Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do Republicans Feel About Donald Trump

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Does Support For A Political Party Reflect On A Persons Character

Reason why Donald Trump ‘won’t run’ in 2024

While large shares of Republicans and Democrats have negative impressions of those in the other party, a majority of all Americans say that, in general, the political party someone supports does not say anything about whether they are a good or bad person. Nearly three-in-ten say ones political party says a little about whether they are a good or bad person, and 15% say it says a lot.

Democrats are more likely than Republicans to say the party that someone supports says a lot or a little about whether they are a good or bad person .

There also are age differences in these views: 52% of adults younger than 50 say support for a party says at least a little about someones character compared with 37% of those 50 and older.

In both parties, those who are younger than 50 are more likely than those who are older to say that the party someone supports says something about their character. However, these differences are much more pronounced among Democrats.

Seven-in-ten Democrats ages 18 to 49 say a persons partisanship says something about whether they are a good person compared with about half of older Democrats .

Among Republicans, 47% of those younger than 50 and 36% of those 50 and older say the party someone supports says something about whether they are a good person.

The Gops Trumpian Soul

If you read studies of the American conservative movement, Trumps continued strength should be no surprise. The political strength of the movement never came from its policy ideas. Many of its positions, like tax cuts for the rich and stringent abortion restrictions, have ultimately proven to be extremely unpopular.

Instead, its strength has been rooted in grievance: the bitterness of those who believe that modern America is changing too fast, beyond recognition, turning traditional citizens into aliens in their own country.

A charitable observer might call this sentiment nostalgia for a bygone America. A more critical one might call it the venting of reactionary white male rage against a more egalitarian country. But whatever your assessment, it is this politics of cultural grievance that animates the GOP base.

And nobody is better at channeling it than Donald Trump.

The core of Trumps success has been an ability to tap into the sense of loss Make American Great Again and direct that anger against the traditional GOP elite, Democrats, minorities, and even the US electoral system itself. His celebrity and charisma two traits DeSantis lacks have allowed him to build an unparalleled personal bond with this segment of the electorate.

And it is this connection that, again and again, has proven predictions of Trumps decline to be premature.

Gestapo And Brown Shirts

The imagery of an army of federal agents turned against ordinary Americans via legislative mandate legitimized the alarmist rhetoric that followed. As GOP tweets coalesced, the line item from the Inflation Reduction Act merged with reports of the Mar-a-Lago search in ways designed to make individual voters feel vulnerable.

Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., tweeted, If they weaponize the FBI to go after President Trump, they will surely weaponize the IRSs 87,000 new agents to go after you.

The GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee tweeted, If they can do it to a former President, imagine what they can do to you. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., tweeted, This #DepartmentofInjustice must be held accountable. It was President Trump today, but its you next if we dont take a stand.

After making audiences feel personally threatened, GOP messaging returned to the war posture implied in Trumps original statement.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., tweeted that the FBI raiding President Trumps home was the type of things that happen in countries during civil war. Conservative pundits and politicians cast FBI agents as Gestapo and brown shirts, the latter referring to Hitlers storm troopers. In an interview on Fox News, Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., exclaimed, This should scare the living daylights out of America citizens and compared the U.S. federal government to the Nazis, the Soviet Union and Latin American dictatorships.

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Americans Not Only Divided But Baffled By What Motivates Their Opponents

By Eric Plutzer and Michael Berkman

As it became clear that Democrats would win control of the U.S. House of Representatives, pundits immediately began explaining the Blue Wave. Some said it was rooted in concerns that President Trump was leading the nation into dangerous territory others pointed to alarm about health care, or compassion for citizens of color and refugees. But Republican voters were having none of this, according to a recent Penn State Mood of the Nation Poll.

The nationally representative poll of 1,000 citizens included 307 voters who cast votes for Republican Congressional candidates in the midterm elections. We asked them, In your opinion, how many citizens voting for the Democrats did so because they sincerely believe that the Democratic party is best for the country?

Nobody Is Afraid Of Their Grandfather

Republicans Sad and Worried, Democrats Happy and Indifferent Over ...

Many Republicans expect Americans will become dissatisfied with record levels of government spending and debt, an increasingly crowded U.S.-Mexican border and new rules and regulations promulgated by the Democratic Congress and the Biden administration.

Pledging to work with the Biden administration on an infrastructure bill, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he is hopeful that we may be able to do some things on a bipartisan basis but they got off to a pretty hard left-wing start.

We dont intend to participate in turning America into a left-wing, kind of Bernie Sanders vision of what this country ought to be like, McConnell told Fox News after the meeting between Biden and congressional leaders.

Fiscally conservative groups are stepping up campaigns against Biden and his spending proposals.

The organization Americans For Prosperity is preparing ads for competitive House districts in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia. Biden wrested those states from Trump in the 2020 election, providing him his margin of victory in the Electoral College.

Some Republican criticism plays off Bidens age and his occasionally mangled syntax, but that strategy has met limited success. Some of the attacks mirror the ones Trump made in 2020 against Sleepy Joe.

