Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Many Republicans Voted Against Budget

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Investing More In Your Kids Schools Not Defunding Education

Hakeem Jeffries: ‘I Was Shocked’ So Many Republicans Voted Against Baby Formula Appropriations Bill


  • As schools and students struggle with the fallout of the pandemic, Republicans proposed legislation that would DEFUND SCHOOLS by diverting your taxpayer dollars from public to private schools.
  • Democrats oppose Republican proposals to defund schools and instead INCREASED funding for teacher pay, inflation-related costs, school transportation, and adding counselors, psychologists, and social workers in our public schools across the state.
  • Republicans also introduced legislation that repeals the Estate Tax which would cut funding sources for K-12 and higher education funding while providing a huge tax break to the wealthiest families in the state.

Democrats believe that all students deserve a fair opportunity to learn and grow, and that is why we passed policies that prioritized students. That means public schools that are safe, fully staffed, and ready for our children to return in September. It means addressing inflation-related costs for schools, paying our teachers a good salary so they dont leave the profession, and hiring more counselors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers. It means more free lunches, more school bus funding, and better language access for our students.

Republicans proposed bills that would DEFUND SCHOOLS

Democrats believe we must invest MORE in schools, not less and the Republican proposed bills simply are bad for Washington students.

Manchin Says He’ll Vote Against ‘fake’ Gop Vote

Sen. Joe Manchin said he will vote against Republicans’ “fake” vote-a-rama amendments Saturday, as the Senate rushes to pass his social spending and taxation bill before leaving town for recess.

“The Inflation Reduction Act is the product of years of bipartisan conversations about the most impactful ways to produce more energy domestically, bring down energy and healthcare costs and pay down our debt. The IRA achieves this without raising taxes,” Manchin, D-W.Va., said.

“Despite this, my R friends have made clear theyre completely unwilling to support this bill under any condition,” he added. “None of their amendments would change that. For this reason, Ill vote to protect the integrity of the IRA regardless of the substance of their fake amendments.”

What The Pact Act Is And Why It Matters

The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act, otherwise known as the PACT Act, was introduced in June by Rep. Mark Takano , who chairsthe House Committee on Veterans Affairs, with the aim to address and fund health care, research, and other matters related to veterans who were exposed to toxic substances, including burn pits large trenches dug to burn and dispose of sewage, medical waste, and other trash during their service.

The bill contains two major components: a grace period for veterans who served near burn pits to get medical care, and a policy that tells the VA how to approach certain illnesses and cancers. Veterans would not have to prove that their illnesses are directly related to burn pit exposure to receive disability payments and assistance. Currently, more than 70 percent of disability claims related to burn pit exposure are denied by the VA due to veterans inability to prove their illnesses or cancers are linked to exposure to burn pits.

Cancers and other issues alleged to be related to burn pits can come years later, as happened to Sgt. Heath Robinson, whom the bill is named after. Robinson died in 2020 of a rare lung cancer he attributed to smoke exposure during his deployment in Iraq in 2006 and 2007.

Update, August 2, 12:30 pm: This story has been updated to include new information about a Senate vote on this legislation.

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In Pursuit Of Racial Equity And Justice


  • Democrats passed new laws to address equity needs for families, including expanding language access for parents and students in public schools and expanded access to internet service and devices for underserved communities .
  • Democrats also increased focus on children, passing a new law to expand doula access and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families diaper subsidy .
  • Republicans introduced bills with similar policy outcomes from conservative states that would have the negative effect of not giving teachers training on how to recognize and avoid racism.

Democrats in the Legislature have passed policies to help ensure that everyone is welcome in our state, regardless of where they come from, the color of their skin or how much they earn. That means improving police accountability, encouraging equitable recovery from the pandemic, dismantling institutional racism in education, providing for working families, advancing environmental justice and investing in marginalized communities. Last year, Democrats approved trainings for education staff for diversity, equity, and inclusion, a key tool to identifying where racism exists.

stop teachers from learning about racism and ways to fight it

Thune Amendment On Tax Provision With Extended Salt Cap Dems Voting To Replace Salt Cap Provision

51 GOP Senators Just Voted To Cut $1.5 Trillion from Medicare and ...

The Senate passed Senate GOP Whip John Thune’s amendment to fix a tax issue in Democrats’ social tax and spending bill, which includes an extension of the SALT cap. It passed 57-43 with seven Democrat votes.

The Senate is now voting on an amendment from Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., to change the SALT cap pay-for in the bill to something more acceptable to most Democrats, Fox News’ Kelly Phares reports.

“The end is near. I hope. For those of us on this side of the aisle who worked long and hard this is the last substantive action we have to take before final passage of a historic piece of legislation,” Warner said. “My amendment would simply strike the offset in the previous amendment, known as the state and local tax deduction, and replace it with a two year extension of a so-called loss limitation policy that has bipartisan support over many years.”

