Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Michael Bloomberg Is A Republican

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Mayors Against Illegal Guns

Michael Bloomberg: Who is the Democrat candidate? – US Election BBC Newsnight

Bloomberg has been criticized by the NRA, Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment Foundation and other Second Amendment advocates for his position on handguns, having co-founded the liberalgun controlpropaganda organization, “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” . His gun control policies and executive orders continued those implemented by his predecessor Rudolph Giuliani.

New York City crime statistics for 2007 were the lowest ever recorded for the City. As of December 2007, compared to 2001 figures , shootings were down 11%, murder was down 25%, auto theft was down 55% and major crime overall was down 26%.

Michael Douglas Campaigns For Bloomberg After Republicans Open Milwaukee Office

MADISON — A 2020 candidate for president opened an office in Madison on Saturday, with some major star power.

Academy Award winning actor Michael Douglas spoke in support of former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

The new office downtown is Bloomberg’s second in Wisconsin. His team opened one in Milwaukee last month.

Kirk Douglas, Michael’s father, died earlier this week. Michael said at the appearance that his father supported Bloomberg until the very end.

“I don’t know if he was pulling my leg or not, but one of the last words that he said in the hospital, when he came and he saw me, asked me to lean over close to him, and I leaned over close to him and he said, ‘Mike can get it done’,” he said.

Douglas continued to campaign for Bloomberg Saturday afternoon, speaking at another event in Oconomowoc.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin got volunteers ready Saturday to start door-to-door campaigning across the state. The spring election is April 7.

Republicans in Wisconsin don’t have any specific events planned, but a they’ve been calling people in the area. Republican Party of Dane County Chair Scott Grabins says they’re in a different mode than the Democrats, focusing more on the November election.

The Democratic National Convention will be in Milwaukee this year in July. It came under fire this week, after two key officials were suspended for complaints of a toxic work environment.

The convention is July 13-16 at Fiserv Forum.

Super Tuesday Results And Suspension Of Campaign

In the March 3, 2020 “Super Tuesday” primaries, Bloomberg finished in third or fourth place in most of the 14 states involved, picking up a total of 61 delegates out of the more than 1,000 that were available. On March 4, 2020, Bloomberg suspended his campaign, stating, “Im a believer in using data to inform decisions. After yesterdays results, the delegate math has become virtually impossible and a viable path to the nomination no longer exists.” Bloomberg then endorsed Joe Biden.

Following the suspension of his campaign, Bloomberg donated money to nonprofits which register people of color to vote. This includes a $2 million donation to Collective Future, a group that registers black voters, and a $500,000 donation to Voto Latino, which registers young Latinos as voters.

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Does He Have A Chance

Mr. Bloombergs path is unconventional in the extreme: skipping the early-voting states and debates to focus on delegate-rich contests in March and beyond. He has the resources to pull it off millions upon millions of dollars of his own money to flood the airwaves with his ads. But if another candidate claims momentum in February, Mr. Bloomberg could have a difficult time breaking through.

‘the Hubris Is Unbelievable’: Dems Seethe Over Bloomberg Gop Donations

Mayor Michael Bloomberg taps Indiana Republican as deputy ...

Good luck explaining the Scott Brown endorsement against Elizabeth Warren.

11/26/2019 05:21 AM EST

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Michael Bloombergs debut 2020 campaign ad touts that he took charge of New York in the wake of 9/11.

What Bloomberg doesnt mention: He leaned heavily on an endorsement from Rudy Giuliani, the then-New York mayor who is now President Donald Trumps personal attorney, to win that post. Bloomberg trumpeted his support in TV advertising and direct mail, chastising his Democratic opponent for being no friend of Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani is just one of many skeletons in Bloombergs partisan closet. As he pursues the Democratic presidential nomination, hell have to explain the millions hes spent putting Republicans into office, including contributions backing more than a dozen current and former members of Congress.

The billionaire businessman, who has switched parties several times throughout his political career, endorsed George W. Bushs 2004 reelection campaign, contributed to John McCain and even held a fundraiser for a House GOP member as recently as last year.

And thats not all. Beneficiaries of his largesse include former Sen. Orrin Hatch , a vigorous Trump defender, and Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby of Alabama, who once chaired the Senate Banking Committee.

Then theres former Sen. Scott Brown . Bloomberg endorsed and held a fundraiser for Brown when he ran against Elizabeth Warren in 2012.

Sally Goldenberg contributed to this report.

Also Check: Republican Vs Democratic States

Who Is The Richest Heiress In The World

heiressworld’s richestrichestworldWorld’sTop 15 Richest Americans, according to Forbes

  • Jeff Bezos, Amazon â $114 billion.
  • Bill Gates, Microsoft â $106 billion.
  • Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway â $80.8 billion.
  • Larry Ellison, software â $65 billion.
  • Larry Page, Google â $55.5 billion.
  • Sergey Brin, Google â $53.5 billion.

Involvement In 2018 Midterms

On June 20, 2018, Bloomberg announced he would spend $80 million supporting Democratic candidates in the 2018 midterms.

