Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Vote Republican In California Primary

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Republican challengers in California recall election make final push ahead of Election Day
  • Twenty years ago, Usha Prabakaran wrote a self-published cookbook with 1,000 pickle recipes. Its become a cult classic in and outside of India, where Ms. Prabakaran lives. Cooks share the PDF and photos of its pages.

  • High tariffs on European wines are striking fear into the heart of the American wine industry both importers and producers: All wines rely on the same distribution network.

  • I was just a punk rock kid. And whats more punk rock than getting paid to eat? Javier Cabral, a Los Angeles food writer and associate producer for Las Crónicas del Taco on Netflix, comes to grips with becoming the token taco writer.

California Today goes live at 6:30 a.m. Pacific time weekdays. Tell us what you want to see: . Were you forwarded this email?

Jill Cowan grew up in Orange County, graduated from U.C. Berkeley and has reported all over the state, including the Bay Area, Bakersfield and Los Angeles but she always wants to see more. Follow along here or on Twitter, .

California Today is edited by Julie Bloom, who grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from U.C. Berkeley.

Sanders Warns California Primary Could Disenfranchise His Independent Base

OAKLAND Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders charged Friday that Californias primary system threatens to disenfranchise millions of independent voters whose support he has cultivated in the nations most populous state.

Sanders said Friday during a press conference in Santa Ana that he and his team have been campaigning hard to reach Californias 5.3 million no-party-preference voters, who now represent the second largest voting bloc in the state at 25.9 percent ahead of Republicans, who comprise 23.7 percent.

But in California, where voting has already started ahead of the March 3 election, the Vermont senator said hes concerned that independents are not yet turning out in large numbers.

Each party establishes its own presidential primary rules. In California, Democrats allow independents to participate if those voters request a Democratic ballot, while Republicans have a closed system that requires voters to re-register with the GOP.

Unfortunately, under the current NPP participation rules, we risk locking out millions of young people millions of young people of color and many, many other people who wanted to participate in the Democratic primary but may find it impossible for them to do so, he said. And that seems to me to be very, very wrong.

Sanders himself has long been registered as an independent while serving in Congress, but he caucuses with Democrats and has filed as a Democrat to run twice for president.

Heres What Else Were Following

We often link to sites that limit access for nonsubscribers. We appreciate your reading Times coverage, but we also encourage you to support local news if you can.

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  • Starting this year, routine pediatric visits for millions of California kids will include screening for toxic stress. That could involve questions about sensitive topics like divorce or a parent who struggles with alcoholism. Heres what you need to know.

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S For Determining The Election’s Outcome

Methods for tallying votes to determine a primary election’s outcome include the following:

  • Plurality voting system: In plurality systems, the candidate who wins the largest share of the vote wins the election. The candidate need not win an outright majority to be elected. These systems are sometimes referred to as first-past-the-post or winner-take-all.
  • Majority voting system: In majority systems, a candidate must win more than 50 percent of the vote in order to win the election. In the event that no candidate wins an outright majority, a runoff election is held between the top two vote-getters. For this reason, majority systems are sometimes referred to as two-round systems. Ranked-choice voting is a specific type of majority voting system that may also be used in primary elections.
  • Top-two primaries: A top-two primary is one in which all candidates are listed on the same primary election ballot the top two vote-getters, regardless of their partisan affiliations, advance to the general election. Consequently, it is possible that two candidates belonging to the same political party could win in a top-two primary and face off in the general election. A top-two primary should not be confused with a blanket primary. In a blanket primary, all candidates are listed on the same primary ballot the top vote-getter from each party participating in the primary advances to the general election.
  • May 201: Trump As Presumptive Nominee

    The Federalist: California Republicans thrive at the local ...

    142 delegates were awarded between the Indiana primary and the final primaries in June however, with Trump the only candidate remaining, Washington, Oregon, West Virginia and Nebraska became essentially uncontested, although Cruz and Kasich remained on the ballot. Trump won handily in West Virginia, Nebraska and Oregon, although Kasich received one delegate from West Virginia and five in Oregon, while Cruz took five in Oregon as well. The next week, Trump won decisively in Washington State, taking 76% of the vote and 41 of 44 delegates, with the other three uncommitted.

    May 1024 results


    After becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, Trump said regarding the Republican primaries: “You’ve been hearing me say it’s a rigged system, but now I don’t say it anymore because I won. It’s true. Now I don’t care.”

    On May 26, 2016, the Associated Press announced that Trump had passed the threshold of 1,237 delegates required to guarantee his nomination, thanks to unbound delegates from North Dakota who declared their support for Trump.

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    The Trailer: As California Recall Vote Nears Republicans Ready To Blame ‘shenanigans’ For Newsom Win

    In this edition: California recall supporters fret about voter fraud, a campaign stop near homeless encampments goes wrong and New England voters once again flip party control in a special election.

