Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Message Donald Trump

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What Changes Did Trump Make To His Speech

Proud legal immigrant shares this message to Biden

Donald Trump crossed out sentences that distanced him from the rioters who attacked the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

He crossed out lines that said: I want to be very clear: You do not represent me. You do not represent our movement.

But he left in: You do not represent our country.

In the original line, I am outraged and sickened by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem, the word sickened is crossed out.

The line, You belong in jail, was replaced with: You will pay.

This part of the speech was entirely crossed out in black pen:

I am directing the Department of Justice to ensure all lawbreakers are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We must send a clear message not with mercy but with JUSTICE. Legal consequences must be swift and firm.

What Have Outgoing Presidents Written To Their Successors In The Past

Many past letters from former to incoming presidents have been published.

An early example is a telegram from Herbert Hoover to Franklin Roosevelt, who took office in 1933.

Mr Hoover was badly defeated in the 1932 election, but still sent his best wishes to his successor.

I congratulate you on the opportunity that has come to you to be of service to the country and I wish for you a most successful administration in the common purpose of all of us.

I shall dedicate myself to every possible helpful effort.

Herbert Hoover

I would like you to know that I stand ready to meet with you at any mutually agreeable time to consider problems of continuity of government and orderly transfer of executive responsibilities on January 20th from my administration to yours, the telegram read.

Mr Kennedy sent a note back to Mr Eishenhower on January 21, 1961 his first full day in office thanking him for assisting in one of the most effective transitions in the history of our Republic.

When George H. W. Bush took over from Ronald Reagan in 1989, he found a handwritten note waiting for him at the White House.

The note was titled Dont let the turkeys get you down, complete with illustrations.

Dear George:

Youll have moments when you want to use this particular stationery. Well, go to it.

George, I treasure the memories we share and wish you all the very best. Youll be in my prayers. God bless you and Barbara. Ill miss our Thursday lunches.

Gingrich: Best Ways To Send A Message To Trump Are Through Fox & Friends And Hannity

Occasionally, wed talk on Seans show knowing Trump was watching, Gingrich told The New York Times, referring to Sean Hannity

The two most effective ways of communicating with Trump are Fox & Friends and Hannity, Gingrich added.

Trump this year has repeatedly praised Fox & Friends, which recently announced that it would expand its weekday programming to five hours.

Gingrich in his interview with the newspaper praised Hannitys show as a successful way to communicate with Americans.

There are very few people who have a better understanding of the broad base, a better intuitive understanding of the kind of folks who elected Trump. He at least matches or surpasses Rush in that understanding, Gingrich told the newspaper of Hannity.

The president recently sparked controversy by saying Fox News is much more important than its rival network, CNN.

Fox News is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The outside world does not see the truth from them! Trump said in a tweet last week.

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Read A Brief Summary Of This Topic

Donald Trump, in full Donald John Trump, , 45th president of the United States . Trump was a real-estate developer and businessman who owned, managed, or licensed his name to several hotels, casinos, golf courses, resorts, and residential properties in the New York City area and around the world. From the 1980s Trump also lent his name to scores of retail venturesincluding branded lines of clothing, cologne, food, and furnitureand to Trump University, which offered seminars in real-estate education from 2005 to 2010. In the early 21st century his private conglomerate, the Trump Organization, comprised some 500 companies involved in a wide range of businesses, including hotels and resorts, residential properties, merchandise, and entertainment and television. Trump was the third president in U.S. history to be impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives and the only president to be impeached twiceonce for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in connection with the Ukraine scandal and once for incitement of insurrection in connection with the storming of the United States Capitol by a violent mob of Trump supporters as Congress met in joint session to ceremonially count electoral college votes from the 2020 presidential election. Both of Trumps impeachments ended in his acquittal by the U.S. Senate. Trump lost the 2020 election to former vice president Joe Biden by 306 electoral votes to 232 he lost the popular vote by more than seven million votes.

Donald Trump Phone Number And Fax

Obama Shows Trump How To President With Wednesday Message Of Hope

Are you eager to talk to former President Donald Trump on the telephone line? If yes, you have arrived at the right section of this webpage. Please dial 832-2000 to talk to his organization The Trump Organization which is located in New York. Please do not expect Donald Trump himself on this telephone line but you can leave a message or comment for him.

Alternatively, if you are using fax, use this fax number 935-0141 . Also do not forget to mention your name, email address, and mailing address to get the return response, if required.

