Friday, July 26, 2024

Mike Bloomberg Is A Republican

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Has Michael Bloomberg Always Been A Democrat

Democratic candidates hammer Mike Bloomberg at Nevada debate

No. But he was a Democrat before he was a Republican, which was before he was an independent and way before his recent re-embrace of the party. Despite his socially liberal views, Mr. Bloomberg changed parties to run in the Republican mayoral primary in 2001. He registered as an independent midway through his time at City Hall. In 2016, he spoke in support of Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention. In 2018, he officially returned to the party.

Bloomberg Thinks Theres A Path For Him

Bloomberg is running as a centrist alternative to the more progressive candidates in the field, and appears to be trying to occupy the space Biden and Pete Buttigieg are competing in. His entrance into the race has caused some eye-rolls hes swooping in late in the game, when voters arguably already have a number of candidates with similar platforms to choose from. Granted, some of these candidates are not as well known as Bloomberg is, andhe has the money to pay for his bid, regardless of any pushback.

As a candidate, Bloomberg is likely to focus on many of the same issues hes championed in recent years: namely, gun control and climate change. He previewed this emphasis in speeches and appearances ahead of his announcement.

During a speech in New Hampshire in January, Bloomberg talked about the need for commonsense gun laws, but was moderate in his rhetoric. Nobodys trying to take away anybodys guns, but we shouldnt be selling guns to criminals or people with psychiatric problems or minors, he said. During the same speech, he touted his record on climate and pointed out hes been working on the issue for more than a dozen years.

He visited Iowa in 2018, and prior to his arrival wrote an op-ed in the Des Moines Register in which he discussed the possibilities for clean energy in the state and the economic impact embracing green energy could have. He hosted a screening there of his new climate change documentary, Paris to Pittsburgh.

Involvement In 2018 Midterms

On June 20, 2018, Bloomberg announced he would spend $80 million supporting Democratic candidates in the 2018 midterms.

He released a statement that said the following:


Republicans in Congress have had almost two years to prove they could govern responsibly. They failed. As we approach the 2018 midterms, it’s critical that we elect people who will lead in ways that this Congress wonât â both by seeking to legislate in a bipartisan way, and by upholding the checks and balances that the Founding Fathers set up to safeguard ethics, prevent the abuse of power, and preserve the rule of law.

And so this fall, I’m going to support Democrats in their efforts to win control of the House.

To be clear: I have plenty of disagreements with some Democrats, especially those who seek to make this election about impeachment. Nothing could be more irresponsible. But I believe that âWe the Peopleâ cannot afford to elect another Congress that lacks the courage to reach across the aisle and the independence to assert its constitutional authority. And so I will support Democratic candidates who are committed to doing both.

âMichael Bloomberg

On October 2, 2018, Bloomberg announced he would donate $20 million to the Senate Majority PAC.

See also: Everytown for Gun Safety

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Why Is The Democratic Party Associated With The Colour Blue

The idea of using colours to denote political parties was popularized by TV news broadcasts, which used colour-coded maps during presidential elections. However, there was no uniformity in colour choices, with different media outlets using different colours. Some followed the British tradition of using blue for conservatives and red for liberals . However, during the 2000 U.S. presidential electionand the lengthy battle to determine the winnerprominent news sources denoted Republicans as red and Democrats as blue, and these associations have persisted.

Michael Bloomberg Briefly Explained

Bloomberg commits $80M to rid Congress of Republicans

Bloomberg was born in Boston and grew up in the surrounding area before attending college at Johns Hopkins University and, later, Harvard Business School. He subsequently joined Wall Street brokerage Salomon Brothers but after more than a decade at the firm was laid off after it was acquired with a $10 million severance. In 1981, he used that money to launch what would eventually become Bloomberg LP. The company initially sold computer terminals with financial information to Wall Street and has now expanded to become a media and technology giant with some 19,000 employees.

He was a Democrat before his 2001 mayoral run in New York City, but switched to the Republican Party for his bid and subsequently won. He became an independent in 2007 and served three terms as mayor.

Since leaving city hall, Bloomberg, who is worth an estimated $52 billion, has dedicated his time to Bloomberg Philanthropies, an organization that encompasses all of Bloombergs charitable giving and focuses on five main arenas: public health, the environment, education, government innovation, and arts and culture. The Chronicle of Philanthropy listed Bloomberg as the second-most generous philanthropist of 2018, behind Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos. He gave $1.8 billion to his alma mater Johns Hopkins in 2018, which as Voxs Dylan Matthews explained, while nice, was a sort of wasted opportunity with that money, he could have done other things to boost college affordability.

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Political Contributions To Super Pacs And Congressional Republicans

Many sources have commented on Bloomberg’s past funding of Republican congressional campaigns. The former mayor has donated personally to campaigns and also contributed to bipartisan Super PACs who supported candidates of Democrats and Republicans. The watchdog group Center for Media and Democracy released an article highlighting Bloomberg’s spending history, reporting “He may no longer be the Republican mayor who endorsed George W. Bush and hosted the Republican National Convention in 2004, but his financial support for the GOP continued through 2018.”