He released a statement that said the following:


Republicans in Congress have had almost two years to prove they could govern responsibly. They failed. As we approach the 2018 midterms, it’s critical that we elect people who will lead in ways that this Congress wonât â both by seeking to legislate in a bipartisan way, and by upholding the checks and balances that the Founding Fathers set up to safeguard ethics, prevent the abuse of power, and preserve the rule of law.

And so this fall, I’m going to support Democrats in their efforts to win control of the House.

To be clear: I have plenty of disagreements with some Democrats, especially those who seek to make this election about impeachment. Nothing could be more irresponsible. But I believe that âWe the Peopleâ cannot afford to elect another Congress that lacks the courage to reach across the aisle and the independence to assert its constitutional authority. And so I will support Democratic candidates who are committed to doing both.

âMichael Bloomberg

On October 2, 2018, Bloomberg announced he would donate $20 million to the Senate Majority PAC.

See also: Everytown for Gun Safety

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Did He Really Ban Big Gulps

He did not. But he tried. Sort of. As mayor, Mr. Bloomberg hoped to impose limits on the sale of large sugary drinks, but the initiative failed in the courts. Even if it hadnt, Mr. Bloombergs plan included exemptions for convenience stores like 7-Eleven, with its outsize Big Gulp. This has not stopped critics from invoking the Big Gulp as a symbol of what they view as Bloombergian policy overreach.

Why Is The Democratic Party Associated With The Colour Blue

Michael Bloomberg To Take Part In Democratic Presidential Candidates’ Debate

The idea of using colours to denote political parties was popularized by TV news broadcasts, which used colour-coded maps during presidential elections. However, there was no uniformity in colour choices, with different media outlets using different colours. Some followed the British tradition of using blue for conservatives and red for liberals . However, during the 2000 U.S. presidential electionand the lengthy battle to determine the winnerprominent news sources denoted Republicans as red and Democrats as blue, and these associations have persisted.

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The Bloomberg Record: Poverty & Inequality

Some people say, well, taxes are regressive. But in this case, yes they are. Thats the good thing about them. I listen to people saying oh we dont want to tax the poor. Well, we want the poor to live longer And thats why you do want to do exactly what a lot of people say you dont want to do. Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg has never been shy about being a free-market conservative waging war on the poor, and the only reason it isnt immediately obvious that he is right-wing is that so many Democrats have also been free-market conservatives waging war on the poor. Sure, his 2020 campaign has slapped together some hastily plagiarized literature pitching him as progressive, and he is publishing op-eds claiming that fixing inequality is my priority. After years of staunchly defending racist policing practices, he apologized for them the moment he began the campaign. But none of this should persuade anyone familiar with Bloombergs actual record.

Remember that Bloomberg himself says he is the type of conservative who believes in slashing the government to bits:

I actually am a conservativemore so than other conservatives in the sense that I think you could go and cut 2 or 3 percent out of the budget in every agency. Weve done that 12 times

Today, I will make this commitment: I will not sign a contract with salary increases unless they are accompanied by reforms in benefit packages that produce the savings we need

Johns Hopkins University Philanthropy

As of 2019, Bloomberg has given more than $3.3 billion to Johns Hopkins University, his alma mater, making him “the most generous living donor to any education institution in the United States.” His first contribution, in 1965, had been $5. He made his first $1 million commitment to JHU in 1984, and subsequently became the first individual to exceed $1 billion in lifetime donations to a single U.S. institution of higher education.

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Move To Homewood And Early 20th Century History

In the early 20th century, the university outgrew its buildings and the trustees began to search for a new home. Developing Clifton for the university was too costly, and 30 acres of the estate had to be sold to the city as public park. A solution was achieved by a team of prominent locals who acquired the estate in north Baltimore known as . On February 22, 1902, this land was formally transferred to the university. The flagship building, Gilman Hall, was completed in 1915. The relocated in Fall of 1914 and the followed in 1916. These decades saw the ceding of lands by the university for the public Wyman Park and Wyman Park Dell and the , coalescing in the contemporary area of 140 acres .

Prior to becoming the main Johns Hopkins campus, the Homewood estate had initially been the gift of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a Maryland planter and signer of the , to his son Charles Carroll Jr. The original structure, the 1801 , still stands and serves as an on-campus museum. The brick and marble style of Homewood House became the architectural inspiration for much of the university campus versus the style of other historic American universities.

In 1909, the university was among the first to start adult programs and in 1916 it founded the US’ first .

Since the 1910s, Johns Hopkins University has famously been a “fertile cradle” to ‘s .

Presidents of the university

Mike Bloomberg To Spend At Least $100 Million In Florida To Benefit Joe Biden

Michael Bloomberg Is Considering Running for President in ...

Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg plans to spend at least $100 million in Florida to help elect Democrat Joe Biden, a massive late-stage infusion of cash that could reshape the presidential contest in a costly toss-up state central to President Trumps reelection hopes.

Bloomberg made the decision to focus his final election spending on Florida last week, after news reports that Trump had considered spending as much as $100 million of his own money in the final weeks of the campaign, Bloombergs advisers said. Presented with several options on how to make good on an earlier promise to help elect Biden, Bloomberg decided that a narrow focus on Florida was the best use of his money.

