Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Mike Bloomberg A Democrat Or Republican

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Michael Bloomberg: Republican Democrat Or Plutocrat

Democratic candidates hammer Mike Bloomberg at Nevada debate

Screenwriter, Playwright, Lyricist, author of musicals Rothschild & Sons and Josephine Tonight. Writer of forthcoming memoir of a New York boyhood, Spotless.

Last October, Michael Bloomberg, New York Citys Mayor, announced that he would seek to extend the citys term limits law and run for a third term in 2009, since he needed more than that silly old law limiting the Mayor to two terms, especially during the Wall Street financial crises. Handling this financial crisis while strengthening essential servicesis a challenge I want to take on. Although Bloomberg rejected former Mayor Giulianis grab for a third term after 9/11, saying that no one is indispensible, he suddenly discovered that someone is himself. The public did not unanimously rejoice in his announcement, but according to Wikipedia, many elite New Yorkers such as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and prominent businessmen including Jamie Dimon and press mogul Mortimer Zuckerman voiced support for such a proposal and published an open letter urging the City Council to extend the term limits. It is a safe bet that anything Henry Kissinger supports warrants very close inspection by a forensic team wearing latex gloves.

Bloomberg Gives $18 Million To Dnc In Lieu Of Starting His Own Group To Beat Trump

WASHINGTON Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is transferring $18 million left in the accounts of his now-defunct presidential campaign to the Democratic National Committee and forgoing, for now, creating his own independent political group to help Democrats in November.

While we considered creating our own independent entity to support the nominee and hold the President accountable, this race is too important to have many competing groups with good intentions but that are not coordinated and united in strategy and execution, Bloombergs campaign said in a memo to the DNC. The dynamics of the race have also fundamentally changed, and it is critically important that we all do everything we can to support our eventual nominee and scale the Democratic Partys general election efforts.

The funds will be put towards the DNCs battleground buildup program, to hire data and operations staffers, among other efforts, in a dozen states that will be important in the general election.

Bloomberg will also offer to transfer campaign field offices the billionaires campaign set up and paid for to local state Democratic Parties as in-kind contributions. His staff, some of which were planning to transfer to work for Bloombergs independent entity in six battleground states, are all being laid off. They will be paid through the first week of April and have full benefits through the end of April.

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Bloomberg News Criticized For Hit Piece On Bloomberg’s Primary Opponents

Also in December 2019, Bloomberg News, a media organization owned by Bloomberg, ran a piece attacking Sanders and Warren. The piece sought to brand these leading progressives as hypocrites, pointing out that their campaigns have each spent over $150,000 on products while simultaneously criticizing the corporation’s business practices. A month before the piece’s publication, the editor in chief of Bloomberg News had claimed, “We will continue our tradition of not investigating Mike and we will extend the same policy to his rivals in the Democratic primaries”. Publications across the political spectrum highlighted the resulting criticism of Bloomberg News.

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Democratic Debate Rules Change Seen As Effort To Favor Bloomberg

On January 31, 2020, the DNC announced a change in the qualifications required for its Feb. 19 debate in Las Vegas, Nevada. While the first eight debates had required candidates to surpass an amount of individual donors, the DNC announced the Nevada debate would only require candidates to meet a 10% polling threshold in four polls or have received at least one delegate from the Iowa or New Hampshire contests.

Many media outlets immediately noted that Bloomberg stood to gain the most from this rule change and many of his Democratic opponents and their surrogates criticized the decision.

In a tweet on the same day the news broke, Elizabeth Warren claimed “The DNC didnt change the rules to ensure good, diverse candidates could remain on the debate stage. They shouldnt change the rules to let a billionaire on. Billionaires shouldn’t be allowed to play by different rules on the debate stage, in our democracy, or in our government.”

In an ABC interview, Andrew Yang claimed, “I think the DNC looked at this and said, ‘We need to get Bloomberg on the debate stage.’ This change is clearly tailor-made to deliver him to the debate stage.

Reporter To Billionaire Dem Bloomberg: Are You Trying To Buy The Presidency

Bloomberg commits $80M to rid Congress of Republicans

Democratic voters say they already have plenty of options in 2020 and Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, who jumped in the race two weeks ago, had to cancel a recent event at Morehouse College in Atlanta after no one showed up.

But rival campaigns are reacting differently to Bloombergs entry as they did to Patricks or that of billionaire Tom Steyer, who has struggled for relevance despite spending tens of millions of dollars on TV ads in recent months. Theres a hint of fear in some of their voices when they privately discuss Bloomberg, even as they argue he has no shot.

If Steyer, financially, was a battleship compared to other candidates fishing boats, Bloomberg is an aircraft carrier.

