Saturday, July 27, 2024

Are There Any Republicans In The Congressional Black Caucus

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Gop Rep Byron Donalds Spokesman Says All Weve Obtained Is The Chilly Shoulder

GOP lawmaker has message for Congressional Black Caucus shutting him out

The Hill reported on Wednesday that in keeping with a spokesperson for the congressman, Rep. Byron Donalds and his employees have reached out to members of the CBC a number of instances however mentioned all weve received is the chilly shoulder.

Fields has claimed that Donalds has spoken to a number of members of the caucus as effectively, to no avail.

BuzzFeed Information reported supply says that the caucus was blocking Donalds membership.

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Donalds workplace believes hes being blocked on account of being a Republican.;;

Donalds spokesman Harrison Fields mentioned, The unhappy actuality is though the Congressman and people within the CBC share the identical race, the behind his title disqualifies him from membership as we speak.

A CBC spokesperson wouldnt deal with the Rep. Donalds concern particularly, however advised The Hill in an announcement that the group stays dedicated to preventing for points that assist Black communities, together with the police accountability invoice, defending voting rights, and a jobs invoice that helps our communities.

NEW: The Congressional Black Caucus is obstructing Rep. Byron Donalds, a Black Republican from Florida, from becoming a member of the caucus.

Hypocrisy Is The Message

I think hypocrisy is the message, Rep. Neal Dunn; told The Epoch Times. If they would just say this is the Congressional Democrat Black Caucus, I could understand that. Theyre pretending to be inclusive when they clearly are not.

Virtually everybody in America would be disappointed and anyone who honestly looks at this would have to say you are not what you say you are. Youre the Democrat Black Caucus, Dunn reiterated. I think the American people are generally fed up with hypocrisy and, if they identify this as hypocrisy, which I think would be fair, they can expect to have some blowback on this.

Theres no mystery that Washington is embroiled in a bitterly partisan divide, Dunn noted. They dont really want additional ideas. They just want their homogenous ideas.

Still, while Donalds admitted he doesnt see the political disconnect ending any time soon, he insisted the gridlock doesnt bother him.

I think people sometimes forget, our process here is supposed to be hard, Donalds explained. Things arent just supposed to be flying out of the nations capital. Its supposed to be deliberative. Its supposed to be hard. Its supposed to take a long time to pass something out of here because what we pass affects the American people. So, if this place is running like a greased machine and members are just passing everything that happens, people in their everyday lives will have to try to catch up with what were doing.

House Judiciary Committee Votes To Establish Reparations Commission

A black GOP lawmaker in the House of Representatives says the Congressional Black Caucus has declined his efforts to become a member.

In a statement to The Post on Thursday, Rep. Byron Donalds expressed his disappointment about being excluded from the CBC, which inducted other freshman lawmakers into the group six months ago.

The Congressional Black Caucus has a stated commitment to ensuring Black Americans have the opportunity to achieve the American Dream, the 42-year-old lawmaker, who represents the Naples area, began.

As a newly elected Black Member of Congress, my political party should not exempt me from a seat at the table dedicated to achieving this goal. As a young Black man who grew up in the inner city of Brooklyn in a single-parent household, my achieving of the American Dream would be a valued addition to the CBC and one that should transcend politics.

A CBC spokesperson declined to answer The Post when asked about the claim that Donalds was rebuffed by the caucus, instead saying in a statement that the group remains committed to fighting for issues that support the Black community, including the police accountability bill, protecting voting rights and a jobs bill that helps our communities.

News of the CBCs snub of Donalds was first reported Wednesday by Buzzfeed News, which cited a source familiar with the CBCs plans.

While there have been black GOP lawmakers in the caucus before, the group currently has no Republicans.

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Congressional Black Caucus Blocking Black House Republican From Joining Group

A Black House Republican member is allegedly being blocked from joining the Congressional Black Caucus as one of only two Black Republicans in the House.

Rep. Byron Donalds and his staff have reached out to members of the CBC multiple times, but;Donalds’s;spokesman Harrison Fields said in a statement to The Hill that all we’ve got is the cold shoulder.

A source;told BuzzFeed News;that the caucus was blocking Donalds’s membership.

Donalds’s office said he believes he is being turned away from the group due to his political party.;

The sad reality is although the Congressman and those in the CBC share the same race, the behind his name disqualifies him from membership today, Fields said.;

A spokesperson for the CBC did not respond directly to the allegation that the caucus is blocking Donalds from joining but told The Hill in a statement that the group remains committed to fighting for issues that support Black communities, including the police accountability bill, protecting voting rights, and a jobs bill that helps our communities.

We will work with those who share our values and priorities for the constituents we serve, the spokesperson added.;

Donaldss office pointed to his bipartisan efforts in Congress and willingness to engage with the caucus. Fields said Donalds had joined the Black caucus in Florida when he served in the state House and that his “intention as a U.S. Congressman is the same.”

We Need More People Like Byron

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Sen. Marco Rubio , who to condemn Democrat identity politics as the new Marxism, spoke highly of Donalds.

