Friday, July 26, 2024

Should Republicans Vote On Super Tuesday

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How Many Delegates Are At Stake

Super Tuesday voting in Texas: Where to vote and what’s on the ballot in Bexar County

About one-third of all pledged delegates will be doled out. Including the four early states, 40% of the total pledged delegates will be allocated by the end of the night.

The nominee will need to have a majority, or 1,991, of the pledged delegates at stake to nab the nomination come the convention this July in Wisconsin. On Super Tuesday, candidates will have had the chance to win 1,344 of those delegates across the 15 contests.

It’s the amount of delegates, not the amount of votes, one receives that will put them closer to closing in on the nomination come July.

Super Tuesday’s voting is especially important this year because the primary still lacks clarity. Prior to Biden’s South Carolina’s primary win, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont was confidently leading the field, but Bloomberg’s determination to dominate on Super Tuesday could lead to a different story once all the results are tallied.

The nation is sure to get an answer on the contentious question of moderate versus progressive, and the race is likely to winnow after the massive day of voting.

Clinton Could See Advantage

On the other side of the aisle, the Democratic Super Tuesday clash is not going to force either of the candidates out of the race however it ends.

But it could hand a clear advantage to Clinton as she seeks to exploit the Southern advantage that her campaign has long argued makes it impossible for Sanders to win the nomination.

The former secretary of state will be looking to engineer a sweep of the Deep South, Virginia and Texas and to also be competitive in states where Sanders, a Vermont senator, looks to have his best chance.

That could allow Clinton to build up a lead in delegates before the race heads to Northern and Midwestern states where the Sanders message of an economy rigged against American workers could provide her with a more irksome challenge.

Clintons huge win in South Carolina on Saturday was based on a huge outpouring from African-American voters.

Names And Prior Election Cycles

The name “Super Duper Tuesday” is a reference to earlier Super Tuesdays, the dates on which the largest number of presidential primaries took place. The term “Super Duper Tuesday” has been repeatedly re-coined to refer to even more states holding their primaries on this date, with the first recorded usage so far found dating back to 1985. In 2004, Super Tuesday fell on March 2.In 2004, the equivalent cohort of primaries, on February 3, 2004, was called “Mini-Tuesday“âonly seven states held their primaries on that date.

On June 3, 2007, the name “Tsunami Tuesday”âconveying the potential of the large number of simultaneous primaries to completely change the political landscapeâwas mentioned on Meet the Press during a round-table discussion with presidential campaign strategists James Carville, Bob Shrum, , and Mike Murphy.

Super Tuesday in 2008 occurred during and on the day of the New York Giants Super Bowl victory parade. Voting was hampered in several states by a major tornado outbreak that killed 57 people, and competed with the primaries for the news.

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What Other Races Will Americans Vote In

There are a number of down-ballot races on Super Tuesday, including some high-profile primaries for candidates running for the Senate.

In Alabama, incumbent Democrat Sen. Doug Jones will likely carry the Democratic primary, though he will be vulnerable when it comes time for a general election in the Yellowhammer State.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions is in for a close race on the Republican side. While he is hoping to lean into his deep roots in the state, he is up against a challenge from two other formidable rivals: U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne and former Auburn head football coach Tommy Tuberville. A candidate needs 50% of the vote to win the Republican nomination outright, but given the fractured primary, this race could go to a runoff.

In North Carolina, Democratic state Sen. Cal Cunningham is facing off with state Sen. Erica Smith for the chance to take on vulnerable Republican Sen. Thom Tillis. Allies of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have intervened in the race, creating a PAC which has backed ads supporting Smith, the more progressive candidate.

There are a number of primaries taking place in the Texas suburbs, an area to watch for the general election as well. The suburbs in the Lone Star State have trended blue in recent years, and former presidential candidate and Rep. Beto O’Rourke has stumped for many of the candidates on the ground.

What Is Super Tuesday And How Does It Work

What Is Super Tuesday, Which States Vote And Why Does It ...

BBC News

Voters across America are preparing to take part in the biggest day of the 2020 election so far.

More than a year after the first Democratic candidates joined the race to take on Donald Trump, we’ve now reached Super Tuesday.

Fourteen states will vote on which Democrat they want to run in November’s election. Bernie Sanders is in the lead after the early contests.

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What Are The States To Watch

  • Texas: This state has both size and significance. In addition to having the largest number of delegates , it is the home state of Senator Ted Cruz. A loss to Donald Trump in his back yard would cripple his campaign. However, Mr Cruz is polling well there and has the endorsement of both the current and former governor of the Lone Star state.
  • Massachusetts: Moderate voters here could blunt Mr Trump’s momentum. It’s an open primary, meaning anyone registered can vote in the Republican race, regardless of party affiliation. In an unusual move, the state’s largest newspaper, the Boston Globe, has urged Democrats to vote for Ohio Governor John Kasich in an effort to weaken Mr Trump’s campaign.

