Friday, July 26, 2024

How Many Republicans Are Registered In The Us

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The Claim: There Are Just 133 Million Registered Voters In The Us

In Battleground States, Newly Registered Democrats Are Outnumbering Newly Registered Republicans

DespiteÂ;losing dozens of lawsuits andÂ;the Electoral Collegeâs certification of Bidenâs win, President Donald Trumpâs campaign and others continueÂ;to promote falsehoods about the credibility and security of the election.

A Dec. 21Â;, which pulled a screenshot of a Twitter post,Â;claimed Biden somehow receivedÂ;22 million phantom votes. The post has over 1,200 shares, as of Dec. 30.

âSimple math: Trump got 74 million votes and there are only 133 million registered voters in the USA,â the claims. âEven if everyone whoâs registered actually voted, there would only be 59 million votes left for Biden. So how the hell did Biden get 81 million votes? 22 million extra?â

The Facebook user who made that particularÂ;post has not returned a request for comment from USA TODAY.Â;

Another made the same claim without pulling a screenshot from Twitter. USA TODAY has also reached out to this user for comment.

And theÂ;Twitter account MSM Fact Checking posted a similar claimÂ;on Dec. 18, from which many viral Facebook posts stem.

And then, âJust for complete transparency, even at 65% turnout the total would be just over 138,000,000 voters resulting in over 155,000,000 votes. However you look at it, it doesnât add up.â

Which Administration Should Have Been The One To End The Us Presence In Afghanistan

There are more than 10 professors affiliated with the Democratic Party for every faculty member who is a registered Republican, according to a new study.

Mitchell Langbert, an associate professor of business management at Brooklyn College, reviewed the party affiliations of 8,688 tenure-track, Ph.D.-holding professors at 51 of the top 60 liberal arts colleges listed in U.S. News and World Reports 2017 rankings.

Nearly 60 percent of all faculty members were registered as either a Republican or a Democrat, and of that sample, there were 10.4 times as many Democrats as Republicans.

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The political registration of full-time, Ph.D.-holding professors in top-tier liberal arts colleges is overwhelmingly Democratic, Mr. Langbert wrote in an article published by the National Association of Scholars. Indeed, faculty political affiliations at 39 percent of the colleges in my sample are Republican free having zero Republicans.

There are several shortcomings associated with political uniformity in higher education, Mr. Langbert continued, including biased research and diminished academic credibility.

Studies show that academic psychologists are more likely to study the attitudes and behaviors of conservatives than liberals. They are also more likely to view conservative beliefs as deviant.

There are a few colleges that stood out in Mr. Langberts sample.

Voting In Primary And Caucus Elections

States choose a candidate to run for president through primary elections, caucuses, or both. Depending on your states voting rules, your states primary or caucus elections can be open, closed, or a combination of both. The type of primary or caucus your state holds can affect your voting eligibility:

  • During an open primary or caucus, people can vote for a candidate of any political party.

  • During a closed primary or caucus, only voters registered with that party can take part and vote.

  • Semi-open and semi-closed primaries and caucuses are variations of the two main types.

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Actors Who Are Republican

Hollywood looks like a haven for the liberal-leaning Democrat supporters but if you look beyond the surface youll find there are actually quite a few who lean the other way. From superheroes to comedians the list of actors who are Republicans may surprise you.

1. Laura Prepon

You know her from That 70s Show and Orange Is the New Black, Laura Prepon is known for playing quite liberal-leaning roles but off-screen shes a proud Republican having famously supported Bush during his election.

2. Christian Bale

Though it hasnt been confirmed officially it would appear that former Batman Christian Bale is Republican. Many point to his attendance of actor and political activist Charlton Hestons funeral as proof. Christian Bale is thought to be one of the very few actors who attended.3. Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler lets his money do the talking, he quite notably donated a substantial sum of money to support Rudy Giulianis Presidential campaign during the 2012 election.

4. Peyton Manning

Star Quarterback Peyton Manning is known for showing his support for the Republican party by writing checks. Hes donated over $20,000 to Senators and Presidential hopefuls through the years. Most recently he supported Jeb Bushs Presidential run with $2,700, the most a single person can donate to an election.