It’s possible that the amendment will be voted on along party lines, with Vice President Harris breaking a tie.

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Boosting Child Care Fundingnot Cutting It


  • Democrats passed the Fair Start for Kids Act, a new law that boosts pay for child care providers and makes child care more affordable for Washington families.
  • Democrats also passed budgets that invest heavily in child care, expanding access to our states pre-k program, increasing subsidies, and reducing family copays.
  • Republicans proposed cutting the funding source for Fair Start for Kids, reducing available funds in the budget that go directly to making child care more accessible and affordable.

Democrats passed the Fair Start for Kids Act in 2021 to make child care more affordable and accessible for families. We also passed a budget that invests heavily in our child care providers, so they can provide a better wage to employees and stay in business during the current child care crisis that has only gotten worse during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal is more access to child care with more providers all across the state and more funding to lower the cost to families.

Republican so-called solutions would result in a lack of oversight for child care which would mean less safe conditions for our children, and lower quality early learning to lower costs and proposed cutting child care funding sources by hundreds of millions of dollars, in the middle of a major child care crisis

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act Of 1993

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

Long title An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 7 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1994.
Deficit Reduction Act of 1993, Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993
Enacted by
  • Introduced in the House as the “Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993″ by ” rel=”nofollow”> DMN) on May 25, 1993
  • Committee consideration by Budget
  • Passed the House on May 27, 1993
  • Passed the Senate on June 25, 1993 with amendment
  • House agreed to Senate amendment on August 5, 1993 with further amendment
  • Senate agreed to House amendment on August 6, 1993
  • Signed into law by President Bill Clinton on August 10, 1993

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 was a federal law that was enacted by the 103rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It has also been unofficially referred to as the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993. Part XIII of the law is also called the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993.

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Here Is Whats In The Climate Tax And Health Care Package

WASHINGTON After months of painstaking negotiations, Democrats are set to push through a climate, tax and health care package that would salvage key elements of President Bidens domestic agenda.

The legislation, while falling far short of the ambitious $2.2 trillion Build Back Better Act that the House passed in November, fulfills multiple longstanding Democratic goals, including countering the toll of climate change on a rapidly warming planet, taking steps to lower the cost of prescription drugs and to revamping portions of the tax code in a bid to make it more equitable.

Heres whats in the final package:

Republicans Voted Against Exanding Veteran Benefits

These are the Republicans who voted ‘yes’ on infrastructure bill

The above title was borrowed from a tweet of an organization called VoteVets, a progressive political action committee , whose purpose is to raise and spend money to elect veterans to office.

This tweet was in response to the 174 Republicans who did not vote to pass House Bill 3967 on March 3, 2022.

Now why did the GOP oppose this bill? Honestly, it comes down to money. This bill is estimated to have a price tag of $300 billion over 10 years. A physician and military veteran, Republican Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks argued against the Republican Majority stating, We are not doing right by our veterans by being fiscally irresponsible in their name.

In response to the actions of the GOP, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated, Its a cost of war, for the Republicans to go to the floor and say that veterans really dont want this help because its going to cost money, and theyre more concerned about the budget they are about their health. Oh, really? You just gave tax cuts in 2017 to the richest people in America. Tax cuts for the rich, cancer for our veterans. Thats how we see this discussion.

What is so frustrating is that veterans have been fighting this for years, and so why wouldnt they want this kind of bill? What is so important with establishing more presumptive conditions is that it can increase a veterans total disability so that they can receive treatment.

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Quality Journalism Doesn’t Come Free

Perhaps it goes without saying but producing quality journalism isn’t cheap. At a time when newsroom resources and revenue across the country are declining, The Texas Tribune remains committed to sustaining our mission: creating a more engaged and informed Texas with every story we cover, every event we convene and every newsletter we send. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. Do you value our journalism? Show us with your support.

Hundreds Of Billions In Proposed Tax Increases Were Abandoned

How it started: Democrats had envisioned a sweeping effort to make the tax code more fair that would roll back the tax cuts Republicans pushed through in 2017, vastly increasing what is paid by the wealthiest people and corporations. The House legislation was projected to bring in nearly $1.5 trillion over a decade by substantially increasing taxes on corporations and high earners.

How it shrank: Ms. Sinema objected to increasing most tax rates, throwing her support behind other tax-raising ideas that met with some pushback. She insisted on dropping a proposal aimed at narrowing a tax break for hedge funds and private equity managers that Mr. Manchin had pushed to include in the plan, which would have raised about $14 billion.

Where it stands now: To counter Ms. Sinemas opposition to tax rate increases, Democrats included a more complicated 15 percent minimum tax on corporations. They narrowed that provision even further on Sunday, after a Republican amendment during the vote-a-rama, and included an extension of a deduction that small businesses take that had been scaled back under the 2017 tax law and was set to expire.

