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Who Is The Other Republican Running For President

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Republican Presidential Hopefuls Move Forward As Trump Considers 2024 Run

Former Republican Strategist Running For Lt. Governor in Texas

Less than three months after former President Donald Trump left the White House, the race to succeed him atop the Republican Party is already beginning.

Trumps former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has launched an aggressive schedule, visiting states that will play a pivotal role in the 2024 primaries, and he has signed a contract with Fox News Channel. Mike Pence, Trumps former vice-president, has started a political advocacy group, finalized a book deal and later this month will give his first speech since leaving office in South Carolina. And Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been courting donors, including in Trumps backyard, with a prominent speaking slot before the former president at a GOP fundraising retreat dinner this month at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida resort where Trump now lives.

Trump ended his presidency with such a firm grip on Republican voters that party leaders fretted he would freeze the field of potential 2024 candidates, delaying preparations as he teased another run. Instead, many Republicans with national ambitions are openly laying the groundwork for campaigns as Trump continues to mull his own plans.

Theyre raising money, making hires and working to bolster their name recognition. The moves reflect both the fervour in the party to reclaim the White House and the reality that mounting a modern presidential campaign is a yearslong endeavour.

Portraying Himself As Hero Of The Forgotten American Besieged By Enemies

Besides his ability to exploit Americas structural problems, Trump remains influential because of his populist style, his mendacity and the amplification of those traits by social media.

Since his 2016 election, Trump has portrayed himself as the hero of the forgotten American besieged by enemies.

Those enemies include Congressional Democrats, traitorous Republicans In Name Only , social and economic elites, the deep state, the liberal media, immigrants, foreign powers , and even the pandemic itself.

That portrayal appeals to some because of its simplistic good and evil narrative. It is also a lie.

Systematic lying was a defining feature of the Trump Presidency. It began with the lie that his inauguration crowd was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration.

According to The Washington Post, Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidency.

Trumps lying was a clever propaganda campaign. Saturating the public sphere with lies led some to become cynical about the truth. Some Americans perceptions of reality changed. They doubted whatever did not fit their preconceived beliefs. Rather than think critically about inconvenient facts, they rejected anything at odds with their worldview.


Social media amplifies traditional forms of lying and propagandising. Social medias business model is built around user engagement. Outrage generates engagement.

Republican Hopefuls Will Need To Lay The Groundwork For Potential Campaigns Of Their Own Without Alienating The President And His Supporters

WASHINGTONPresident Trumps public and private musings about running again in 2024 are scrambling the calculus for the large field of fellow Republicans considering bids.

Most hopefuls have been quick to show deference. But its unclear whether Mr. Trump, who refuses to concede his loss to President-elect Joe Biden, will follow through, and rivals either way will likely seek ways to remain viable. Prospective GOP candidates dont want to risk alienating Mr. Trumps base by appearing to push him aside, but they also dont want to be left unprepared if he decides not to run.

For the last 20 years everyone who has run for president has always started off pretending like they werent. You can still do that with the possibility of Trump running again, said Republican strategist Todd Harris. The 2024 election, he added, could be the first time loyalty to Trump and political ambition are put on a collision course.

Mr. Trumpwho managed to get more than 74 million votes in his losing effort this yeardemonstrated his grip on the party base with Saturdays rally in Georgia for two senators locked in tight runoff elections. Four more years, four more years, a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd chanted. He is raising millions of dollars for a newly formed political committee that can fund future campaign activity.

Also Check: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans

Republican Voters Were Asked Whom They Would Vote For If The 2024 Gop Presidential Primary Were Held Today

  • Among the GOP voters who dont want to see Trump run again, early loyalties appear split between former Vice President Mike Pence and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis .
  • Overall, the survey found that Trump remains the GOP front-runner by a wide margin, with support from 47 percent of the partys electorate roughly in line with the 50 percent support he secured in an average of four other 2024 presidential primary polls conducted since he lost to Biden in November.
  • The survey also tested the strength of Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Florida Sen. Rick Scott and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, all of whom received backing from at most 1 percent of Republican voters.

The poll was conducted Oct. 8-11, 2021, among 1,999 registered voters, with a margin of error of 2 percentage points.

Independents Other Third Parties Or Party Unknown

Who is running for president in 2020 so far?

Publicly expressed interest

As of September 2021, individuals in this section have expressed an interest in running for president within the previous six months.

  • Kanye West, recording artist, businessman, and fashion designer independent candidate for president in 2020
  • Rapper
Redrawing of congressional districts after the 2020 redistricting cycle

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Abraham Lincoln Replies To A Political Rival

Cassius Clay, an enthusiastic but undisciplined Kentucky abolitionist, thought he should be the next president of the United States. Clay would have settled for vice president, but he accepted the fact that the party needed an Eastern Democrat to balance the ticket. Aware that Clay lacked the necessary judgment to manage either office effectively, Lincoln sidestepped Clayâs direct solicitation for a prominent place in the possible future Republican administration.

