Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who Is Running Against Trump In The Republican Primary

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How Donald J Trump Still Looms

Trump Goes After The ‘Big 12’ GOP Incumbents For The Midterms

Mr. Trump has also told allies that he believes the leading Democratic candidate, Representative Tim Ryan, will be a difficult opponent in the general election and that he thinks Mr. Vance can beat him. Mr. Trump has been increasingly looking toward a prospective 2024 presidential campaign of his own, and he is said to see Mr. Vance as a reliable ally in the Senate on issues he cares about, like trade and immigration.

And a last-minute effort to stop Mr. Trumps endorsement that included releasing an internal Mandel campaign poll appears to have backfired. The survey suggested that Mr. Trumps endorsement would give Mr. Vance only a five-percentage-point bump in support, which Mr. Trump took as an affront, the Republican familiar with the former presidents thinking said.

May 201: Trump As Presumptive Nominee

142 delegates were awarded between the Indiana primary and the final primaries in June however, with Trump the only candidate remaining, Washington, Oregon, West Virginia and Nebraska became essentially uncontested, although Cruz and Kasich remained on the ballot. Trump won handily in West Virginia, Nebraska and Oregon, although Kasich received one delegate from West Virginia and five in Oregon, while Cruz took five in Oregon as well. The next week, Trump won decisively in Washington State, taking 76% of the vote and 41 of 44 delegates, with the other three uncommitted.

May 1024 results


After becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, Trump said regarding the Republican primaries: “You’ve been hearing me say it’s a rigged system, but now I don’t say it anymore because I won. It’s true. Now I don’t care.”

On May 26, 2016, the Associated Press announced that Trump had passed the threshold of 1,237 delegates required to guarantee his nomination, thanks to unbound delegates from North Dakota who declared their support for Trump.

Former Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo

If the 2024 election turns into a foreign policy debate, the 57-year-old Pompeo is in a strong position with his background as former secretary of state and CIA director.

During Pompeos recent speech at the Westside Conservative Club in Urbandale, Iowa, he gave a preview of some of the lines that might end up in his presidential stump speech. He said hes spent more time with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un than any other American, including basketball star Dennis Rodman, and talked about the threat he sees from China. His mention of the U.S. moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem during his tenure was met with applause.

Before serving in Trumps Cabinet, Pompeo blasted then-candidate Trump as an authoritarian. Pompeo made the remarks the day of the Kansas caucus in 2016, quoting Trump saying that if he told a soldier to commit a war crime, they would go and do it. Pompeo said the U.S. had spent 7½ years with an authoritarian president who ignored the Constitution, referencing former President Barack Obama, and we dont need four more years of that.

Pompeo served three full terms representing Kansas in the U.S. House before joining the Trump administration. He and his wife, Susan, have one child. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy and Harvard Law and served in the U.S. Army.

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Republican Voters Were Asked Whom Donald Trump Should Choose As His Vice Presidential Nominee If He Wins The 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination

The Pence angle
  • When asked who should be Trumps vice presidential running mate if he clinches the nomination again, 27 percent of Republican voters said he should pick DeSantis, followed by 15 percent who said Pence.
  • Pence also trailed DeSantis in the hypothetical primary, with 1 in 10 Republican voters saying they would vote for Pence if the nomination contest were held today.

The latest Morning Consult/Politico survey was conducted March 18-21, 2022, among a representative sample of 2,005 registered U.S. voters, with an unweighted margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Sen Rick Scott Of Florida

Trump suggests GOP Rep. Doug Collins should run against ...

Scott, 68, is a first-term senator whose biggest asset could be his fundraising. During his 2018 campaign, he raised more than $20 million, in addition to $63 million of his own money he chipped in, according to Politico, and hes also chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Scott and his wife, Ann Holland, have two children, and he was previously the governor of Florida.

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Elites Still Matter Enormously In Primaries

George H.W. Bush

Just when journalists and political scientists were ready to proclaim the death of parties in favor of candidate-centered politics, the pendulum started to swing back.

Over the past 35 years, incumbent presidents have had zero problems obtaining renomination even presidents like George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton who alienated substantial segments of the party base with ideological heterodoxy during their first term. Reagan and Clinton both passed the baton to their vice presidents without much trouble.

Insurgent candidates who caught fire with campaigns explicitly promising to shake up the party establishment Gary Hart in 1984, Pat Robertson in 1988, Jerry Brown in 1992, Pat Buchanan in 1996, John McCain and Bill Bradley in 2000, Howard Dean in 2004, Mike Huckabee in 2008, and Rick Santorum in 2012 repeatedly gained headlines and even won state primaries.

But while 1970s insurgents were able to use early wins to build momentum, post-Reagan insurgents were ground down by the sheer duration and expansiveness of primary campaigns.