    The one millionth person to ask for an explanation of how the recall ballot works gets a $10 gift card, and this is The Trailer.

    SANTA BARBARA, Calif. A few hours after a woman in a gorilla mask threw an egg at his head and missed, Larry Elder found a friendlier audience. Several hundred voters who wanted to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom gathered in this city’s sunken garden, cheering when a former county supervisor called it the largest political rally ever held there. When the candidate was wrapping up, a woman shouted the question he seemed to be getting every day.

    How are we going to stop the Democrats’ cheating? Elder said, repeating the question for the crowd. The reason the lawsuits did not work in the 2020 election we know what happened there is because the lawsuits were filed too late. His campaign was ready to sue over anything suspicious, and a lot of things have been suspicious so far, but he wouldn’t let his voters get despondent.

    The number of people that are going to vote to recall this man is going to be so overwhelming so that even when they cheat, they’re still going to lose, Elder said.

    Are Primaries Similar Throughout The States

    No. There are three types of primaries used by states closed, open or mixed. In a closed primary, you can only vote for a party that you are registered with. This means a registered Democrat can only vote in the Democratic Primary and a Republican-only in the Republican Primary. Independents and unregistered voters are unable to vote in closed primaries.

    Open primaries, on the other hand, permit citizens to vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary regardless of their party affiliation. A voter canât vote in more than one primary, however.

    The third type of primary is a mixed primary. Here, unregistered voters have the choice to vote in one of the two primaries while registered voters must vote in the party they registered for.

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    What Questions Will Be On The Ballot

    The recall ballot will have two parts:

  • The question Shall Gavin Newsom be recalled from the office of Governor?
  • A list of candidates who could potentially replace the governor if a recall is successful.
  • Voters will choose “Yes” or “No” on Question 1. A “Yes” vote means you want Newsom to be recalled. A “No” vote means you would like Newsom to remain governor. If more than 50% choose to recall Newsom, the candidate who wins the most votes will replace him.

    The second part includes a list of the who qualified for the ballot . You can fill out this section even if you vote “No” on Question 1 .

    How the two questions will appear on your recall ballot.

    Isnt It Hard To Recall A Democrat In California

    Some Californians may need to re-register to vote before presidential primary

    California is less liberal in the aggregate than its reputation. Some six million Californians voted for Donald J. Trump in the 2020 election. Thats roughly quadruple the number of signatures proponents needed to put a recall onto the ballot, and those were the voters who were targeted.

    And increasingly, California races have drawn national money and interest as both parties have come to view the Democratic-dominated state as a stand-in for liberal governance on the national level.

    But Democratic voters outnumber Republicans nearly 2-1 in California. The math alone gives Democrats an advantage statewide.

    And although Mr. Heatlie and his group describe themselves as mainstream, a significant portion of the energy behind the recall is coming from the fringes. Early rallies to promote it were heavily populated by Proud Boys and anti-vaccination activists. Backers of Mr. Heatlies campaign have made social media posts bashing immigrants and depicting the governor as Hitler.

    Microchip all illegal immigrants. It works! Just ask Animal control, Mr. Heatlie himself wrote in a 2019 Facebook post. He now says that the remark was a conversation starter that he did not intend to be taken literally. Polls have shown Mr. Newsom holding his seat handily among all voters, but it is unclear who will vote in this unusual, off-year special election. Polls of likely voters show a far tighter race.

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    Can I Register The Same Day I Want To Vote

    California has Conditional Voter Registration on Election Day, which is a safety net if you miss the deadline. If you wait until Election day to register or update your registration, you’ll have to complete the process by visiting a count elections office or vote center within 14 days after the election. So why wait? Do it now. Do it do it do it dooo itdoitdoitdoit:

    How Do I Fill Out My Ballot

    Fill out your mail-in ballot and place it in the secure envelope. Make sure you sign the outside of your ballot envelope. Election officials match your signature with the one on file to verify your identity.

    Watch for common mistakes before you turn in your ballot. A recent study said the include: returning them too late, forgetting to sign the ballot envelope and signatures that dont match the one on file.

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    Alabama Republican Candidates Far Outnumber Democrats As Qualifying For May 24 Primary Wraps Up

    Alabama Republican primary voters will have the final say in seven of the statewide races on the ballot this year because no Democrats signed up to run.

    Today was the deadline for candidates to fill out their paperwork and pay their qualifying fees with the two state parties to compete in the primary, which is May 24.

    Fifteen candidates qualified to run for the Republican nomination in the two top races on the ballot.

    Republican Gov. Kay Ivey drew eight challengers in her party. Six Republicans are running for the U.S. Senate seat that comes open with the retirement of Sen. Richard Shelby after this year.

