Friday, July 26, 2024

How Many States Has Trump Won 2020

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Trump Calls President Of China ‘king’ Calls For Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

Joe Biden beats Donald Trump to win US presidential election | US election 2020

Trump called foreign leaders like President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China “smart,” referring to Jinping’s decree of being “president for life.”

“I call him ‘King,'” Trump said. Trump went on to lament the spread of fentanyl in China, saying that America should execute drug dealers.

He called on Democrats and Republicans to institute the death penalty for drug dealers as soon as possible. Trump urged Americans to give back respect to police, and that law enforcement was “under seige.”

“What they do to police officers,” Trump lamented. “There’s always gonna be a few bad apples.”

Lawsuits Around Trump Political Campaigns

  • Lawsuit alleging that the Trump Campaign used mass, unsolicited communication of promotional messages that the plaintiffs did not consent to receive
  • Thorne v. Donald J Trump for President Inc.
  • Lawsuit alleging Russian interference in the 2016 Federal Elections, the Trump campaign was accused of engaging in a racketeering enterprise in conjunction with Russia and WikiLeaks
  • Democratic National Committee v. Russian Federation
  • Lawsuit regarding a pattern of persistent illegal conduct, occurring over more than a decade, that includes extensive unlawful political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing transactions to benefit Mr. Trump’s personal and business interests, and violations of basic legal obligations for non-profit foundations
  • Lawsuit alleging that Trump and the Republican National Committee colluded to prevent any competition to Trump’s re-election campaign.
  • Roque De La Fuente v. Trump & Republican National Committee
  • Roger Stone found guilty by a jury in November 2019 of on obstruction of a congressional investigation, five counts of making false statements to Congress, and tampering with a witness in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. He was later sentenced to 40 months in prison.
  • Lawsuit alleging that Trump infringed copyright by tweeting a campaign video that included musician Eddy Grant’s song Electric Avenue
  • Lawsuits Around Trump’s Financial And Tax Information

    • Donald J. Trump v. Mary L. Trump, et al. On September 22, 2021, Trump commenced a lawsuit in New York state court against The New York Times, several journalists and his niece, , for a 2018 article detailing his taxes and finances, which he claims violates a 2001 settlement agreement signed by Mary. Trump is seeking at least $100 million in damages.
    • Donald J. Trump and Trump Organization, LLC v. Letitia James in her official capacity as Attorney General for the State of New York On December 20, 2021 this complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief was filed in federal court against New York Attorney GeneralLetitia James. It accuses James of misconduct, by claiming that her involvement in the investigations into Trump and his corporation was motivated by a desire to target a political adversary and advance her career.

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    Consideration Of Special Counsel And Martial Law

    An attempt by Trump to invoke martial law to invalidate the results of the election would be illegal and unconstitutional. In late December 2020, legal scholars Claire O. Finkelstein and Richard Painter wrote that while it was very unlikely that Trump would actually “attempt to spark a military coup,” Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen should be prepared to direct federal law enforcement “to arrest anyone, including if necessary the president, who … conspired to carry out this illegal plan.” Likening a hypothetical invocation of martial law to overturn the election to the 1861 firing on Fort Sumter, Finkelstein and Painter wrote that any such plan would constitute seditious conspiracy and possibly other crimes, and that any military officers or enlisted personnel ordered to assist in such a plan would be required, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, to disregard such an illegal order.

    Elizabeth Neumann, an adviser at Defending Democracy Together and a former assistant secretary of Homeland Security under Trump, stated that “In the conspiratorial conservative base supporting Trump, there are calls for using the Insurrection Act to declare martial law. When they hear that the president is actually considering this, there are violent extremist groups that look at this as a dog whistle, an excuse to go out and create … violence.”

    Trump Lawyer Says He Will Be Reinstated As President If Gop Win Midterms

    Trump has just

    Christina Bobb, an attorney who has supported Donald Trump‘s legal challenge to overturn the 2020 election, has suggested a scenario in which the former president could be reinstated after the midterm elections in November.

    Bobb told the conservative news outlet the Right Side Broadcasting Network what she thought could happen in states in which there was “evidence that Joe Biden cheated” in the election Trump and his allies have continuously claimed was fraudulent.

    “They could withdraw their electors, or they could actually decide to award Trump electors, although I would anticipate they will probably just withdraw the electors,” she said.

    “If that happens from three different states, three different resolutions go into Congress,” she said it would then be up to Congress to decide “whether they want to accept the resolutions, whether they want to act on them or not.”

    “It is a complex issue that needs to be handled complexly by different state legislators and U.S. Congress, I actually think that it’s designed well, because you don’t want this to be something that you can quickly easily overturn elections,” she said.

    “It needs to be something that you need many, many elected officials to take action on,” and the “majority of three different legislators.”

    Newsweek has contacted the Trump team for comment.

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    More Pressure On Pence

    In early January 2021, Trump and his supporters continued to pressure Pence to help overturn of election results during the January 6 certification.

