Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Who Gets More Welfare Republicans Or Democrats

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The Philosophy Behind Democratic Economic Policy

Democrats gear their economic policies to benefit low-income and middle-income families. They argue that reducing income inequality is the best way to foster economic growth. Low-income families are more likely to spend any extra money on necessities instead of saving or investing it. That directly increases demand and spurs economic growth. Democrats also support a Keynesian economic theory, which says that the government should spend its way out of a recession.

One dollar spent on increased food stamp benefits generates $1.73 in economic output.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt first outlined the Economic Bill of Rights in his 1944 State of the Union address. It included taxes on war profiteering and price controls on food costs. President Harry Trumans 1949 Fair Deal proposed an increase in the minimum wage, civil rights legislation, and national health care. President Barack Obama expanded Medicaid with the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress may soon embark on a racially-fraught policy battle over welfare.

We can lift our citizens from welfare, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity, Trump said in his State of the Union address last week, the latest signal that Republicans want welfare reform this year.

Trump has often pandered to racists among his supporters. He said Mexico sends rapists to the United States and that there were some fine people among the neo-Nazis who staged a deadly protest last year in Charlottesville, Virginia. When the president said Mexican heritage made it impossible for a judge to be fair, House Speaker Paul Ryan called it the textbook definition of racist.

The word welfare is different. Its a standard political term that Democrats, Republicans and journalists alike use though Republicans use it the most often. Theres nothing overtly racialized about welfare. You can even find it in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

And yet, the word is often loaded with racial meaning. As a new HuffPost/YouGovsurvey shows, much of the public has a distorted view of which groups receive the bulk of assistance from government programs. Fifty-nine percent of Americans say either that most welfare recipients are black, or that welfare recipiency is about the same among black and white people.

The Party Of Logic And Ideas

Government’s chief role should be to defend its people, and the great question of our time is what that means. The Democratic Party has the best platform in which to defend our economy and our freedoms. The Democratic Party is the party that defends us from powerful companies who are solely attracted to profits, rather than the welfare of average people. The democrats think there should be health care for everyone, a decent wage for everyone, help for those on the bottom, and rules for those on the top. We think that a regulated economy is a free economy because everyone has an equal playing field to live their lives The Republicans like to talk about how they defend freedom, but it”s really the democrats. The small government republicans like to tell you who to love, what god to fear, and that your rights are a necessary cost for your security. Democrats don’t believe that, We think you can choose who to love, choose what to write, and who to protest without fear of retribution. The political system has its flaws, but voting democratic is a much better alternative than voting for a hypocritical, wing of the rich party who governs by crisis and doesn’t care about us, because if you don’t care for the weakest amongst us, you don’t care for anyone

Regulating The Economy Republican Style

The Republican Party is generally considered business-friendly and in favor of limited government regulation of the economy. This means favoring policies that put business interests ahead of environmental concerns, labor union interests, healthcare benefits and retirement benefits. Given this more pro-business bias, Republicans tend to receive support from business owners and investment capitalists, as opposed to support from labor.

Democrat Because They Are The Best Of The Worst

Are Welfare Recipients Mostly Republican?

Yeah! Republicans believe in less government intervention… Except gay marriage, abortion, euthanasia, adoption, church and state, ethnic minorities . You cant forget the “**** you its mine!” mentality republicans believe will create a utopia. I am not saying Democrats are better either. Their ideas are not bad but their execution are not the way a country should be run or how it should take care of the poor. I only vote democrats NOT because I think they are superior, but its you either have a far-right government or a center-right government. In my opinion both parties are both equally horrible in their own right and this country is guaranteeing us nothing but one hell of a roller coaster.

Democrats Republicans And Hate For The Poor

There is a popular narrative on the left that Republicans hate poor people.  Supposedly, we believe that when people are poor, it is their fault, and we believe poor people are moochers.

Before refuting this popular narrative about the political right, we need to make three distinctions.  The first distinction is the difference between being poor, and staying poor.  The second is the difference between alleviating poverty, and alleviating suffering.  The third distinction is the difference between receiving help, and mooching.

I was born the third child of relatively young teachers, who had not yet earned tenure.  My mother, with three young children, took a couple of years off of work.  My father, in the meantime, started working summer school, in addition to his normal job of teaching history in high school.  We were poor enough for those couple of years to be on food stamps.  Once my mother started working again , conditions improved.  By the time my parents retired , they lived comfortable, middle class lives, and were perhaps even a little bit upper middle class.  My parents are an American success story.

I, myself, was seventeen when I struck out on my own.  I worked for $3.35 an hour at McDonalds, and was by all accounts poor.  I was poor for a number of years before my life started to improve.

Being poor is not always a choice, but staying poor is.

