Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Did Any Republicans Vote For Impeachment

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Jaime Herrera Beutler Washington

Did the first public testimony sway and Republicans toward voting for impeachment?

CBS News projected that Beutler did not advance out of Washington’s top-two primary system. Trump-backed Republican Joe Kent, who has repeated Trump’s falsehoods about the 2020 election, advanced, along with Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez.

Gluesenkamp Perez received 31% of the vote, with Kent receiving 22.8% and Herrera Beutler following with 22.3%.

Herrera Beutler issued a statement conceding one week after the election. She thanked the district for its support but did not mention Trump by name.

Constitutionality Of Senate Trial Of Former President

The question of whether the Senate can hold a trial for and convict a former president is unsettled. Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Article II, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution

Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution, also states the following:

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Article I, Section 3, Clause 7, of the U.S. Constitution

J. Michael Luttig, who served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit for 25 years, said that such a trial would be unconstitutional. He interpreted the language of Section 4 to refer to an official in office.

Luttig said, “The very concept of constitutional impeachment presupposes the impeachment, conviction and removal of a president who is, at the time of his impeachment, an incumbent in the office from which he is removed. Indeed, that was the purpose of the impeachment power, to remove from office a president or other ‘civil official’ before he could further harm the nation from the office he then occupies.”

The Fates Of The 10 House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump

The 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Trump after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol have increasingly become pariahs as their party moves in the opposite direction.

When the 10 GOP House members, along with seven of the partys senators, joined Democrats on Trumps impeachment, they said that the former president bore responsibility for inciting the mob of his supporters and was no longer fit for public office.

But a year later, those Republicans are finding themselves ostracized and even facing death threats for being out of step with a party that continues to embrace Trump.

Three of the 10 have decided not to run for reelection this year. The others are all facing Trump-allied primary challengers who accuse them of lacking fealty to the most influential figure in the GOP.

And Rep. Liz Cheney , who was serving as the third-ranking House Republican, was unceremoniously booted from her leadership post last year for repeatedly pushing back against Trumps false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Unlike in the House, only one of the seven GOP senators who voted to convict Trump in his impeachment trial faces voters later this year: Sen. Lisa Murkowski . She, too, will face a Trump-backed primary challenger.

Heres a look at whats happened to the 10 House Republicans since their impeachment votes.


Rep. Anthony Gonzalez

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler

Rep. John Katko

Rep. Adam Kinzinger

Rep. Peter Meijer

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These Are The House Members Who Broke Party Lines On Impeachment

Wednesday nights historic vote to impeach President Donald Trump followed almost entirely party lineswith every Republican voting against impeachment. However, four Democrats broke with the rest of their colleagues in some way.

Among them was 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, of Hawaii, who voted present on both articles of impeachment. Gabbard later criticized the impeachment proceedings as a partisan endeavor.

I could not in good conscience vote against impeachment because I believe President Trump is guilty of wrongdoing, she said in a statement.

I could also not in good conscience vote for impeachment because removal of a sitting President must not be the culmination of a partisan process, fueled by tribal animosities that have so gravely divided our countries.

In the Wednesday night vote, House Democrats formally approved two articles of impeachment for Trump: that he allegedly abused the power of his office by linking foreign aid to Ukraine to an investigation of political rival Joe Biden and that he allegedly obstructed Congress ability to hold him accountable.

Three Democrats opposed one or both of the articles of impeachment against Trump.

Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson voted against both articles of impeachment, as did New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew, who is expected to switch to the Republican party.

Read More:Its the Party of Trump. How House Republicans Stayed Unified on Impeachment

Correction, Dec. 24

Here’s How 10 House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump Fared In The 2022 Primary Season


Rep. Liz Cheney was defeated Tuesday night in the Republican primary for Wyoming’s at-large Congressional District. Her loss means only two of the ten House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump over the will be on the ballot in November.

Of the ten, four lost primaries, four decided not to run for reelection and two survived.

Here’s a breakdown of each of them:

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Republican Who Voted To Impeach Trump Projected To Win Primary

Dan Newhouse, one of 10 GOP members of Congress to vote for impeachment, set to beat Trump-backed Loren Culp in Washington state

Dan Newhouse, one of the few Republican House members to vote in January in favor of the impeachment of Donald Trump, is poised to move forward to the general election in Washington state, according to a projection by the Associated Press.

Newhouse was one of 10 Republicans who voted in January to have Trump impeached, even ahead of explosive revelations about the former presidents support and endorsement of the January 6 riots just a year prior.

This victory comes on the heels of another fellow Republican supporter of the impeachment, Peter Meijer, losing his primary in Michigan.

