Sunday, September 8, 2024

Why Did Republicans Vote Against Hr3

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How Would Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices Under Hr 3

Why Do Most White People Vote Republican?

H.R. 3 amends the non-interference clause under current law by adding an exception that allows for the price negotiation process established by the legislation. The negotiation process applies to at least 25 and 50 single-source brand-name drugs lacking generic or biosimilar competitors, selected from among the 125 drugs with the highest net Medicare Part D spending and the 125 drugs with the highest net spending in the U.S., which could include physician-administered drugs covered under Medicare Part B, along with all insulin products. Drugs that are new to market could also be subject to negotiation if their list price is greater than median household income and their projected spending would place them among the list of drugs with the highest spending under Medicare or the U.S. overall.

In determining the maximum fair price, H.R. 3 requires the Secretary to consider research and development costs, market data, production and distribution costs, and existing therapeutic alternatives, including comparative effectiveness data. If a manufacturer offers a price that is no more than the target price, the proposal requires the Secretary to accept this as the maximum fair price for the drug. The agreed-upon negotiated price would be made available to private plan sponsors in Medicare Part D and commercial payers in group and individual markets, and to providers that administer physician-administered drugs.

Prescription Drug Costs Raise Profits For Big Pharma While Lowering Quality Of Life For Millions

Its already been a bad time for pharmaceutical companies. Many have received the brunt end of widespread public dissatisfaction after being criticized in the media and political realms.

Now that healthcare is carrying political narratives, out-of-pocket spending like the kind that would go down for Medicare parts B and D beneficiaries should HR 3 or a similar bill become law is more than just a pundit talking point.

Everyone in America knows someone who is taking an expensive medicine, Robinson said. And they vote, so this is obviously political.

Between patients out-of-pocket costs all the way up to what CMS covers, the United States spent more than $330 billion on prescription drugs in 2017.

That is an enormous draining of dollars from taxpayers out of Medicare and Medicaid, and out of the pockets of Americans who have to pay high premiums, deductibles, and copays, which are driven up significantly by the highest prescription drug costs in the world, Chris Orestis, president of LifeCare Xchange, told Healthline.

Orestis says freeing up even the smallest percentage of this money could raise the standard of living for many people, as well as having a stimulating impact on the economy.

It would also help people who react to the high costs of prescription drugs by rationing their care and dosages.

Republicans Hold Firm Against Socialism

Despite President Trumps frequent use of the bully pulpit to criticize the drug industry, the good news is that only two Republicans joined the Democrats in supporting passage of H.R. 3. House Democrats either did not read or were unmoved by multiple studies suggesting tremendous peril for small and emerging biotechs if the legislation becomes law and our investors run for the hills. More than 130 life sciences investors have publicly confirmed they would have no other choice.

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If Implemented The Bill Could Save Americans Billions

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that HR 3 would account for about $98 billion in savings over a 10-year period.

The price negotiation provisions would lower spending by about $456 billion, but covering dental, vision, and hearing under the Medicare program would raise spending by approximately $358 billion.

Dr. James C. Robinson, PhD, MPH, the Leonard D. Schaeffer professor of health economics and the director of the Berkeley Center for Health Technology, says HR 3 would help bring the costs of drugs in the United States closer to the International Reference Price, or what other wealthier countries pay.

For reference, the United States pays 60 percent more than Germany, another country with high healthcare costs.

The big issue is the part of HR 3 that allows CMS to negotiate drug prices under Medicare Part D, which Robinson says is predominantly run by private interests.

If youre pharma, this is bad, he told Healthline.

So What Exactly Would This Legislation Do

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The centerpiece of the House Democrats’ bill would require the government to negotiate the cost of up to 250 brand-name drugs that don’t have competition and cost the U.S. health care system the most money. Insulin for diabetes would have to be included. The maximum price negotiated would be capped: It couldn’t be more than 120 percent of the average price charged in other industrialized countries that typically pay less than the United States. Drug companies would either play ball or face an excise tax starting at 65 percent and rising to 95 percent. Private insurance plans could also use the negotiated prices.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated this part of the bill would save $456 billion over a 10-year period. Its projected to cost drug companies at least $500 billion in revenue, which CBO predicts would cut research funding and result in about eight fewer new drugs coming to market in the first 10 years the law was in effect, and 30 fewer drugs in the following decade.

