Shutdown 10: November 10 To 14 1983
President: Ronald Reagan
Senate: Republicans , Majority Leader Howard Baker
House: Democrats , Speaker Tip ONeill
Why: A variety of issues this time: House Democrats wanted more education funding, more aid for Israel and Egypt, less aid to Syria and El Salvador, and less defense spending than Reagan did. The two parties reached a compromise in which the MX missile was funded, and Democrats got a lot less money for education and secured their defense and foreign cuts, along with a ban on oil and gas drilling on federal animal refuges.
Us Faces Risk Of Government Shutdown As Trump Balks At Covid
WASHINGTON, Dec 23 – Americanson Wednesday faced the prospect of a government shutdown during a pandemic as outgoing President Donald Trump, angry at his fellow Republicans in Congress, threatened not to sign a $2.3 trillion government funding and coronavirus aid package.
The package, including $892 billion for relief from the coronavirus crisis, ended months of negotiations between congressional Republicans and Democrats.
It also pays for government operations through September 2021, so if Trump blocks it then large parts of the U.S. government will start to shut down next week for lack of funds.
Trump, in a video posted to social media on Tuesday evening, surprised some of his closest officials by demanding the bill be revised to include $2,000 payments to each American, more than triple the $600 per person included in it.
A source familiar with the situation said aides thought they had talked Trump out of the $2,000 demand last week, only to learn he had not given up when he posted the video. That surprised even his Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, who took part in the talks and backed the $600 figure.
Trump was irked when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in Congress, last week acknowledged Democrat Joe Biden’s defeat of Trump in their November election contest, another source said. Biden is due to take office on Jan. 20.
McCarthy’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Watch Trump Pelosi Schumer Clash Over Border Wall Funding
After Trump invited reporters to sit in for a testy exchange at his first meeting in more than a year with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, the Democrats teed him up to shoulder the credit or the blame if the money runs out and the government is forced to close down.
Pelosi, a California Democrat who is expected to become House speaker in January, referred in the meeting to a partial government closure as the “Trump shutdown.”
Schumer, a New York Democrat, told Trump “you want to shut it down. You keep talking about it.”
Trump took the bait.
“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other … I will shut down the government. Absolutely,” he said. “I am proud to shut down the government for border security.”
Later, Trump told reporters that he was happy to take responsibility for a partial pause in government operations. It was “Chuck’s problem” when the government briefly shut down early in the year, Trump said.
“It was his idea, and he got killed,” Trump said, either unaware or unconcerned that he was putting himself in the same position as Schumer was in less than a year ago. “He doesn’t want to own it.”
“I’ll take it,” Trump added. “I will take it because we’re closing it down for border security, and I think I win that every single time.”
But there’s reason for Republicans who care about the broader public perception of the party’s ability to govern and to expand its base to worry about his tactics.
Shutdown 14: December 18 To 20 1987
President: Ronald Reagan
Senate: Democrats , Majority Leader Robert Byrd
House: Democrats , Speaker Jim Wright
Why: Congressional Democrats were resisting further funding for the Contras in Nicaragua, and insisted on reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, a Federal Communications Commission rule that had recently been abandoned, which required broadcasters to show balanced perspectives on political issues. Democrats lost on the Fairness Doctrine, and agreed to nonlethal aid to the Contras.
List Of Federal Shutdowns
This list includes only major funding gaps which led to actual employee furloughs within federal departments of the US government. It does not include funding gaps that did not involve shutdowns of government departments, in which examples include: a brief funding gap in 1982, in which nonessential workers were told to report to work but to cancel meetings and not perform their ordinary duties; a three-day funding gap in November 1983 that did not disrupt government services; and a 9-hour funding gap in February 2018 that did not disrupt government services.
The 1980 shutdown was the first time a federal agency shut down due to a budget dispute, with around 1,600 federal workers for the FTC being furloughed as a result, and Federal Marshals deployed to some FTC facilities to enforce their closure. The shutdown ended after one day when Carter threatened to close down the entire US government if Congress did not pass spending bills by 1 October later that year, with economists of the time estimating that the 1-day shutdown of the FTC cost the government around $700,000, the majority of which was towards back pay for the furloughed workers. In the aftermath of the shutdown, Civiletti issued a revised edition of his original opinion on 18 January 1981, detailing that shutdowns would still require agencies that protect human safety or property to continue operating if funding for them expired.
1981, 1984, and 1986
Shutdown 7: November 20 To 23 1981
President: Ronald Reagan
Senate: Republicans , Majority Leader Howard Baker
House: Democrats , Speaker Tip ONeill
Why: This was the first shutdown, in the current sense of the term, when federal government functions were seriously curtailed. Reagan furloughed 241,000 federal workers, the first time a funding gap had led to so severe a reduction in the federal governments operations. Reagan had demanded $8.4 billion in domestic spending cuts and promised to veto any bill that didnt include at least half of that amount in cuts. The Senate was willing to comply, but the House insisted on bigger defense cuts and on pay increases for itself and the civil service.