Republican Loren Culp, who has been backed by Trump in the election, was a close second to Newhouse in Washingtons fourth congressional district, garnering the second highest number of Republican votes in four out of the eight counties. In some of the counties where Newhouse won, however, he received almost double Culps number of votes.

Newhouse was up against six other Republican candidates, and will face Doug White, the districts only Democratic candidate, in November for the general election.

Despite his victory, the journey has rarely been smooth for Newhouse. Following his vote for impeachment in January, six Republican leaders in his district demanded his resignation.

Rep Hoyer: Republicans I’ve Talked To Say This Action Is Required

The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump on Wednesday afternoon charging him with “incitement of insurrection.” Among the vote were 10 House Republicans. That includes:

  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming
  • Rep. John Katko of New York
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina
  • Rep. David Valadao of California
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    Rep Adam Kinzinger Illinois

    Trump used his office to attack the legislative branch of government, Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois 16th Congressional District said in a statement Tuesday, causing violence and destruction to our nations symbol of democracy.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the President of the United States broke his oath of office and incited this insurrection, Kinzinger wrote. If these actions are not worthy of impeachment, then what is an impeachable offense?

    FILE PHOTO: Members of the National Guard gather at the U.S. Capitol as the House of Representatives prepares to begin the voting process on a resolution demanding U.S. Vice President Pence and the cabinet remove President Trump from office, in Washington, U.S., January 12, 2021. REUTERS/Erin Scott TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY/File Photo

    Here Are All Of The House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Donald Trump

    Republican who lost after voting to impeach Trump speaks out

    Ten members of the GOP joined with Democrats in the vote.

    The House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald Trump — making him the only president in American history to be impeached twice.

    Unlike his first impeachment in 2019, 10 Republicans joined Democrats to charge Trump for the “incitement of insurrection” for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol with a final vote of 232-197.

    Some Republicans may have feared for their own safety if they voted for impeachment, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of those who voted against Trump, said. Kinzinger told ABC’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast that some members of his party are likely holding back from voting for impeachment due to fear of highlighting their own participation in supporting the president’s false claims of election fraud.

    Democrat Jason Crow, of Colorado, relayed similar thoughts in an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday morning.

    “I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues last night, and a couple of them broke down in tears talking to me and saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment,” he said.

    Here is a list of the 10 Republicans who took a stance against Trump:

    Rep. John Katko, R-N.Y.

    “To allow the President of the United States to incite this attack without consequence is a direct threat to the future of our democracy. For that reason, I cannot sit by without taking action. I will vote to impeach this president.”

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    How Each Senator Voted On Impeachment

    The Senate voted to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment Wednesday, marking the inevitable and historic end to a bitterly fought, divisive impeachment trial that will reverberate into the 2020 election and shape Trumpâs presidential legacy.

    While the votes fell almost entirely along party lines, the final day of the Senateâs impeachment trial was not without suspense: Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican, found the President guilty of abuse of power, becoming the first senator in US history to vote to remove from office a president from the same party.

    Hereâs how everyone voted:

    Rep Tom Rice South Carolina

    Rep. Tom Rice, representing South Carolinas 7th Congressional District, voted to impeach Trump, though he had not spoken out publicly about his decision prior to the vote.

    In a statement after the vote Wednesday, Rice said he was not sure whether Trumps speech before the mobs attack amounted to incitement of a riot, but any reasonable person could see the potential for violence.

    Once the violence began, when the Capitol was under siege, when the Capitol Police were being beaten and killed, and when the Vice President and the Congress were being locked down, the President was watching and tweeted about the Vice Presidents lack of courage, Rice wrote.

    I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable.

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    Impasse And Final Vote

    Prior to the House impeachment vote, McConnell and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham expressed their intentions not to be impartial jurors, contrary to the oath they must take. McConnell said, “I’m not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There is not anything judicial about it. Impeachment is a political decision.” Graham said, “I am trying to give a pretty clear signal I have made up my mind. I’m not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here … I will do everything I can to make die quickly.”

    On January 14, 2020, Pelosi announced the House managers who would prosecute the case in the Senate. On January 15, the House voted on Resolution 798, which appointed the impeachment managers and approved the articles of impeachment to be sent to the Senate. Later that afternoon, Pelosi held a rare public engrossment ceremony, followed by a stately procession of the managers and other House officers across the Capitol building, where the third impeachment of a U.S. president was announced to the senate. With the exception of the managers, who would conduct the trial, the House’s involvement in the impeachment process came to an end.