    On , Trump aide John McEntee sent a memo to Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, titled “Jefferson used his position as VP to win”, suggesting that Pence could emulate Thomas Jefferson by taking the actions encouraged by Trump and his supporters.

    On in an appearance on Fox News, Trump aide Peter Navarro claimed that Pence had authority to delay election certification and to require an audit of the states’ election results. Navarro, a promoter of the Green Bay Sweep, was intimately involved with the election-overturn effort. His remarks elicited a public response from the Vice Presidents office.

    On , Eastman memos author John Eastman briefed Marc Short and vice presidential counsel Greg Jacob on the arguments he had been presenting to Trump about the Vice Presidents certification role.

    On , Trump tweeted, “the Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors.

    Later that day, Trump told an audience of thousands at a rally in Georgia, “I hope Mike Pence comes through for us Of course, if he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much”.

    On , Trump met with Pence at the White House several times, attempting to persuade Pence to act as recommended by the Eastman memos Eastman was present for at least one of the meetings.

    Senate efforts

    House votes

    Report by Representative Zoe Lofgren

    Threats Of Violence By Trump Supporters

    After Biden won the election, angry Trump supporters threatened election officials, election officials’ family members, and elections staff in at least eight states via emails, telephone calls and letters some of the menacing and vitriolic communications included death threats. Officials terrorized by the threats included officials in the swing states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona, as well as a few less competitive states. Some officials had to seek police protection or move from their homes due to the threats. The director of the nonpartisan, nonprofit Center for Election Innovation and Research, described the threats as frightening and said, “These threats often go into areas related to race or sex or anti-Semitism. More than once they specifically refer to gun violence.” Prominent Republicans ignored or said little about the threats of violence.

    In early December, an “enemies list” circulated on the web falsely accusing various government officials and voting systems executives of rigging the election, providing their home addresses, and superimposing red targets on their photos.

    The Arizona Republican Party twice tweeted that supporters should be willing to “die for something” or “give my life for this fight.” Ann Jacobs, chairwoman of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, said she had received constant threats, including a message mentioning her children, and photos of her house had been posted on the web.

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    Ample Evidence Fraud Did Not Affect Election Outcome

    In the immediate aftermath of Biden’s win, election officials insisted the results were legitimate.

    “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history,” the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and its partners said in a November 2020 statement. “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes or was in any way compromised.”

    Trump’s own attorney general, William Barr, said in early December 2020 that the Justice Department had “not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.” Biden won the presidencywith 306 electoral votes, which Congress certified in January 2021 after the Capitol riot.

    At the time, some Republican lawmakers also pushed back on claims of widespread fraud.

    “Nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale, the massive scale that would have tipped the entire election nor can public doubt alone justify a radical break when the doubt itself was incited without any evidence,” Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate’s top Republican said in his address to the chamber before it was evacuated during the Jan. 6 insurrection.

    Since then, a mountain of evidence including lawsuits, recounts, forensic audits and even partisan reviews has affirmed those results.

    In those battleground states, numerous audits and recounts have affirmed Biden’s win:

    Fact check:What’s true about the 2020 election, vote counting, Electoral College

    Victories In Maryland And Illinois With Outside Help

    President Donald Trump attempts to claim election victory as several states still count ballots

    Dan Cox, a first-term state legislator who embraced Mr. Trumps lies about the 2020 election, handily defeated Kelly Schulz a protégé of Gov. Larry Hogan, a leader of the Republican Partys anti-Trump wing in the partys primary for governor in Maryland. Mr. Cox benefited from more than $1 million in advertising from the Democratic Governors Association, which helped his primary campaign in hopes that he would be easier to defeat in the general election.

    State Senator Darren Bailey, who received a last-minute endorsement from Mr. Trump, won the Republican primary for governor in Illinois after similar spending by Democrats, including Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

    Also in Illinois, Representative endorsed by Mr. Trump months ago, won her House primary against fellow Representative Rodney Davis after redistricting put them in the same district.

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    Claim: Trump Suggests He’ll Go Directly To The Supreme Court To ‘stop’ Counting

    “So we’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4:00 in the morning and add them to the list, OK?”

    This is misleading. The president cannot directly appeal to the Supreme Court for relief litigation will need to be move through the federal court system before it can be appealed to the nations highest court.

    Voting has finished, as well, and theres no evidence that votes will be added, as Trump claims. Eligible ballots, meanwhile, will be counted.

    Just Half Of Registered Voters In The Us Expect To Know Election Results Within A Day Or Two Of Election Day

    Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans views towards the process of voting in the 2020 presidential election and the certainty of the election. For this analysis, we surveyed 11,929 U.S. adults, including 10,543 registered voters, between September 30 and October 5, 2020.

    Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of Pew Research Centers American Trends Panel , an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATPs methodology.

    Here are the questions used for the report, along with responses, and its methodology.