The legislation also tries to restrain companies abilities to launch new drugs at astronomical prices by allowing the government to negotiate the cost of any medicines that come to market at list prices higher than the U.S. median household income. The plan would also cap seniors’ annual out-of-pocket spending for outpatient prescription drugs at $2,000.

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House Republicans Vote Against Slashing Costs For Prescription Drugs

A bill to lower the cost of prescription drugs passed the House with mostly Democratic support.

The House of Representatives took the issue of high prescription drug costs head on Thursday, passing a bill that promises to lower the costs of medication associated with cancer, asthma, and many other conditions.

By a 230-192 vote, H.R.3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, passed on a largely party line vote. Every Democrat supported the legislation, joined by only 2 Republicans, with the lone House independent, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, voting no. The bill was named after the late Rep. Elijah Cummings , who passed away earlier this year.

According to NPR, the legislation would allow the federal government to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare, limit out-of-pocket costs for Medicare participants, and prevent drug price hikes. The Trump administration vowed to veto the legislation if it ever comes to his desk.

“In my district alone, H.R. 3 could lower breast cancer medication by $45,100, and diabetics could save up to 94% on the cost of insulin,” Rep. Lucy McBath said in an email. “I have heard heartbreaking stories from people in my community who are forced to skip doses or ration their insulin,” she added, noting too many Americans “worry about paying for their lifesaving prescription drugs.”

Rep. Ami Bera , a doctor a member of the moderate New Democrat Coalition, joined McBath in supporting the legislation.

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Democrats Pass Us Bill To Lower Drug Prices That Trump Threatens To Veto

By Lisa Lambert

3 Min Read

WASHINGTON – – The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved legislation aimed at driving down the prices that seniors pay for prescription drugs, but the bills future is clouded by President Donald Trumps threat of a veto and lack of support in the Senate.

The Democrat-led chamber voted 230 to 192, largely along party lines, to approve the measure that would allow the Medicare insurance program for seniors to negotiate prices for dozens of prescription drugs, including insulin. The lower drug prices would also be available to private insurance companies.

Ive seen grown men cry on the campaign trail because they cannot meet the prescription drug cost, whether they have a spouse that is ill or a child with a pre-existing conditions, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told reporters ahead of the vote. This will make all the difference in the world.

The bill would cap prices for the countrys most expensive drugs using an international index and impose hefty fines for manufacturers that do not negotiate.

The pricing system would save the government $456 billion over 10 years, according to estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, much of which would go toward extending Medicare coverage for vision, hearing and dental care.

The bill also would prevent price-gouging on new drugs for those with private health insurance.

Democrats And Hr 3 Taking A Harder Line Against Biomedical Innovation

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Shockingly, some Democrats went on the record saying a trade-off lower prices now for fewer cures in the future is acceptable. Rep. Darren Soto said, I frankly think its worth it. He should tell that to the people whose lives wont be saved by the medicines that wont be made.

House Democrats have unanimously moved to a hard-left position against the biotechnology industry, and we have some real work ahead of us to bring moderates back into the fold. In a single week, Pelosis party unanimously supported socialized price controls on drugs and persuaded the White House to strip important intellectual property protections for biologic medicines out of the U.S.-Canada-Mexico Trade Agreement.

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Combining The Two Bills Sets Up A Political Minefield For Republicans Who Are Torn Between The Two Issues

The House is set to vote Thursday on legislation meant to lower prescription drug prices and strengthen the individual health insurance exchanges, setting up a political minefield for Republicans who are torn between the two issues.

Democratic leaders decision to combine legislation that would make it easier to bring generic drugs to market with bills that would bolster the 2010 health care law does;not damage the prospects of passage for the package of bills. But that does make it certain that most Republicans will vote against the bipartisan drug pricing legislation.

The decision to merge the bills, which Democrats say was made so that savings achieved through the drug pricing measures would pay for spending under the health insurance legislation, could open Republicans up to attacks that they voted against legislation to lower drug prices, an issue that polls show is of great concern to both Republicans and Democrats.

These are very separate issues, said Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., the ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee. How we deal with bad practices in getting drugs and samples and all that to consumer and competition in the market is different than paying for more navigators and wiping out state-regulated health insurance.

Theyre just waiting to cut the TV ads, he added.

Rep. , R-N.C., the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, said he wasnt concerned about the show vote, but said it was a missed unique opportunity.

