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How Many Presidents Were Democrats And Republicans

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List Of The Presidents Of The United States And Their Political Parties

Senate Democrats Outmaneuvered Republicans With Climate And Budget Bill

1. George Washington: No party

2. John Adams: Federalist

6. John Quincy Adams: Democratic-Republican

7. Andrew Jackson: Democrat

8. Martin van Buren: Democrat

9. William Henry Harrison: Whig

10. John Tyler: Whig

11. James Knox Polk: Democrat

12. Zachary Taylor: Whig

18. Ulysses S. Grant: Republican

19. Rutherford B. Hayes: Republican

20. James Garfield: Republican

21. Chester Alan Arthur: Republican

22. Grover Cleveland: Democrat

27. William Howard Taft: Republican

28. Woodrow Wilson: Democrat

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt: Democrat

33. Harry S Truman: Democrat

34. Dwight David Eisenhower: Republican

35. John F. Kennedy: Democrat

36. Lyndon B. Johnson: Democrat

37. Richard Nixon: Republican

39. James Earl Carter: Democrat

40. Ronald Reagan: Republican

41. George H.W. Bush: Republican

42. William Jefferson Clinton: Democrat

43. George W. Bush: Republican

44. Barack Obama: Democrat

Philosophy And Role In Government

Democrats, also sometimes called ‘the left’, ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ make up one of the two main political parties in the United States. A mostly Democratic state is sometimes called a ‘blue state’. This comes from the partys main color, which is blue, referring to a state supporting blue candidates.

Democrats believe in a strong government with social assistance programs to help members of society. They prefer diplomatic solutions to conflicts, and take generally multilateralist views on trade, believing that trade must be free, but fair to protect American workers, consumers, local communities, and the environment. Some Democrats are economic centrists.

Socially, most Democrats believe in sociocultural liberalism, taking pro-immigration, pro-marriage equality, and pro-choice views.

Republicans Vs Democrats In Launching Wars: We Have The Numbers

It is not about the strong on defense, hawkish Republicans juxtaposed with peace-loving dovish Democrats anymore. Looking back at the past 118 years, there have been some ‘divergents’ warmongering Democrats and amicable Republicans. However, more interestingly and surprising for the conventional-minded the number of the XX century Democratic presidents who kept from starting wars is actually zero.

According to the research conducted by Sputnik, since the turn of the 20th century out of 8 US presidents none have managed to stay away from initiating military aggression.

In turn, out of 12 Republican leaders, two Warren Harding and Gerald Ford have deviated from the generally accepted party reputation.

Since 1900, 35 conflicts have been launched by Republican administrations compared to 23 by Democrats, with 10 GOP presidents launching one or more conflicts, compared to 8 Democrats.

Values and Wars

Rooted in American conservatism, the US Republican party commonly referred to as the GOP has always viewed strong national defense as one of its core principles.

Online users visiting the GOP website today are encouraged to choose principles that are most important to them. One of the options reads: “Military must be strong and prepared to defend our shores.”

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/11 Terrorist Attack Bill Of Rights

Why did 9/11 occur? The search does not end until the truth is exposed and those that died are allowed to rest. We hold that the lies about Ground Zero are clearly evident and that all victims are created equal, even those forced to lie. Not every victim of September 11th, 2001 died during the collapsing of the twin towers there are more victims being created everyday.

President Of The United States

Who Were the Democratic Presidents of the US?

The president of the United States has been chief of the executive branch of the United States of America since 1789.

Various other countries that are or were known as the United States have or had a presidential system:

President of the United StatesIf an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.

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The Philosophy Behind Democratic Economic Policy

Democrats gear their economic policies to benefit low-income and middle-income families. They argue that reducing income inequality is the best way to foster economic growth. Low-income families are more likely to spend any extra money on necessities instead of saving or investing it. That directly increases demand and spurs economic growth. Democrats also support a Keynesian economic theory, which says that the government should spend its way out of a recession.

One dollar spent on increased food stamp benefits generates $1.73 in economic output.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt first outlined the Economic Bill of Rights in his 1944 State of the Union address. It included taxes on war profiteering and price controls on food costs. President Harry Trumans 1949 Fair Deal proposed an increase in the minimum wage, civil rights legislation, and national health care. President Barack Obama expanded Medicaid with the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

C Republicans Vs Democrats

Minneapolis Star-Tribune

It seemed like Bill Clinton had everything going for him. He defeated an incumbent President and became the first Democrat to win the White House since Jimmy Carter defeated Gerald Ford. He had a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate to work with him.

One of the first major initiatives he began was health care reform. Many Americans were concerned about spiraling medical costs. Medicare did not cover prescription drugs and only paid a portion of health care costs. Over 20 million Americans had no health insurance whatsoever. Clinton assembled a task force to study the problem and assigned his wife Hillary to head the committee. She became the most politically active first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt.