    A large majority of voters say it is important for Americans to know who won the presidential election within a day or two of Election Day. But just half say they are very or somewhat confident that this will happen, including nearly identical shares who support Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

    A much smaller majority of Trump supporters are confident that Americans will have a clear sense of who won, with just 13% saying they are very confident the winner will be clearly known after all the votes are counted.

    Other findings from the survey

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    A Split In South Carolina House Races

    RepresentativeTom Rice, one of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Mr. Trump, was ousted by his Trump-backed challenger, State Representative Russell Fry, in the Seventh Congressional District.

    But RepresentativeNancy Mace defeated her Trump-endorsed opponent, the former state lawmaker Katie Arrington, in the First Congressional District. Ms. Mace had said that Mr. Trump bore responsibility for the Jan. 6 attack but did not vote to impeach him.

    Oz Calls Fetterman ‘poster Child’ Of Far

    Trumpâs Twitter tops all leading 2020 Democrats in most states ...

    Dr. Mehmet Oz jumped right into his address at the Rally to Save America on Saturday with a story about his parents’ immigration to the United States.

    “They came legally,” Oz stressed, emphasizing that they came to pursue the American dream.

    “We all believe in the American dream,” Oz continued. “And then we’ve been seeing some things of late that make us a little worried.”

    For Oz, the wakeup call happened during COVID, he said.

    “You know what happens when you mix politics and medicine? Politics.” Oz said, accusing the government of overreach and the weaponization of science.

    The crowd remained silent as Oz went into his criticisms of the Green New Deal, “which could not happen on this timeline.” Oz questioned the opposition’s stances on things like gender identity.

    Oz called his opponent for Senate, John Fetterman, “the poster child for the far-left part of the Democratic party,” eliciting a chorus of “boos” from the audience.

    Oz remarked on Fetterman’s health as a reason that Fetterman has not agreed to debate him.

    “I’m sympathetic as a doctor,” Oz said, before noting that he has reached out to Fetterman’s staff to “answer questions,” to no avail.

    Oz then launched into a “pretend debate” with Fetterman, starting with questions on the releasing of prisoners, drug legalization and sanctuary cities.

    “He’d probably say ‘it sounded good on Twitter,'” Oz said.

    Oz went on to reference high crime rates in Philadelphia, citing his endorsement by the Fraternal Order of Police.

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    Trump Endorses Dr Oz Mastriano Bognet

    Trump said Fetterman was one of the most “far-left freakshows” he had ever seen. And said he thought Conor Lamb, a Democratic Congressman who lost to Fetterman in the Senate primary, was a decent politician. “I like Conor Lamb.”

    Trump made fun of Fetterman’s outfits, saying the candidate for Senate dressed like a “teenager getting high in his parent’s basement.” He went on to call him a “defund the police Marxist” who wanted to release prisoners.

    Trump introduced Oz as someone who would fight for Pennsylvania, and invited him to the stage a second time.

    “Is the country headed in the right direction?” Oz said after taking the stage. “If your friends say ‘yes’, they should not be driving.”

    Trump made fun of Shapiro’s height before backpedaling, saying “you cannot tell height or weight jokes” in this day and age.

    Trump said while he supports certain abortion exceptions, Shapiro was a supporter of “on demand” abortions “right through the ninth month” and “after the baby is born.”

    Federal law outlawed partial birth abortions in 2003, and the Supreme Court upheld that ban in 2007.

    Trump soon invited Mastriano back to the stage.

    “Day 1 we are out of the green house gas initiative, we are gonna dig and drill like there’s no tomorrow.” Mastriano said, before going on to announce support for voter ID, and making fun of Shapiro’s stance on transgender Americans.

    Mastriano referenced Trump’s presence during 9/11 in New York City, and cited the crash of Flight 93 in Somerset County.

    Georgia Secretary Of State Pressured To Disqualify Ballots

    The 2020 United States presidential election in Georgia produced an initial count wherein Biden defeated Trump by around 14,000 votes, triggering an automatic recount due to the small margin. On November 13, while the recount was ongoing, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina privately called Georgia Secretary of StateBrad Raffensperger to discuss Georgia’s vote counting. Raffensperger, a Republican, told The Washington Post that Graham had asked whether Raffensperger could disqualify all mail-in ballots in counties that had more signature errors.Gabriel Sterling, a Republican election official and staffer to Raffensperger, was present for the call, and Sterling confirmed that Graham had asked that question.

    Raffensperger viewed Graham’s question as a suggestion to throw out legally-cast ballots, although Graham denied suggesting that. Graham acknowledged calling Raffensperger to find out how to “protect the integrity of mail-in voting” and “how does signature verification work?”, but declared that if Raffensperger “feels threatened by that conversation, he’s got a problem”. Graham stated that he was investigating in his own capacity as a senator, although he is the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Graham also claimed that he had spoken to the secretaries of state in Arizona and Nevada. The secretaries, however, denied this, and Graham then contradicted himself, stating that he had talked to the Governor of Arizona but no official in Nevada.

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