Saturday, July 27, 2024

Will Trump Win The Election

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Why Republican Voters Say Theres No Way In Hell Trump Lost

Relive the Trump’s stunning win in under 2 minutes

By Brad Brooks, Nathan Layne, Tim Reid

12 Min Read

SUNDOWN, Texas – Brett Fryar is a middle-class Republican. A 50-year-old chiropractor in this west Texas town, he owns a small business. He has two undergraduate degrees and a masters degree, in organic chemistry. He attends Southcrest Baptist Church in nearby Lubbock.

Fryar didnt much like Donald Trump at first, during the U.S. presidents 2016 campaign. He voted for Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican primaries.

Now, Fryar says he would go to war for Trump. He has joined the newly formed South Plains Patriots, a group of a few hundred members that includes a reactionary force of about three dozen – including Fryar and his son, Caleb – who conduct firearms training.

Nothing will convince Fryar and many others here in Sundown – including the towns mayor, another Patriots member – that Democrat Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 presidential election fairly. They believe Trumps stream of election-fraud allegations and say theyre preparing for the possibility of a civil war with the American political left.

If President Trump comes out and says: Guys, I have irrefutable proof of fraud, the courts wont listen, and Im now calling on Americans to take up arms, we would go, said Fryar, wearing a button-down shirt, pressed slacks and a paisley tie during a recent interview at his office.

This is dystopian, Light said. America could fracture.



Trump Blasts Jan 6 Witness Cassidy Hutchinsons Bs Committee Claim

The controversial image maker whose own baggage includes resigning from Bill Clintons re-election campaign in 1996 amid a prostitution scandal called Trump one of Americas great presidents with immense achievements.

But the greater tribute is how he defied almost every establishment in the country to achieve what America needed, and our people demanded, writes Morris.

He said voters like Trumps more popular tax, energy and immigration policies better than those of Biden and the Democrats, while crediting the ex-president with bringing more Hispanic voters into the GOP fold.

He defied the economic establishment by getting Congress to pass a massive tax cut, skillfully crafted to aim at the middle class, the working poor, and small businesses. The establishment said cut taxes on the wealthy, and it will trickle down to the rest of society. But Trump knew that trickle-down doesnt always happen. So he made sure his tax cuts were the first in recent history to target the lower middle class the working class. Trump signed a law giving a tax credit of $2,000 per child, Morris writes.

Meanwhile, Biden and other Democrats will have to defend four years of record inflation, surging crime and increased illegal immigration at the southern border.

Proving that Trump would do better? That one is easy. We know that Trump would do better, because when he was president, he did do better, Morris said.

He said America was energy independent when Trump left office.

Pm: Kelli Ward Tramples Over John Mccain As Meghan Mccain Weighs In

Kelli Ward took a victory lap after the slate of Trump-endorsed candidates chalked up wins* in Tuesdays primary and her route trampled right over John McCain.

Its been a long fight, 12 years, she said in a Wednesday interview of Steve Bannons War Room podcast. aking on John McCain, taking on the machine and yesterday in Arizona was a culmination and it was an exorcism of John McCain from our state. And from our country.

But the McCain spirit is far from dead.

Meghan McCain weighed in on the results on Twitter.

Congratulations to my home state for full making the transition to full blown MAGA/conspiracy theory/fraudster, she wrote. The voters have spoken – be careful what you wish for

She had predicted a Kari Lake win, calling the Republican gubernatorial candidate one of the great political lunatics of our time.”

McCain lambasted Lake for her earlier support of Barack Obama and for being a lifelong progressive liberal.

All she had to do was vomit up MAGA talking points and people bought it, McCain tweeted. She is a fraud, a conspiracy theorist, and not up to the character of Gov.

She continued her Lake critique in an interview on the Commentary podcast.

Her favorite thing to do is attack my family, McCain said in the interview.

*Lake is leading in the GOP governors race, but no winner has been declared as ballots are still being tabulated.

Mary Jo Pitzl

Don’t Miss: What Happens If Republicans Win Midterms

Will Trump Or Biden Win The Us Election This Could Be A Better Predictor Than The Polls

Joe Biden, the Democratic challenger in Novembers US presidential election, has finally picked his candidate for vice president: Kamala Harris.

Has picking Harris, who is Black and Asian American, improved Bidens chances of winning the election? Or has it actually improved the chances of Donald Trump to get re-elected?

Depending on who you ask, the answer can vary significantly and an objective answer is hard to come by. Polls or approval ratings could help the latest poll aggregation puts Biden in the lead with 50% versus 41% for Trump with the rest of voters undecided.

But prediction markets, simple financial markets where the value of the traded assets depends on outcomes such as who wins an election, have been shown to be better longer-term predictors of election outcomes. Anyone can trade in these markets and firms can also use them to insure against political risks. Some companies even use prediction markets to forecast political changes, the demand for new products or the feasibility of project deadlines.

