state defeating a Republican who voted for Trumps impeachment while voters in Kansas decisively rejected an attempt to remove abortion protections from the state constitution.

With fewer than 100 days left before the November midterm elections, the results confirmed Trumps grip on Republican voters and advanced his efforts to purge critics and elevate loyalist standard-bearers.

The verdicts rendered on Tuesday night are likely to have major implications for both parties.

Democrats face a difficult election cycle, hampered by Joe Bidens low approval ratings and widespread dissatisfaction with leadership in Washington in the face of economic problems. Historically, the opposition party makes gains in the first midterms of any presidency, often by framing the election as a referendum on the president.

With narrow majorities in Congress, Democrats cannot afford to lose any seats in the Senate and only a handful in the House. But party leaders were hopeful on Tuesday that the abortion rights verdict in Kansas might energize voters and boost Democrats in close contests to come.

But he published angrier words on Monday, assailing Democrats who spent heavily in support of Gibbs.

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How Are The Results Reported

The election results on this page are reported by the Associated Press . AP call the winner in a state when they determine that the trailing candidate has no path to victory. This can happen before 100% of votes in a state have been counted.

Estimates for the total vote in each state are also provided by AP. The numbers update throughout election night, as more data on voter turnout becomes available.

United States Presidential Election In Michigan

The 2020 United States presidential election in Michigan was held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, as part of the 2020 United States presidential election in which all 50 states plus the District of Columbia participated.Michigan voters chose electors to represent them in the Electoral College via a popular vote, pitting the Republican Party‘s nominee, incumbent President Donald Trump of Florida, and his running mate, Vice PresidentMike Pence of Indiana against Democratic Party nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden of Delaware, and his running mate, SenatorKamala Harris of California. Michigan has 16 electoral votes in the Electoral College.

In 2016, Trump became the first Republican to carry Michigan since 1988, when George H. W. Bush scored a decisive nationwide win against Michael Dukakis. Throughout the campaign, Biden touted his work on the auto bailout in manufacturing towns outside Detroit. Appearing with United Auto Workers, Biden presented a new proposal to penalize American companies for moving manufacturing and service jobs overseas and then selling their products back in the United States. Polls of Michigan throughout the campaign generally indicated a clear Biden lead. Prior to election day, most news organizations considered Michigan a likely blue state, or a state that Biden was likely to win.

Michigan weighed in for this election as 1.6% more Republican than the nation-at-large.

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Trump Gets Revenge On Meijer

U.S. Rep. Peter Meijer began his congressional career by surviving Capitol riots that prompted him to vote to impeach Trump. It appears that vote was the beginning of the end for the Grand Rapids Republican.

John Gibbs, a Trump-endorsed challenger, narrowly defeated Meijer in a competitive primary. With an estimated 81 percent of the vote counted in 3rd Congressional District, Gibbs was leading 52 percent to 48 percent, a 3,854-vote margin.

I’m proud to have remained true to my principles, even when doing so came at a significant political cost, Meijer said in a statement after conceding defeat.

Gibbs, who said he received a congratulatory call from Trump and thanked the former president for his support, now moves on to the general election.

Hell face second-time candidate Hillary Scholten in an increasingly competitive district, as redrawn by the states new independent commission.

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