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How To Contact President Trump By Email

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An Open Letter To Trump Supporters

Watch President Donald Trump’s address to the nation on coronavirus pandemic

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, January 20, 2021

Donald Trump is gone. No storm broke. No reckoning came. There was no plan. In his place, a career politician assumed the presidency. Joe Biden muttered some platitudes. Most people have already forgotten them, probably including Joe Biden.

Were told the inauguration was historic and dramatic. It was banal and boring. It celebrated mediocrity. It had about as much dignity as getting your drivers license which has more personal meaning.

Everyone has strong opinions about President Donald Trump. Its hard to feel anything about President Joe Biden. Few attended his rallies or watched them online. He ran a modern-day front-porch campaign, as media and tech companies censored the opposition. He was a prop, a spectator to his own march to power.

The election was a referendum on President Trump. Many believe the election was stolen. You may be one of them, and you may be right. Some politicians and journalists accuse President Trump of attempting a coup, and they may even believe it.

Mr. Trump told his supporters to be patriotic and peaceful. The media have certainly soft-pedaled that. But he didnt march with his people to the Capitol. He went home. What was supposed to happen? His supporters didnt know. I dont think President Trump knew. What did Ashli Babbitt die for? Now, we can ask the same question about the entire Trump administration.

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What Have Outgoing Presidents Written To Their Successors In The Past

Many past letters from former to incoming presidents have been published.

An early example is a telegram from Herbert Hoover to Franklin Roosevelt, who took office in 1933.

Mr Hoover was badly defeated in the 1932 election, but still sent his best wishes to his successor.

I congratulate you on the opportunity that has come to you to be of service to the country and I wish for you a most successful administration in the common purpose of all of us.

I shall dedicate myself to every possible helpful effort.

Herbert Hoover

I would like you to know that I stand ready to meet with you at any mutually agreeable time to consider problems of continuity of government and orderly transfer of executive responsibilities on January 20th from my administration to yours, the telegram read.

Mr Kennedy sent a note back to Mr Eishenhower on January 21, 1961 his first full day in office thanking him for assisting in one of the most effective transitions in the history of our Republic.

When George H. W. Bush took over from Ronald Reagan in 1989, he found a handwritten note waiting for him at the White House.

The note was titled Dont let the turkeys get you down, complete with illustrations.

Dear George:

Youll have moments when you want to use this particular stationery. Well, go to it.

George, I treasure the memories we share and wish you all the very best. Youll be in my prayers. God bless you and Barbara. Ill miss our Thursday lunches.

Trump Named Three Supreme Court Justices

Although Republicans had a majority in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, Trumps administration had a rocky start. Although he succeeded in getting Neil Gorsuch confirmed as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court , efforts to repeal Obamacare did not succeed. Controversy over both the presidents actions and tweets took attention and energy away from his plans for major improvements in Americas infrastructure and tax reform, though tax changes eventually were implemented by Congress in December 2017.

Trump was given another opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court justice when Justice Anthony Kennedy, who had often cast a decisive swing vote in close cases, announced his retirement. Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh a former Kennedy clerk who served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Considered much more conservative than Kennedy, Kavanaugh was confirmed on Oct. 6, 2018, after highly contentious Senate Judiciary Committee hearings.

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And This Is Popular With Political Campaigns

Yes. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was the first to effectively employ this system with Hustle, which employed people to send personal text messages to prospective voters. Youve likely seen an increase in volume of text messages from local campaigns during an election or primary.

It turns out, youre more likely to respond to a text message than you are a phone call or email, which often are littered with spam or robocalls.

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Election And The Attack On The Capitol Building

President Trump Twitter appears linked to Gmail account

The Republicans renominated Trump for president, and Joe Biden, Obamas former vice-president, emerged from a wide field to be the Democratic nominee. Biden selected as his running mate Senator Kamala Harris of California, whose mother was from India and whose father was African- American.

As the election approached, COVID-19, a virus that originated in China, began infecting an increasing number of Americans and taking an increasing number of lives. Trump downplayed the deaths, claiming that the virus would disappear. He refused to wear face masks and did not insist that supporters do so at his campaign rallies even after he was briefly hospitalized with the disease.

Largely as a result of the pandemic, many states liberalized voting so that more people could cast mail-in ballots rather than physically go to a polling place. Trump charged that this would lead to voting fraud.

Many states decided to count mail-in ballots after they finished counting votes cast in person on election day. Trump, who had urged his own supporters to vote in person on election day, was shown with an early lead as vote-counting began. This lead evaporated as more votes were counted. Although the election was held on Tuesday, it was not until that Friday that news outlets were comfortable in reporting that Biden had won both the popular vote and the majority of the Electoral College.

