Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Who Do Republicans Say Is The Whistleblower

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Bolstered By Impeachment Inquiry Trump Campaign And Rnc Raise $125 Million

“This isn’t a case where we’re waiting for judges to make up their minds because we are waiting for senators and congressmen,” he said, “and to a larger extent the American people as a whole to make up their minds. And people tend to make up their minds pretty quickly, which is why it’s going to go quickly and why the next few days are really crucial for the White House to get its message out there and give Republicans something to rally behind.”

Most Republicans remain unified behind the president, in large part because of his sky-high approval ratings among GOP voters.

“The Republican base is rabid over this issue,” Davis said.

Most Republicans represent districts where Trump remains wildly popular, so there is little motivation to publicly criticize the president. Just three Republicans remain who represent districts Hillary Clinton won in 2016: Reps. Will Hurd of Texas, John Katko of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania. Hurd, a frequent critic of Trump, is not seeking reelection in 2020.

Jennings, the former Bush White House staffer, said the president may see the charges as frivolous, but that doesn’t mean the process or the politics are frivolous. Jennings said the Republican Party is behind him, but they also need to be better armed to combat the Democrats’ message on a daily basis.

“I think we are in very uncharted waters,” Davis said, “I don’t know how this is going to bounce.”

There Was A Quid Pro Quo But The Us Does This All The Time

It is true, as the presidents defenders claim, that the United States frequently withholds foreign aid as leverage to induce behavior favorable to our national interests, including encouraging countries to fight corruption. But if that was really Trumps goal here, why did he use his personal lawyer, shut out career State Department officials and bypass the normal channels at the Justice Department, which are explicitly designed to engage with foreign countries on these kinds of topics?

Not to mention the fact that there have been no other corruption investigations into nonpolitical opponents. This was never about rooting out corruption, which is a real problem in Ukraine and arguably also in America as well. If it was, wed see other investigations.

Political Storm Clouds Glower As Dems Open New Phase In Impeachment Case

A senior Senate GOP aide expressed confidence that, as it stands, Senate Republicans do not believe Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president unto itself is an impeachable offense. The aide spoke on the condition of anonymity to be able to speak freely about strategy and expectations.

At the same time, the aide said there’s a realization that this is a volatile, unpredictable political conflict. And there have been “zero” efforts to coordinate messaging with the White House or each other, the aide said.

“Everyone is waiting for the next shoe to drop,” the aide said.

The White House has dismissed the need for a war room like the one former President Bill Clinton created in the 1990s during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Rand Paul Reads Alleged Whistleblower’s Name And Republicans ‘fine’ With It

The Kentucky Republican’s comment on the Senate floor was met with shrugs by most Senate Republicans.

Sen. Rand Paul. | Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo

02/04/2020 08:28 PM EST

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Sen. Rand Paul read aloud the name of the alleged whistleblower who first raised alarms about President Donald Trump’s conduct toward Ukraine. And most Republicans didnt seem to care.

After being denied by Chief Justice John Roberts last week, Paul used a period reserved for senators impeachment speeches to read aloud the name of an intelligence community official alleged to be the whistleblower.

“Theymade a big mistake not allowing my question. My question did not talk about anybody who is a whistleblower, my question did not accuse anybody of being whistleblower, it did not make a statement believing that someone was a whistleblower. I simply named two people’s names because I think it’s very important to know what happened,” Paul said on the floor.

Its the type of move that might have prompted a backlash from within his own party not too long ago, and several senators said they would not have done it. But after three weeks of the impeachment trial and with Trumps firm grip over the party, there was little blowback from his colleagues on Tuesday.

Its fine, said Sen. Kevin Cramer . Had there been a vote on it, I probably would have voted to override the chief justice.

Paul said Tuesday that he supports protections against reprisal for whistleblowers but not necessarily anonymity.

Fox News Whistleblower: My Boss Told Me Do Not Report Deaths After Vaccination

GOP Rep. Gohmert publicly names person some Republicans ...

Ivory Hecker, a whistleblower for Fox News, recently appeared on Alex Joness show on Infowars where she stated that her boss told her not to report any deaths that happen after folks have been vaccinated in an effort to hide the possible dangers of getting the COVID vaccine.