Bidens chances of winning the November election were given a boost on prediction markets when he announced Harris as his running mate.

Intrigue: Desantis Declines To Ask Trump For Reelection Endorsement

Trump: I

Rep. Don Bacon , who has previously said he wont support Trump if he runs again, publicly told reporters that he hopes former Vice President Mike Pence runs for president after he met with the Republican Study Committee this week.

Above Stefanik in House GOP leadership, its all about the midterms. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy whos had his own challenging moments with Trump and Minority Whip Steve Scalise argued that their focus is on November. Asked about endorsing Trump above all others, McCarthy chuckled at the question, then said Im focused on this election.

Lets get through November. Im sure therell be a lot of talk about 2024 right after that, echoed Scalise.

Others, like Rep. Drew Ferguson , wouldnt engage with the question until Trump makes his bid official, despite the myriad reports suggesting Trump may soon make his move.

I have not heard anything about him, Ferguson said.

Reminded that Trump is openly entertaining the idea in interviews, Ferguson, who is making an early bid for the majority whip role next year, replied: Lets see what happens.

Some senior Republicans indicated that the political landscape could be vastly different by the time the race comes around: Trumps influence may have waned further. He may be kneecapped by a series of blownmidterm endorsements, a record hes catered to more carefully in recent months as he tries to present his win-loss record in a positive light.

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Donald Trump Scored Key Ally For 2024 Election Last Night

Former President Donald Trump scored a huge win Tuesday that could benefit his 2024 political ambitions after Pennsylvania Republicans overwhelmingly voted for state Senator Doug Mastriano to be the next governor.

On Tuesday, Mastrianoone of the most far-right gubernatorial candidates to receive the party’s nominationbeat out former congressman Lou Barletta and former U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain with more than 44 percent of the GOP vote.

Mastriano, who received a last-minute endorsement from Trump three days before the primary, could be a major help to the former president in Pennsylvania politics. If Mastriano wins November’s general election against Democrat Josh Shapiro, he would have the power to appoint the secretary of state, who oversees Pennsylvania’s elections.

“I get to appoint the secretary of state, who’s delegated from me the power to make the corrections to elections, the voting logs and everything. I could decertify every machine in the state with the stroke of a pen via my secretary of state,” Mastriano said during a March 30 appearance on WPIC’s Eric Bombeck radio show.

“Mastriano has a very big base. He’s been very loyal on election integrity and a lot of different things,” Trump said early Tuesday on the Chris Stigall podcast.

On Tuesday, Trump called election integrity in Pennsylvania “the biggest problem.”

Views Of How Trump Will Change Washington

About half of voters say they think Trump will change the way things work in Washington for the better, 25% think he will change things for the worse and 25% do not think he will change things much either way.

Overwhelmingly, Trump voters expect their candidate to bring positive change to Washington: 89% think he will change the way things work for the better, while just 9% dont think hell change things much either way and 1% say hell change things for the worse.

Clinton voters are split in their views: 48% think Trump will change the way things work in Washington for the worse, while 39% dont expect him to change things much either way and just 9% think he will change Washington for the better.

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Pm: Fanns Campaign Message On Senate Letterhead Raises Ruckus

You cant unsend the email.

A spokeswoman for the Arizona Senate tried to walk back a statement from President Karen Fann supporting Republican nominee for governor Kari Lake and trashing her Democratic opponent Katie Hobbs on Friday after the statement was sent on Senate letterhead and via the Senates official spokeswoman.

Arizona law says the state shall not spend or use public resources to influence an election.

The statement was accidentally sent from the official Senate email, spokeswoman Kim Quintero said in a follow-up email almost four hours later asking to retract the prior message.

The political point of Fann’s message was clear, calling Hobbs unfit to lead the state and a dangerous choice for Arizona governor while throwing in some jabs at the reckless and extremist policies of Democrats.

Stacey Barchenger

Most Read Local Stories

President Donald Trump attempts to claim election victory as several states still count ballots

Herrera Beutler is seeking a seventh term in the 3rd District of Southwest Washington. Newhouse is running for a fifth term in the 4th District, which covers Central Washington.

Their leading Republican challengers attacked them as betraying constituents by impeaching Trump and echoed the former presidents false claims that the 2020 election was stolen by fraud, even as they urged voters to send in their primary ballots.

Kent is a decorated Green Beret combat veteran whose wife, a Navy cryptologist, was killed by a suicide bomber in Syria in 2019 while fighting the Islamic State terrorist group a death he blamed on the U.S. foreign policy elites addiction to foreign wars and entanglements.