Why Is It Called Super Tuesday

The phrase “super-Tuesday” dates back to at least 1976 and was used to describe the final Tuesday of the primary season in June, when a key group of states that included California, Ohio and New Jersey cast votes. But the first “Super Tuesday” as we know it today occurred in 1988 when a dozen Southern states banded together in an effort to nominate a more moderate Democrat who could win in the general election, according to NBC News.

After back-to-back failed attempts to get liberal-leaning Democrats in the White House in the 1984 and 1980 elections, the South wanted to reassert its influence in the election process. Using a concept known as “front-loading” the primaries, the goal was to give momentum to a candidate who could win in the general election by appealing to Southern voters.

In the 1988 election, the moderate vote was split between Sen. Al Gore of Tennessee, who won the five upper South states, and Rev. Jesse Jackson, who swept seven in the Deep South. Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, a liberal, won eight states on Super Tuesday and, eventually, the nomination. In the general election, Republican candidate George H.W. Bush trounced Dukakis.

It finally paid off in 1992 when Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton claimed a big Super Tuesday win in several Southern states after losing earlier primaries. Clinton’s appeal to moderate and independent voters helped him clinch the nomination and go on to win the White House.

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My State Is Voting On Super Tuesday Where Is My Polling Place

Voters can confirm polling station locations and times on their state’s election website by clicking on their state below. Registered voters can also verify on the election sites their voter status, whether their state allows same-day registration, election deadlines and if their primary is open doesn’t require voters to be affiliated with a political party closed or semi-closed.

Why So Many Races At Once

More Democrats Have Voted Early Than Republicans In North Texas For Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday was developed in 1988 to combat the so-called “Iowa syndrome.” Iowa, which votes first in the presidential race, has been criticised for not being representative of the American electorate. It’s a small state and candidates often spend months campaigning there. Dedicated candidates with few resources – such as Rick Santorum in 2012 – have been known to excel there. So Super Tuesday is meant to introduce the candidates to the rigours of running a national campaign – creating a sink-or-swim moment for campaigns.

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Texas Democrat Hailed A Hero After He Waited In Line For Hours To Vote On Super Tuesday Is Jailed On Illegal Voting Charge ‘because He Was On Probation For Burglary When He Cast His Ballot’

  • Hervis Rogers, 62,; waited six hours to cast his vote in last year’s Democratic presidential primary on ‘Super Tuesday’, March 3 2020
  • Rogers’ story attracted media attention amid reports of long lines in minority areas that some speculated were deliberately designed to suppress the vote;
  • On Friday, however, Hervis was arrested on two counts of illegal voting after it was revealed he was still on parole from a felony burglary conviction
  • Under Texas law, it is illegal for felons to vote while on probation; Hervis is now facing up to 20 years behind bars;;

What To Know About Voting In Mass On Super Tuesday

Tuesday, March 3 is not your average Tuesday; it’s “Super Tuesday,” where Massachusetts joins 13 other states, American Samoa and Democrats living abroad in voting in the presidential primary. Two of those states are Texas and California, making the day a potentially decisive one for the Democrats running for president.

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About Republicans For Voting Rights

Republicans for Voting Rights is an initiative of the Republican Accountability Project with the purpose of defending the accessibility, integrity, and competitiveness of American elections.

Voting is a sacred American right. But after the 2020 election, some Republicans began pushing for more restrictive voting laws designed to support unfounded accusations that the election was stolen and the results were illegitimate. Some even believe that voting is harmful to their electoral prospects. More still believe our electoral system is rife with fraud and security failures.

Republicans for Voting Rights rejects the false choice between voting access and election integrity. We believe that Republicans in federal, state, and local government should protect the right to vote, protect our election systems from partisan or foreign interference, and help build trust in our democracy.

What Is Super Tuesday

US Election Betting Trends Ahead of Super Tuesday 3

Its the day when the greatest number of US states cast their votes to nominate presidential candidates, who will eventually compete for the White House in Novembers general election.

It is the biggest day in the US election calendar apart from election day itself. The candidates have each held hundreds of meet-and-greet events, travelled thousands of miles, eaten a lot of junk food, and their campaigns have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to get them to this make-or-break moment.

In 2020, Super Tuesday falls on 3 March. Both Democrats and Republicans will be voting, but because Donald Trump does not face any serious challengers, all eyes will be on the Democratic contest.

