Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Who Are The Three Republicans Running Against Trump

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Republican Party Presidential Primaries

Local GOP Responds To 3 Republicans Running Against President Trump

First place by first-instance vote

;;Donald Trump

Presidential primaries and caucuses of the Republican Party took place in many U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories from February 3 to August 11, 2020, to elect most of the 2,550 delegates to send to the Republican National Convention. Delegates to the national convention in other states were elected by the respective state party organizations. The delegates to the national convention voted on the first ballot to select Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee for president of the United States in the 2020 election, and selected Mike Pence as the vice-presidential nominee.

President Donald Trump informally launched his bid for reelection on February 18, 2017. He launched his reelection campaign earlier in his presidency than any of his predecessors did. He was followed by former governor of MassachusettsBill Weld, who announced his campaign on April 15, 2019, and former Illinois congressmanJoe Walsh, who declared his candidacy on August 25, 2019. Former governor of South Carolina and U.S. representative launched a primary challenge on September 8, 2019. In addition, businessman Rocky De La Fuente entered the race on May 16, 2019, but was not widely recognized as a major candidate.

Who Are The Republicans Challenging Trump For 2020 Nomination

Only one candidate is now vying to defeat Trump for Republican nomination in the 2020 presidential race.

While the pool of Democrats vying for the partys presidential nomination was among the largest and most diverse in the history of the United States, President Donald Trump faced a much smaller cadre of challengers for the Republican ticket in 2020.

After two Republicans dropped out, only one opponent remains in the race against Trump. Thats in contrast to the three remaining contenders in the Democratic field, which once had more than two dozen candidates.

In a statement in April, the Republican National Convention said the Republican Party is firmly behind Trump and any effort to challenge the presidents nomination is bound to go absolutely nowhere, prompting criticism that Republican leaders are making it;impossible for another candidate to succeed.

Here is a look at the now sole Republican challenging Trump.

Are There Any Prominent Democrats Running

There are nine registered Democrats on the ballot but none well known to the public. Newsom and his allies were successful in keeping prominent Democrats out of the race, allowing them to present a united Democratic front and to continue painting the recall as a GOP power grab to accomplish through a special election what it cant through a regular campaign. That also avoids a repeat of the 2003 recall, when Davis allies believe Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamantes decision to run as an insurance option in case the recall was successful cost the governor Democratic votes.

Among the Democrats who decided not to run is former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

I respect the fact the recall qualified. I also recognize that many people disagree with the governor and some of his decisions including me but Californias facing incredible challenges and the governor deserves a chance to finish the job, Villaraigosa said. Thats why I oppose the recall and support Gov. Newsom in this matter.

No prominent Democrat has stepped up as a potential Newsom alternative. Experts say the party should have a backup for a worst-case scenario but doing so may hurt Newsom.

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The 2024 Republican Presidential Candidate Wild Cards

The first Democratic debate back in 2019 had 20 TWENTY! candidates, so dont be surprised if the Republican field is just as large or larger. We could have some more governors or representatives run, or even other nontraditional candidates, like a Trump family member, a Fox News host or a celebrity, like Dwayne The Rock Johnson, whos said hes seriously considering a run. Stranger things have happened.

Former President Donald Trump

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The biggest question mark for Republicans is if Trump will run for president in 2024. He hasnt exactly frozen the field, since Republicans are already positioning themselves to run, but perhaps hes refrigerated it a bit?

Trump is the 800-pound gorilla, said Dan Eberhart, a Republican donor. Trump has got command of the organs of the party and is going to have an enormous amount of resources and name ID and the ability to throw these rallies in the fall of 2022. I think that sets him up very well to being pole position for 2024 if he wants.

Trump, 74, is currently bettors top candidate on PredictIt, an online prediction market, and hes also led in several early polls, including a February Morning Consult/Politico poll. The poll found 54% of Republican voters would back Trump if the 2024 primary were held today. Those kinds of numbers would mean game over in a primary, but they also suggest many Republicans are eager for a new face.

During a recent podcast interview, Trump said he would make his decision on whether he will run in the 2024 presidential election sometime later, and after being asked which Republicans he thought represented the future of the party, he listed off some of the politicians youll see later on this list, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.

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No Evidence Election Was Compromised Cybersecurity Agency Says

The dust-up in Wayne County unfolded amid a nationwide effort by Trump and many of his GOP allies to push back on the results of the election. The outgoing president has claimed widespread voting fraud, without evidence, in the several of the states that he lost, including Michigan.