    Voting results on House Resolution 798


    Second Impeachment Of Donald Trump

    Republicans Move to Block Impeachment Witnesses, Driving Toward ...
    Second impeachment of Donald Trump
    The House of Representatives votes to adopt the article of impeachment
    Acquitted by the U.S. Senate
    Congressional votes
    Voting in the U.S. Senate

    Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the second time on January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired. It was the fourth impeachment of a U.S. president, and the second for Trump after his first impeachment in December 2019. Ten Republican representatives voted for the second impeachment, the most pro-impeachment votes ever from a president’s party. This was also the first presidential impeachment in which the majority caucus voted unanimously for impeachment.

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    Lessons From A Lonely Trump

    Seeking reelection? It wont be easy.

    About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.

    Donald Trump is not known as a man of his word, but hes worked hard to follow through on his promise of retribution against Republicans who voted to impeach him in 2021. Of the 10 GOP House members who voted for impeachment, four retired rather than face likely losses, two lost primaries, and a third, Liz Cheney, is almost certain to lose hers later this month.

    Two of the others, Daniel Newhouse and Jaime Herrera Beutler, are representatives of Washington State. Their primaries were on August 2, but votes are still being counted. Herrera Beutler conceded her race yesterday, but Newhouse managed something that none of the other pro-impeachment Republicans has: He triumphed in his primary, likely clinching another term in D.C., because his very Republican district is unlikely to send a Democrat. This gives him a good chance at being the only Republican House member to vote for impeachment and manage to win election to the 118th Congress.

    So what can Newhouses win and Herrera Beutlers loss teach? Heres a clip-and-save guide for other Republicans looking to survive without allying themselves with the former president.

    1. Dont Make It About Trump

    2. Keep It Local

    3. Run in a State With Favorable Election Laws

    4. Get Lucky in Your Opponents

    Newhouses victory shows that the old way isnt deadbut hes one of the very few remaining who can pull it off.

    Rep Cheney Facing Difficult Re

    Reps. Anthony Gonzalez, R-Ohio, John Katko, R-N.Y., Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., all opted to retire at the end of their term. Rep. Tom Rice, R-S.C., lost to a Trump-backed challenger in June while Rep. David Valadao, R-Calif., staved off a primary challenge that same month, though Trump did not endorse him in his race.

    Like other impeachment supporters, Meijer, Beutler and Newhouse have all out-raised their Trump-backed opponents. Federal campaign finance records show Meijer has out-raised his challenger, John Gibbs, in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District by more than $2 million. Meijer raised $2.77 million through mid-July while Gibbs’ haul totaled $484,000.

    In Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, Beutler out-raised Trump-backed challenger Joe Kent by roughly $1.3 million, with Beutler bringing in $3.5 million and Kent raising $2.2 million as of mid-July.

    And in Washington’s 4th Congressional District, Newhouse raised about $1.6 million while Trump-backed challenger Loren Culp raised $310,000 through the middle of last month.

    In Washington, people closely watching the contests say Beutler and Newhouse may benefit from the state’s open, nonpartisan primary system, where the top two vote-getters, regardless of party affiliation, advance to the general election in the fall.

    Gibbs, Kent and Culp, meanwhile, have all promoted the former presidents lies about a tainted election and falsely suggested President Joe Bidens victory was illegitimate.

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    Overview Of Impeachment Process

    See also: Impeachment of federal officials

    The United States Congress has the constitutional authority to impeach and remove a federal official from officeincluding the presidentif he or she has committed an impeachable offense. Impeaching and removing an official has two stages. First, articles of impeachment against the official must be passed by a majority vote of the U.S. House of Representatives. Then, a trial is conducted in the United States Senate potentially leading to the conviction and removal of the official.

    In most impeachment trials, the vice president presides over the trial. However, in impeachment trials of the president, the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court presides. In order to remove the person from office, two-thirds of senators that are present to vote must vote to convict on the articles of impeachment.

    House Republicans Voted To Impeach Trump Cheney’s Loss Means Only 2 Made It Past Their Primaries

    These House Republicans voted for impeachment

    Most of those lawmakers will be gone when the next Congress begins in January.

    The 55-year-old Cheney may not be done with politics if she loses her seat shes already getting questions about a potential 2024 presidential bid. | Mark J. Terrill/AP Photo

    08/16/2022 11:12 PM EDT

    • Link Copied

    Rep. Liz Cheneys primary loss on Tuesday caps off a tumultuous year for the small band of House Republicans who broke from their party to impeach Donald Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection and almost all of them will be gone when the next Congress begins in January.

    The 10 Republicans faced the wrath of GOP voters back home and Trumps scorched-earth revenge tour, in which he endorsed Republican challengers loyal to him in nearly every district.

    The final scorecard after Cheneys race: Four of the Republican impeachment voters retired instead of running for reelection. Another four lost in primaries to Trump-backed opponents. And just two advanced to the general election, though one of them faces a tough race against a Democratic opponent.

    Heres where they stand:

    Wyomings At-Large District

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