    Six Democrats qualified to run for governor and four qualified in the race for the U.S. Senate. No other statewide race drew more than one Democratic qualifier.

    Todays deadline does not apply to the races for the U.S. House. A federal court extended that to Feb. 11 as part of a lawsuit over how the Legislature reapportioned Alabamas seven congressional districts after the 2020 census.

    U.S. Senate

    The top candidates have been campaigning for months in the race that drew six GOP qualifiers and no Democrats.

    Republican qualifiers are former Shelby chief of staff and Business Council of Alabama chief Katie Britt, Congressman Mo Brooks of Huntsville, and former Army aviator and businessman Mike Durant. Others are Lillie Boddie, Karla M. Dupriest, and Jake Schafer.


    Lieutenant governor

    No Democrats qualified for the race.

    Attorney general

    How To Vote Republican In California

    California GOP Accused of Setting up Unofficial Ballot ...

    The pivotal California presidential primary election takes place on June 7, just 75 days from today. What is not well known to most California voters is that Californias Republican primary is a closed primary election. That means that if you are currently a registered Democrat or a registered independent, you cannot vote for Donald Trump or Ted Cruz on June 7. Your local polling station will not give you a Republican primary ballot unless you are registered as a Republican.

    So, May 23, 2016 is the final day to go online, register as a new voter, and change your party affiliation.

    Here is a link to the California secretary of states website to register to vote.

    While there is no crossover voting allowed by the California GOP party, the Democrats and a couple of other minor parties do allow crossover voting by independents and Republicans. Interesting, to say the least.

    If you are not currently registered as a Republican in the Golden State and you want to participate in the California Republican primary, you must register as new voter online by May 23, 2016 and change you party affiliation to Republican.

    Okay. I think you got it.

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    If I’m Registered As No Party Preference Can I Vote For A Democratic Candidate In The Primary

    NPP voters can request a ballot for the Democratic, Independent or Libertarian Parties all of which have chosen to allow NPP voters to participate in their primaries.

    You had the option to request a Democratic, Independent or Libertarian vote-by-mail ballot by Feb. 25 if you’re registered as NPP. If you missed the deadline, you can request those specific ballots in person at a voting center, polling place or your county’s elections office.

    What Are The Key Issues Driving The Recall

    Initially, the Republicans who started the recall disagreed with Mr. Newsom on issues like the death penaltyand his opposition to President Donald Trumps policies. The effort was widely viewed as a long shot.

    Then two particular factors boosted the campaign: A judge allowed more time for leaders of the recall to gather signatures because of pandemic lockdowns. And growing frustration among some Californians over health restrictions came to a head when Mr. Newsom was seen dining maskless with lobbyists at an expensive, exclusive Napa Valley restaurant called the French Laundryafter asking Californians to wear masks and stay home.

    As the pandemic dragged on, recall supporters focused their arguments on the governors response, criticizing it as overly restrictive. Prolonged school closuresdrew ire during the last school year, as did pandemic unemployment fraud.

    More recently, proponents have argued that broader social ills such as homelessness have worsened during Mr. Newsoms tenure, that Democrats have de facto one-party rule in California and that the high cost of livingis driving Californians out.

    Mr. Newsoms Democratic allies charge that the effort is an undemocratic far-right power grab by Trumpian extremists who would otherwise never see a Republican elected to Californias top state office.

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    Do You Have To Vote For The Party You’re Registered With

    Your state may give you the opportunity to declare your political party affiliation on your voter registration card.

    • You do not have to vote for the party youre registered with, in a federal, state, or local general election.

    • But in a presidential primary or caucus, depending on your states rules, you may have to vote for the political party youve registered with.

    Start Your Day With Laist

    California recall election: Larry Elder says Democrats ‘know they’re in trouble’ | ABC7

    If youre confused about how to vote in Californias presidential primary, youre in good company with Susan Sarandon.

    Just one problem: Shes wrong. Political independents do not need to switch parties to vote in the Democratic presidential primary the just need to request a Democratic ballot first.

    This is important.

    Susan Sarandon

    To be fair, the minutiae of California election law is really confusing! And Sarandon is hardly alone. Election day in California is , but already social media has become a bipartisan chorus of wrongness about the what, how and why of the states presidential primary.

    If youre unsure about how to get the ballot you want, why things here are so complicated or what presidential primaries are all about, here are four things to know before you vote:


    California voters can be forgiven for assuming that political party registration doesnt really matter.

    In 2010 voters backed a measure to create the states nonpartisan top two election system, in which all primary voters fill out a ballot with every candidate on it regardless of either the voters or the candidates political party. The top two winners then move on to the general election ballot even if theyre both from the same party.

    In races for state legislative and congressional seats, the top two method will still reign on the 2020 ballot.

    L.A. County voters:

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