Tactics that worked in relatively low-population, cheap states like Iowa and New Hampshire simply couldn’t scale without access to the broad networks of donors, campaign staff, and policy experts that establishment-backed candidates enjoyed.

It’s this “invisible primary” among party elites that truly matters.

Endorsements were better at predicting the outcome than polls, fundraising numbers, or media coverage.

Look Whos Thinking Of Running Against Trump In 2024 Republican Primary

The Blue State Conservative, by Jess Lawson

Posted By: LoveYourCountry, 4/19/2022 8:55:35 AM

Perhaps the most annoying characteristic of so many of the dreaded RINOs infecting the Republican Party is their self-righteousness.We see it ooze out of Sen. Mitt Romney every time he comes within 50 yards of a television camera or microphone. Rep. Liz Cheney cant wait to accept invitations to appear on MSNBC or CNN to tell everyone how principled and strong she is. And Sen. Lisa Murkowski loves to preach to us about her affection for the decorum and traditions of the Senate, and we usually hear about it right around the time shes getting ready to vote for a Democratic bill.

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Why Were Those Three Removed

The state party removed the candidates because the trio didn’t meet its requirements to be considered Tennessee Republicans.

Chip Saltsman, Lee’s campaign manager, said one of the requirements was to vote in three of the last four Tennessee Republican primaries held in August every two years.

Ortagus and Starbuck could not meet these requirements because they only recently moved to Tennessee.

Ortagus, a former Fox News commentator, relocated from Washington, D.C., to Nashville in 2021. The Florida native had no previous ties to the state.

Starbuck moved to Tennessee in 2019.

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South Dakota Gov Kristi Noem

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Noem is among the potential 2024 Republican presidential candidates whove been overshadowed recently by other top contenders, but shes back in the news over the border. Though Noems not a border state governor, she announced last week that shes sending up to 50 South Dakota National Guard members to Texas to secure the border at the request of Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

The tab is being picked up by an out-of-state megadonor whos also given to Trump and the NRA, according to The Washington Post. Its unclear if the arrangement is legal, experts who spoke to The New York Times said, and Gov. Asa Hutchinson, R-Ark., said the move sets a bad precedent.

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Could Prove Everything Wrong

Donald Trump

The problem with trying to understand the rules governing presidential elections is that there simply aren’t very many.

A 35-year streak without a non-party-leaders-approved McGovern-type scenario or a strong challenge to an incumbent president is pretty striking. But it’s certainly not out of the realm of possibility that it was a coincidence.

Back in 2004, Democrats ended up rejecting the Howard Dean insurgency, but the party united around Kerry as an alternative only after the Iowa caucuses not before.

And in 2008, Obama didn’t run as a true anti-establishment outsider and had plenty of party insider support. But he was certainly an underdog vis-à-vis Hillary Clinton in terms of endorsements and party connections.

If you squint at these elections right, you can definitely make them fit the model of elite-driven candidate selection. But if Ted Cruz manages to build on his Iowa caucus win to secure the Republican nomination or if Donald Trump manages to hold on to his national polling lead we’ll likely look back on those years as early tremors that warned of a larger crack-up.

Former Us Ambassador To The United Nations Nikki Haley

Haley, 49, stands out in the potential pool of 2024 Republican candidates by her resume. She has experience as an executive as the former governor of South Carolina and foreign policy experience from her time as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Haley was a member of the Republican Partys 2010 tea party class. A former South Carolina state representative, her long shot gubernatorial campaign saw its fortunes improve after she was endorsed by Sarah Palin. Haley rocketed from fourth to first just days after the endorsement, and she went on to clinch the nomination and become her states first female and first Indian-American governor.

As governor, she signed a bill removing the Confederate flag from the state Capitol following the white supremacist attack at the Emanuel African Methodist Church in Charleston. She left office in 2017 to join the Trump administration as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Quinnipiac poll found she was at one point the most popular member of Trumps foreign policy team.

I think that shes done a pretty masterful job in filling out her resume, said Robert Oldendick, a professor and director of graduate studies at the University of South Carolinas department of political science.

Haley criticized Trump following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by his supporters, saying she was disgusted by his conduct. Oldendick said he thought her pretty pointed criticism of the president will potentially cause some problems.

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Poll: Trump Dominates 2024 Republican Primary Field

Donald TrumpHillicon Valley Biden’s misinformation warningOn The Money Biden’s plea: Don’t count out Build Back BetterBiden mulling student loan freeze extensionMORE is the clear favorite to win the GOPs 2024 presidential nomination if he decides to mount another bid for the White House, according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Monday.

Nearly 6 in 10 Republican voters surveyed 58 percent say they would vote to put the former president back on the ballot in 2024, suggesting the party is ready and willing to give Trump another chance after his 2020 loss to President BidenJoe BidenCollins open to negotiating overhaul of child tax credit set to expireSounding the alarm on the administration’s recent action on abortion pillsOvernight Health Care Biden lays out omicron playbookMORE.