On Wednesday, the president reiterated his claim that a giant scam robbed him of a victory in the state. I win Michigan! .

He and his allies, however, have repeatedly failed to produce evidence supporting their allegations of election fraud.

That failure has spelled trouble in court for his campaign to get the election results overturned. In Michigan, an appeals court on Monday unanimously ruled against a Republican bid to invalidate the vote in Wayne County. The decision backed a lower-court ruling that found the allegations to be simply not credible.

And the legal setbacks for Trump havent been confined to Michigans borders, either. As NPRs Pam Fessler explains, similar efforts challenging the vote in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin have failed to gain traction.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger speaks during a news conference Wednesday in Atlanta.

Georgias secretary of state said Tuesday that some fellow Republicans have tried to pressure him into disqualifying legal ballots that may not have favored President Trump.

Failed candidate Doug Collins is a liar but whats new?Raffensperger wrote in a Facebook post.

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Richard Burr North Carolina

Burr, who has said he will not seek re-election, had previously voted to dismiss the impeachment trial on constitutional grounds. Burr’s term expires in 2022.

“I have listened to the arguments presented by both sides and considered the facts. The facts are clear,” explained Burr in a statement.

“By what he did and by what he did not do, President Trump violated his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,” he explained, adding that he didn’t come to “this decision lightly.”

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These Republicans Are Running 2020 Primary Campaigns Against President Donald Trump

Three big-name Republicans have launched campaigns in the 2020 presidential race. While GOP incumbent president Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee, these candidates are hoping the party will open up a primary process despitereportsthat Republicans in a handful of states will not hold primary elections as a show of support for Trump.

Where that leaves these GOP candidates is unclear, but of the more than 100 people who have officially declared Republican candidacies with the Federal Elections Commission, these three are running the most high-profile campaigns to try and take the Republican nomination away from Trump.

Bill Weld, who was the Republican governor of Massachusetts from 1991 to 1997, announced on April 15 that he was entering the Republican primary.

In these times of great political strife, when both major parties are entrenched in their win at all cost battles, the voices of the American people are being ignored and our nation is suffering, Weld said in a statement at the time of his announcement, according to CNN. It is time to return to the principles of Lincoln equality, dignity, and opportunity for all. There is no greater cause on earth than to preserve what truly makes America great.

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The president has taken notice of his challengers, though. In response to the news that Sanford had entered the race , Trump wrote, The Three Stooges, all badly failed candidates, will give it a go!

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Cpac And The Broader Republican Party Agree: Its Trumps Party For Now

Is There Any Republican That Would Actually Run Against Trump?

alex: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. We know hes a rising star in GOP circles and I think the CPAC straw poll pointed out his popularity among the Trump wing of the Republican Party. Another poll, too, after Trump.

Plus, being from Florida gives him an edge in a competitive state. To me, it appears that at this point, people like DeSantis because his policy priorities are similar to Trumps, but he lacks the former presidents ego and baggage.;

sarah: Stole my first round pick!!;;

geoffrey.skelley: DeSantis isnt terribly well known, but I suspect well see him try to correct for that in the coming months. He may be coy for a while about his plans, though, because he needs to win reelection in 2022, and we know that would-be candidates want to take care of the home front first.

nrakich: Yeah, I think DeSantis is a smart pick. Hes doing all the right things picking fights with Democrats, going on Fox News a lot

sarah: Could not agree more. There is no autopsy report yet of the 2020 election from the GOP side , but one thing that stands out to me is something Echelon Insights pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson wrote for the Washington Examiner in February, Trumps legacy in the party isnt policy, and it isnt a person. Its a posture a fighting posture in a moment where Republicans think the fight is what matters most.;

I bring that up because something Anderson and her organization have found is that many GOP voters want someone who will fight for them.

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How Biden Won: Ramping Up The Base And Expanding Margins In The Suburbs

It brings the number of states Biden flipped from Trumps 2016 column to five, including Arizona, which last voted Democratic in a presidential race when it backed Clinton in 1996.

Biden also flipped Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, three key northern industrial states that ultimately delivered the White House to Trump four years ago. Biden also won a single electoral vote in Nebraskas 2nd Congressional District, which last voted Democratic for former President Barack Obama in 2008.

Electors from each state and the District of Columbia are expected to vote on Dec. 14. The new Congress will then count the votes and certify Bidens victory on Jan. 6, two weeks before the inauguration.

But Georgias political activity is far from over. The state will hold two runoff elections on Jan. 5 for both its U.S. Senate seats, which are currently held by Republicans.