Eventually Clinton presented a plan to limit costs and insure each American citizen to the Congress. Powerful interest groups representing doctors and insurance companies opposed Clinton. Many in the Congress thought the program too costly. Conservatives compared the plan to socialized medicine. Despite a âfriendlyâ Democratic Congress, the Clintonsâ proposal was defeated.

The Democrats had controlled the House of Representatives since 1954. Many Republicans had gotten used to acting like an opposition party. When the votes were counted, Republicans outscored Democrats in House seats 230-205. Gingrich was rewarded for his efforts by being named Speaker of the House.

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Confirming The Numbers Who Was Counted And Why

One approach to comparing malfeasance by administration might be to include only positions designated in 28 USC § 591. This section of the US Code lists government officers who are the direct concern of an independent counsel starting with the President and Vice President. We use broader criteria. Other lists likewise dont appear to use this act as their basis for comparison. Further, 28 USC 591 is applicable to the Independent Counsel Law, but not to other special prosecutor or special counsel investigations.

Some sources report 76 Watergate indictments, 55 convictions, and 15 served time. One source had 69 Watergate indictments of government figures. There is no path to that many government figures indicted. We report 26 government and former government figures. We find total 85 Nixon administration indictments, 78 convictions, and 24 with prison time. Figure 4 lists them. Some sources list two indictments for Clinton administration officers. However, we assign to the Clinton administration 5 indictments, counting his impeachment as an indictment, and involving the Departments of Agriculture, and Housing and Urban Development. Other lists show no Obama administration indictees. We include one, General David Petraeus.

To see our criteria for inclusion in the corruption numbers, check out . It is possible and reasonable to arrive at different numbers using different criteria. This article and the tables provide the data to support our conclusions.

The Issue Of Slavery: Enter Abraham Lincoln

Republicans accuse Democrats of using Jan. 6 as a partisan wedge

In the mid-nineteenth century, slavery was a widely discussed political issue. The Democratic Partys internal views on this matter differed greatly. Southern Democrats wished for slavery to be expanded and reach into Western parts of the country. Northern Democrats, on the other hand, argued that this issue should be settled on a local level and through popular referendum. Such Democratic infighting eventually led to Abraham Lincoln, who belonged to the Republican Party, winning the presidential election of 1860. This new Republican Party had recently been formed by a group of Whigs, Democrats and other politicians who had broken free from their respective parties in order to form a party based on an anti-slavery platform.

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If Convicted Removal From Office Possible Disqualification From Government Service

If a president is acquitted by the Senate, the impeachment trial is over. But if he or she is found guilty, the Senate trial moves to the sentencing or punishment phase. The Constitution allows for two types of punishments for a president found guilty of an impeachable offense: Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.

The first punishment, removal from office, is automatically enforced following a two-thirds guilty vote. But the second punishment, disqualification from holding any future government position, requires a separate Senate vote. In this case, only a simple majority is required to ban the impeached president from any future government office for life. That second vote has never been held since no president has been found guilty in the Senate trial.

Andrew Johnson: Impeached In 1868

The 1868 impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson.

Johnson was elected as Abraham Lincolns vice president in 1864. The toughest decision facing Lincolns second term was how to reestablish ties with the Confederate states now that the Civil War was over. Lincolns plan for Reconstruction favored leniency while so-called Radical Republicans in his party wanted to punish Southern politicians and extend full civil rights to freed slaves.

Lincoln was assassinated only 42 days into his second term, leaving Johnson in charge of Reconstruction. He immediately clashed with the Radical Republicans in Congress, calling for pardons for Confederate leaders and vetoing political rights for freedmen. In 1867, Congress retaliated by passing the Tenure of Office Act, which barred the president from replacing members of his cabinet without Senate approval.

Believing the law to be unconstitutional, Johnson went ahead and fired his Secretary of War, an ally of the Radical Republicans in Congress. Johnsons political enemies responded by drafting and passing 11 articles of impeachment in the House.

âSir, the bloody and untilled fields of the ten unreconstructed States, the unsheeted ghosts of the two thousand murdered negroes in Texas, cry for the punishment of Andrew Johnson,â wrote the abolitionist Republican Representative William D. Kelley from Pennsylvania.

READ MORE: 150 Years Ago, a President Could Be Impeached for Firing a Cabinet Member

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Are Democrats Or Republicans Better For The Stock Market

Opinions differ, and there are many reasons why the market goes up and down. The president doesn’t have as much influence over the economy as people think. It’s more important to look at what happens when Democrats and Republicans are in Congress and which party is in the White House at the same time.