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Trump Lawyer Says He Will Be Reinstated As President If Gop Win Midterms

Christina Bobb, an attorney who has supported Donald Trump‘s legal challenge to overturn the 2020 election, has suggested a scenario in which the former president could be reinstated after the midterm elections in November.

Bobb told the conservative news outlet the Right Side Broadcasting Network what she thought could happen in states in which there was “evidence that Joe Biden cheated” in the election Trump and his allies have continuously claimed was fraudulent.

“They could withdraw their electors, or they could actually decide to award Trump electors, although I would anticipate they will probably just withdraw the electors,” she said.

“If that happens from three different states, three different resolutions go into Congress,” she said it would then be up to Congress to decide “whether they want to accept the resolutions, whether they want to act on them or not.”

“It is a complex issue that needs to be handled complexly by different state legislators and U.S. Congress, I actually think that it’s designed well, because you don’t want this to be something that you can quickly easily overturn elections,” she said.

“It needs to be something that you need many, many elected officials to take action on,” and the “majority of three different legislators.”

Newsweek has contacted the Trump team for comment.

Which States Will Decide This Election

As Mrs Clinton discovered in 2016, the number of votes you win is less important than where you win them.

Most states nearly always vote the same way, meaning that in reality there are just a handful of states where both candidates stand a chance of winning. These are the places where the election will be won and lost and are known as battleground states.

In the electoral college system the US uses to elect its president, each state is given a number of votes based on how many members it sends to Congress – House and Senate. A total of 538 electoral college votes are up for grabs, so a candidate needs to hit 270 to win.

As the map above shows, some battleground states have a lot more electoral college votes on offer than others so candidates often spend a lot more time campaigning in them.

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Am: Ballot Drop Boxes Won’t Be Tampered With Says Coconino County Recorder

Ballot drop boxes are a hot topic in Arizona. And, as a call to the Coconino County Recorders Office showed, the interest isnt limited to state borders.

Recorder Patty Hansen took a call from a man in South Carolina, wanting to know why the county doesnt put cameras on its drop boxes. Her county boundaries are far flung, Hansen concedes, but the southeastern U.S. is way outside her territory.

Hansen said she was perplexed why a South Carolina resident would be so concerned about a northern Arizona countys policy, but she had an answer to his question. The drop boxes are located at government buildings, including fire stations where people are posted around the clock.

Hansen said that provides a level of assurance that they wont be tampered with. Besides, she said, the slot in the box is so narrow that, at best, only a few ballots can be inserted at the same time.

And, for the record, there have been no reports of people stuffing ballots into the boxes.

Mary Jo Pitzl

Will Trump Run Again And Win

William Adler : Trump lost the 2020 election to Biden. But could he win ...

All bets are off in the United States of Fear, Rage, and Peril.

  • Senior political analyst at Al Jazeera.

The fear and rage that gripped the US capital under the presidency of Donald Trump have left the country in peril, its democracy ill, and its immunity weak.

Trump may have been excised from office in November but Trumpism has not been eradicated. After months of post-elections recovery, it is back with a vengeance, slowly metastasising throughout the countrys body and soul.

Less than a year after winning the battle for the soul of America, President Joe Biden is slipping in the polls while his predecessors numbers are, well, rising. In fact, according to a recent poll, Trump is already ahead of Biden, albeit by a small margin of 48 to 46 points.

These numbers may flip again in favour of the Democrats if they are able to pass the New Deal-like infrastructure and reconciliation bills in Congress before the end of the year, which will inject trillions of dollars into the US economy.

But even the effect of such legislation may prove transitory, depending on a number of economic and political factors, and on the Republican opposition to the socialist nanny-state policies on the federal and state level.

Meanwhile, 14 Republican-controlled states under Trumpian influence passed 24 new laws that assert their control over the running of elections and make it easier to overturn elections results.

But what will he run on? What will be his message, his mantra?

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Morris told The Post Tuesday the January 6th commission hearings will backfire massively.

There is a fiddling-while-Rome-burns quality to the hearings. Much ado and much distraction about nothing. The more attention the issue draws, the more it becomes apparent that the Democrats are not talking about the concerns that bedevil the average person high prices and inflation at the pump, he said.

Morris likened the Democrats obsession with Trump and the Jan. 6 protests to Republicans in Congress moving to impeach President Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, which hurt the GOP in the 1998 midterm elections because voters thought they made a mountain out of a molehill.

The book also was written before the Supreme Court rulings that tossed out restrictions on concealed guns, overturned the federal right to abortion and scrapped executive power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions on power plants without congressional approval, which could galvanize Democrats to go to the polls.

I do not think any of this terms Supreme Court rulings will have an adverse effect on Trumps chances or those of the Republicans in 22 or 24, he said.

The abortion decision has the most potential impact but, since state laws remain in force, the impact is largely theoretical and when people see how it works out theyll see that very little has really changed.

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