Trump never found a salient way to brand Biden, and Republicans continue to struggle after the election, Republican strategist Alex Conant said.

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Question20 Since The 2020 Presidential Election Do You Think That Donald Trump Has Been Undermining Democracy Or Protecting Democracy

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoUndermining          51%     8%    94%    48%    44%    56%    60%    35%Protecting           39     85      4     40     43     35     33     53DK/NA                11      6      2     12     12      9      7     12                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspUndermining          54%    52%    50%    49%    36%    50%    43%    83%    52%Protecting           28     38     44     44     50     42     46     11     35DK/NA                18      9      6      7     13      8     10      6     13

Republican Voters On Their Preferred Candidate For President

If the Republican 2024 presidential primary were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were:


Asked of 350 respondents who said they planned to vote in the 2024 Republican primary in a New York Times/Siena College poll from July 5-7, 2022. Respondents who answered someone else or did not offer a response are not shown.

The greatest threat to usurp Mr. Trump within the party is Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, who was the second choice with 25 percent and the only other contender with double-digit support. Among primary voters, Mr. DeSantis was the top choice of younger Republicans, those with a college degree and those who said they voted for President Biden in 2020.

While about one-fourth of Republicans said they didnt know enough to have an opinion about Mr. DeSantis, he was well-liked by those who did. Among those who voted for Mr. Trump in 2020, 44 percent said they had a very favorable opinion of Mr. DeSantis similar to the 46 percent who said the same about Mr. Trump.

Should Mr. DeSantis and Mr. Trump face off in a primary, the poll suggested that support from Fox News could prove crucial: Mr. Trump held a 62 percent to 26 percent advantage over Mr. DeSantis among Fox News viewers, while the gap between the two Floridians was 16 points closer among Republicans who mainly receive their news from another source.

Mr. Trumps troubles inside his party leave him hamstrung in a matchup against an unusually vulnerable incumbent.

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Do Republicans Really Believe Trump Won The 2020 Election Our Research Suggests That They Do

All credible evidence tells us that the 2020 election was very secure. Experts on both sides of the political aisle, and even President Donald Trumps own Justice Department, have confirmed that 2020 was a free and fair election. Even a Republican-sponsored audit of Arizonas results found no evidence of fraud or malfeasance.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of Republican voters say they agree with Trumps unsubstantiated claims that the election was stolen. In our most recent University of Massachusetts at Amherst poll, fielded online Dec. 14-20 by YouGov among a nationally representative sample of the U.S. voting-age population, only 21 percent of Republicans say Joe Bidens victory was legitimate. This is nearly identical to what we found in our April poll, in which just 19 percent of Republicans said Biden was legitimately elected. Otheruniversities, mediaoutlets and polling firms have found nearly identical results.

How could the big lie campaign convince so many Republicans that Trump won an election he so clearly lost? Some observers wonder whether these beliefs are genuine or just an example of expressive responding, a term social scientists use to mean respondents are using a survey item to register a feeling rather than express a real belief. In this case, it would mean that these Republicans, upset about Biden winning, say his victory was not legitimate even though they know deep down that it was.

What does the evidence tell us?

He Does Not Think Russia Is A Threat

Here’s why Republicans are afraid to criticize Donald Trump

Every intelligence agency has declared that Russia meddled in the last election and likely handed Trump the presidency on a silver platter, but Trump steadfastly denies it. All the evidence suggests the Putin represses dissent, steals elections, persecutes gays, and murders journalists, but Trump says none of this is a threat. He must be especially fond of the murders journalists part, because he knows that the media is on to him.

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Trumps 2024 Standing After The Fbi Raid

  • In the Aug. 10 survey, 58% of Republican voters said they would support Trump if the 2024 Republican presidential primary were today, the highest on record since his 2020 loss. The share of support is up from 54% in July and 53% in June amid the high-profile congressional Jan. 6 hearings.
  • Trumps improvement has come to the detriment of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose 2024 support has slumped 5 percentage points since late July, to 16%.
  • Similarly, a record-high 71% of GOP voters say that Trump should run for president in 2024.

He Says Hes Not A Racist

Which is, of course, why he calls Mexicans rapists and says the blacks love him. He even had the gall to claim hes the least racist person youll ever meet. Well, the proof is in the puddingHispanics overwhelmingly voted against him, and he only got 8 percent of the black vote. Don, you can pretend you love the blacks all you want, but whats crystal clear is that the love is not reciprocated.

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Splitting The Evangelicals Splitting The Tea Party

One after another, the establishment candidates failed. Jeb Bushs campaigning seemed to confirm Trumps belittling of him as low-energy. Chris Christies tough-guy appeal proved no match for Trumps eccentric high-wire mastery of those arts. Ironically, with Jeb Bush out of the race, Marco Rubio became the establishments great hope to beat Trump for the nomination ironic, because Rubio had arrived in the Senate in 2010 as a Tea Party candidate. But he was never able to repair his breach with the Tea Party around his early work in the Senate, trying to collaborate on immigration reform.