The two branches reached a deal that fell $2 billion short of Reagans threshold, so he vetoed the deal and shut down the government. The shutdown ended quickly after Congress passed a continuing resolution for a little less than a month, giving them time to negotiate.
Empathy For Federal Workers
Walden is the only Republican in Congress from Oregon, representing a district that Trump won by 19 percentage points. Although his bid for a 12th term wasn’t close, his 57 percent win was his smallest general election victory.
Walden led the campaign arm of House Republicans in the 2014 and 2016 elections and votes with Republicans more than 90 percent of the time. But as the new Congress convened last week, Walden said he looked forward “to reaching across the aisle to find bipartisan solutions.”
Of his votes to reopen parts of the government, Walden said he has empathy for federal workers and their families caught up in the impasse.
“We know not many people can afford to miss a paycheck,” Walden said.
Contributing: Eliza Collins.
Congress Races To Avoid Government Shutdown Amid Pandemic As Funding Expires
Parties face first major test of ability to cooperate since election, with funding to run out on 11 December
The US Congress on Monday began a two-week sprint to rescue the federal government from a possible shutdown amid the coronavirus pandemic, the first major test since the election of whether Republicans and Democrats intend to cooperate.
Government funding for nearly all federal agencies expires on Saturday 11 December.
Congressional negotiators have made progress on how to divvy up around $1.4tn to be spent by 30 September 2021, the end of the current fiscal year, according to a House of Representatives Democratic aide.
But more granular details are still unresolved and votes by the full House and Senate on a huge funding bill may come close to bumping up against that 11 December deadline.
Still unclear is whether Donald Trump, who was defeated in the 3 November election, will cooperate with the effort.
If the post-election lame duck session of Congress fails to produce a budget deal, the new Congress convening in January would have to clean up the mess just weeks before the inauguration of Joe Biden.
Trump has already warned that he would veto a wide-ranging defense authorization bill Congress aims to pass if a provision is included stripping Confederate leaders names from military bases.
Most Americans Call Shutdown ’embarrassing’ As It’s Set To Become Longest In History
Shutdowns had been a rare thing in U.S. history. The first one came just over 40 years ago, 200 years after the country’s founding. But since that time, the fisticuffs of divided government and spending disputes have become fairly commonplace if not usually this lengthy.
First shutdown was in 1976
The first partial shutdown came under President Gerald Ford in 1976 when he vetoed a spending bill amid a dispute over the budget for the Department of Health, Education & Welfare .
A whole slew of them followed over the next two decades. There were five during Jimmy Carter’s four years in office, and eight between 1981 and 1989 during Ronald Reagan’s administration.
National Parks And Capital Museums
As with the January 2018 shutdown, national parks were expected to be open to the extent practical, though there would be no staff and buildings would be closed. The shutdown affected national parks unevenly, some were accessible with bare-bones staffing levels, some operated with money from states or charitable groups, and others were locked off. Diane Regas, president and chief executive of the Trust for Public Land, called upon Trump to close all national parks to protect the public: by the third week of the shutdown, three people had died in national parks. This number was reported as being within ‘usual’ levels. At Yosemite National Park, on January 4, 2019, a death from a fall went unreported for a week.
Closures or limited access
Government Shutdowns In The United States
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Government shutdowns in the United States occur when there is a failure to pass funding legislation to finance the government for its next fiscal year or a temporary funding measure. Ever since a 1980 interpretation of the 1884 Antideficiency Act, a “lapse of appropriation” due to a political impasse on proposed appropriation bills requires that the US federal government curtail agency activities and services, close down non-essential operations, furlough non-essential workers, and only retain essential employees in departments covering the safety of human life or protection of property. Voluntary services may only be accepted when required for the safety of life or property. Shutdowns can also occur within and disrupt state, territorial, and local levels of government.
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Since the enactment of the US government’s current budget and appropriations process in 1976, there have been a total of 22 funding gaps in the federal budget, ten of which have led to federal employees being furloughed. Prior to 1980, funding gaps did not lead to government shutdowns, until Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti issued a legal opinion requiring the government to be shut down when a funding gap occurs. This opinion was not consistently adhered to through the 1980s, but since 1990 all funding gaps lasting longer than a few hours have led to a shutdown.
Willing To Take Party To Task
Stefanik quickly became a rising star in the Republican Party when, at age 30, she became the then-youngest woman ever elected to Congress.
