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Fact Check Republican Health Care Plan

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Fact Check: Trump Claims Gop Is Protecting People With Pre

Fact checking Tom Price on the GOP health care plan

As the midterms approach, President Donald Trump has increasingly pitched his party to voters by embracing a wildly popular element of the health care law that the president and congressional Republicans spent the last two years trying to repeal.

Republicans will always protect people with pre-existing conditions, Trump said on Saturday in Nevada.

Fact Check: Whos Right On Protections For Preexisting Conditions Its Complicated

By October 11, 2018

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Biden Repeats Misleading Talking Point On Preexisting Conditions

Posted on April 7, 2022

In praising the Affordable Care Act, President Joe Biden misleadingly warned of the consequences if Republicans ever repealed the law, saying that would mean 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies. But those Americans could only be denied coverage on the individual market.

Employer-based plans, the largest source of insurance in the U.S., couldnt deny an insurance plan to employees before the ACA. They could decline coverage for some preexisting conditions for a limited period, if a new employee had a lapse in coverage.

As a candidate, Biden made a similar claim during the 2020 campaign. As we explained then, the 100 million figure is an estimate for the number of Americans with preexisting conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity or diabetes, not including those with Medicare or Medicaid coverage.

In his recent comments, made on April 5, Biden said that the 100 million Americans could face rejection by their insurers because thats what the law was before Obamacare.

In 2019, 9.8 million people had ACA marketplace plans, a figure that increased to 11.3 million by 2021. This year, 14.5 million people were enrolled in plans during the open enrollment period, with 3 million of them being new consumers, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

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Opting Out Of Obamacare

On NBCs Meet the Press on May 7, Price said, There are 20 million people right now in this country who have said to the federal government, said to the previous administration, Nonsense, Im not going to participate in your plan. Ill either pay a fine through the IRS or Ill get a waiver.

He was more emphatic the same day on CNNs State of the Union, where he said, We have got 20 million folks out there across this land who have told the federal government, Phooey, nonsense. Im not going to participate in your program because it doesnt do what I need done.

That makes it sound as if all of those people didnt want to participate, but we dont know that to be the case.

A from IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said that, in 2015, 6.5 million people paid a tax penalty for not having health insurance for some portion of the year. In addition, 12.7 million people claimed one or more of the available exemptions to avoid the tax penalty. Thats a total of 19.2 million people, which is shy of the 20 million cited by Price.

Those figures dont show that all of those people were protesting the health care law.

The most common exemption, the IRS letter said, was for having low income. Its the exemption that applies to the entire tax household for the full year if the household income or gross income of the taxpayer is less than the tax filing threshold.

The other most claimed exemptions, in order, were:

  • The code used by U.S. citizens living abroad and certain noncitizens

Selling Across State Lines Not Part Of Gop Proposal

Fact Check: Republican Health Care Plan

Both in the Republican primary debates and on his campaign website, Donald Trump talked about making sure people can buy health insurance from companies in other states.

“We have our lines around each state,” Trump said at the Feb. 6, 2016, primary debate in New Hampshire. “The insurance companies are getting rich on health care and health services and everything having to do with health. We are going to end that. We’re going to take out the artificial boundaries, the artificial lines.”

By design, the American Health Care Act drafted by House Republicans is silent on selling across state lines. In the course of a half-hour slide presentation, House Speaker Paul Ryan said the policy is very much on the agenda, but not now.

“That’s a reform that we’ve long believed in, that we think is really important to get regulatory competition to give people even more choices,” Ryan said.

The hitch is, Ryan explained, the surest and quickest path to removing several key elements of the Affordable Care Act, i.e. Obamacare, is through a congressional maneuver called budget reconciliation. Under those rules, a simple majority in the Senate assures passage, rather than the 60 votes needed to stop a filibuster.

That’s a big advantage for Senate Republicans, who hold 52 seats.

“We would love for that to be in the reconciliation bill, but the rules in the Senate don’t allow that to happen,” Ryan said.

The other basically says the link to spending or taxes has to be pretty direct.

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Only 9% For Health Care

Facts First:McConnell is correct that less than 1% of the funding detailed in the bill deals with vaccinations. And while health care spending around the coronavirus is included in the bill, some of the largest parts are focused on the pandemic’s economic impact, through items like direct payments and funds for unemployment benefits. estimates$10 billionincludesbiggest

Ap Fact Check: Trump Misleads On Health Care Russia Probe

WASHINGTON Rallying in Michigan, President Donald Trump bragged about a surging auto industry that isnt surging, a Republican rescue for health care that has yet to take shape, a total exoneration in the Russia investigation that was not offered.

And Trump, as he routinely does, took credit for a veterans health care initiative that his predecessor achieved and ignored the reality when veterans seek treatment waiting times that still last for weeks.