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One Of The Worst Offenders Is Mitch Mcconnells Home State Of Kentucky According To This Wallethub Study

Jake Krupa colors in an electoral map at an election watching party as states are called in the 2016 election.

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BOSTON Hey, isnt it time all these so-called conservatives down in the red states actually started standing on their own two feet?

Were not trying to be mean. But, you know: Tough love.

A new report from WalletHub confirms what we already suspected: The states that depend the most on big gubmint are also the states that are are always whining the most about big gubmint.

And, wouldnt you know it, one of the worst offenders is Kentucky the state represented in the Senate by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican.

How about that? Do you think hes going to mention it any time soon?

Kentucky ranks fifth in terms of overall dependence on government, WalletHub determined using data on federal spending in each state, the share of households on welfare, the number of government workers and the total tax burden as a share of income.. No. 1 was Mississippi no surprises there followed by Alaska.

Conservative red states of the south and west make up eight of the 10 states with the highest dependency on government, and 19 of the top 25.


Yes, isnt it time to roll back government spending? You show us the way, West Virginia . And you, Arizona and South Carolina .

Lets crack down on all those Cadillac queens. Except it turns out the real offenders are the Pickup princes in the South and West.

Regulating The Economy Democratic Style

The Democratic Party is generally considered more willing to intervene in the economy, subscribing to the belief that government power is needed to regulate businesses that ignore social interests in the pursuit of earning a return for shareholders. This intervention can come in the form of regulation or taxation to support social programs. Opponents often describe the Democratic approach to governing as “tax and spend.”

Democrats Think Many Republicans Sincere And Point To Policy

Democrats, however, were somewhat more generous in their answers.  More than four in ten Democratic voters   felt that most Republican voters had the countrys best interests at heart .  And many tried their best to answer from the others perspective. A 45-year-old male voter from Ohio imagined that as a Republican, he was motivated by Republicans harsh stance on immigration; standing up for the 2nd Amendment; promised tax cuts.  A 30-year-old woman from Colorado felt that Republican votes reflected the desires to stop abortion stop gay marriage from ruining our country and give us our coal jobs back.

Other Democrats felt that their opponents were mostly motivated by the GOPs opposition to Obamacare, lower taxes and to support a party that reduced unemployment. 

History Of The Republican Party

The Republican Party came into existence just prior to the Civil War due to their long-time stance in favor of abolition of slavery. They were a small third-party who nominated John C. Freemont for President in 1856. In 1860 they became an established political party when their nominee Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Lincolns Presidency throughout the war, including his policies to end slavery for good helped solidify the Republican Party as a major force in American politics. The elephant was chosen as their symbol in 1874 based on a cartoon in Harpers Weekly that depicted the new party as an elephant.

How Come We Are Red And Blue Instead Of Purple

  • Republicans to live outside of urban areas, while Democrats tend to prefer living inside of urban areas.
  • Rural areas are almost exclusively Republican well strong urban areas are almost exclusively democratic.
  • Republicans also tend to stress traditional family values, which may be why only 1 out of 4 GLBTQI individuals identify with the GOP.
  • 63% of people who earn more than $200k per year vote for Republicans, while 63% of people who earn less than $15k per year vote for Democrats.
  • 64% of Americans believe that labor unions are necessary to protect working people, but only 43% of GOP identified votes view labor unions in a favorable way.

The economics of the United States seem to have greatly influenced how people identify themselves when it comes to their preferred political party. People who are concerned about their quality of life and have a fair amount of money tend to vote Republican. Those who have fallen on hard times or work in union related jobs tend to vote for Democrats. From 2003 to today, almost all of demographic gaps have been shifting so that Republicans and Democrats are supported equally. The only true difference is on the extremes of the income scale. The one unique fact about Democrats is that they are as bothered by their standard of living as Republicans tend to be.

Americas Top 10 Richest Families

  • Walton Republican  The family owns the Walmart corporation. The Walton family fortune is estimated to be about $130 billion.
  • Koch Republican  Businessmen, owners of Koch Industries, a manufacturing company. Koch brothers have a net worth of about $41 billion each .
  • Mars Republican  Own the Mars candy company. The three children of founder Forrest Mars are worth about $78 billion together.
  • Cargill-MacMillan Republican  The Cargill-MacMillan family owns 90 percent of the largest privately-owned corporation in the U.S. The family, as a whole, is worth about $49 billion.
  • Cox Democrat  The Cox family owns a number of auto consumer sites and services . They have an estimated net worth of $41 billion.
  • Johnson  Republican  The Johnson family is known for their cleaning products and hygiene products. They are valued at $30 billion.
  • Pritzker Both  Founders of Hyatt. The family has a combined value of $29 billion in 2017.
  • Johnson  Republican  Overseers at Fidelity, ensuring the cash of millions of Americans. The family has a combined net worth of $28.5 billion.
  • Hearst Republican  The Hearst family owns one of Americas largest media companies. The family is valued at $28 billion.
  • Duncan Republican  The Duncan family works mostly with oil and pipelines. The family is valued at about $21.5 billion.
  • Do Red States Really Take The Most Welfare

    Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare

    Lately Ive seen a few liberals temporarily retire the narrative that Republicans are a bunch of old rich white men to try to argue the opposite, that were actually the real moochers.