In November, Stefanik was re-elected to a third term in her upstate New York district with 56 percent of the vote, after including a shot of Trump campaigning with her in one of her campaign ads. She was also in charge ofrecruiting candidates for House Republicans for last year’s midterms. But after the election, Stefanik took her party to task for not doing enough to help elect women and minorities.
Stefanik said she’s backed bills to fund shuttered government agencies because “I oppose government shutdowns and in Congress have consistently voted to keep the government open.”
Food Stamps Inspections And School Lunches
During the shutdown, 95% of federal staff for the USDA‘s Food and Nutrition Services were furloughed. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program , the food-stamp program, could be funded through a $3 billion contingency fund appropriated by Congress in 2018; if the shutdown had continued through March 2019, those funds would have been exhausted, leaving some 38 million Americans without food stamps and endangering food security. Concerns were raised that continuation of the shutdown could delay the issuance of some $140 billion in tax refunds from the Internal Revenue Service .
School administrations raised concern about how to feed children who purchase food at the schools for lunch, as funding concerns caused some districts to conserve food and funding. Many limited the amount or variation of foods available for the children to purchase, and alerted parents to the concerns and the limited availability of some of the items. Most schools affected were in high-poverty areas, and depended on federally funded lunch programs, such as the Community Eligibility Provision a federal grant established by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and operated through the Department of Agriculture. Some 22 million students in nearly 100,000 schools received school meals through that operation.
United States Federal Government Shutdown
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The United States federal governmentshutdown from midnight on December 22, 2018, until January 25, 2019 was the longest U.S. government shutdown in history and the second and final federal government shutdown involving furloughs during the presidency of Donald Trump. It occurred when the 116th United States Congress and President Donald Trump could not agree on an appropriations bill to fund the operations of the federal government for the 2019 fiscal year, or a temporary continuing resolution that would extend the deadline for passing a bill. The Antideficiency Act prohibits federal departments or agencies from conducting non-essential operations without appropriations legislation in place. As a result, nine executive departments with around 800,000 employees had to shut down partially or in full, affecting about one-fourth of government activities and causing employees to be furloughed or required to work without being paid. The Congressional Budget Office estimated the shutdown cost the American economy at least $11 billion , excluding indirect costs that were difficult to quantify.
On February 15, 2019, Trump declared a national emergency in order to fund the wall and bypass the United States Congress, after being unsatisfied with a bipartisan border bill that had passed the House of Representatives and the Senate a day before.
A Brief History Of The 2013 Government Shutdown
The 2019 governmentshutdown — the longest shutdownin US history — has rendered hundreds of thousands of federal workers without paychecks and affected dozens of federal agencies. Here’s a. When the government shut down from October 1, 2013 and the American people deserve better than a government that lurches from crisis to crisis caused by a handful of people. American. Acadia Park In Maine Shut Down – ‘We’ve been training for two years at CrossFit for this hike no kidding, Hart said. She added that the shutdown should be as inconvenient for the Washington politicians who caused it as it is for average citizens.’ The GOP have agreed to fund the parks. Obama said he will veto. 16 VA regional offices shut down Oct 08, 2013 Oct 08, 2013 The Department of Veterans Affairs has announced it is placing more than 7,000 employees on furlough, effective Oct. 8 – a move that will eliminate public access to all 56 of its Veterans Benefits Administration regional offices
Why Did The Government Shutdown In 2013
- Federal workers demonstrate against the government shutdown in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on October 4, 2013. The government shut down for the first time in 17 years on October.
- 10/02/2013 07:31 PM EDT. Updated 10/03/2013 02:45 PM EDT. 2013-10-03T02:45-0400. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. But as the government shutdown heads into day three,.
- I mean, this whole notion that we’re going to shut down the government to get rid of Obamacare in 2013this plan never had a chance. The Abortion Shutdown Duration: 12 days, beginning Sept.
- The United States federal government shutdowns of 1995 and 1995-96 were the result of conflicts between Democratic President Bill Clinton and the Republican Congress over funding for education, the environment, and public health in the 1996 federal budget.The shutdowns lasted from November 14 through November 19, 1995, and from December 16, 1995, to January 6, 1996, for 5 and 21 days.
- If Congress doesn’t reach an agreement over government funding, shutdown is October 1 2011 had three major debates that nearly shut down the government But the 2011 fiscal battles only tell half.
- Government shutdown begins: Congress fails to agree on spending bill. By Rebecca Kaplan, Stephanie Condon October 1, 2013 / 12:25 PM / CBS New
- imum wage, or universal health carethe country would be.
A Fourth Trump Wall Shutdown Loomed
On March 11, 2019, President Trump sent Congress a $4.7 trillion spending proposal for the governments 2020 budget that included another $8.6 billion for U.S.-Mexico border wall construction. Bringing the threat of a fourth government shutdown of the Trump presidency, Democratic lawmakers immediately vowed to block further border wall funding.