5. Heather Locklear

The former Superman openly backed Mitt Romneys Presidential bid during the 2012 election and hes a regular guest on Fox News.

7. James Earl Jones

8. Tom Selleck

Americas Top 20 Ceos Donated To The Midterm Elections At Republicans And Democrats:

UNFORTUNATE: Democrats Now Have HUGE Registration Advantage
  • Jeff Bezos,
  • John B. Hess, Hess Corp.Total: $877,600
  • Stephen Wynn, Wynn Resorts LimitedTotal: $797,467
  • James Rupert Murdoch, Twenty-First Century FoxTotal: $506,666
  • Stephen James Luczo, Seagate TechnologyTotal: $469,825
  • Steven Roth, Vornado Realty TrustTotal: $432,400
  • Leslie Herbert Wexner, L BrandsTotal: $359,700
  • Timothy C. Wentworth, Express Scripts HoldingTotal: $262,594
  • Celgene CorporationTotal: $195,682
  • Ian C. Read, Pfizer Inc.Total: $181,833
  • Joel S. Marcus, Alexandria Real Estate EquitiesTotal: $175,400
  • David M. Zaslav, Discovery, Inc.Total: $143,600
  • Gregory Q. Brown, Motorola SolutionsTotal: $132,150
  • David A. Ricks, Eli LillyTotal: $128,020
  • David N. Farr, Emerson Electric Co.Total: $127,033
  • Leonard S. Schleifer, Regeneron PharmaceuticalsTotal: $125,000Worlds Best CEOs Rank: #576
  • A. Jayson Adair, Copart
  • Charles William Ergen, DISH Network Corporation Total: $119,900Party: $51,300 DEM; $53,600 GOP
  • Thermo Fisher ScientificTotal: $118,100
  • Robert A. Iger, Walt DisneyTotal: $111,800
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    Political Party Strength In Us States

    Political party strength in U.S. states is the level of representation of the various political parties in the United States in each statewide elective office providing legislators to the state and to the U.S. Congress and electing the executives at the state ” rel=”nofollow”>U.S. state governor) and national level.

    Minor Parties In Gubernatorial Races 1857

    The following table includes state-by-state information on when a minor partyâs candidate for governor won at least 5 percent of the vote between 1857 and 2012. In four states , a minor party candidate for governor had not won 5 percent or more of the vote since the 19th century. A total of 17 states saw minor party candidates win at least 5 percent of the vote for governor between 1982 and 2012. The information was compiled by Richard Winger of Ballot Access News.

    When did a minor party last poll 5% for governor?

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    Wide Divides In Partisanship Persist By Race And Ethnicity

    Some of the largest differences in partisanship continue to be seen across racial and ethnic groups.

    The GOP continues to maintain an advantage in leaned party identification among white voters . By contrast, sizable majorities of black, Hispanic and Asian American voters identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. Among black voters, 83% identify or lean toward the Democratic Party, compared with just 10% who say they are Republican or lean toward the GOP.

    The Democratic Party also holds a clear advantage over the GOP in leaned party identification among Hispanic voters , though the margin is not as large as among black voters.

    Among English-speaking Asian American voters, 72% identify or lean toward the Democratic Party, compared with just 17% who identify with or lean toward the GOP.

    The balance of partisanship among white, black and Hispanic voters has been generally stable over the past decade. However, English-speaking Asian American voters have shifted toward the Democratic Party.

    For The First Time There Are Fewer Registered Republicans Than Independents

    Why American voters in Israel can impact U.S. election

    For the first time in history, there are more registered independents in the United States than there are registered Republicans.

    It may not be for the reason you think, though.

    New data from Ballot Access News, which tracks registrations in the 31 states that require voters to register by party, shows that independents account for 29.09 percent of voters in them, compared with 28.87 percent for Republicans. As recently as 2004, Republicans outpaced independents by nearly 10 percentage points.

    There are still way more registered Democrats; 39.66 percent of voters are registered with that party.

    This marks the first time since party registration began in the early 1900s that the number of registered independents in the United States has surpassed members of either major political party, according to Ballot Access News.

    Heres the data going back to 2004:

    But before anybody chalks this up as having to do with the current occupant of the White House, its worth parsing the trends.