The early voting states Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina have all had their say over the past month, with Bernie Sanders emerging as the possible national frontrunner in the race for the Democratic nomination.

But now, 14 states across the country Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia as well as one US territory and Democrats abroad will cast their votes on the same day.

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Candidates And Election Results On Super Tuesday

This section contains the candidate lists and election results for each super Tuesday primary. Results will be updated as they become available. Click on the state’s or territory’s name for more information.

Alabama Democratic presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Total votes: 452,093 ⢠Total pledged delegates: 52
Alabama Republican presidential primary on March 3, 2020
American Samoa Democratic presidential caucus on March 3, 2020
Arkansas Democratic presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Total votes: 229,120 ⢠Total pledged delegates: 31
Arkansas Republican presidential primary on March 3, 2020
California Democratic presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Total votes: 5,784,364 ⢠Total pledged delegates: 415
California Republican presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Total votes: 2,471,580 ⢠Total pledged delegates: 172
California Green presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Total votes: 11,612 ⢠Total pledged delegates: 0
California Libertarian presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Total votes: 28,535 ⢠Total pledged delegates: 0
California American Independent presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Total votes: 56,568 ⢠Total pledged delegates: 0
California Peace and Freedom presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Colorado Democratic presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Total votes: 960,128 ⢠Total pledged delegates: 67
Colorado Republican presidential primary on March 3, 2020
Maine Democratic presidential primary on March 3, 2020

Make Or Break For Cruz

For Cruz, his win-or-go-home moment is now.

If Cruz doesnt win Texas, it is game over for him, said Phillip Stutts, a Republican political consultant. Rubio doesnt have to win, but Cruz has to.

Trumps big advantage going into Super Tuesday is that his opposition remains divided.

Cruz, Rubio and Kasich in some states are dividing up the anti-Trump vote between them, meaning no single candidate can unite opposition to Trump.

Right now, they are all fighting each other while Donald Trump wraps up delegates. Thats a problem it needs to be a two-man race, said Stutts.

For instance, in Virginia, Trump leads with 41% while Rubio is at 27%, Cruz is at 14% and both Kasich and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson have 7% each, according to a Monmouth University poll last week.

And in Massachusetts, its Kasich who is inadvertently helping Trump sitting tied in a WBUR poll with Rubio at 19% well behind Trump at 40%.

Even if Trump does sweep the field on Super Tuesday, his nomination will not be assured, however, because in the GOP, all states that vote before March 15 must divide delegates among the competing candidates based on their share of the vote, as long as they reach certain thresholds in some states.

Cruzs team is confident, however, that their boss can rewrite the political narrative Tuesday.

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How State Variations Can Affect The Outcome

* Early Voting: Some states allow early voting, which means some voters may have cast ballots before new candidate positions, endorsements and information came out to sway the votes of those who made their decision later. Many candidates have dropped out since people starting casting votes in states like California. Late-breaking polls may be misleading about what results will be.

* Open/Closed Primary: In some states voters are free to participate in a party’s primary regardless of whether they are registered as a member of that party. Independents and members of an opposing party can influence election outcomes. Other states leave independent voters with no role at all. This will almost certainly have a significant impact in some states.

* Winner-Take-All Allocation: Most upcoming Republican primaries feature winner-take-all allocation of electors, meaning that even in a hotly contested primary, the winner gets 100% of the available delegates. In Florida’s primary, John McCain won all 57 delegates with a 37% plurality of the vote. Indeed Sen. McCain has yet to secure 40% of the vote in any nomination contest held to this point.

* Primaries, vs. Conventions & Caucuses: The majority of contests on Super Tuesday are primaries, but there also are conventions and caucuses governed by very different rules with far different levels of participation and degree of party leadership control.

Will This Super Tuesday Be The End Of The Road For Anyone

Super Tuesday Preview: Who will win Texas and California?

In the past, Super Tuesday has been known to be decisive. Mitt Romney essentially secured the Republican nomination after his Super Tuesday wins in 2012. This year, the result will not be as clear cut. Because many of the states on 1 March allot delegates proportionally, look for some candidates like Marco Rubio and John Kasich to wait until 15 March when large winner-take-all states such as Florida and Ohio vote. That said, the campaign of retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has privately said it is likely to end his run on Super Tuesday. He has underperformed in the first four Republican contests and many insiders have wondered why he has not called it quits already.

On the Democratic side, Mr Sanders – once thought of as a protest candidate to advance the issue of income inequity – is likely to revert to that status and stay in the race even if Mrs Clinton wins big.

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