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Us Election : The Other 1214 Candidates Running For President

The US has had presidents for more than 230 years, but only the first – George Washington – has ever been elected as an independent candidate.

The twin peaks of US politics, the Republican and Democratic parties, dominate media coverage and campaign donations so completely that the chances of an outsider winning are virtually nil.

What kind of person looks at those near-insurmountable odds and thinks – I’m running anyway?

Quite a range as it turns out: As of 9 October, some 1,216 candidates have filed with the Federal Election Commission to run for president.

The BBC asked three of them – a concert pianist and motivational speaker, a Native American IT technician, and a crypto billionaire – what they stand for, and why they deserve the votes of Americans.

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Former Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development Julian Castro

Castro, who served as mayor of San Antonio, Texas, before spending over two years in President Barack Obama’s cabinet, announced his campaign in his hometown in January.

“I’m running for president because it’s time for new leadership, because it’s time for new energy, and it’s time for a new commitment to make sure that the opportunities I’ve had are available for every American,” he said.

In 2016, Castro was vetted by Hillary Clinton to be her running mate, but the spot ultimately went to Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., This year, he said he is eager to restore the style of leadership the nation had under Obama.

Castro dropped out of the race on Jan. 2 after falling short in polling, fundraising, and eventually failing to make the November and December debate stages.

Former Massachusetts Gov Bill Weld

Trump Campaign Running Two Candidates For President In Wisconsin | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld announced in April that he was officially running for president, becoming the first Republican to mount a primary challenge against the president.

Weld, a current partner at the Mintz Levin law firm and the 2016 vice presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, said he would have been “ashamed” if he passed on running against Trump for the Republican party nomination.

Weld sent out a statement to his supporters that he was suspending his campaign on March 18, a day after ABC News projected that Trump had reached the delegate threshold and was the presumptive nominee. Weld only won a single delegate in the Iowa caucuses.

“I am intensely grateful to all the patriotic women and men who have stood with me and supported me during the past eleven months in our effort to bring better government to Washington, D.C,” he wrote. “But while I am suspending my candidacy, I want to be clear that I am not suspending my commitment to the nation and to the democratic institutions that set us apart.”

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Republican Presidential Nomination 2020

Presidential election changes in response to the coronavirus pandemic

The Republican Party selected President Donald Trump as its presidential nominee at the 2020 Republican National Convention, which was held from August 24-27, 2020.

Prior to the national convention, individual state caucuses and primaries were held to allocate convention delegates. These delegates vote at the convention to select the nominee. Trump crossed the delegate threshold necessary to win the nomination1,276 delegateson .

George H.W. Bush was the last incumbent to face a serious primary challenge, defeating political commentator Pat Buchanan in 1992. He was also the last president to lose his re-election campaign. Franklin Pierce was the first and only elected president to lose his party’s nomination in 1856.

Sixteen U.S. presidentsapproximately one-thirdhave won two consecutive elections.

Trumps Populist Formula: Tapping Into Cultural Pessimism

A significant part of Trumps success lies in his ability to tap into these feelings of insecurity, threats, and cultural pessimism, promising to overcome them.

Trump promised to protect America from threatening change, to restore America to when it was great, and to restore his political bases lost sense of self-worth. These promises still resonate loudly with his supporters today.

To be sure, Trump had his chance to fix those problems. His policies as president did little. For example, his isolationist and anti-foreigner policies tend to exacerbate underlying economic problems, leaving society even worse off.

Yet blaming foreigners works because it offers both a scapegoat and a simple solution, energising a populist base. Similarly, anti-progressive, anti-inclusive, and anti-environmental changes tend not to resolve underlying social problems.

But diverting the publics attention toward culturally divisive issues, away from serious economic solutions, divides the left and unites the right. It is a political win for the right. Republicans made gains in this months elections using this playbook by politicising education and accusing Democrats of promoting Critical Race Theory in schools.

The Joe Biden administration has not done much yet to address the concerns that motivate Trumps supporters. The pandemic continues to disrupt American society. Despite the massive amounts of government aid, inequality has only grown.

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‘i Made A Decision To Live My Life In Service’

Brock Pierce is a former child actor who appeared in the Mighty Ducks franchise and starred as the president’s son in the 1996 comedy First Kid. But thanks to his second career as a tech entrepreneur, he’s also probably a crypto currency billionaire.

Why is he running for president? Partly because he is deeply concerned by the state of the country.

