Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Trump Still The President

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President Trump ‘still the loudest voice’ in politics: Sen. Scott

Donald Trump made history in becoming the first president in US history to be impeached twice by the House of Representatives. But while losing to Joe Biden in November 2020 may have dented the one-term presidents pride and fuelled 18-months of lies about rigged ballot boxes, it now seems almost certain that Mr Trump will run again for the White House in 2024.

Mr Trump has not stopped fundraising since moving from Washington DC to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, amassing a war chest of well over $100m with which he can help boost Republicans who backed his Big Lie to defeat those in the GOP who did not.

And Mr Trump has been back out on the road this year ahead of the midterm elections. Hes been holding MAGA rallies in state after state with candidates hes endorsed, insisting to crowds that he did not legitimately lose to Mr Biden and repeatedly hinting that he plans on avenging his defeat by running again.

So what, if anything, could stop him?

The ex-presidents run at a second term became a possibility in February 2021 when the Senate failed to convict him at his second impeachment trial, which was the shortest in presidential history.

Housing And Urban Policy

In December 2017, The Economist described the Department of Housing and Urban Development , led by Ben Carson, as “directionless”. Most of the top HUD positions were unfilled and Carson’s leadership was “inconspicuous and inscrutable”. Of the policies HUD was enacting, The Economist wrote, “it is hard not to conclude that the governing principle at HUD is to take whatever the Obama administration was doing, and do the opposite.” HUD scaled back the enforcement of fair housing laws, halted several fair housing investigations started by the Obama administration and removed the words “inclusive” and “free from discrimination” from its mission statement. The administration designated Lynne Patton, an event planner who had worked on the Trump campaign and planned Eric Trump’s wedding, to lead HUD’s New York and New Jersey office .

Russia And Related Investigations

American intelligence sources found the Russian governmentattempted to intervene in the 2016 presidential election to favor the election of Trump, and that members of Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian government officials both before and after the election. In May 2017, the Department of Justice appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate “any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation”.

During his January 2017 confirmation hearings as the attorney general nominee before the Senate, then-Senator Jeff Sessions appeared to deliberately omit two meetings he had in 2016 with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, when asked if he had meetings involving the 2016 election with Russian government officials. Sessions later amended his testimony saying he “never met with any Russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign”. Following his amended statement, Sessions recused himself from any investigation regarding connections between Trump and Russia.

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Understanding The 2022 Midterm Elections

midterm elections are likely toshift the political landscape and impact what President Biden can accomplish during the remainder of his first term. Heres what to know.

When are the midterm elections? The general election is Nov. 8, but the primary season is already underway. Heres a complete calendar of all the primaries in 2022.

Why are the midterms important? The midterm elections determine control of Congress: The party that has the House or Senate majority gets to organize the chamber and decide what legislation Congress considers.Thirty six governors and thousands of state legislators are also on the ballot. Heres a complete guide to the midterms.

No Constitutional Way For Trump To Be Reinstated

No, President Trump did not just break a 100

Experts say there is no constitutional provision that would allow for Trump’s reinstatement. There is also no legal way to overturn election results after Congress has certified Electoral College votes. The election audits promoted by Trump and his allies provide no mechanism for Biden to be removed from office.

The United States Constitution provides that the candidate with the most votes from the Electoral College shall be president. A candidate must receive 270 electoral votes to win.

Biden won 81 million votes to Trumps 74 million, giving him 306 electoral votes. Those results were certified by Congress on Jan. 6, after a pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol. Biden took the oath of office at noon on Jan. 20.

The 20th Amendment says the terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January … and the terms of their successors shall then begin. That means Biden’s term will last until January 2025.

Persistent, baseless allegations of voter fraud will not change that fact.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said in November that the 2020 election was the most secure in American history. Additionally, then-Attorney General William Barr said the Department of Justice found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election results.

Fact check:Trump lost the 2020 presidential election

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Read More On President Biden

She technically held the power of the Presidency for 85 minutes.

However, if something more serious happened to Biden, Harris would take over as President.

In this scenario, she would then name her successor, who the majority in Congress must vote on.

If something happened to both Biden and Harris, the torch would follow the 25th amendment’s line of succession, which states that the power would go to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Devolution : Trump Is Still President

Have you heard about the theory of devolution? It explains whos really in charge.

Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here:

You must first watch the video! It explains A LOT! Youve probably already seen many of these things in movies they are trying to attack your mind to think those could be lies, and not to react to them properly And youve been brainwashed since the first day you were born!

Today we shall discuss the basics of the popular theory that Donald J. Trump is still the President of the United States of America. He is our Commander-in-Chief, and also controls our great and prepared military! See how Q is interwoven in these special operations and the notorious operation Election Sting!