    While independents have surpassed Republicans, there actually hasnt been a huge drop in GOP party registration since President Trump took office. Since October 2016, GOP registration has dropped by half a percentage point. The number of registered Democrats declined by nearly a full point over the same span. Independents have benefited from both drops.

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    Religious Divides In Partisanship

    Partisanship has become increasingly tied to religious identification over the past quarter century.

    White evangelical Protestants have seen one of the largest moves toward the GOP over the past 25 years. In 1994, 61% of white evangelical Protestant voters leaned toward or identified with the Republican Party, while 31% leaned toward or identified with the Democratic Party. Today, the GOP has opened up an overwhelming 78% to 17% advantage in leaned partisanship among white evangelicals, making them the most solidly Republican major religious grouping in the country.

    The GOP holds somewhat narrower advantages in leaned party identification among white non-evangelical Protestants and white Catholics . Both groups of voters have moved toward the Republican Party over time, though the shift has been more pronounced among white Catholics.

    Hispanic Catholics stand out from their white counterparts in their association with the Democratic Party. Roughly two-thirds of Hispanic Catholics identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. The partisan leanings of Hispanic Catholics have not changed much in recent years.

    Among those who do not affiliate with an organized religion, 67% identify with or lean to the Democratic Party, compared with just 24% who identify or lean toward the GOP. Religiously unaffiliated voters have been trending steadily toward the Democratic Party over the past few decades and represent a growing share of all registered voters .

    More Nevadans Registered As Republicans Than Democrats Last Month Election Officials Say

    LAS VEGAS Election officials say more Nevadans registered as Republicans last month than Democrats. Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske reported that the GOP gained 6,580 active registered voters in July.

    The Democratic Party added 5,718 active registered voters voters. Democrats still hold a statewide voter registration advantage over Republicans in Nevada, comprising 38% of all active registered voters. Republicans make up 33%.

    Unaffiliated voters are 23%. Overall, there are more than 1.6 million active registered voters in Nevada. Inactive registered voters are voters who generally do not have a current address on file with election officials. They are still eligible to cast ballots.

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    Key Point From This Article

    Altogether, there are 31 states with party registration; in the others, such as Virginia, voters register without reference to party. In 19 states and the District, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans. In 12 states, there are more registered Republicans than Democrats. In aggregate, 40% of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, 29% are Republicans, and 28% are independents. Nationally, the Democratic advantage in the party registration states approaches 12 million.

    Tennessee Made It Harder To Register Voters Activists Consider Whats Next

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    In 2018, a statewide voter registration drive accumulated 91,000 applications.

    Douglas County District Attorney Suzanne Valdez, a Democrat who serves the Lawrence area, will not prosecute people under the new law, telling Stateline the measure is too subjective and has chilled essential voter registration efforts.

    You could have a 75-year-old woman who had no criminal history and just trying to do a civic duty in a nonpartisan way being charged with a felony, she said. Im just shocked by all of it. I dont see how someone who is trying to get people to vote and be part of the democratic process is in any way a threat to public safety in our community.

    While the practice is uncommon, there have been recent examples of prosecutors ignoring laws with which they disagree. In Kansas, Reno County District Attorney Keith Schroeder, a Republican, said last year that he would not enforce executive orders related to COVID-19. Marilyn Mosby, states attorney for Baltimore and a Democrat, said she would no longer prosecute marijuana infractions or certain other minor crimes, a stance shared by District Attorney Rachael Rollins of Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Rollins is also a Democrat.

    Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt, a Republican, said suspected crimes related to the new law would still be prosecuted by his office, including in Douglas County, despite Valdezs objections.

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    Now That The Fda Has Granted Full Approval To The Covid

    There are more than 10 professors affiliated with the Democratic Party for every faculty member who is a registered Republican, according to a new study.

    Mitchell Langbert, an associate professor of business management at Brooklyn College, reviewed the party affiliations of 8,688 tenure-track, Ph.D.-holding professors at 51 of the top 60 liberal arts colleges listed in U.S. News and World Reports 2017 rankings.

    Nearly 60 percent of all faculty members were registered as either a Republican or a Democrat, and of that sample, there were 10.4 times as many Democrats as Republicans.