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Donald Trump Campaign Faces Lawsuits For Unwanted Text Messages

The Donald Trump presidential campaign has been charged with violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by sending unwanted political text messages to cellular phones. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act was passed in 1991 under President George H.W. Bush to protect the public from receiving unwanted telemarketer calls. Today, it equally applies to unsolicited text messages.

The Donald Trump presidential campaign has been charged with violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by sending unwanted political text messages to cellular phones.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act was passed in 1991 under President George H.W. Bush to protect the public from receiving unwanted telemarketer calls. Today, it equally applies to unsolicited text messages. Marketers must receive prior express written consent from their clients before texting them and adding them to their subscription lists.

Like many other organizations that use SMS marketing, the Donald Trump presidential campaign allows supporters to sign up for text message updates by texting an SMS short code. Supporters must supply their zip code in order to be signed up for news from the campaign.

Thornes attorney, Joseph Siprut of Siprut PC, has stated that based on the information we have at this point, were very confident that a violation was made and we intend to pursue it to the gates of hell. As of this writing, the Trump campaign has yet to comment.

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Trump And The Media Had Troubled Relationship

Trump was frequently parodied, especially by comedy and late-night television programs such as “Saturday Night Live.” In June 2017, comedian Kathy Griffin crossed the line of good taste when she held up what appeared to be a severed head of the president. Although her right to do so was unquestioned under the First Amendment, CNN ended its agreement with her to host its New Years Eve broadcast and several venues canceled her tour dates.

On July 25, 2018, White House officials Bill Shine and Sarah Sanders, barred CNN’s Kaitlin Collins, that days pool reporter for all the networks, from a presidential event in the Rose Garden. Collins had shouted a question and apparently offended Trump as he was meeting with the president of the European Commission. Other members of the press, including Fox News that was usually friendly to Trump, protested the action against the reporter, which some associated with dictatorial regimes.

In January 2020, President Trump praised Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for doing a good job on National Public Radio reporter Mary Louise Kelly after she reported that Pompeo shut down an interview with her. Pompeo had stopped the interview, then shouted and cursed at her, after she had asked about his support for State Department personnel. Pompeo subsequently removed another NPR reporter from a list of reporters allowed on his flight to Eastern Europe, an action that the State Department Correspondents Association condemned.

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Donald Trump Really Wants You To Text His Name To 88022 But Will He Ever Text Back

At Donald Trump rallies and news conferences, the invocation is very often printed in the cameras lines of sight to ensure maximum exposure:

Text Trump to 88022

If you assumed this is a fundraising ploy, youd be wrong. The Republican presidential front-runner is self-funding his campaign, remember?

Instead of money, Trump ostensibly wants a channel to communicate directly with voters. His website advertises exclusive updates for those who subscribe to the texting service.

One problem: Trump doesnt seem to use the service very often.

Two weeks ago, on the day of the Wisconsin primary, I signed up and prepared for The Donald to Make My iPhone Great Again with the exclusive updates I had been promised. Heres how it went.

And then nothing for 14 days.

Last week, Fix colleague Philip Bump had the good idea to subscribe using a New York ZIP code to see whether the Trump campaign might be targeting residents of the Empire State ahead of the primary. He got nothing for five days.

Finally, on primary day Tuesday, the first exclusive updates arrived.

Later, after I asked the campaign about its use or underuse of the text line, both Bump and I received this message.

What. A. Waste.

Maybe, in another message, Trump could ask subscribers to name the No. 1 issue in the campaign: Text A for immigration, B for terrorism, C for trade, D for gun rights.

Heres what Buell recommends:

How Much Did Trump Jr And Guilfoyles House Cost

Former US attorney explains why Trump’s fake electors email is problematic

On March 31, the couple paid $9.7 million for a home at 494 Mariner Drive on the Intracoastal Waterway in Admirals Cove. The pair first eyed the north Palm Beach County neighborhood in January, then showed interest in a different home in Palm Beach Gardens before circling back to Admirals Cove, real estate sources said.

Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle, who have been a couple since 2018, plan to jointly purchase a seven-bedroom, 12-bathroom home at 492 Mariner Drive that is listed for $11 million. The house features a wine room, theater, chefâs kitchen and guest wings.

The two-story property, which sits on a point, has 300 feet of water frontage and can accommodate an 85-foot boat. The home is 16,977 square feet, of which 11,230 is under air, according to Palm Beach County Property Appraiser.

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Congratulatory Message From Prime Minister Shinzo Abe To The Honorable Donald Trump President Of The United States Of America

Dear Mr. President,

ãI would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to you on the occasion of your inauguration as the President of the United States of America.