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British Elections Send A Message To Trump Gop And Bidens Democrats

If Donald Trump were at all self-reflective, he would probably be kicking himself right now as he surveys the results of last weeks British elections. Through his own mistakes and obstinance in his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, he might conclude that he kicked away his chance to serve a second term in the White House.

These were the first elections in Britain since Boris Johnson became prime minister in 2019 and Johnsons Conservative Party came out winning, both in local races and in a signature victory in a working-class, parliamentary district in northeast England long held by the Labour Party.

Johnson, like Trump, mishandled the early stages of the pandemic. Like the former U.S. president, he contracted covid-19, and had a far worse case, having been hospitalized and in intensive care for a time. But his later handling of the pandemic was less uneven, and this year Britain stepped farther and faster in administering vaccinations than other European nations. It helped.

The British elections were not purely about the coronavirus pandemic, but nothing in politics today is free from the viruss effects in health, economic well-being and the public mood. On the most important issue of campaign 2020, Trump was a victim of his own making.

As Republicans debate Trumps role and what it means to be a conservative, Johnson, like Trump, is rewriting the rules of what conservatism means.

Donald Trump Campaign Faces Lawsuits For Unwanted Text Messages

The Donald Trump presidential campaign has been charged with violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by sending unwanted political text messages to cellular phones. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act was passed in 1991 under President George H.W. Bush to protect the public from receiving unwanted telemarketer calls. Today, it equally applies to unsolicited text messages.

The Donald Trump presidential campaign has been charged with violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by sending unwanted political text messages to cellular phones.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act was passed in 1991 under President George H.W. Bush to protect the public from receiving unwanted telemarketer calls. Today, it equally applies to unsolicited text messages. Marketers must receive prior express written consent from their clients before texting them and adding them to their subscription lists.

Like many other organizations that use SMS marketing, the Donald Trump presidential campaign allows supporters to sign up for text message updates by texting an SMS short code. Supporters must supply their zip code in order to be signed up for news from the campaign.

Thornes attorney, Joseph Siprut of Siprut PC, has stated that based on the information we have at this point, were very confident that a violation was made and we intend to pursue it to the gates of hell. As of this writing, the Trump campaign has yet to comment.

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How Do These Mass Text Messages Work

Political campaigns tap companies such as Hustle or RumbleUp that employ hundreds of people who each send thousands of text messages to potential voters. Theyre exactly like the text messages that you or I send to our friends and family, and are categorized as peer-to-peer, or P2P messages. Thats different from whats known as application-to-peer, or A2P, messages, which are more formal blast text messages.

Since P2P messages are normally supposed to be more limited exchanges between individuals, systems may flag accounts that send too many messages. If, for instance, you send more than 1,000 messages in a day, those messages will likely get blocked.

Companies will work with the carriers ahead of time to get prior approval to send these mass messages.

White House Officials Know How To Get A Message To Trump: Through His Tv

Jimmy Kimmel is BACK & Recaps Trumpâs Terrible Summer

Donald Trump told reporters in the fall, I dont get to watch much television. Primarily because of documents. Im reading documents. A lot.

This was amusing, not only because theres no evidence to suggest the president reads documents by all accounts, Trump even skips the presidential daily brief but also because he seems obsessed with television. Its how he often finds new people to hire, and its how the president shapes his policy agenda, such as it is.

But TV is also an important form of communication for White House aides. The Wall Street Journal reported this week on presidential son-in-law Jared Kushners evolving role, and the report included a fascinating tidbit about his relationship with John Bolton, the new White House national security adviser, who was a Fox News personality until very recently.

Over the past year, Mr. Kushner would call Mr. Bolton for advice, including on the operations of the United Nations, where Mr. Bolton served as ambassador during the George W. Bush administration.Knowing that Mr. Bolton was a frequent commentator on cable television, White House aides would ask Mr. Kushner to call and brief him on important initiatives so that he would have a firm grasp of the administrations position before appearing in forums that the president watches, people familiar with the matter said.

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How Can One Contact Donald Trump

With social media and public appearances, especially in New York, Donald Trump has always made himself accessible to the public. As President, however, there are fewer ways to contact him.

Contacting Donald Trump Through the Official Site

As President of the United States, there are a few ways in which a citizen can leave feedback for him. The first step is to contact the White House directly via the official White House website at . Users can then navigate to the Contact page, where they can leave a message. There are two types of messages that can be selected. Users can contact the President directly or choose a different type if they need help with a federal agency. Users are then asked to leave their name, address and means of contact for response.