We need more people like Byron Donalds in Congress because he is interested in solving problems, Rubio told The Epoch Times. It isnt about clubs or popularity contests. It is about getting things done.

The Democrats are in complete control so if theres no conversations about public policies and what the Republican ideas are, that comes from the majority party because they choose not to have these conversations, Donalds explained. So, if thats what they chose to do, Republicans have no control over that because we dont chair any committees, we dont have the speakers office, and they also control the Senate and White House.

As much as the left tries to deride President Trump at every turn, President Trump actually engaged Democrat leadership on a lot of issues, Donalds added. Now there is no dialogue at all.

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Congressional Black Caucus Absurdly Blames Republicans For Dallas Cop

The Congressional Black Caucus continues to show how useless it is by actually rushing out and blaming Republicans for the Dallas scumbag who was literally inspired by ;black pride groups to kill police. Amazing.

Watch below:

Democrat Rep. G.K. Butterfield blamed Republicans for the five officers who were massacred by a racially motivated gunman in Dallas Thursday night.

The Republicans in Congress are refusing to address gun violence in America that targets black men and black women and Hispanic men and Hispanic women and, yes, even police officers, Butterfield said while flanked by other members of the Congressional Black Caucus just hours after five officers were shot and killed while trying to protect protestors who were rallying against police brutality.

The suspect said he wanted to kill white people, Brown said. Especially white officers.

Despite the suspected gunmans racial motivations, which he made clear in his own words to authorities during the standoff, Butterfield insisted Republican members of Congress were responsible for the tragedy.

Butterfield also suggested more tragedies will occur in the immediate future if Republicans dont pass more gun control legislation.

If we fail to act, this will be a long, hot summer, he said.

How Many Members Are In The Black Caucus

For the 117th Congress, the CBC has a historic 56 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, representing more than 82 million Americans, 25.3 percent of the total U.S. population, and more than 17 million African-Americans, 41 percent of the total U.S. African-American population.

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Cbc: We Will Work With These Who Share Our Values

The CBC spokesperson added, We are going to work with those that share our values and priorities for the constituents we serve.

The Hill famous, Donalds workplace pointed to his bipartisan efforts in Congress and willingness to have interaction with the caucus. Fields mentioned Donalds had joined the Black Caucus in Florida when he served within the state Home and that his intention as a U.S. Congressman is identical.

The CBC at present has no GOP members however black Republicans have been a part of the group previously.;

The opposite black Republican within the Home, Rep. Burgess Owens of Utah, doesnt wish to be a part of the caucus.

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Gop Freshmen Of Color Eyeing Dem

Congressional Black Caucus shuts out GOP freshman

Its a tricky issue, with Republican lawmakers of color forced to navigate mostly untrodden territory in a historically white party.

02/13/2021 07:00 AM EST

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Freshman Rep. Byron Donalds wants to pull off something Washington has never seen: Membership in both the liberal Congressional Black Caucus and the ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus.

Donalds a Black Tea Party Republican who represents Naples, Fla. said both groups are a natural fit for someone like himself, who believes conservative policies best improve the lives of the Black community. And he isnt afraid to defy norms in a Congress where being a lawmaker of color has historically meant belonging to the Democratic Party.

Obviously, the dominant voice in the CBC tends to be Democrat or liberal voices, and I want to bring change to that, Donalds said, noting that hes used to people gauging his political identity on his race. Shortly after arriving in Congress, Donalds recalled, a reporter asked if hed be supporting Nancy Pelosi for speaker, assuming he was a Democrat.

Yes, Im a conservative Republican, but I think in the Black community, we have a wide range of political thought, he added. It doesn’t always get talked about, but it exists.

Then theres the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, which only allows Democratic members after a complicated and at times, contentious record with GOP membership, often stemming from fierce disputes over immigration policy.

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Ferguson Grand Jury Decision

See also: Shooting in Ferguson, Missouri

After the grand jury released the decision to not indict the officer who shot Michael Brown in a highly publicized shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, the CBC released a statement the same evening. “This decision seems to underscore an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value; that you may kill Black men in this country without consequences or repercussions,” chair wrote.

The decision came during a time of civil unrest in the city due to the shooting.

Report: Congressional Black Caucus Blocks Black House Republican From Joining

‘The sad reality is, although the congressman and those in the CBC share the same race, the R behind his name disqualifies him from membership…’

The Congressional Black Caucus is reportedly blocking a black House Republican from joining the group, according toBuzzfeed News.

Rep. , R-Fla., and his staff have reached out to members of the CBC several times, but all weve got is the cold shoulder, according to Donaldss spokesman, Harrison Fields.;

Congressman Donalds has expressed interest in joining the CBC, but has yet to receive an official invitation, another Donalds aide said. If given, hed gladly accept.;

Donalds office said he believes he is being turned away from the CBC because he is a Republican.

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The sad reality is, although the congressman and those in the CBC share the same race, the R behind his name disqualifies him from membership today, Fields said.

One source confirmed that the CBC is intentionally blocking his membership.