“I think that we lack a real vision for the future – I mean, what kind of world do we want to live in, in the year 2030? What is the plan? Where are we trying to get to, you know? You have to aim for something. And I see mostly just a lot of mud being thrown around, not a lot of people putting forth game-changing ideas. It’s getting scary. And I have a view of what to do.”

For the last four years, Mr Pierce has focused on philanthropic work in Puerto Rico, where his foundation recently raised a million dollars for PPE to give to first responders.

Asked what America’s priorities should be for the next four years, he suggests the country stops pursuing “growth for growth’s sake”, and measures its success by how well life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are upheld.

“I have many liberal tendencies, just like I have conservative tendencies,” Mr Pierce says. “And I think it’s time we take a collective breath and a brave step into the future, because all of these ideologies have something to teach us.”

And if he doesn’t pull it off? Mr Pierce says he has offers.

Trumpworld Is Already Weighing Veeps For 2024 Hint: It Aint Pence

Donald Trump leads 9 other GOP hopefuls in first prime ...

The former president is keeping tabs on the field and hes all but decided to ditch the guy he ran with last time.

07/23/2021 04:30 AM EDT

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Donald Trump and his advisers are convinced that if he runs again for president in 2024, the Republican nomination will be his. Their confidence is so supreme that they view almost all of the emerging field not as competition but as possible vice presidential picks.

No formal vetting process is in place, and there is no expectation that Trump, should he run, will do so unopposed in a Republican primary. But allies of the former president are already keeping tabs on how GOP officials with presidential ambitions are addressing Trump himself and the legitimacy of Joe Bidens election.

You cant wait to run for president, said one Trump adviser. But those doing it now look like theyre dancing on the grave and the political bodys still warm.

As things stand now, Trump is extremely unlikely to run again with former Vice President Mike Pence as his number two, advisers say. Some Trump aides have also written off Pences political future, at least at the presidential level, privately arguing that he has failed to capture anything close to the same kind of enthusiasm as Trump. They point to anger among the most diehard Trump supporters over Pences decision to carry out his Constitutional duty in certifying Bidens election win.

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South Dakota Gov Kristi Noem

Noem is among the potential 2024 Republican presidential candidates whove been overshadowed recently by other top contenders, but shes back in the news over the border. Though Noems not a border state governor, she announced last week that shes sending up to 50 South Dakota National Guard members to Texas to secure the border at the request of Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

The tab is being picked up by an out-of-state megadonor whos also given to Trump and the NRA, according to The Washington Post. Its unclear if the arrangement is legal, experts who spoke to The New York Times said, and Gov. Asa Hutchinson, R-Ark., said the move sets a bad precedent.

Former Rep Beto O’rourke D

O’Rourke announced an end to his presidential campaign via on Nov. 1.

“Our campaign has always been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively. In that spirit: I am announcing that my service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee,” he wrote.

He rose national prominence during his unsuccessful run against Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in 2018 and officially announced his presidential campaign in mid-March, calling it “a defining moment of truth for this country and for every single one of us.”

Within days, O’Rourke’s campaign announced it raised over $6.1 million in the first 24 hours following his announcement, topping Sen. Bernie Sanders’ previous high-water mark of $5.9 million.

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Us Ambassador To The United Nations

For more information on Haley’s tenure as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, please visit: Nikki Haley .

President Donald Trump announced Haley as his nominee for U.N. ambassador on November 23, 2016. On January 24, 2017, the Senate voted 96-4 to confirm Haley as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Sens. Bernie Sanders , Chris Coons , Tom Udall , and were the only senators to vote against her confirmation.

On October 9, 2018, Haley announced that she would resign from the position at the end of the year to take a break from public service. She formally resigned on December 31, 2018.

Former Ambassador To The United Nations Nikki Haley

Republican presidential candidates: what do they stand for?

Haley has changed her tone when it comes to Trump. After saying he let us down and lost any sort of political viability he was going to have following Jan. 6, Haley is, at least publicly, a fan again. During her remarks at the Iowa Republican Party dinner on June 24, Haley praised Trump and told a story about him asking if he should call Kim Jong Un little rocket man during his speech at the U.N. Haley said she cautioned him to treat the audience like church instead of a rally, but he went ahead and used the term.

Haley even sounded kind of Trumpian during her speech, telling Republicans they were too nice. We have to be tough about how we fight, she said. We keep getting steamrolled and then whine and complain about it. The days of being nice should be over.

She also didnt shy away from her gender, opening the speech by saying, America needs more strong conservative women leaders and less of Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris, and praising female Iowa Republicans like U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst and Gov. Kim Reynolds. I wear heels, Haley said. Its not for a fashion statement. I use it for kicking. But I always kick with a smile.

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