Georgias Republican Us Senators Call On Gop State Election Chief To Resign

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, himself a Republican, called the claims laughable and refused to step aside.

The early rancor and fighting over the presidential election results, which are headed for a recount despite Bidens growing lead, is a preview of the intense fight to come over the fate of the two Senate seats. Vice President Pence told GOP senators that he plans to campaign in the state, and national Democrats are already pouring money and support to their challengers, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

The Georgia runoffs are slated for Jan. 5, after the Senate is scheduled to begin a new session. That uncertainty means the Senate will be unable to officially organize until the results of that election are finalized.

A Marine stands outside the entrance to the West Wing of the White House on Tuesday, signifying that President Trump is in the Oval Office. Evan Vucci/APhide caption

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A Marine stands outside the entrance to the West Wing of the White House on Tuesday, signifying that President Trump is in the Oval Office.

President Trump is set to visit Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday to mark Veterans Day and lay a wreath. Trump will be joined by Vice President Pence. This is one of the more traditional ceremonial duties of a president. .

Asked what the president has been up to, White House spokesman Judd Deere said Trump has been working behind the scenes.

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Trumps False Election Fraud Claims Fuel Michigan Gop Meltdown

The ex-presidents refusal to accept defeat is taking a toll on the party in a key battleground state.

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel a former Michigan GOP chair herself speaks during a news conference at the Republican National Committee in Washington. | AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump by more than 150,000 votes in Michigan last November.

Trump and the Michigan Republican Party still arent over it.

The outcome and the former presidents obsessive efforts to dispute it has left the state party in disarray, raising questions about the GOPs focus as it looks to unseat Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in a top battleground state next year.

From a staff and leadership perspective, I dont know that top-notch professionals would want to go into this quagmire, said Jeff Timmer, a former Michigan GOP executive director who opposed Trump. Unless youre going to talk crazy talk, they dont want you there.

Much of the trouble can be traced to the 2020 presidential election results, which Trump and his allies have alleged were marked by fraud without providing evidence.

But some party officials and conservative activists continue to press for a forensic audit of the election results, encouraged by Trump, who has called on American Republican Patriots to run primary challenges against RINO State Senators in Michigan who refuse to properly look into the election irregularities and fraud.

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Georgia And Arizona Senators Show Progressive

Walker, the 1982 Heisman Trophy winner and a Wrightsville, Ga., native, has long lived in Texas after a professional football career that ended in Dallas, but he changed his voter registration last week to an Atlanta house owned by his wife, Julie Blanchard. Blanchard is under investigation by the Georgia secretary of state’s office over potential illegal voting after The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported she voted in Georgia despite living in Texas.

Walker has also repeated false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election despite elections officials finding no evidence of widespread fraud that affected the outcome.

It’s unclear when Walker will make a formal Senate announcement. The campaign paperwork filed Tuesday ends months of speculation about his political plans, including a prediction in June from Trump that the former football star would soon suit up for the Republican primary.

“He told me he’s going to, and I think he will,” Trump said on the conservative talk radio Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. “He’s a great guy. He’s a patriot. And he’s a very loyal person, he’s a very strong person. They love him in Georgia, I’ll tell you.”

Some national Republicans have been wary of Walker’s candidacy, though. The first-time candidate comes with potential baggage that could harm his chances in both the primary and general elections, including his Texas residency.

Former Us Ambassador To The United Nations Nikki Haley

Haley, 49, stands out in the potential pool of 2024 Republican candidates by her resume. She has experience as an executive as the former governor of South Carolina and foreign policy experience from her time as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Haley was a member of the Republican Partys 2010 tea party class. A former South Carolina state representative, her long shot gubernatorial campaign saw its fortunes improve after she was endorsed by Sarah Palin. Haley rocketed from fourth to first just days after the endorsement, and she went on to clinch the nomination and become her states first female and first Indian-American governor.

As governor, she signed a bill removing the Confederate flag from the state Capitol following the white supremacist attack at the Emanuel African Methodist Church in Charleston. She left office in 2017 to join the Trump administration as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Quinnipiac poll found she was at one point the most popular member of Trumps foreign policy team.

I think that shes done a pretty masterful job in filling out her resume, said Robert Oldendick, a professor and director of graduate studies at the University of South Carolinas department of political science.

Haley criticized Trump following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by his supporters, saying she was disgusted by his conduct. Oldendick said he thought her pretty pointed criticism of the president will potentially cause some problems.

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