The presidents campaign has long treated the state, which Trump now calls home, as a top priority, and his advisers remain confident in his chances given strong turnout in 2016 and 2018 that gave Republicans narrow winning margins in statewide contests.

Voting starts on Sept. 24 in Florida, so the need to inject real capital in that state quickly is an urgent need, Bloomberg adviser Kevin Sheekey said. Mike believes that by investing in Florida, it will allow campaign resources and other Democratic resources to be used in other states, in particular the state of Pennsylvania.

Save NYC instead, he added.

The spending will focus mostly on television and digital ads, in English and Spanish.

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Books And Other Works

Bloomberg, with Matthew Winkler, wrote an autobiography, Bloomberg by Bloomberg, published in 1997 by Wiley. A second edition was released in 2019, ahead of Bloomberg’s presidential run. Bloomberg and former Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope co-authored Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet , published by St. Martin’s Press the book appeared on the New York Times hardcover nonfiction best-seller list. Bloomberg has written a number of op-eds in the New York Times about various issues, including an op-ed supporting state and local efforts to fight climate change , an op-ed about his donation of $1.8 billion in financial aid for college students and support for need-blind admission policies an op-ed supporting a ban on flavored e-cigarettes and an op-ed supporting policies to reduce economic inequality .

Activities Prior To Campaign Launch

In March 2019, Bloomberg originally announced that he would not run for president.

However, on November 7, 2019, Bloomberg changed his mind and announced that he was taking steps to enter the 2020 United States presidential election, and on November 8 he officially filed for the Alabama Democratic presidential primary. After qualifying in Michigan, on November 12, he filed his candidacy for the Arkansas primary. On November 13, he applied for the Tennessee ballot. On November 19, he gave three separate transactions of $106,500 to the Democratic National Committee along with $800,000 to the Democratic Grassroots Victory Fund.

Headquartered at facilities provided by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the campaign’s staff at pre-launch included senior advisors Howard Wolfson, communications adviser Jason Schecter, advertising creator Bill Knapp, pollster Doug Schoen along with sometimes Bloomberg Philanthropies CEO Patti Harris and political consultants Brynne Craig, Mitch Stewart, and Dan Wagner and, at launch, Kevin Sheekey was campaign manager.

On November 21, 2019, Bloomberg filed a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission to declare himself as a Democratic candidate for president, though he said this was not a formal announcement, but a step towards making one if he decides to run.

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Bloomberg Helped To Flip The Us Senate

Over the last decade, Bloomberg helped Republicans take and maintain control of the U.S. Senate, which, in the Trump era and under Mitch McConnells leadership, has confirmed scores of right-wing judges, blocked liberal legislation passed by the House, and shielded the president from any repercussions after seeking foreign election assistance, tampering with witnesses, and defying congressional subpoenas.

Bloombergs Independence USA super PAC, which he funds exclusively, spent nearly $10.1 million supporting Republican federal candidates from 2012-16. The majority of that, $5.9 million, helped Sen. Pat Toomey win re-election in 2016 against Democrat Katie McGinty, an environmental policy expert and another Emilys List endorsee. In 2014, the super PAC boosted Republican House candidates Bob Dold and Michael Fitzpatrick . Two years earlier, Independence USA had spent $1.7 million backing Connecticut House candidate Andrew Rorabach, as well as $963,000 supporting Dold.

Americans for Responsible Solutions, a gun control-focused super PAC heavily funded by Bloomberg, also spends the majority of its money in favor of Democrats, but in 2014, when Bloomberg gave it $250,000, it backed Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins and Fitzpatrick . Collins recently voted to acquit Trump of both impeachment charges and said she thought Trump had a pretty big lesson from impeachment. In 2007, Bloomberg personally donated $4,600 to Collinss campaign, and in 2014, he gave $5,200.

Political Views And Mayoralty

Super Tuesday: How ‘outsider’ Michael Bloomberg could steal the democrat nomination

Bloomberg enforced a strengthened cell-phone ban in city schools. Under Mayor Bloomberg, the high school graduation rate in New York City went up 18%. He supports abortion rights and same-sex “marriage”. Bloomberg was also the most prominent Republican to oppose President George W. Bush‘s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court of Chief Justice John Roberts.

Bloomberg is a supporter of illegal immigration, saying that New York City would “collapse” if they didn’t have illegally come aliens.

Bloomberg was criticized by libertarians for pushing for New York City’s unprecedented ban on trans fats on restaurants.

Bloomberg called tax increases on the poor a “good thing” as it would help the government effectively make health decisions for them.

Though Bloomberg suggested that he might run for president in 2008, he never did.

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Worse Than That Mike Bloomberg Is A Billionaire Who Is Even Richer And Even Worser Than Donald Trump

Rudy Toody Really Fruity lovey lovey Mikey.

Mike Bloomberg does not give a damn about political party affiliation, because Michael Bloomberg is RUNNING for President FOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG and no one else. JUST LIKE DONALD TRUMP IS RUNNING FOR DONALD TRUMP and nobody else .

Trumpy goes in for a big kiss on Mikey!

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