The media mogul and former mayor, who has already made the single largest political advertising purchase in history, is worth some fifty times as much as Steyer.

Bloomberg spent more than $250 million combined on his three mayoral campaigns in New York City and has doled hundreds of millions more on charitable and political causes. Aides say hell spend whatever it takes on his latest project, the presidential run.

Some welcome the development as a needed shakeup to the messy status quo of the 2020 primary.

Im all for it. I think he will be good for the Democratic field, Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, who considered running for president in 2020 himself, said in an email to NBC News.

The mythology will not last long, de Blasio said.

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Watch: Michael Bloomberg Urges Voters To View Trump As An Employee

Businessman Mike Bloomberg is urging Americans to evaluate President Donald Trump like a coworker or employee when deciding whether to give him another term.

Watch Bloombergs remarks in the player above.

At Thursdays Democratic National Convention, Bloomberg asked: Would you rehire or work for someone who ran your business into the ground, and who always does whats best for him or her, even when it hurts the company?

He asked, If the answer is no, why the hell would we ever rehire Donald Trump for another four years?

Bloombergs addition to the convention lineup is another example of Biden trying to appeal to moderate and even Republican voters. Bloomberg has been a Republican, independent and a Democrat throughout his career.

Hes now telling voters that Trumps slogan of Make America Great Again makes a pretty good case for Joe Biden.

Mike Bloomberg To Spend At Least $100 Million In Florida To Benefit Joe Biden

Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg plans to spend at least $100 million in Florida to help elect Democrat Joe Biden, a massive late-stage infusion of cash that could reshape the presidential contest in a costly toss-up state central to President Trumps reelection hopes.

Bloomberg made the decision to focus his final election spending on Florida last week, after news reports that Trump had considered spending as much as $100 million of his own money in the final weeks of the campaign, Bloombergs advisers said. Presented with several options on how to make good on an earlier promise to help elect Biden, Bloomberg decided that a narrow focus on Florida was the best use of his money.

The presidents campaign has long treated the state, which Trump now calls home, as a top priority, and his advisers remain confident in his chances given strong turnout in 2016 and 2018 that gave Republicans narrow winning margins in statewide contests.

Voting starts on Sept. 24 in Florida, so the need to inject real capital in that state quickly is an urgent need, Bloomberg adviser Kevin Sheekey said. Mike believes that by investing in Florida, it will allow campaign resources and other Democratic resources to be used in other states, in particular the state of Pennsylvania.

Save NYC instead, he added.

The spending will focus mostly on television and digital ads, in English and Spanish.

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Democratic Presidential Candidate Michael Bloomberg Is A Gop Bankroller

In June 2018, billionaire business executive and former Republican Michael Bloomberg hosted a fundraiser for Long Island GOP Rep. Peter King. At his lavish home in New York City, Bloomberg urged co-hosts to raise at least $10,000 for King, with whom he has a long-standing relationship, according to his adviser Howard Wolfson.

King was running against Democratic challenger Gretchen Liuba Shirley, who had strong fundraising and the endorsement Emilys List, a liberal political group that helps elect women. But a few months later, Emilys List invited Bloomberg, one of its major donors, to be a featured speaker at its conference. Not only had Bloomberg raised money for the opponent of one of the groups candidates, but he was under fire for dismissive comments about the Me Too movement.

Michael Bloomberg a week after pledging $80 million to help Dems win the House held a fundraiser at his home last night for Republican Rep. Peter King.

Co-hosts asked to raise $10k for King.

Shane Goldmacher

In October 2018, just after his Emilys List speech, and as he mulled a run for president, Bloomberg became a Democrat for the first time since 2000. His partner switched from Republican to Democrat. In 2000, Bloomberg had been a lifelong Democrat but morphed into a Republican to run for New York City mayor after popular GOP Mayor Rudy Giuliani termed out. Bloomberg was a Republican for the first half of his 12 years in office before becoming an independent.

Ties To Pete Peterson’s Fix The Debt

WATCH: Michael Bloombergs full speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention

The Campaign to Fix the Debt is the latest incarnation of a decades-long effort by former Nixon man turned Wall Street billionaire Pete Peterson to slash earned benefit programs such as Social Security and Medicare under the guise of fixing the nation’s “debt problem.”

Bloomberg is listed as a chairman of the campaign to Fix the Debt, along with former New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg and former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell.

Bloomberg pushed the “No Budget, No Pay” bill stunt backed by Fix the Debt partner organization Comeback America Initiative, which passed the U.S. House in January 2013, but was promptly denounced as unconstitutional.