No other potential 2024 Republican candidate comes close to matching Trump. Former Vice President Mike Pence

Meanwhile, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki HaleyEquilibrium/Sustainability New life blossoms in Antarctic ice shelfMembers of Congress not running for reelection in 2022Key centrist Democrat Stephanie Murphy won’t seek reelectionMORE are tied for fourth place, garnering 3 percent support each.

Since leaving the White House in January, Trump has both publicly and privately toyed with the notion of mounting a 2024 presidential run.

Former Trump Aide To Run Primary Challenge Against Kinzinger

Republican Primary Challenger Emerges Against President ...

Representative Adam Kinzinger will face a primary challenge from a former Trump administration aide as the pro-Trump faction of the GOP looks to oust Republicans, such as Kinzinger, who voted in support of the former presidents second impeachment.

Catalina Lauf, who served in the Department of Commerce under the Trump administration, launched a bid Thursday to oust Kinzinger from his seat in the 16th congressional district of Illinois.

I never thought Id primary a fellow Republican, but is Congressman Kinzinger really a Republican anymore? He isnt and we have the proof, the 27-year-old challenger said in a campaign announcement video.

Lauf said her 42-year-old opponent is a weak-kneed, establishment Republican who cares more about his next MSNBC appearance than the voters who elected him.

She claimed Kinzinger does not support the America First movement, noting his one in three votes in Congress that have sided with House speaker Nancy Pelosi

Instead of being in our fight, Adam betrayed his constituents for a life in the D.C. swamp, said Lauf, who branded herself the anti-AOC.

She blasts her Fake Republican opponent for backing the phony impeachment hoax for a president who has already left office.

He said impeachment was necessary to save America. What? Lauf said. You know what I think is necessary to save America, Adam? Setting term limits for people like you and the rest of your friends out. Six terms in Congress is enough.

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Us Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene Not Sure Whether She Advocates Violence

-Republican U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene on Friday told a lawyer for voters seeking to disqualify her from running for re-election that she did not know how to answer a question about whether she advocates violence against people with whom she disagrees.

Greene testified in a Georgia state court in Atlanta in a novel legal challenge to her candidacy accusing her of violating a U.S. Constitution provision called the “Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause” by supporting an incendiary rally that preceded last year’s attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Andrew Celli, a lawyer for the voters, asked Greene during the hearing before administrative law judge Charles Beaudrot whether she has advocates political violence against people with whom she disagrees.

“I don’t think so,” Greene replied. “I don’t know how to answer that.”

Greene is a prominent supporter of former President Donald Trump. In comments to the media, she has downplayed and justified the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol assault by Trump supporters in their failed bid to block congressional certification of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory.

Trump at the preceding rally told his supporters to march to the Capitol and “fight like hell,” repeating his false claims that the election was stolen through widespread voter fraud. The Trump supporters attacked police, ransacked parts of the Capitol and send lawmakers into hiding for their own safety.

Absentee ballots will start to be mailed on April 25.

Was Trump Okay With This Decision

In an April 10 email obtained by The Tennessean, Tennessee Republican National Committee member Beth Campbell said her RNC sources told her Trump is OK with the party removing Ortagus from the ballot.

A Trump spokesperson quickly denied the claim.

“That is a dirty lie, which should not surprise anyone, given there are RINOs in Tennessee trying to quietly pull strings and illegally remove President Trump’s endorsed candidate, Morgan Ortagus, from the ballot, said Taylor Budowich, Trumps communications director, in an emailed statement.

Budowich has not returned a request for comment following Ortagus’s ballot removal. The Tennessean also asked if Trump would reconsider his endorsement.

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Adam Kinzinger Is ‘slow Ghosting’ Congress Now He May Want To Beat Donald Trump In A Primary

Politics Reporter, HuffPost

CHICAGO It was a dreary Friday morning and Adam Kinzinger was hanging out in a conference room with huge windows overlooking a college campus. And he was tired. Not just because it was the end of the week and it was raining. He was tired in his bones.

Its like youre taking on the world all the time, he said. I wouldnt mind having a break.

Kinzinger offered this in response to the very introspective question Hows it going? which most people answer with great or fine or maybe even meh on an especially bad day. That Kinzinger responded this way, barely a minute into our conversation at the University of Chicago in early April, was revealing about the current predicament of Adam Kinzinger, no longer just a rank-and-file GOP moderate from the nations second-largest corn-producing state.

This shift happened last year during the second impeachment of President Donald Trump. Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, along with 10 Republicans, voted to advance articles of impeachment against Trump for spurring the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. Kinzinger was one of them.

Most importantly, what does Kinzinger actually want?

Well, he might run for president.

I dont know. Maybe I would have run for governor. Maybe I would have run for Senate. Who knows? But yeah, my time in the House is, mercifully, coming to an end, he said.

Kinzinger is alone on this island, and its a weird place to be.

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