In lieu of leaving a web message for the White House, those who wish to contact Donald Trump or the White House may do so by calling or writing a letter. There are two separate numbers via which callers can Call the President. To simply leave comments, callers can dial 202-456-1111. To reach the White House switchboard directly, users can call 202-456-1414. Those who require a TTY/TTD line can call 202-456-6213 to leave comments, or dial 202-456-2121 to reach the visitors office. To send a letter, write to: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C., 20500.

Getting a White House Letter Read

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White House Office Of Presidential Correspondence

White House Office of Presidential Correspondence

Agency overview
1897 124 years ago

The Office of Presidential Correspondence is one of the largest and oldest offices in the White House, and is a component of the Office of the White House Staff Secretary. In the administration of Joe Biden, the Office of Presidential Correspondence is led by Director Eva Kemp.

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Trump Campaign Texts Are Being Flagged As Spam: What You Need To Know

Heres a breakdown on why the Trump campaign is reportedly fighting with the wireless carriers and how text messages are playing a bigger role in elections.

Text messages from the Trump campaign are being flagged and blocked. The campaign argues this is a suppression of political speech.

President Donald Trumps reelection campaign is reportedly clashing with wireless carriers Verizon, AT& T and T-Mobile over whether its text messages should be blocked as spam.

Over the July Fourth weekend, the Trump campaigns mass text message push was blocked by anti-spam monitors that work with the wireless carriers, according to Politico. A Business Insider story added more detail about Jared Kushner, a White House senior advisor and the son-in-law of the president, and a phone call he had with the three national US wireless carriers.

The move raises questions about how effective these mass text messages a key tool for many politicians will be for the Trump campaign. It also shines a light on the world of peer-to-peer text messaging, which was originally designed for individuals sending a handful of messages, but has since been co-opted by political campaigns, companies and other entities often for legitimate reasons.

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T-Mobile and Verizon declined to comment. AT& T wasnt available for comment.

Theres No Need To Panic

Obama Shows Trump How To President With Wednesday Message Of Hope

Everyone in the US received an emergency alert from President Donald Trump on their phone on Wednesday afternoon.

Its a test of a new alert system, the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, thats supposed to be used in specific circumstances to communicate with the public.

The alert attempted to send the message to every phone in the US operating on a network run by a carrier opting into the Wireless Emergency Alert system.

It is the first time a text service has been tested. TV and radio alerts have been tested before.

The content of the message made it clear that the message is only a drill. It read: THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.

According to Federal Emergency Management Agency : The test will assess the operational readiness of the infrastructure for distribution of a national message and determine whether improvements are needed.

The system is the same one thats used to warn the public about dangerous weather or missing children.

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Melania Trump Wears Slogan Jacket

When or how did Melania Trump become a billboard? When I saw the first lady Melania Trump wearing a slogan jacket reading I dont really care do u ?, I can say I wasnt too shocked. Since in life I have always said you lie down with the dogs and youll wake up with the fleas .

First and foremost darlings this is a fashion blog not a political site. However sometimes these two fields cant help but cross paths. Here on this blog I have written several times on politics and am proud to put across my points of view. While I dont claim to be a political pundit I have certain political views and educate myself accordingly.

Here are a list of my political posts in case you want to check them out

Therefore my friends I will occasionally cover political issues , but always through fashions eye.

Only Two Of Donald Trumps Kids Shared Fathers Day Messages While He Ranted About Losers Of The World 11:06

Former First Lady Melania Trump did not share a Happy Fathers Day message on social media, either

Donald Trump

| Credit: James Devaney/GC Images

Just two of Donald Trumps five children shared Happy Fathers Day messages on social media Sunday, while the former presidents three other children and his wife said nothing to mark the occasion.

Then late Sunday night Trump, 75, then sent out a bizarre press statement, writing, Happy Fathers Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world.

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His youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump, shared two pictures on Instagram of her and the former president.

Happy Fathers Day, Dad! Tiffany, 27, wrote. Im so grateful for your boundless love, hilarious sense of humor, and for always believing in me!

The former presidents oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., shared an image of them sitting behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. Happy Fathers Day dad, and the same to all the amazing dads and father figures out there, Trump Jr., 43, wrote.

Trump is the father to sons Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Barron Trump, as well as daughters Ivanka Trump and Tiffany.

The Trump childrens involvement in their fathers political career became a trademark of his one-term presidency, although he hasnt always been sentimental when it comes to parenting.

Donald Trump speaks in the Diplomatic Room of the White House

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