    • Red States Are Welfare Queens reads one headline over at Business Insider. The article noted that of 20 States that receive more funding from the federal government than they pay in, 16 are Red States.
    • Residents of the 10 states Gallup ranks as most conservative received 21.2 percent of their income in government transfers, while the number for the 10 most liberal states was only 17.1 percent. says the economics Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman in the New York Times.

    Certainly an economist like Krugman would realize that a State is not a person. For instance, the majority of violence in Red States occurs in Blue counties and cities within those States. Do Red States bear the responsibility for their Blue counties and cities?

    Obviously not.

    And a similar thing is happening here. Red States are taking more in government handouts but Republicans arent, as a Maxwell Poll on the voting patterns of those in public assistance has proven:

    And thats not all.

    • A NPR study of the long-term unemployed found that 72 percent favor Democrats. It goes without saying that theyre likely to be receiving benefits.

    So if its mostly Democrats receiving public assistance why the heck is it Red States receiving most of the benefits? A few possible thoughts:

    And there goes that myth.


    The Reach Of Entitlement Programs

    More than half of Americans have personally received benefits from at least one of the six major entitlement programs tested in the survey.

    The survey finds that 16% of those who have not personally received benefits also say a member of their household has gotten help. Taken together, these results indicate that about seven-in-ten households contain at least one member who has benefited at some point in his or her life from an entitlement program.

    If veteran benefits and federal college loans and grants are added to the mix, the proportion of Americans who personally have ever received entitlement benefits rises to 70% and the share of households with at least one recipient grows to 86%.

    What Does The Democratic Party Believe In

    The Democratic Party is generally associated with more progressive policies. It supports social and economic equality, favouring greater government intervention in the economy but opposing government involvement in the private noneconomic affairs of citizens. Democrats advocate for the civil rights of minorities, and they support a safety net for individuals, backing various social welfare programs, including Medicaid and food stamps. To fund these programs and other initiatives, Democrats often endorse a progressive tax. In addition, Democrats notably support environmental protection programs, gun control, less-strict immigration laws, and worker rights.

    How Democrats And Republicans Differ On Matters Of Wealth And Equality

    A protester wears a T-shirt in support of Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont who is part of … a group of Democrats looking to beat Trump in 2020. Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg

    © 2016 Bloomberg Finance LP

    If youre a rich Democrat, you wake up each day with self-loathing, wondering how you can make the world more egalitarian. Please tax me more, you say to your elected officials. Until then, the next thing you do is call your financial advisor to inquire about tax shelters.

    If youre a poor Republican, however, you have more in common with the Democratic Party than the traditional Wall Street, big business base of the Republican Party, according to a survey by the Voter Study Group, a two-year-old consortium made up of academics and think tank scholars from across the political spectrum. That means the mostly conservative American Enterprise Institute and Cato were also on board with professors from Stanford and Georgetown universities when conducting this study, released this month.

    The fact that lower-income Republicans, largely known as the basket of deplorables, support more social spending and taxing the rich was a key takeaway from this years report, says Lee Drutman, senior fellow on the political reform program at New America, a Washington D.C.-based think tank.


    Some 67% of Democrats said people are poor because the economic system is unfair. Only 17% of Republicans think so.

    Who Is Richer Democrats Or Republicans The Answer Probably Wont Surprise You

    Which of the two political parties has more money, Democrats or Republicans? Most would rush to say Republicans due to the partys ideas towards tax and money. In fact, polls have shown about 60 percent of the American people believe Republicans favor the rich. But how true is that? Assignment help can help you write about the issue but read our post first.

    Democratic Views On Medicare

    Democratic views on Medicare revolve around the goal of ensuring that quality and affordable healthcare is available for all citizens, as evidenced by President Obama signing the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law in March of 2010. About 16.4 million Americans gained health care coverage as a result of this act, including 2.3 million young adults in the workforce who were previously uninsured. The benefits of the Affordable Care Act also commonly referred to as Obamacareare many, and include allowing children to stay on their parents health care plans until they are 26 if they are not able to obtain their own through their employment. Discrimination based on pre-existing conditions is also illegal, and insurance companies are not allowed to remove someone from a plan simply because they get sick. Insurance companies cannot place annual or lifetime limits on coverage, an act which puts individuals and families in compromising positions should they be unable to pay out-of-pocket.