For some time now weve known that there have been some deaths and very serious side effects experienced by people who get this vaccine, but the mainstream media has all but ignored them because it undermines the narrative theyve been told to craft by their progressive overlords.

And now we have proof thats exactly whats happening.

Heres the video of this admission from Infowars .

Thanks to Alex Jones for having me on!

Fox Whistleblower: My Boss Told Me: Do Not Report Deaths After Vaccination

Ivory Hecker August 6, 2021

This is not the first time that Hecker has come forward and revealed the dark, seedy underbelly of the mainstream media.

Back in June of this year she released a few tapes of the executives she worked underneath, through the folks over at Project Veritas, exposing their bias and attempts at censorship within the network she worked for.

Hecker secretly recorded phone calls with two of her supervisors, Vice President and News Director, Susan Schiller, and Assistant News Director, Lee Meier, who revealed massive corruption regarding the CDCs influence on the network, the report says.

Copyright 2021.

Boris Johnson Says Us And Uk Will Stand Together To Defend Values


Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday he and US President-elect Joe Biden agreed in a call that the United Kingdom and United States should stand together once more in defending their values in the world.

After speaking to Biden on Tuesday, Johnson told parliament: “One of the many merits of the excellent conversation I had yesterday with President-elect Joe Biden was that we were strongly agreed on the need for, once again, for the United Kingdom and the United States to stand together, to stick up for our values around the world.”

“I am delighted to find the many areas in which the incoming Biden/Harris administration is able to make common cause with us.”

‘sunday Narrative Ambush’: Republicans Say Whistleblower’s Offer To Answer Gop Questions Isn’t Sincere

Top Republicans doubt the whistleblower whose complaint prompted impeachment proceedings is truly willing to be questioned by both parties, despite the whistleblowers attorney announcing an offer to do so on Sunday morning.

Mark Zaid, the whistleblowers attorney, announced that he had contacted Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes to notify him that the whistleblower would accept written questions from Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee.

END/We stand ready to cooperate and ensure facts – rather than partisanship – dictates any process involving the #whistleblower.

Mark S. Zaid November 3, 2019

Zaid told CBS on Saturday night that his client wants to be as bipartisan as possible throughout this process while remaining anonymous. The attorney noted that accepting written questions will allow the whistleblower to protect his or her identity from Republicans, who have asked that the whistleblower be identified.

Republicans, however, saw this as a ploy to put up a bipartisan front on the Sunday television shows without any expectation to follow through.

Senior Republicans told the Washington Examiner they did not receive Zaids request until Sunday morning, claiming its not a sincere attempt by the whistleblower to answer questions but rather a political stunt. One top House Republican called the move by the whistleblowers lawyer a Sunday narrative ambush timed for the morning public affairs shows in a bid to shape public opinion.

False Fraud Claims Won’t Die On Social Media

A week after the final polls closed, falsehoods about dead people voting and ballots being thrown out by poll workers are still thriving on social media, reaching an audience of millions.

Donald Trump and his supporters point to those debunked claims on social media as reasons to not accept that Democrat Joe Biden won the election.

These will probably persist for years or even decades, unfortunately, Kate Starbird, a University of Washington professor and online misinformation expert, said of the false claims about the election process. People are very motivated to both participate in them and believe them.

There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. In fact, voting officials from both political parties have stated publicly that the election went well and international observers confirmed there were no serious irregularities.

Facebook and other social media platforms are facing a wave of conservative backlash over their crackdowns on efforts to delegitimise the election results.

Facebook and Twitter banned hashtags, individuals and groups including President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen Bannon altering search results, labelling posts, down-ranking problematic content and implementing a host of measures to ward off misinformation.

But videos spreading misinformation challenging the validity of the election’s outcome are still available on Google’s YouTube, and being shared widely on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Gop Demand Whistleblowers Identity

They have also argued without evidence that he or she is a partisan Democrat. In fact, The New York Times has reported that the whistleblower is a career CIA official. But the whistleblower could be Hillary Clinton herself and it wouldnt make any difference. Law enforcement relies on anonymous tipsters all the time some have biases, some dont. Its irrelevant. Investigators do an independent investigation and see whether the tip is correct. Here, the House investigation has to date shown that virtually every piece of information in the whistleblowers initial complaint has been verified.