Heres more on the subject, in case youve missed our previous Q video article.

The transnational criminal mafia is actually another word for the Cabalists, the Illuminati, the Deep State They are and have always been devious, sneaky, and evil-minded groups of people. They are taking over institutions, banks, and pharmacies to achieve their purpose.

Stay informed and fight in the invisible fight youve been fighting from the first day you were born!

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Trump Is Still President And Can Be In Office For Three Terms If Prophets Say So With Authority Pastor Says

Apostle Robin D. Bullock, founder of Alabama’s Youth Force Ministries Church International and host of The Eleventh Hour, said that Trump is still “the rightful” President of the United States and that prophetic voices would only need to call him back to office for three more terms.

In his teaching about prophetic authority at a Tuesday church service, Bullock urged his audience to exercise that authority on the government.

“We’ve got to come up now to another level and start speaking with authority. Not just declaring, speaking with authority,” Christian Headlines quoted him saying. “And the Lord is going to give you words to warn people and speak to people in high-ranking positions. Whether you think they’re listening or not, they’re listening.”

Bullock then directed the exercise of this “prophetical authority” over the present political climate of the United States where people are divided over which leader to follow.

“The stage is set,” Bullock said. “Everything has been set. But you’re going to have to pray for the rightful president, whether he wants to walk back into this or not. You must pray that he wants to do it, because God won’t make him do anything. Is it his will? Yes. Is he the president? Yes. That’s why he could just walk right back in, and God will supernaturally move things out of the way.”

The “rightful president,” according to Bullock, is none other than Donald J. Trump.

Lin Wood Shares Post Claiming Joe Biden Is Dead Trump Still In White House

The second coming of Donald Trump: Can he become president again? | 60 Minutes Australia

The QAnon-supporting attorney Lin Wood has posted a bizarre social media story claiming that he saw Donald Trump “hanging out and working” in the Oval Office this week and suggesting that President Joe Biden is dead.

In a series of posts and photos on the encrypted messaging app Telegram, where he has more than 844,000 followers, Wood claimed he went looking for Biden, whom he dubbed “Joey ‘Bribes’ Bandito,” at the White House.

“Wow. I thought I might find Joey in the China room making an illegal deal for himself. But nope. No Joey,” Wood wrote on Wednesday.

“Got a bit lonely waiting in this room for Joey so my Executive Assistant stopped by to keep me company. Still no Joey in the house,” Wood continued. “My incredibly efficient Executive Assistant agreed to wait here in case Joey shows. I left to search other areas of the house for him.

“Not sure if I can find Joey in the house so I thought I would check outside,” Wood wrote, alongside photos of the White House gardens.

Thirty minutes into his Telegram tall tale, Wood uploaded an old picture of himself and Trump in the Oval Officeand suggested the image was from the present day and Trump was still president.

“I was right. No Joey in the Oval Office. But I did run into our President of the United States. President Trump is hanging out and working in the office in which we re-elected him to serve in a historic landslide victory on November 3, 2020,” Wood wrote.

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What Exactly Is The Presidential Seal

A symbol of presidency, the seal of the President of the United States is used to mark correspondence from the president of the United States to the US Congress. The central design, based on the Great Seal of the United States, is the official coat of arms of the US presidency and also appears on the presidential flag.

The basic design of today’s seal originated with Rutherford B Hayes, who was the first to use the coat of arms on White House invitations in 1877.

Here are a few images of the Presidential Seal:

Trump Should Announce Run For 2024 Soon To Avoid Indictment Source Says

Donald Trump has to announce a campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 in the next two weeks, according to a senior source close to Trump, if the former president wants to head off being indicted under the Espionage Act after the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago last week.

In communications reviewed by the Guardian, the source indicated Trump needed to announce because politically it would be harder for the US Department of Justice to indict a candidate for office than a former president out of the electoral running.

A source also suggested Ron DeSantis, Trumps only serious competitor in Republican polling, will not run in 2024 if Trump chooses to enter the race.

He can wait, the source said of the Florida governor.

In contrast, a former White House official said Trump could yet decide not to run, for fear of losing his grip on his party and role as a kingmaker should an indictment force him to drop out of the race.

A search warrant unsealed on Friday showed that the FBI seized from Mar-a-Lago five sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents and three sets of confidential documents, as well as other records.

It was reported that some seized documents concerned nuclear weapons. Trump called that report a hoax.

The warrant also revealed Trump to be under investigation for possible violations of the Espionage Act, which dates from 1917 and has been used to go after whistleblowers.