Heres a look at rhetoric from his Grand Rapids rally on Thursday night, as well as his remarks leading up to it:


TRUMP, on electoral votes: We won 306 to 223. rally.

THE FACTS: No. He won 304 to Hillary Clintons 227, according to an Associated Press tally of the electoral votes in every state. He routinely misstates the result.

TRUMP: We did really well with women. rally.

THE FACTS: Not that well. He actually lost the womens vote.

About 54 percent nationally voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to exit polls, compared with Trumps 41 percent. He won 52 percent of white women, according to those polls.


TRUMP: We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions, always. rally.


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Jeff Johnson Minnesota Gubernatorial Candidate

What he says: His TV ad says he wants a brighter future for Minnesota, which includes coverage for pre-existing conditions.The reality: He wants to move Minnesotans away from the Affordable Care Act and its protections. He also advocates for reinstituting failed policies like high-risk pools, which will strip protections from people with pre-existing conditions.

Fact Check: Republican Candidates Are Lying About Protecting Pre

Fact-Checking Trump & Biden’s Claims On Health Care During The Final Debate | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

ByPlanned Parenthood Votes|Nov. 2, 2018, 5:18 p.m.


With Election Day nearing, were in peak gaslighting mode.

FACT: Almost every Republican incumbent who now claims to support protections for people with pre-existing conditions previously endorsed efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

TL DR: Theyre lying about their records in attempts to win your votes.

What are pre-existing conditions? Learn more.

Health care is the number one issue voters care about right now and Republican candidates know it. Theyve seen the polls: They know that for many voters, whether a candidate will protect health care access for people with pre-existing conditions is the single most important factor in their decision at the ballot box.

Republicans know it doesnt bode well for them that they have long records of attacking access to health care. So theyre lying to voters and misrepresenting their harmful records of attacking protections for pre-existing conditions.

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Health Care Is A Motivating Issue In Midterms Poll Shows

At the Nevada rally in support of Sen. Dean Heller, Trump said the GOP senator is already protecting consumers with pre-existing conditions.

And the senator, as much as anybody, is going to do that. He is doing that, Trump said.

Heller was an early supporter of an Obamacare replacement authored by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., that wrote in some protections for patients with pre-existing conditions.

But the bill falls short of Obamacare’s protections. Particularly, the bill would not stop insurers from charging sick people more than healthy people.

Misleading Gop Health Care Claims

Republicans in Washington seem to be shifting into overdrive to keep a health system overhaul from passing Congress before the August recess. Yesterday, July 22, brought two more deceptive assaults on the pending bills, one from Minority Whip Eric Cantor and the other from the top GOP member of the House Immigration Subcommittee, Steve King of Iowa.

Cantors is in the form of a video that accuses Obama and the Democrats of being in a reckless rush to finalize a reset of the system. How much will it cost? the narrator asks, as photos of House Democrats flash onscreen. $1.6 trillion? Actually, in a preliminary analysis released July 14 , the Congressional Budget Office scored the House tri-committee group bill as costing a net $1.042 trillion. Cantors video inflates that number by more than 50 percent.

Blunt: Our bill is never going to get to the floor, so why confuse the focus? We clearly have principles we could have language, but why start diverting attention from this really bad piece of work got to whatever were offering right now?

H.R. 3200 includes a provision that specifically says that there will be no federal funds spent to cover illegal immigrants:


Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

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Ms Pelosi Also Asserted The Bill Would Be A Job Killer

Not only would Republicans Trumpcare bill destroy the health coverage of 24 million Americans, it will destroy nearly two million jobs across America.

This needs context. After Ms. Pelosi issued a news release citing a report from the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, many congressional Democrats adopted this talking point. But the reports findings come with a few caveats.

The center based its report on a more comprehensive study by George Washington University and the Commonwealth Fund conducted before details of the Republican bill were known. That study estimated that repealing federal funding for the Medicaid expansion and subsidies for health insurance would lead to almost three million fewer jobs by 2021 compared with the baseline model.

After the Republicans released their bill, the center adjusted the studys findings to take into account the bills changes to tax credits and Medicaid, and concluded that it would lead to 1.8 million fewer jobs by 2022. Leighton Ku, a health policy professor at George Washington University and the lead author of the initial study, said he could not confirm the centers analysis but agreed that the bill was likely to lead to substantially fewer jobs than under current law.

But that figure does not imply large, immediate layoffs. Rather, 1.8 million is the difference between the number of jobs that the United States would gain over five years by leaving the current law intact versus repealing it.

Fact Check: How Many Lottery Winners Could Lose Access To Medicaid

Tax cut bill: Fact

The Republican healthcare plan wants to crack down on high dollar lottery winners how many of those are there?

Hi there, how are you doing? If you live in the US and youre concerned about your health insurance, I assume youve spent the past few days reading the news nervously.