Income Growth And Inequality

Timing is everything

Analysis conducted by Vanderbilt University political science professor Larry Bartels in 2004 and 2015 found income growth is faster and more equal under Democratic presidents. From 1982 through 2013, he found real incomes increased in the 20th and 40th percentiles of incomes under Democrats, while they fell under Republicans. Real incomes grew across all higher percentiles at a greater rate under Democrats, even when including the Great Recession and its recovery in Barack Obama’s first term. Bartels calculated in 2008 that the real value of the minimum wage in the United States over the preceding sixty years had increased 16 cents per year under Democratic presidents but declined by 6 cents per year under Republican presidents.

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Whos Running For President In 2020

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is the presumptive Democratic nominee to challenge President Trump in the 2020 race.

The field of Democratic presidential candidates was historically large, but all others have dropped out. Mr. Trump had also picked up a few Republican challengers, but they have also ended their campaigns.


Has run for president twice before.

Is known for his down-to-earth personality and his ability to connect with working-class voters.

His eight years as Barack Obamas vice president are a major selling point for many Democrats.

Signature issues: Restoring Americas standing on the global stage adding a public option to the Affordable Care Act strengthening economic protections for low-income workers in industries like manufacturing and fast food.

Main legislative accomplishment as president: a sweeping tax cut that chiefly benefited corporations and wealthy investors.

Has focused on undoing the policies of the Obama administration, including on health care, environmental regulation and immigration.

Was impeached by the House of Representatives for seeking to pressure Ukraine to smear his political rivals, but was acquitted by the Senate.

Signature issues: Restricting immigration and building a wall at the Mexican border renegotiating or canceling international deals on trade, arms control and climate change withdrawing American troops from overseas.

Ended her campaign in March 2020 and said she would back Mr. Biden.

Us Presidents Who Were Democrats

The Democratic Party is one of the two major parties in the US. It is also one of the oldest active political parties in the world, having been founded in 1828 by Andrew Jackson and his supporters. The origin of the Democratic Party can be traced back to the Democratic-Republican Party which was formed by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in 1792. Since its founding, a total of 15 Democrats have been presidents of the United States. Here are some of the presidents who were Democrats.

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Acting President Of The United States

An acting president of the United States is an individual who legitimately exercises the powers and duties of the president of the United States even though that person does not hold the office in their own right. There is an established presidential line of succession in which officials of the United States federal government may be called upon to take on presidential responsibilities if the incumbent president becomes incapacitated, dies, resigns, is removed from office during their four-year term of office or if a president-elect has not been chosen before Inauguration Day or has failed to qualify by that date.

If the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the vice president automatically becomes president. Likewise, were a president-elect to die during the transition period, or decline to serve, the vice president-elect would become president on Inauguration Day. A vice president can also become the acting president if the president becomes incapacitated. However, should the presidency and vice presidency both become vacant, the statutory successor called upon would not become president, but would only be acting as president. To date, two vice presidentsGeorge H. W. Bush and have served as acting president. No one lower in the presidential line of succession has so acted.

Democrats Who Served As President

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Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson was an army general and the the 7th president of the US for two terms from 1829 to 1837. He was also the first Democrat to be elected president. Following the split over President Monroes successor, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren led a breakaway from the Democratic-Republican Party and formed the Democratic Party. In October 1825, Jackson was nominated for president, about three years before the 1828 presidential election. As the first Democrat president, Jackson remained true to the partys philosophy of promoting social liberalism.

When Andrew Jackson retired in 1837, he was succeeded by his Vice President Martin Van Buren who was the 8th president from 1837 to 1841. Van Buren won the 1836 presidential election partly because of his promise to continue with the popular policies of his predecessor. However, when he entered the office, the countrys economy had taken a turn for the worse. In May 1837, the country entered into a financial crisis followed by 5-year depression. Van Burens presidency became a difficult affair. He lost the 1840 presidential election to William Henry Harrison of the Whig Party.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Barack Obama

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List Of Presidents Of The United States

The president of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States,indirectly elected to a four-year term via the Electoral College. The officeholder leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. Since the office was established in 1789, 45 men have served in 46 presidencies. The first president, George Washington, won a unanimous vote of the Electoral College one, Grover Cleveland, served two non-consecutive terms and is therefore counted as the 22nd and 24th president of the United States, giving rise to the discrepancy between the number of presidencies and the number of persons who have served as president.

The presidency of William Henry Harrison, who died 31 days after taking office in 1841, was the shortest in American history.Franklin D. Roosevelt served the longest, over twelve years, before dying early in his fourth term in 1945. He is the only U.S. president to have served more than two terms. Since the ratification of the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1951, no person may be elected president more than twice, and no one who has served more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected may be elected more than once.

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