The CMD’s article laid out Bloomberg’s various political financing ventures, including a 2018 fundraiser for New York Republican Rep. Peter King and contributions to many Super PACs, such as Independence USA, Americans for Responsible Solutions, West Main Street Values, Mississippi Conservatives, and the With Honor Fund.

Between 2012-2016, the Independence USA Super PAC, funded entirely by Bloomberg, spent over $10 million on congressional campaigns. $5.9 million went to Pennsylvania Republican Senator Pat Toomey, who “had led an effort, albeit unsuccessful, to expand background checks for gun purchasers, a top priority of Mr. Bloombergs.” As described by The New York Times, Toomey’s “race in Pennsylvania is the one that left the most bitter taste for many Democrats because they saw no path to retaking the Senate without winning that seat.”

New Hampshires Winner Mike Bloomberg As Panicked Dems Flock To A Billionaire

Iowa chaos, Trump’s acquittal and a Bloomberg ad blitz are convincing Dems that a billionaire former Republican is the only way to win in November.

When former vice president Joe Biden entered the 2020 presidential race last spring, he surged to the top of the Democratic polls with support from voters like Gina Seklecki, a corporate executive assistant from central Bucks County. She said she liked the 77-year-olds experience and thought he would be the best to guide us out of this nightmare and begin repairing the massive damage being done every single day by President Trump.

But now Seklecki feels that Bidens been weakened by failing to respond forcefully by months of attacks from Team Trump about the business dealings of son Hunter Biden. Yet plans from his rivals like Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on Medicare for All and universal college are too far left for her. Increasingly, Seklecki told me by email on Monday, shes moving toward a candidate who didnt show up in either Iowa or New Hampshire.

Lately I find myself drawn to Mike Bloomberg, she said. His policies are aligned enough with policies I support, especially on gun safety. His ads are scathing, yet dignified. His campaign brutally trolled Trump during the Oscars and it was perfectly executed. Hes got the right temperament and experience to take Trump on and win. He is everything Trump wants to be, but will never be.

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More: Democratic Debate Reveals Bloomberg As Main Foil But Sanders As Main Threat: Analysis

He and his aides have repeatedly pointed to his spending on behalf of Democrats in the recent debates to defend his credentials.

“Mike understood that the president represented an existential threat to this country and that we needed to do everything we could to flip the House to make sure that we had accountability in Congress,” senior adviser Howard Wolfson said in the debate spin room Tuesday night. “Mike helped flip 21 , helped make Nancy Pelosi speaker, help make impeachment possible, help hold this president accountable,” he added. “I dont think there’s anybody in the country who has done more to help Democrats to hold this president accountable than Mike Bloomberg.”

Bloomberg made the same point in the debate, arguing that he helped “put Nancy Pelosi in charge” and gave Democrats “the ability to control this president,” though Republicans seized on the end of his remarks, when he nearly appeared to say he “bought” the Democratic majority.

“Let’s just go on the record. They talk about 40 Democrats. 21 of those were people I spent $100 million dollars to help elect,” he said Tuesday. “All of the new Democrats that came in, who put Nancy Pelosi in charge, and gave the Congress the ability to control this president, I b– got them.”

Its not clear that Democratic voters will take Bloombergs spending on behalf of Republicans into consideration when he first appears on primary ballots on Super Tuesday.

Johns Hopkins University Philanthropy

Unprepared, Unequipped Mike Bloomberg Makes First Debate Appearance | Morning Joe | MSNBC

As of 2019, Bloomberg has given more than $3.3 billion to Johns Hopkins University, his alma mater, making him “the most generous living donor to any education institution in the United States.” His first contribution, in 1965, had been $5. He made his first $1 million commitment to JHU in 1984, and subsequently became the first individual to exceed $1 billion in lifetime donations to a single U.S. institution of higher education.

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Tobacco Guns And Public Health

Bloomberg has been a longtime donor to global tobacco control efforts. Bloomberg has donated close to $1 billion to the World Health Organization to promote anti-smoking efforts, including $125 million in 2006, $250 million in 2008, and $360 million, making Bloomberg Philanthropies the developing world‘s biggest funder of tobacco-control initiatives. In 2013, it was reported that Bloomberg had donated $109.24 million in 556 grants and 61 countries to campaigns against tobacco. Bloomberg’s contributions are aimed at “getting countries to monitor tobacco use, introduce strong tobacco-control laws, and create mass media campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of tobacco use.” Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids jointly launched a $160 million, three-year campaign against youth use of electronic cigarettes .

In 2016, the World Health Organization appointed Bloomberg as its Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases.

‘the Hubris Is Unbelievable’: Dems Seethe Over Bloomberg Gop Donations

Good luck explaining the Scott Brown endorsement against Elizabeth Warren.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images

11/26/2019 05:21 AM EST

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Michael Bloombergs debut 2020 campaign ad touts that he took charge of New York in the wake of 9/11.

What Bloomberg doesnt mention: He leaned heavily on an endorsement from Rudy Giuliani, the then-New York mayor who is now President Donald Trumps personal attorney, to win that post. Bloomberg trumpeted his support in TV advertising and direct mail, chastising his Democratic opponent for being no friend of Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani is just one of many skeletons in Bloombergs partisan closet. As he pursues the Democratic presidential nomination, hell have to explain the millions hes spent putting Republicans into office, including contributions backing more than a dozen current and former members of Congress.