When the Republican healthcare plan was unveiled this week, those who looked at it were less than impressed. Asked if the much-anticipated bill was on the right track, Republican senator Pat Roberts said its on some track, while Democratic senator Chris Murphy was a little more direct, saying: This is a dumpster fire of a bill that was written on the back of a napkin.

One of the main goals of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was to improve healthcare for Americas poorest citizens. And its those Americans who are most likely to lose out under a new policy. Of virtually no importance whatsoever is the effect of this policy on Americas millionaires.

So, why focus this weeks fact check on the wealthy? Well, for two reasons.

One, the provision in the draft law that relates to high dollar lottery winners seems like a strange way to spill ink . Two, its a great way to get to grips with probabilities, a statistical concept you can apply to everything from Will my health condition still be covered? to What are my chances of getting hit by a car?

Lets start fact-checking this together how many lottery winners could lose their access to Medicaid?

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The Claim: Congressional Benefits Include ‘free Health Care Outrageous Retirement Packages 67 Paid Holidays Three Weeks Paid Vacation Unlimited Paid Sick Days’

As inflation spikes amid the invasion of Ukraine and the easing of the COVID-19 pandemic, families across the nation are struggling to make ends meet. But some social media users are sharing a claim that members of Congress are more well-off.

“Take a look at the Congressional benefits free health care, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days now THAT’S welfare,” reads text in a Facebook post .

The post has generated over 700 shares since it was published Aug. 15, 2020, and it has recently regained traction on Facebook. Similar posts have spread widely on and .

But the claim is off the mark.

Experts told USA TODAY members of Congress do not receive free health care or 67 paid holidays. Their retirement plans are similar to what other federal employees receive. And members determine when to take vacation or sick days.

USA TODAY reached out to the social media user who shared the claim for comment.

Status Of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions: Interactive Map

To date, 39 states have adopted the Medicaid expansion and 12 states have not adopted the expansion. Current status for each state is based on KFF tracking and analysis of state expansion activity.

These data are available in a table format. The map may be downloaded as a PowerPoint slide.

Key States with Expansion Activity

Medicaid Expansion Resources

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Rick Scott Florida Candidate For Us Senate

What he says: In a new ad, Scott the story of how his brother had a pre-existing condition and he pledges to fight for people like him.

The reality: Just months ago, Scotts administration signed Florida onto a federal lawsuit trying to invalidate the very ACA provision that requires companies to cover pre-existing conditions. His 2010 campaign for governor was dedicated to stopping the ACAs passage, and he later worked closely with Donald Trump and Mike Pence in efforts to to repeal the ACA.

Senator Bernie Sanders Characterized The Plan As A Giveaway To The Wealthy

Fact-Checking Pence’s Claims At The Vice Presidential Debate | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

The G.O.P. bill is not a health care plan. Its a $275 billion tax break for the wealthiest Americans. It must be defeated.

This needs context. The Congressional Budget Office and Congresss Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that tossing out a payroll tax increase and a tax on net investment income that affect just the top 5 percent of income earners would account for nearly $275 billion of the tax cuts.

But the other cuts affect everyone. The bill would also repeal the health insurance tax , a sales tax on providers of health insurance that largely affects people who buy their own insurance and those who work for small companies, according to the budget office. Repeal of the individual mandate penalty would primarily benefit low-income people, said Roberton Williams of the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

Still, Mr. Sanders, an independent from Vermont, has a point that overall the wealthy would see the most benefits. According to the Tax Policy Center, two-thirds of the cuts would benefit the top 20 percent of taxpayers, with 40 percent going to the top 1 percent of income earners.

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Fact Check: Was Kurt Schaefer The Only Republican In The Missouri Legislature To Vote Against A Bill Allowing Businesses To Opt Out Of Including Contraception In Employee Health Insurance Plans

By Autumn Lewien

Kurt Schaefer, a Republican in his last term as Missouri State Senator, has decided to make a bid for the open attorney general seat, facing off against first-time candidate Josh Hawley , a law professor and appellate lawyer, in the August 2 Republican primary. Chris Koster, a Democrat, decided to step down as attorney general after completing his second term to run for governor.

Hawley, in an online ad, has criticized Schaefer on a number of issues, including his vote on SB 749, a 2012 measure proposed by Sen. John Lamping that required insurers to issue policies without contraception coverage if individuals or employers objected due to religious or moral beliefs.

Sen. Kurt Schaefer, was the only Republican State Legislator to vote against a bill that would have expanded religious protection against Obamacares requirement that businesses pay for birth control, the ad reads.

Is it true that Sen. Schaefer was the only Republican State legislator to vote against SB 749? We took a look at the voting records and found that Schaefer was the only Republican Senator to vote against the bill but was one of three Republican State Legislators to oppose SB 749 in some form.

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