The source said the group remains committed to fighting for issues that support black communities, including the police accountability bill, protecting voting rights and a jobs bill that helps our communities when asked directly whether the accusations of discrimination were true.

We will work with those who share our values and priorities for the constituents we serve, the CBC added.

…article continued below

However, he made it clear he would not compromise his values.

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Cold Shoulder: Congressional Black Caucus Rejects Black Republican

The Congressional Black Caucus is reportedly refusing to permit a Black Republican to join the group.

BuzzFeed News reported that Rep. Byron Donalds, Florida Republican, has made several overtures about joining, but been stonewalled.

Citing a source familiar with the CBCs plans, BuzzFeed reported that the Caucus has rejected those overtures.

Congressman Donalds has expressed interest in joining the CBC, but has yet to receive an official invitation, a Donalds aide told BuzzFeed. If given, hed gladly accept.

In a separate statement to The Hill, Donalds spokesman Harrison Fields said all weve got is the cold shoulder.

A CBC spokesperson did not directly answer questions from The Hill about whether Mr. Donalds would be let in or why not.Instead, the spokesperson issued a statement touting the CBC leadership on a number of issues.

We will work with those who share our values and priorities for the constituents we serve, the spokesperson added.

BuzzFeed noted that some Democrats have publicly said they would refuse to work with any Republicans whom they see as complicit in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack, even on matters where there may be substantive agreement.

Mr. Donalds was one of the Republican lawmakers who voted not to certify president Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, the event Congress was certifying when the rioters attacked.

The Congressional Black Caucus: Powerful Diverse And Newly Complicated

FYI, Legislative Black Caucus DID have a white member ...

The group, which includes most Black members of Congress, remains publicly united. But in private, an influx of new members who think differently about its purpose are making a play for the future.

By Astead W. Herndon

The Congressional Black Caucus is the largest it has ever been, jumping to 57 members this year after a period of steady growth. The 50-year-old group, which includes most Black members of Congress and is entirely Democratic, is also more diverse, reflecting growing pockets of the Black electorate: millennials, progressives, suburban voters, those less tightly moored to the Democratic Party.

But while a thread of social justice connects one generation to the next, the influx of new members from varying backgrounds is testing the groups long-held traditions in ways that could alter the future of Black political power in Washington.

The newcomers, shaped by the Black Lives Matter movement rather than the civil rights era, urge Democrats to go on the offensive regarding race and policing, pushing an affirmative message about how to overhaul public safety. They seek a bolder strategy on voting rights and greater investment in the recruitment and support of Black candidates.

Perhaps more significant than any ideological or age divide, however, is the caucuss fault line of political origin stories between those who made the Democratic establishment work for them and those who had to overcome the establishment to win.

When asked, Mr. Meeks saw no conflict.

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The Congressional Black Caucus Is Blocking A Black Republican From Joining The Group

The Congressional Black Caucus is blocking membership to Rep. Byron Donalds, a Republican from Florida who has tried to join the organization, a source familiar with the CBCs plans told BuzzFeed News.

Its been six months since the members who won election in 2020 were inducted into the CBC, a powerful and nominally nonpartisan group of Black lawmakers in Congress. Donalds, who won election for the first time last year, has not been included in that group.

The Florida representatives office said Donalds has talked to at least three members of the CBC about joining the group, whose members are now at the forefront of police reform talks and responsible for highlighting the racial inequities around COVID-19. Hes not received an answer and the likelihood of that happening a quarter way into the 117th Congress looks bleak.

Congressman Donalds has expressed interest in joining the CBC, but has yet to receive an official invitation, said a Donalds aide. If given, hed gladly accept. The CBC did not respond to questions about the status of Donalds membership, or why he was not being let in.

The snub highlights the divide between Democrats and their Republican counterparts since Jan. 6, when a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol during the certification of Joe Bidens presidency.

Per Congressional Hispanic Caucus bylaws, all Democratic Members of Congress of Hispanic descent are eligible for CHC membership, according to a CHC spokesperson.

Cbc: Black Republicans Welcome

The Congressional Black Caucus says it will gladly accept the two newly elected;black Republicans into its group, opening the door to partisan diversity in a caucus that has been historically Democratic.

“Membership in the Congressional Black Caucus has never been restricted to Democrats,” CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee said in a statement to POLITICO. “Should either of the two African-American Republicans recently elected to the House of Representatives request membership in the Congressional Black Caucus, they will be welcomed.”

Lee’s statement noted that, “during the 40-year history of the Congressional Black Caucus, there have been three African-American Republican members of the House of Representatives. Two congressmen, Melvin Evans of the Virgin Islands and Gary Franks of Connecticut, decided to join the Congressional Black Caucus, however, Congressman J.C. Watts of Oklahoma did not.”

Last week, POLITICO reported that freshman-elect Allen West, who defeated Ron Klein in Florida’s 22nd District, was interested in joining the caucus. “That has been a monolithic voice in the body politic for far too long. There is a growing conservative black voice in this country,” West said.

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