    The Politics And Demographics Of Food Stamp Recipients

    Democrats are about twice as likely as Republicans to have received food stamps at some point in their livesa participation gap that echoes the deep partisan divide in the U.S. House of Representatives, which on Thursday produced a farm bill that did not include funding for the food stamp program.

    Overall, a Pew Research Center survey conducted late last year found that about one-in-five Americans has participated in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. About a quarter lives in a household with a current or former food stamp recipient.

    Of these, about one-in-five of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans. About 17% of political independents say they have received food stamps.

    The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats and about half as many Republicans say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program.

    But when the political lens shifts from partisanship to ideology, the participation gap vanishes. Self-described political conservatives were no more likely than liberals or moderates to have received food stamps , according to the survey.

    Among whites, the gender-race gap is smaller. Still, white women are about twice as likely as white men to receive food stamp assistance .

    The Divided Welfare State Is A Partisan Phenomenon

    Democrats and Republicans both have their preferred tax breaks and spending programs, but in my new book, , I demonstrate that there is a systematic partisan tendency to the evolution of the welfare state. When Republicans take control of the White House and Congress, there is a subsequent rise in the number and value of tax subsidies for private social welfare . These programs, while not as well-known as Social Security and Medicare, are still recognizable to most citizens as tax breaks.

    Republicans have expanded tax deductions for individual retirement accounts , created health savings accounts , and extended exclusions for employment-based social benefits and services .

    The current crop of Republican presidential candidates wants to continue this trend. Marco Rubio is offering tax credits for paid family leave, and both Rubio and Jeb Bush are proposing increased tax subsidies for health insurance. These new tax expenditures would add to more than 80 social welfare programs costing a total of $1.14 trillion already embedded in the tax code. The amount of tax expenditures that go toward things like health care and pensions is larger than the entire discretionary defense budget.

    The Party Thats Actually Best For The Economy

    How Republicans Justify Welfare Restrictions â Wonk Wire

    Many analyses look at which party is best for the economy. A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that Democratic presidents since World War II have performed much better than Republicans. On average, Democratic presidents grew the economy 4.4% each year versus 2.5% for Republicans.

    A study by Princeton University economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson found that the economy performs better when the president is a Democrat. They report that by many measures, the performance gap is startlingly large. Between Truman and Obama, growth was 1.8% higher under Democrats than Republicans.

    A Hudson Institute study found that the six years with the best growth were evenly split between Republican and Democrat presidents.

    Most of these evaluations measure growth during the presidents term in office. But no president has control over the growth added during his first year. The budget for that fiscal year was already set by the previous president, so you should compare the gross domestic product at the end of the presidents last budget to the end of his predecessors last budget.

    For Obama, that would be the fiscal year from October 1, 2009, to September 30, 2018. Thats FY 2010 through FY 2017. During that time, GDP increased from $15.6 trillion to $17.7 trillion, or by 14%. Thats 1.7% a year.

    The chart below ranks the presidents since 1929 on the average annual increase in GDP.



    A president would have better growth if he had no recession.

    No Ranking Like This Is Ever Going To Be Perfect

    Obviously, no ranking like this is ever going to be perfect, Stan Veuger, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute, told Yahoo Finance. Some things you can definitely say, like where the states that have the highest per capita income or pay the most in taxes.

    But its not really true across the board, Veuger said. Virginia is a blue state and obviously has a lot of federal contractors and a lot of federal money It obviously relies heavily on what the federal government does.

    According to WalletHubs analysis, Virginia receives the second-highest amount of federal contracts while ranking federal funding as a share of state revenue. And given that WalletHub weighted federal funding four times more than share of federal jobs, Virginia is one of the least-dependent states on the federal government.

    Poor States Receive More Federal Funding Through Medicaid

    WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez explained that federal funding as a percentage of state revenue was calculated as states intergovernmental revenue from the federal government divided by the states general revenue.

    Intergovernmental revenue includes funding for Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families , child welfare services, and other low-income assistance programs. For TANF, Kentucky , Alaska , and Delaware use the most federal dollars.

    Because the federal income tax is progressive, Veuger said, I think you can also generally say that poor states receive more federal funding through Medicaid, which is a huge part of states budgets.

    In the 2017 fiscal year, Montana, the eighth-most dependent state overall in WalletHubs analysis, received the highest amount of at 80%. It was followed closely by West Virginia , Arkansas, Kentucky , New Mexico , and Arizona .

    In terms of gross domestic product per capita, Massachusetts ranked first, followed by New York, Alaska, North Dakota, and Wyoming. On the other end of the spectrum, Mississippi is the lowest, followed by Arkansas, West Virginia, Idaho, and Alabama.

    Veuger noted that all the poor states are red. Mississippi and Louisiana get a lot of Medicaid money.


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