But his legal jeopardy extends further.

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Minor Parties And Independents

Third party and independent candidates who have obtained more than 100,000 votes nationally or on Ballot in at least 15 states are listed separately.

Libertarian Party

Ballot access to 84 electoral votes :

  • As write-in: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin
  • No ballot access: District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wyoming

In some states, Evan McMullin’s running mate was listed as Nathan Johnson on the ballot rather than Mindy Finn, although Nathan Johnson was intended to only be a placeholder until an actual running mate was chosen.

2016 Independent ticket

New Concerns Over American Democracy

Donald Trump is the third worst president in U.S. history, survey says

Throughout his tenure, Donald Trump questioned the legitimacy of democratic institutions, from the free press to the federal judiciary and the electoral process itself. In surveys conducted between 2016 and 2019, more than half of Americans said Trump had little or no respect for the nations democratic institutions and traditions, though these views, too, split sharply along partisan lines.

The 2020 election brought concerns about democracy into much starker relief. Even before the election, Trump had cast doubt on the security of mail-in voting and refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the event that he lost. When he did lose, he refused to publicly concede defeat, his campaign and allies filed dozens of unsuccessful lawsuits to challenge the results and Trump personally pressured state government officials to retroactively tilt the outcome in his favor.

Most Americans placed at least some blame on Trump for the riot at the Capitol, including 52% who said he bore a lot of responsibility for it. Again, however, partisans views differed widely: 81% of Democrats said Trump bore a lot of responsibility, compared with just 18% of Republicans.

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Trump Creates A Dilemma For Journalists

Journalism now faces a genuine dilemma. If one is to believe the stories from Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is musing these days about a July announcement of his third run for the presidency. 2024 may be just around the corner. Why make such an early announcement?

Apparently, Trump believes it is his best way to recapture the publics attentionthat as an official presidential candidate, he would again be given mountains of free coverage, just as he was in earlier campaigns.

Wait a minute!, you say. Hes already being covered extensively by the media, more than any other former president in American history! Its odd these days not to find an article or mention of Trump in the papers or on network news. He remains a big story, no doubt the major figure in Republican politics and a personality made for social media, even though he holds no official position. But, for this waiting-in-the-wings candidate, thats not enough!

Up to this point in the madness of American politics, Trumps plans for his 2024 campaign were bouncing along nicely until, out of the blue, the House investigation of the January 6 attack on the Capitol, carried live on national television, began seriouslyand surprisinglyto cut into his oft-repeated message that he was a president illegally denied his 2020 re-election after a rigged, fraudulent campaign, leading to an illegitimate Biden presidency.

Election Night And The Next Day

The news media and election experts were surprised at Trump’s winning the Electoral College. On the eve of the vote, spread betting firm had Clinton at an Electoral College spread of 307322 against Trump’s 216231. The final polls showed a lead by Clinton and in the end she did receive more votes. Trump himself expected, based on polling, to lose the election, and rented a small hotel ballroom to make a brief concession speech, later remarking: “I said if we’re going to lose I don’t want a big ballroom.” Trump performed surprisingly well in all , especially , , , and . Even , , and , states that had been predicted to vote Democratic, were won by Trump. reported that “Trumptown knew they’d won by 5:30. Math, calculations, candidate dislike causing voter abstention begat the numbers.”

According to the authors of , the White House had concluded by late Tuesday night that Trump would win the election. Obama’s political director called Clinton campaign manager to persuade Clinton to concede the election, with no success. Obama then called Clinton directly, citing the importance of continuity of government, to ask her to publicly acknowledge that Trump had won. Believing that Clinton was still unwilling to concede, the president then called her campaign chair , but the call to Clinton had likely already persuaded her.

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Trump Demands Reinstatement As ‘rightful’ President Or ‘a New Election Immediately’ As Some Republicans Seek Distance From Him

  • Donald Trump is seeking reinstatement as president or “a new Election, immediately!”

  • His statement follows news that Facebook limited the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop in users’ news feeds in 2020.

  • Trump is doubling down on false election fraud claims as some Republicans seek distance from the issue.

Former President Donald Trump demanded reinstatement as president or “a new Election, immediately” after news that Facebook temporarily limited a controversial story about Hunter Biden’s laptop in users’ news feeds before the 2020 election.

Trump was responding to Facebook, now Meta, CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s comments on Joe Rogan’s podcast that a New York Post story about the laptop “fit the pattern” of polarizing content, including “Russian propaganda,” that the FBI had warned the company about. The laptop story had several red flags that raised questions about its authenticity and Zuckerberg said Facebook limited its reach on the site’s news feeds for five or seven days.

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