ãIt was a great pleasure for me to have a candid exchange of views at your home in New York in November. I look forward to working hands in hands with you to ensure peace and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and to address various challenges the international community faces.

ãIn the 21st Century, while the Asia-Pacific region is the source of the global economic growth, the security environment of the region is becoming severer. The Japan-U.S. Alliance, bound in universal values such as freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, is playing even greater role. The Japan-U.S. Alliance is the linchpin of Japanâs foreign and security policies. I would like to further strengthen the unwavering tie between Japan and the United States based on the relationship of trust between us the two leaders.

ãI very much look forward to meeting with you again at the earliest possible occasion to discuss various challenges of the region and the world, and to send messages to the world on the importance of the Japan-U.S. Alliance.

ãPlease accept my best wishes for your great success, as well as for health and happiness of you and your family.


Explainer How Will Trump Get His Message Out Without Social Media

U.S. President Donald Trump gestures while campaigning for Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler on the eve of the run-off election to decide both of Georgias Senate seats, in Dalton, Georgia, U.S., January 4, 2021. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

WASHINGTON, Jan 11 The decision by tech companies to clamp down on President Donald Trumps ability to speak to followers through mainstream social media may force him to tap more traditional methods of communication or more isolated conservative online channels during his final days in office, experts say.

Twitter Inc , Facebook Inc , Alphabet Inc-owned Google , Apple Inc and Inc took their strongest actions yet against Trump to limit his reach, fearing continued violence stemming from his posts after his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol building last week. They were joined by smaller tech companies including Twitch, Snapchat, Reddit, Shopify and TikTok. read more

Trump, who has without evidence challenged the validity of Democratic President-elect Joe Bidens Nov. 3 election victory, praised and egged on supporters before they laid siege on Wednesday to the Capitol, where lawmakers were certifying the Electoral College vote for Biden. Five people, including a Capitol Police officer, died in the assault. read more

The platform has 12 million users and Trumps sons Donald Jr. and Eric are active on it, but it will now have to find a new Web host to replace Amazon to even stay in business.


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Melania Trump Wears Slogan Jacket

When or how did Melania Trump become a billboard? When I saw the first lady Melania Trump wearing a slogan jacket reading I dont really care do u ?, I can say I wasnt too shocked. Since in life I have always said you lie down with the dogs and youll wake up with the fleas .

First and foremost darlings this is a fashion blog not a political site. However sometimes these two fields cant help but cross paths. Here on this blog I have written several times on politics and am proud to put across my points of view. While I dont claim to be a political pundit I have certain political views and educate myself accordingly.

Here are a list of my political posts in case you want to check them out

Therefore my friends I will occasionally cover political issues , but always through fashions eye.

Trump Mobilizing More Democrats Than Republicans

FLASHFORWARD: Highlights from the President Trump Email Dump (Part One ...

Gallup included a new question in this poll to gauge how much of a factor Trump is in mobilizing voters this year. Among registered voters, 36% say they are more likely to vote in the midterm elections because of their feelings about Trump, while 63% say their feelings about the president make no difference in whether they vote. While Trumps impact on mobilizing voters may seem somewhat low given his effect on voters candidate choice in the question above, these questions are measuring two distinct things intention to vote and vote choice. Whereas voters may be more motivated to cast their ballot for a specific candidate because of their feelings about Trump, they may have intended to vote regardless of who occupies the White House.

Democratic voters are more likely than Republican voters to say they will cast a ballot because of their feelings about Trump 44% to 29%, respectively. Republican voters skew older and are generally more likely to vote than Democratic voters, regardless of who is president. Yet, a majority of each partys voters still say Trump will not make a difference in whether they vote this year.

More likely

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Trump Promised To Open Up Libel Laws

Trump promised to punish individuals who burned the American flag and to open uplibel laws .

After excerpts from Michael Wolffs highly critical book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, was released in January 2018, Trumps attorneys sent an 11-page letter to Wolff and to his publisher, Henry Holt & Co., asking them to cease and desist from any further publication, release or dissemination of the book, the article, or any excerpts or summaries of either of them, to any person or entity, and that you issue a full and complete retraction and apology to my client as to all statements made about him in the book and article that lack competent evidentiary support .

Wolff and his publisher, undoubtedly thankful for the additional publicity, instead expedited publication of the book, which became a bestseller. The issued a statement saying that t is one thing for a private citizen to use libel laws to quash speech. It is unheard of for a sitting President to do so.”

The U.S. Supreme Court held in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan that state libel laws must comport with First Amendment standards and ruled in Texas v. Johnson that some flag-burning is a form of protected political speech.

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