Bloomberg has long been sympathetic to the deficit reduction crowd. In a March 2012 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg complained about the President asking millionaires and billionaires to do more to fix the debt calling it “class warfare,” and backed the $4 trillion Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan. He also expressed support for the expiration of Bush tax cuts for all income levels, which would have been a large hike on the poor and middle class.

In 2011, Bloomberg proposed his own $8 trillion deficit reduction plan that would entail steep cuts to Social Security and Medicare and proposed to raise the retirement age.

This article is part of the Center for Media and Democracy’s investigation of Pete Peterson’s Campaign to “Fix the Debt.” Please visit our main SourceWatch page on Fix the Debt.

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Early Years And Daniel Coit Gilman

The trustees worked alongside four notable university presidents of , of , of and of . They each vouched for to lead the new University and he became the universitys first president. Gilman, a -educated scholar, had been serving as president of the prior to this appointment. In preparation for the universitys founding, visited and other German universities.

Gilman launched what many at the time considered an audacious and unprecedented academic experiment to merge teaching and research. He dismissed the idea that the two were mutually exclusive: The best teachers are usually those who are free, competent and willing to make original researches in the library and the laboratory, he stated. To implement his plan, Gilman recruited internationally known researchers including the mathematician the biologist the physicist , the and Charles D. Morris the economist and the chemist , who became the second president of the university in 1901.

Gilman focused on the expansion of graduate education and support of faculty research. The new university fused advanced scholarship with such professional schools as medicine and engineering. Hopkins became the national trendsetter in programs and the host for numerous scholarly journals and associations. The , founded in 1878, is the oldest American in continuous operation.

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Michael Bloomberg Rejoins Democratic Party Amid Presidential Run Speculation

Former New York City mayor said in Instagram post he re-registered as a Democrat to provide checks and balance

The former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg rejoined the Democratic party on Wednesday, going back to his political roots weeks before midterm elections and amid speculation that he might run for the White House in 2020.

Bloomberg, the billionaire founder and chief executive of the global media company Bloomberg LP, said in a post on social media he was re-registering as a Democrat, citing a potential constitutional crisis under the Republican president, Donald Trump, a fellow New York businessman.

At key points in U.S. history, one of the two parties has served as a bulwark against those who threaten our Constitution. Two years ago at the Democratic Convention, I warned of those threats, Bloomberg wrote in post on Instagram.

Today, I have re-registered as a Democrat I had been a member for most of my life because we need Democrats to provide the checks and balance our nation so badly needs.

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Bloomberg, 76, was a longtime Democrat who became a Republican before running for mayor of the largest US city in 2001. He left the Republican party to become an independent in 2007 and served three terms as New Yorks mayor, stepping down in 2013.

Who Are Prominent Democrats

With Michael Bloomberg, Capital Won

Notable Democrats include Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was the only president to be elected to the White House four times, and Barack Obama, who was the first African American president . Other Democratic presidents include John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. The latters wife, Hillary Clinton, made history in 2016 as the first woman to win the presidential nomination of a major U.S. political party, though she ultimately lost the election. In 1968 Shirley Chisholm won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, becoming the first African American woman elected to Congress, and in 2007 Nancy Pelosi became the first woman to serve as speaker of the House.

Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.

Harpers Weekly

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Early Years And Education

Bloomberg was born on Feb. 14, 1942, in Boston, and grew up in nearby Medford, Massachusetts. He earned an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1964. He paid his tuition by working as a parking lot attendant and taking out loans. He earned an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1966.

Bloomberg began his career in financial services in 1966 at the now-defunct Wall Street investment bank Salomon Brothers, where his first job was counting bonds and stock certificates in the banks vault. He moved up to bond trading, becoming a partner in 1972 and a general partner in 1976.

In 1979, Salomon Brothers moved him from his position of head of equity trading and sales to run Information Systems. This was apparently a demotion, but it put Bloomberg in charge of the department that implemented computer technology. When the company was acquired by the commodity trading firm Phibro in 1981, Bloomberg received a $10 million severance package.

One Final Reason To Believe Bloomberg Can Win: He Thinks He Can

So here is the thing about Mike Bloomberg: Hes not a guy who likes to lose. Before finallypulling the trigger and deciding to run for the White House, he had waffled on the idea for years. If Bloomberg is running now, its because he thinks hes got a path.

Admittedly, its an unusual path. Hes flooding the television airwaves in a moment when digital is considered the strategy of the future. Hes skipping the first four primary states and going straight for the delegate-rich votes. While Democrats have tended to follow the Michelle Obama model , Bloombergs camp has no problem hitting back at Trump as a pathological liar about everything, including his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan. His social media strategy is often downrightweird.

Bloombergs theory of the election is unconventional, but if it works, it works. And there are signs its working.

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