They also agreed to a 1 percent increase on company stock buybacks, set to go into effect in 2023. And in a bid to crack down on wealthy tax evaders, Democrats plan to invest $80 billion in enforcement at the Internal Revenue Service.

Emily Cochrane

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Sen Schumer Says We Are Elated After Dems Pass Massive Spending Bill

Speaking to reporters after the Senate passed a massive spending bill, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said, every member of my caucus is elated about what happened because weve really changed the world in a way that you rarely get an opportunity to do.

Im really confident that the Inflation Reduction Act will endure as one of the defining features of the 21st century.

Democrats held united, passing the bill 51-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting tie-breaking vote.

We did it without a single vote to spare. To do something with 50 votes is rough. To do small things with fifty votes as well, to pass such a major piece of legislation with only 50 votes and intransigent Republican minority, a caucus running from Bernie Sanders to Joe Manchin. Wow, Schumer said.

Republicans So Called Party Of Family Values Do Not Support Needy Families

20 Republicans Just Voted Against The Budget For Tax Reform. Here

The Child allowance payments are the biggest help in decades but Republicans just see welfare assistance

Last Thursday, 39 million American parents began receiving a monthly child allowance . Its the biggest helping hand to American families in more than 85 years.

They need it. Even before the pandemic, child poverty had reached post-war records. Even non-poor families were in trouble, burdened with deepening debt and missed payments. Most were living paycheck to paycheck so if they lost a job, they and their kids could be plunged into poverty.

But every single Republican in both the House and Senate voted against the measure.

After I posted a tweet reminding people of this indisputable fact, Republican senator Mike Lee of Utah responded Friday with a perfectly bizarre tweet: If youre one of the 39 million households receiving their first Child Tax Credit payment today, dont forget that every single Democrat voted against making it larger.

Hello? Did we just go through the funhouse mirror?

In point of fact, when the American Rescue Plan was being debated last February, Lee and Senator Marco Rubio did propose slightly larger payments. But heres the rub: they wanted to restrict them only to working parents. Children of the unemployed would be out of luck. Yet those kids are the poorest of the poor. Theyre most at risk of being hungry without a roof over their heads.

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Vp Harris Arrives At Senate Ignores Question About If She’s Worried Dems Can Pass Spending Bill

Vice President Harris arrived on the second floor of the Capitol outside of the Senate chamber shortly after 2:20 p.m. Sunday, for a possible duty breaking a tied vote on Democrats’ social spending bill.

Harris ignored a question from Fox News Digital on if she is concerned whether Democrats can pass their social spending and tax bill Sunday.

Harris can also break ties on amendment votes, if Democrats want or need her to do that.

Strengthening Communities By Aiding Families And Small Businesses


  • Democrats invested in communities by aiding families, small businesses, and local institutions to help everyone move out of the pandemic together.
  • With billions invested in ensuring families had the safety net, rental relief, utility assistance, and access to food programs, and hundreds of millions granted to small businesses and art institutions, Democrats have prioritized smart, targeted investments to help communities recover.
  • Democrats also passed a massive tax credit for small businesses, meaning most wont pay the business & occupation tax.

Democrats recognized that many families are still struggling to recover as Washington moves toward the end of the pandemic. The financial squeeze due to loss of income, inflation, or supply chain issues has hit every corner of the state. The people of Washington need to be able to rely on the social safety net when times are hard, and government needs to do everything it can to support families and small businesses in need. The past biennial and supplemental budgets provided over one billion in rental relief, hundreds of millions in food, utility, and broadband assistance, and hundreds of millions in small business grants and support.

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House Republicans Vote For Massive Medicare Cuts For Second Time In 2 Months

The measure ultimately passed by a margin of 384-38.

Thirty-eight Republicans voted Tuesday against a bipartisan bill to stop massive cuts to the federal Medicare program.

The legislation ultimately passed by a margin of 384-38.

The same language passed easily in the Senate on March 25, by a 90-2 vote. The bill now goes to President Joe Biden for his signature.

The legislation was necessary because the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan enacted without a single Republican vote relied on deficit spending.

Under the 2010 Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act, that relief package automatically triggered cuts to Medicare, farm subsidies, and other programs. According to an estimate by the Congressional Budget Office, this would have resulted in $36 billion in Medicare reductions and tens of billions in cuts to other things.

Tuesday’s legislation will prevent those automatic Medicare cuts for this year, but extend the deficit reduction provisions by an extra year leaving them in place until the 2031 budget.

On March 19, the House passed a bill by Budget Committee Chair John Yarmuth, to prevent all of the automatic budget cuts triggered by the law. It was opposed by 175 Republicans.

When the bill arrived in the Senate, Democrat Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire and Republican Susan Collins of Maine successfully substituted their narrower proposal to exempt only the Medicare cuts scheduled for this year. It received wide bipartisan support.

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