In a joint statement, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer reminded the president of the widespread chaos that had hurt millions of Americans during the 34-day border wall shutdown from December 22, 2018, to January 24, 2019. The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again. We hope he learned his lesson, wrote Pelosi and Schumer. By law, Congress had until October 1, 2019, to approve the 2020 budget.
Democrats Think Thats Totally Overreaching In This Case So Its A Non
Abortion coverage restrictions already exist in Medicaid and in federal programs under the auspices of the Hyde Amendment. Now anti-abortion legislators and organizations are trying to prevent abortion reimbursement under Obamacare for low-income folks.
NNAF Abortion Funds December 20, 2017
The issue is a non-starter for Republicans, too. It needs to have Hyde, said Rep. Chris Smith, who is also a co-chairman of the bipartisan Pro-Life Caucus. In the Senate, since they made a promise to Collins, the bill could pass. But the House is a whole other ballgame. Rep. Mark Walker, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, which is the largest group of conservative activists in the House, told Reuters that Collins agreement means squat over
Lovely, right? Its even trickier, according to Ohio Rep. Tim Cole, since Republicans dont want to be doing anything at all to make it look like theyre keeping the ACA on life support. The abortion thing just makes it worse for them. Cole thinks it comes down to Speaker Paul Ryan. I think listens to his members, and I think he got a lot of pushback on that today, Cole told The Hill. Theres no stronger pro-life person than Paul Ryan. Thats never coming through here without Hyde language in it.
Thank you for standing firm on the Hyde Amendment! Republicans must add Hyde to any new market stabilization subsidies. #HydeSavesLives#prolife
Republicans Start Bracing For Shutdown Fight In Run
Senate Republicans are growing concerned that rising tensions between President TrumpNancy PelosiOn The Money Eviction ruling puts new pressure on Congress Overnight Energy & Environment Presented by the American Petroleum Institute Feds target illegal gas practicesPelosi backs bill to expedite rental aid after eviction rulingMORE could lead to a shutdown fight just weeks before the election and threaten their slim majority in the chamber.
There is widespread anxiety among GOP senators that Trumps penchant for picking fights is a political liability as his response to nationwide protests against police brutality appears to be the cause of his declining approval ratings.
Republicans are now worried that hes likely to pick a fight with Pelosi in September over government funding for the next fiscal year, which starts Oct. 1.
Trump and Pelosis relationship has only gotten worse since the 35-day government shutdown at the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019. The president regularly refers to her as “Crazy Nancy,” and last month Pelosi called him “morbidly obese.”
GOP lawmakers say the last thing they need a few weeks before the Nov. 3 election is a spending standoff and possible government shutdown, especially with 23 Republican Senate seats up for reelection and only 12 Democratic seats at stake.
Some moderate Democrats, however, have expressed support in the past for legislation to prevent future shutdowns.
Shutdown 11: September 30 To October 3 1984
President: Ronald Reagan
Senate: Republicans , Majority Leader Howard Baker
House: Democrats , Speaker Tip ONeill
Why: Reagan wanted a crime bill; House Democrats wanted water projects and a law reversing a recent Supreme Court decision allowing exemptions from Title IX of the Civil Rights Act for colleges that didnt get federal funding directly but whose students did. Reagan didnt like the latter two provisions, and a three-day spending extension was passed to give more time to negotiate after the funding gap.
Republicans’ 2010 Congressional Victory
The tensions that would ultimately produce the 2013 shutdown began to take shape after Republicans, strengthened by the emergence of the Tea Party, won back a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives from the Democrats in 2010. Even at that time, some conservative activists and Tea Party-affiliated politicians were already calling on congressional Republicans to be willing to shut down the government in order to force congressional Democrats and the President to agree to deep cuts in spending and to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which had been signed into law only a few months earlier. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a Republican who had presided over Congress during the last government shutdowns 15 years earlier, said in April 2010 that if Republicans won back control of Congress in the 2010 election, they should remove any funding for the Affordable Care Act in any appropriations bills they passed. Gingrich said Republicans needed to “be ready to stand on principle” and should refuse to fund the new healthcare law even if their refusal would result in a shutdown of the government.
Agreement Temporarily Reopens Government
In at least a temporary solution, President Trump, on January 25, announced that he had struck a deal with Democratic leaders in Congress to allow the government to reopen until February 15 without including funding for the construction of any additional border barrier. Negotiations of border wall funding were to continue during the three-week period.
The President stressed that a border wall remained a necessity for national security and that if Congress did not agree to fund it by the February 15 deadline, he either reinstate the government shutdown or declare a national emergency allowing existing funds to be used for the purpose.