Trump and his most ardent defenders have repeatedly claimed there was no quid pro quo, despite much evidence and testimony to the contrary. No quid pro quo has become the new no collusion. Quid pro quo means something in exchange for something. The call summary put out by Trump himself shows that this is what happened.

But, of course, this isnt just about one call. Four key witnesses Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, White House adviser Timothy Morrison and Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland have all testified specifically that a condition for Ukraine to get congressionally approved military aid and a coveted White House meeting was to publicly announce the opening of an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden and the 2016 election.

Intelligence Panel Members Including One Republican Say Whistleblower Complaint Disturbing

3 Min Read

WASHINGTON – Democrats and one Republican on U.S. congressional intelligence panels said on Wednesday after viewing a whistleblower complaint concerning President Donald Trump that the allegations were credible and troubling.

The complaint, lodged by a member of the U.S. intelligence community, centered on Trump urging Ukraine to investigate Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden, according to news reports.

I found the allegations deeply disturbing. I also found them very credible, said Democrat Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

At least one Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee expressed dismay about the complaints contents. Senator Ben Sasse, who has been critical of fellow Republican Trump, said there were real troubling things here.

Republicans ought not just circle the wagons to protect Trump, he said after leaving a secure room where senators read the complaint.

The Democratic-led House of Representatives on Tuesday launched a formal impeachment inquiry of Trump over the Ukraine matter.

After initially resisting demands by Democrats in Congress to see the whistleblower complaint, the Trump administration relented and allowed members of the House of Representatives and Senate Intelligence committees to view it on Wednesday.

The acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, was due to testify about the issue before the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

‘if There Was A Quid Pro Quo It Wasn’t A Very Effective One’ Rep Tom Cole Says

Of all the ridiculous arguments, this it was a failed attempt at extortion is at the top. First, attempting to commit a crime is, still, a crime. People who failed to successfully complete a murder do not get a pass. But the fact that Trump never received any dirt doesnt matter he is still guilty of using the power of the presidency which belongs to U.S. citizens, not Trump to seek dirt. Watergate was a failure in the sense that the burglars never completed their mission, but not even Trump’s defenders have gone so far as to argue that Nixon did nothing wrong.

Finally, Trump only released the aid when the facts about the hold started to become public. The White House released the aid on Sept. 11 just two days after the congressional intelligence committees were formally notified of the whistleblower complaint.

Gop Senators Attack Whistleblower’s Credibility

Republican senators scrambling to protect President Trump

GOP lawmakers are asserting the whistleblower did not have firsthand knowledge of the actions detailed in the complaint and question whether the person had a political agenda.

It doesnt come from a person with personal knowledge. Its like I heard these people say this, and now Im reporting it. I think that is pretty bizarre, said Sen. John CornynJohn Cornyn‘New normal’: GOP signals big headaches for Biden after midtermsEmbassy says US can’t guarantee safe passage to Kabul airportDemocrats take first step toward .5T spending planMORE .

Secondly, after a certain point, it doesnt just allege facts, it really is kind of a dossier or political diatribe, so I think there are plenty of reasons to be skeptical. Having said that, we are in the process of talking to the director of national intelligence and the inspector general.

Chuck GrassleyLobbying worldRural community foundations support the ACE Act you should tooCotton to stump for Iowa GOP candidate amid 2024 speculationMORE , who has had a reputation for protecting whistleblowers, said the one at the center of the Trump impeachment inquiry didnt necessarily deserve protections.

If they are not really a whistleblower, they dont get the protection, he said.

The remarks from Grassley, Cornyn and other senators echo arguments coming from Trump, but stand in stark contrast to the testimony last week from acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire

Fraud ‘whistleblower’ Denies Recanting Claims

GOP Rep. Gohmert publicly names person some Republicans ...

An electoral worker the Trump campaign is holding up as a whistleblower to ballot tampering in the election denies he recanted the claims.