The billionaire businessman, who has switched parties several times throughout his political career, endorsed George W. Bushs 2004 reelection campaign, contributed to John McCain and even held a fundraiser for a House GOP member as recently as last year.

And thats not all. Beneficiaries of his largesse include former Sen. Orrin Hatch , a vigorous Trump defender, and Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby of Alabama, who once chaired the Senate Banking Committee.

Sally Goldenberg contributed to this report.

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Undisclosed Conflicts Of Interest

From 2010 to 2012, Bloomberg LP spent $2.5 million lobbying on financial issues, a fact not disclosed in his Fix the Debt biography. Most of Bloomberg LPs lobbyists previously held federal government jobs. His long-term partner is Diana L. Taylor, who is the state banking superintendent for the State of New York as well as a board member of Citigroup with an annual compensation of $316,250 in 2011, and of Brookfield Properties. Citigroup lobbies on corporate tax reform. Bloomberg has long been sympathetic to the deficit reduction crowd. In a March 2012 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg complained about the President asking millionaires and billionaires to do more to fix the debt calling it “class warfare,” and backed the $4 trillion Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan. He also expressed support for the expiration of Bush tax cuts for all income levels, which would have been a large hike on the poor and middle class. Bloomberg pushed the “No Budget, No Pay” bill stunt backed by Fix the Debt partner organization Comeback America Initiative, which passed the U.S. House in January 2013, but was promptly denounced as unconstitutional. In 2011, Bloomberg proposed his own $8 trillion deficit reduction plan that would entail steep cuts to Social Security and Medicare and proposed to raise the retirement age.

Slavery And The Emergence Of The Bipartisan System

With Michael Bloomberg, Capital Won

From 1828 to 1856 the Democrats won all but two presidential elections . During the 1840s and 50s, however, the Democratic Party, as it officially named itself in 1844, suffered serious internal strains over the issue of extending slavery to the Western territories. Southern Democrats, led by Jefferson Davis, wanted to allow slavery in all the territories, while Northern Democrats, led by Stephen A. Douglas, proposed that each territory should decide the question for itself through referendum. The issue split the Democrats at their 1860 presidential convention, where Southern Democrats nominated John C. Breckinridge and Northern Democrats nominated Douglas. The 1860 election also included John Bell, the nominee of the Constitutional Union Party, and Abraham Lincoln, the candidate of the newly established antislavery Republican Party . With the Democrats hopelessly split, Lincoln was elected president with only about 40 percent of the national vote in contrast, Douglas and Breckinridge won 29 percent and 18 percent of the vote, respectively.

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More: Michael Bloomberg’s Campaign Spent More Than $409 Million Through January

Because individuals are limited in what they can directly contribute to presidential candidates under campaign finance regulations, Bloombergs aides have signaled that any general election campaign would more likely be a sustained effort against Trump in key battleground states, should the former mayor not win the nomination.

“A lot of people recognize he may be one of the keys to victory in the fall if he’s not the nominee,” Sabato said. “If he really is going to follow up and give a billion dollars as he as he has said repeatedly, then he will be one of the keys to victory, because otherwise Democrats are going to be vastly outspent by Trump and related PACs.”

Later Activities And Presidential Run

After leaving office, Bloomberg returned to managing his namesake financial data and media company, Bloomberg LP. He continued to be involved in environmental causes, and in 2017 he published Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet . In 2018 Bloomberg launched the American Cities Climate Challenge, a $70 million program to help 20 cities fight climate change. The initiative came a year after Republican Pres. Donald Trump announced that he was withdrawing the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change. A vocal opponent of Trump, Bloomberg pledged to spend at least $80 million to defeat Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections. That year he reregistered as a Democrat, raising speculation that he would run for president in 2020. Although Bloomberg announced in March 2019 that he would not seek the presidency, in November he officially entered the race. Despite spending more than $500 million, he struggled to gain support, especially after poor performances in two debates. In March 2020 he ended his campaign and announced his support for Joe Biden.

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Early Years And Daniel Coit Gilman

The trustees worked alongside four notable university presidents of , of , of and of . They each vouched for to lead the new University and he became the university’s first president. Gilman, a -educated scholar, had been serving as president of the prior to this appointment. In preparation for the university’s founding, visited and other German universities.

Gilman launched what many at the time considered an audacious and unprecedented academic experiment to merge teaching and research. He dismissed the idea that the two were mutually exclusive: “The best teachers are usually those who are free, competent and willing to make original researches in the library and the laboratory,” he stated. To implement his plan, Gilman recruited internationally known researchers including the mathematician the biologist the physicist , the and Charles D. Morris the economist and the chemist , who became the second president of the university in 1901.

Gilman focused on the expansion of graduate education and support of faculty research. The new university fused advanced scholarship with such professional schools as medicine and engineering. Hopkins became the national trendsetter in programs and the host for numerous scholarly journals and associations. The , founded in 1878, is the oldest American in continuous operation.

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