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    The political registration of full-time, Ph.D.-holding professors in top-tier liberal arts colleges is overwhelmingly Democratic, Mr. Langbert wrote in an article published by the National Association of Scholars. Indeed, faculty political affiliations at 39 percent of the colleges in my sample are Republican free having zero Republicans.

    There are several shortcomings associated with political uniformity in higher education, Mr. Langbert continued, including biased research and diminished academic credibility.

    Studies show that academic psychologists are more likely to study the attitudes and behaviors of conservatives than liberals. They are also more likely to view conservative beliefs as deviant.

    There are a few colleges that stood out in Mr. Langberts sample.

    Closed Primaries Are When Only Registered Democrats From January 2007 To January 2011 There Were More Democrats

    This quiz will ask you questions about your political beliefs. Ive seen a lot where it says theyre a registered democrat . 39.66 percent of voters are registered with that party. The most recent poll at the time of writing gives a d+11 advantage. It is not a straightforward question. Prove it by acing our democrat or republican quiz. What republican and democrats believe. Lets start with this example. Altogether, there are 10 states with more registered independents than either democrats or republicans. For example, in kentucky1 as of 8/15/2018, 49.8% of registered voters are democrats while only 41.6% are republicans. The analysis in this report draws on more than 10,000 interviews with registered voters in 2017 and tens of thousands of interviews conducted in previous years (see. Being a registered democrat or republican, or for that matter socialist, green or independent, simply means that when you filled out your voter registration form you checked that box on the form. There are many pressing issues in.

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    Republicans Target Ballot Access After Record Turnout

    GOP legislators introduced more than 100 restrictive bills in 28 states.

    But these statements have left election officials puzzled.

    Its clear as mud, said Aaron Ockerman, executive director of the Ohio Association of Election Officials, a bipartisan group that represents county election boards. The confusion is rampant across the board right now.

    Ockerman hopes LaRose will issue a public advisory or legal directive that is more binding than a public statement to clear up concerns. Nichols did not say whether LaRose would do this by the time the law goes into effect in the fall.

    Democratic state Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney has introduced legislation that would repeal the budget language. Inserting it into the budget at the last minute without public debate was absurd and dangerous, she argued.

    Why would we stop public-private partnerships? she said. It makes no sense. Its so irrational. It can only be strategic to make sure certain types of people arent voting. Its nefarious.

    In Florida, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a wide-ranging election bill in May with a provision that requires groups running voter registration drives to warn voters the group might not submit their registration applications on time. If third-party organizations violate state policy on returning voter registration applications, those groups could be subjected to fines up to $1,000 per form.

    Tennessee lawmakers took a similar step in 2019.

    Our Ruling: Partly False

    How much do you trust the U.S. election system?

    The claim in the post is rated PARTLY FALSE. The tweet that appears in viral Facebook posts cites correct vote totals for Trump and Biden . But it falsely reports the number of registered voters. More than 159Â;million registered voters cast ballots in the general election, out of 239 million eligible voters. So it is completely possible that Trump and Biden would post that many total votes.Â;

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    Gop Registration Drop After Capitol Attack Is Part Of Larger Trend

    WASHINGTON In the weeks since the January riot at the Capitol, there has been a raft of stories about voters across the country leaving the Republican Party. Some of the numbers are eye-catching and suggest that the GOP may be shrinking before our eyes, but a closer look at the numbers over time shows that a larger change has been working its way through the party for some time.

    In fact, when one takes into account shifts in the composition of the Democratic Party, the real story seems to be more about a deeper remaking of the nations two major political parties.

    To be sure, the headlines from the last few weeks have been striking, with multiple states reporting large declines in Republican voter registrations.

    In Pennsylvania, more than 12,000 Republicans dropped the âRâ from their registrations in January. In North Carolina, the figure was close to 8,000. In Arizona the figure was about 9,200 through late-January. And in one county in California, San Diego, more than 4,700 Republicans left the party last month.

    Those are sizable changes and they are much larger than the moves away from the Democrats in those places, but they come with some caveats. There are always some losses and gains in registrations for the Democrats and Republicans. Partisan identity can be fluid for a large chunk of the voters, and remember: just because a voter is registered with one party doesnt mean he or she always votes for its candidates.

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