A Congressional committee said on Tuesday that US Postal Service investigators had interviewed the worker, Richard Hopkins, who recanted the allegations made in an affidavit cited by Republican officials.

The Washington Post reported that three people who had been briefed on the investigation also said Hopkins had recanted.

Hopkins’ claim that a postmaster in Erie, Pennsylvania, instructed postal workers to backdate ballots mailed after election day was cited by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham in a letter to the Department of Justice calling for a federal investigation.

Republicans alleging widespread electoral fraud in Democrat Joe Biden’s election victory held up Hopkins’ claims as among the most credible because he signed an affidavit swearing that he overheard a supervisor instructing colleagues to backdate ballots mailed after November 3.

The Post reported that Hopkins did not respond to messages seeking comment through his social media accounts, family members and phone messages.

But in a YouTube video he posted Tuesday night , he denied recanting. “I’m here to say I did not recant my statements. That did not happen,” he said.

The Witnesses Are All Lying

One consistent argument from Trump and his supporters is that the witnesses and the whistleblower are all liars from the deep state who are out to get the president. Its a lazy argument and a lazy attempt to smear reputable Americans. The testimony that is being given right now comes from career public servants, who have worked for presidents of both parties, and who came forward not eagerly, but because they witnessed unacceptable misconduct.

President Trump on Ambassador Bill Taylor: “Heres the problem. Hes a never-Trumper and his lawyer is a never-Trumper.”

CSPAN October 25, 2019

For example, Vindman and Fiona Hill, another White House adviser, testified that they were so alarmed by what they heard between Trump and Ukraine that they took their concerns to a National Security Council lawyer. At least six witnesses describe an ongoing pressure campaign directed by Rudy Giuliani.

Trump’s Defense Shifts To Not Impeachable’ Even If True

Andrew Bakaj, the whistleblower’s lead lawyer, has said that disclosure of his client’s name would deter future whistleblowers, and he has threatened legal action against anyone who reveals the name. In a statement in November, the whistleblower’s lawyers said “identifying any suspected name … will place that individual and their family at risk of serious harm.”

The CIA has taken security measures to protect the analyst, who has continued to work at agency headquarters on Russia and Ukraine issues, The Washington Post reported.

For instance, if a whistleblowers colleagues or supervisors turned against them as a consequence of their being identified, it could be argued that the act created a hostile work environment, from which that person would be federally protected.

Furthermore, the lack of federal law specifically protecting a whistleblowers anonymity does not preclude civil legal consequences for someone who unmasks or publicly identifies that person.

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Why The Republicans Have Made An Anonymous Whistleblower The Centerpiece Of Their Impeachment Defense

The Democrats were still swearing in their impeachment hearing witnesses when Republicans halted the proceedings and issued their first demand.

I move that we subpoena the whistleblower! Rep. K. Michael Conaway called out.

To the extent that Republicans have an impeachment defense strategy, the anonymous whistleblower is at the center of it. The facts in the CIA officers initial complaint, filed in August with the intelligence communitys inspector general, have been confirmed by the sworn testimony of a dozen witnesses, the rough transcript of President Trumps July 25 call and hundreds of text messages.

For the Republicans, though, the goal is less about confirming the whistleblowers facts than questioning the CIA officials motives, stoking Democratic outrage and spreading deep state conspiracy theories.

Trump has about the anonymous bureaucrat more than 50 times, including on Thursday when he asked: Wheres the Fake Whistleblower?

Rep. Dan Bishop went one step further, naming the person that he and multiple conservative news sites believe to be the author of the August complaint.

I refuse to cower before the authoritarian intimidation campaign, Bishop wrote. Hes not a bona fide whistleblower.

Sen. Rand Paul then followed, naming the official in a radio interview and noting that the person was involved in setting Ukraine policy when Vice President Joe Biden was traveling frequently to Kyiv.

The Democratic majority on the committee rejected the request.

Republican Moderate Breaks With Party Over Identifying Whistleblower

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As the impeachment inquiry against President Trump moves into a public phase this week, leading Democrats joined by at least one GOP lawmaker on Sunday rejected Republican demands for public testimony by the whistleblower whose complaint set the process in motion.