Once the voting began, for the Republican establishment, the likelihood of a Trump nomination gathered momentum with the seeming horror and inevitability of a Greek tragedy. The remaining establishment possibility, Ohio Governor John Kasich, was never taken seriously as a winner by the Republican establishment, though with the walls closing in on them, they hoped he might win enough delegates to throw the convention into a deadlock.

Trump has also split the Tea Party, perhaps irrevocably. The populist and free-market absolutist forces that came together to form the Tea Party turned severely at odds with one another, and daily fierce debates on Tea Party websites and on talk radio rage between supporters of Cruz and supporters of Trump. Cruz supporters argued in terms of fidelity to conservative principles:

Exasperated, the Cruz supporters argued:

Donald Trump Will Be Reinstated To Presidency This Year Third Of Republicans Say In New Poll

On more than one issue, GOP

Rumors began to swirl this summer that some in former President Donald Trumps inner circle expect him to be reinstated to the presidency by the end of the year.

Notably, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has repeatedly claimed to posses evidence of voter fraud that could put Trump back in the White House.

Even Trump himself has indicated there is a chance Democrat Joe Biden is removed from office before the next presidential election.

According to a new poll, many Republican voters share these beliefs.

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Question9 Overall Do You Think Donald Trump Has Had A Mainly Positive Or Mainly Negative Impact On

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoPositive             41%    84%     4%    45%    48%    35%    37%    58%Negative             51      9     94     47     44     58     60     36DK/NA                 8      7      2      8      8      7      4      7                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspPositive             33%    36%    47%    49%    57%    45%    50%    12%    37%Negative             56     54     47     49     36     50     44     81     51DK/NA                11      9      6      3      7      5      6      7     12

Is Trumps Hold On The Republican Party Getting Weaker

For the past year it has been assumed that Donald Trump is the undisputed leader of the Republican Party. And with good reason. He has held onto the loyalties of Republican voters, he has managed to spread the Big Lie to many of his followers and to many Republican politicians who initially were against him, and he has raised enormous sums of money, most of it from small donors.

But in recent weeks it is possible to see three cracks in what Trump would like to believe is monolithic control over the Republican Party.

  • The hard-core Trump base appears to be shrinking.
  • In many Republican primaries Trump does not appear able to crown winners simply with his endorsementhis candidates are often in for a fight with other Republicans.
  • Heavy hitters are stepping up to challenge Trumps version of the election, which has become his dominant message.

Secondly, Trumps ability to call the shots in the upcoming Republican primaries is being tested. Many of the primaries will feature an internal fight between Trump endorsed candidates and more mainstream Republicans. For example, Trump has endorsed 12 candidates running in Republican gubernatorial primaries. If his word was as powerful as he thinks it is, opposition to his candidates should melt away. But thats not happening. Very few of these races are cake walks for the Trump endorsed candidate.

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Theres Enormous Frustration: Trump Forces Republicans Off

Having once decried the search of Mar-a-Lago, defenders of the ex-president are now warning of civil unrest if the investigation leads to prosecution.

The current issues facing Donald Trump are different in critical ways. For starters, he doesnt have the powers of the presidency anymore. | Joe Raedle/Getty Images

08/30/2022 04:30 AM EDT

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The investigation into Donald Trumps handling of classified national security records is forcing Republicans into a strained defense during a pre-midterm sprint in which theyd much rather be talking about Joe Biden.

After having decried the FBIs search of the ex-presidents home, many Trump defenders went silent uponthe release on Friday of the probable-cause affidavit that revealed the extent of Trumps efforts to hold onto the top-secret documents. GOP worries about the developments of the case and Trump announcing a 2024 run before November are giving way to a subtle, broader warning about putting the former president too much on the ballot this fall.

Republicans should focus on defeating Democrats, and every Democrat should have the word Biden in front of their name, said Trump ally and former Republican Speaker Newt Gingrich. The Republican focus should be to win the election in November. Trump will do a fine job defending himself. Hell be fine.

Young Americans Are Significantly More Likely To Be Politically Engaged Than They Were A Decade Ago A Sharp Increase In Progressive Political Values Marked Since 2016

Trump, Pence head for Arizona showdown over GOP primary

Less than one year after Barack Obamas election, 24% of young Americans considered themselves to be politically active . Twelve years later, we find the share of politically active Americans increased by half and now 36% are politically active. The most politically active among this cohort are young Blacks .

Over the last five years, on a host of issues ranging from health care, to climate, immigration, poverty, and affirmative actionyoung Americans are increasingly more likely to favor government intervention. For example, we found:

  • A 19-point increase in agreement with the statement Qualified minorities should be given special preferences in hiring and education .
  • An 18-point increase in agreement with the statement Government should do more to curb climate change, even at the expense of economic growth .
  • A 16-point increase since 2016 in agreement with The government should spend more to reduce poverty .
  • A 16-point increase in Basic health insurance is a right for all people, and if someone has no means of paying for it, the government should provide it .
  • An 8-point increase in agreement with Recent immigration into this country has done more good than harm .

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