House Is At Work While Senate Stalls

Most people Ive spoken with in Connecticut are astounded to learn that the House of Representatives has passed more than 400 bills over this past year.

Theyre equally struck by the fact that 275 of those bills were bipartisanly supported.

They were then deeply disappointed to learn that the Senate has not taken any of them up over the past year.

The media coverage, including social media, has been focused on impeachment, a divided Congress, and a divided nation. Is it any wonder then why people have little faith in government and are fed up with the process?

Yet, the truth is much has been done by one chamber, the House of Representatives, while the President and the Senate continue to falsely assert the only thing were working on is impeachment.

The summary below indicates what the House of Representatives has passed to help the American people.

Hailing from the state where the activism around the tragedy at Sandy Hook took place, Im proud that the House of Representatives took action and passed three gun violence prevention bills in 2019. Gun violence is an epidemic that is tearing our communities apart, and we need to make responsible changes now.

In addition to voting to lower prescription drugs, Democrats are also working to protect those with pre-existing conditions and strengthen affordable health care for Americans.

These are just a few of the 400-plus bills the House has passed that are awaiting consideration in the Senate.

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How Did Pelosi Keep Various Democratic Factions On Board

She carefully crafted legislation that could appeal to diverse wings of her caucus.

Moderate Democrats pushed for a bill that could become law and wasnt just a messaging document. Progressives argued that since no Pelosi bill would get the time of day from McConnell, the party should go bold.

The Pelosi bill attempts to appease both camps by focusing on government price negotiations for the highest-cost, highest-use drugs that enjoy patent-protected monopolies. Unlike previous Democratic attempts at drug price negotiations, it contains hefty sticks to guarantee the government gets prices down for those drugs. But it would allow the status quo to prevail for most medicines, letting the private market continue to dictate their prices.

Progressive Democrats appeared to have the upper hand over moderates as the bill went through its final iterations. By threatening to block the bill from getting a vote if Pelosi didn’t make last-minute changes, progressives won two big last-minute concessions, expanding the scope of the legislation.

Why Are There Pro

Do White Women Vote for Republicans or Democrats?

H.R. 3 has been protested almost since the day it was introduced. The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which does pretty much what it says on the tin imposes a series of draconian restrictions on abortion funding made waves at first because of its forcible rape clause, which aimed to restrict the definition of rape as it applied to rape and incest exemptions, and which garnered a significant amount of coverage and protest this February. Of course, even with that infamous clause removed, H.R. 3 aims to deprive people of Medicaid funding for abortions, meaning that it aims to deprive poor women of abortions, meaning that it targets specifically the most vulnerable people within the population. And good news for those of us in the middle: If you are lucky enough to have insurance, H.R. 3 will also prohibit your insurance company from covering your abortion. So, hurrah! All will be delightfully well-oppressed.

The most upsetting thing about H.R. 3, however, is the fact that it passed the House on May 4. And how it passed: On a 251-to-175 vote. Every single Republican present voted for it. And so did 16 Democrats.

Which is why those pro-life Democrats stick out. In a House that was already going to pass the measure, against a united and determined Republican anti-choice strategy, they added sixteen unnecessary voices of support. The question of why why such a thing as a pro-life Democrat even exists gets more terrifying the more closely you consider it.

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What Is Your Analysis Of This Vote

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    Theres Two Approaches To Drug Pricing Reform And Both Are Stalled

    The House bill H.R.3 has a few mechanisms for reducing prescription drug prices, but most notably, it would allow the US health department to directly negotiate the prices it will pay for up to 250 drugs every year. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the bill would save Medicare up to $450 billion over 10 years because of those new negotiating powers. CBO has also projected about eight fewer drugs would come to the market in the next decade because of the decrease in revenues for drug makers.

    Despite Trumps promises on the 2016 campaign trail that he would support proposals allowing Medicare drug negotiations, the White House threatened to veto the House plan. They called it a plan to institute government price controls, and said it would limit access to medicine, a favored talking point of the pharmaceutical lobby.

    Even without this veto threat, H.R.3 is expected to be dead-on-arrival in the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has shown no interest in taking up the bill. It did, however, garner some small measure of bipartisan support although Trump has thrown the weight of the White House against the bill, it did receive two House Republican votes in December.

    Instead, Trump has aligned himself more with Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who has advanced a narrower set of reforms from his perch as the Senate Finance Committee chair.

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