Rep. Will Hurd of Texas, who has broken with the White House on other issues, said Sunday the whistleblower should not have been included on a list of witnesses the Republicans wanted to testify in open hearings set to begin Wednesday.

The persons confidential complaint, formally filed in August, voiced alarm about Trump pressuring Ukraine to dig up dirt on Democrats, including former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading 2020 Democratic presidential contender, and his son Hunter. There has been no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens in Ukraine.

Democrats in late September convened an impeachment inquiry centering on whether Trump abused his power by withholding $400 million in crucial aid to Ukraine, a vulnerable ally, in order to advance his own political agenda. The president also pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate baseless claims that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Other Republicans steered clear of the substance of allegations or questioned their significance. On ABCs This Week, Rep. Mac Thornberry , said that although Trumps behavior might have been inappropriate, I do not believe it was impeachable.

‘blood On His Hands’: Republican Rips Biden Over Afghanistan

Democrats and Republicans got into a shouting match behind closed doors on Tuesday while interviewing a witness in the impeachment investigation, with Democrats accusing Republicans of trying to out the anonymous whistleblower who sparked the impeachment inquiry, according to five sources from both parties.

Banned From Facebook Trump Supporters Head To ‘free Speech’ Apps

Washington Post

Facebook and other social media platforms are facing a wave of conservative backlash over their crackdowns on efforts to delegitimise the results of the presidential election.

Facebook and Twitter are banning hashtags, individuals and groups including President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen Bannon and groups affiliated with him altering search results, labelling posts, down-ranking problematic content and implementing a host of measures to ward off misinformation.

That is driving millions of new users to Parler, an alternate social media platform where conspiracy theories can thrive. The app, which has a free-speech doctrine, became the top new app download over the weekend on Apple’s App Store.

Read the full story here:

Opinion:sorry Republicans The Whistleblowers Identity No Longer Matters

Faced with all that, Republicans are now saying this: Nothing is more important than revealing the identity of the whistleblower whose complaint touched off this scandal. Without knowing who that person is, we cant judge Trump.

So Sen. Rand Paul angrily demands that the media print the whistleblowers name. Nobody should be prosecuted based on an anonymous accusation, says Sen. Lindsey O. Graham . Without the whistleblower complaint none of this would be going on, so I want to know who the person is.

I cant control what goes on in the House, but if it comes over to the Senate and we have a trial Im going to want to know who the whistleblower is, says Sen. Josh Hawley . How else are we going to evaluate the content and the truthfulness of these people if we dont know who they are?

This idea is being hammered home multiple times a day across conservative media. So its important that we understand two things about this argument. First, its deeply, profoundly, absurdly wrong. And second, its being offered for no reason other than to pull attention away from the substance of Trumps misdeeds.

All this has been confirmed by Trumps words and the testimony of administration officials and career civil servants. We dont need to know the whistleblowers identity to assess their credibility, because we arent relying on their credibility.

Read more:

Why Are Republicans Hell

Whistleblower Willing to Answer GOP Questions, Lawyer Says ...

6 Min Read

WASHINGTON – An aggressive push by President Donald Trumps Republican allies to unmask an anonymous whistleblower who ignited the impeachment inquiry could help shore up voter support for Trump, as Congress enters a critical new phase of televised hearings, party officials and strategists say.

The whistleblower, a U.S. intelligence official who complained about Trumps July 25 telephone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has in recent days increasingly become a target of noisy attacks by Trump, his allies in Congress and the conservative media, all of whom have pushed for the whistleblower to be named.

Trump has suggested the whistleblower committed treason.

Lawyers for the whistleblower have refused to disclose their clients identity and have expressed fears for the persons safety. They say Trump is violating federal laws.

Let me be clear: should any harm befall any suspected named whistleblower or their family, the blame will rest squarely with your client, whistleblower lawyer Andrew Bakaj said in a Nov. 7 cease-and-desist letter to White House Counsel Pat Cipollone.

Democratic lawmakers say they no longer need to hear from the whistleblower to make their case that Trump abused his office for personal political gain. The president has denied any wrongdoing and accused his opponents of a witch hunt.

It fits in the larger narrative that this has been a partisan effort from the beginning, the official said.

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