Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Is The New Yorker Democrat Or Republican

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Public Focused On Economic News

‘What The Hell Are They Thinking?’: New York Republican Chair Tears Into Hochul, Democrats

While the campaign once again dominated national news coverage last week, the economy took center stage in terms of public interest. Three-in-ten Americans paid very close attention to news about the presidential campaign last week, however, only 11% listed the campaign as the single news story they were following more closely than any other putting it in fourth place behind the economy, the troubles facing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the situation in Iraq.

Fully 45% of the public followed news about the economy very closely and 29% listed this as their most closely followed story. News of the financial crisis facing mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the governments efforts to shore up those institutions was followed very closely by 30% of Americans. Another 33% followed this story fairly closely and 15% listed this as their most closely followed story of the week. Republicans and Democrats followed the mortgage story in roughly equal proportions, but Democrats paid considerably closer attention than Republicans to news about the general state of the economy. For its part, the national media devoted 9% of its overall coverage to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and 9% to the U.S. economy.

More than a third of the public heard a lot about the buyout of Anheuser-Busch by Belgiums InBev. And nearly as many heard a lot about General Motors most recent wave of restructuring and cutbacks.

Political Stances Under Peretz

The New Republic gradually became much less left-wing under Peretz, which culminated in the editorship of the conservative Andrew Sullivan. The magazine was associated with the Democratic Leadership Council and “New Democrats,” such as Bill Clinton and Joseph Lieberman, who received the magazine’s endorsement in the 2004 Democratic primary.

In the 21st century, the magazine gradually shifted left but was still more moderate and hawkish than conventional liberal periodicals. Policies supported by both The New Republic and the DLC in the 1990s were increased funding for the Earned Income Tax Credit program, the reform of the federal welfare system, and supply-side economics, especially the idea of reducing higher , which in the later Peretz years received heavy criticism from senior editor Jonathan Chait.

Weston Wamp Is Featured In The New Yorker Trying To Convince Republican Colleagues To Trust Election Process

Wamp has recently received national attention for his mission to convince his fellow Republicans to trust the election process and dismiss any notions that elections are unsecure.

Last week, he was featured in The New Yorker, which noted Wamp’s “conviction that facts matter,” citing comments he’s made that President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020 was legitimate.

“I would remind Republicans that when we win across the board later this year, as I expect we will, that we don’t want Democrats with no evidence claiming it was fraudulent,” Wamp said in a Tuesday phone interview. “This is really a no-win proposition to undermine the integrity of the election system, which has proved very durable due to decentralization.”

Wamp said national political discourse has no place in local elections.

Hamilton County politics isn’t as hyperpartisan as some other areas of the nation, he said, and therefore sweeping allegations about rigged or stolen elections aren’t as common.

The Republican specifically compared the county to North Georgia, a portion of which is represented by U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of the most ardent supporters of former President Donald Trump’s ongoing claims that the 2020 election was rigged against him, even after his own administration, the states, the courts, the Electoral College and eventually Congress rejected the idea of widespread voter fraud.

In Greene’s district, Trump won by 48 percentage points in 2020.

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Transparency In The Name Of Silence

According to Mayer, dvocates for greater transparency in political spending argue that there is no serious evidence of any such harassment in regard to mandating public disclosure of all donors. In making this claim, the writer only cites one individual a lawyer at the ACLU who is not quoted on the record and claimed there is no evidence there will be harassment of individuals upon the release of financial disclosures.

The senior legislative counsel, Kate Ruane, cited the backlash for millionaire actress Mila Kunis after it was reported she donated to Planned Parenthood under the false name of former Vice President Mike Pence. Ruane cited this one abnormal example as harassment involving a Hollywood elite. Ruane is a Democrat who supports Big Tech censorship, came out in support of legalized prostitution, and has flirted in several articles with the anti-Israel movement Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. Mayer did not exactly choose a nonpartisan figure to aid her piece. She chose an apparent radical.

The major crux of Mayers argument is groups ought to have to disclose donors in the name of transparency. But a necessary follow-up to this claim is why? Do Democrats seek to uncover who is funding right-leaning organizations and people just in the holy name of transparency, or is another motivation fueling this effort?

‘democrats Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves’: Pro

Many Republican governors still wont state plainly that Biden won ...
  • Retiring moderate GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger blasted House Democrats’ campaign arm for funding fringe MAGA Republicans
  • Various Democrats and left-wing groups have funneled money into Republican primaries to support candidates who would be polarizing in November
  • Michigan GOP Rep. Peter Meijer lost his Tuesday night re-election bid after House Democrats poured nearly half a million dollars into ads for his opponent
  • Meijer was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump last year
  • His rival John Gibbs believes the 2020 election was stolen and claimed that Democrats practice satanic rituals in the past
  • ‘If Peter’s opponent wins – goes on to November and wins – the Democrats own that. Congratulations,’ Kinzinger said on CNN

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Chris Hughes Ownership And Editorial Crisis 20122016

On March 9, 2012, Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook, was introduced as the New Republic‘s majority owner and Editor-in-Chief. Under Hughes, the magazine became less focused on “The Beltway,” with more cultural coverage and attention to visuals. It stopped running an editorial in every issue. Media observers noted a less uniformly pro-Israel tone in the magazine’s coverage than its editorial stance during Peretz’s ownership.

On December 4, 2014, Gabriel Snyder, previously of Gawker and Bloomberg, replaced Franklin Foer as editor. The magazine was reduced from twenty issues per year to ten and the editorial offices moved from Penn Quarter, Washington DC, to New York, where it was reinvented as a “vertically integrated digital-media company.” The changes provoked a major crisis among the publication’s editorial staff and contributing editors. The magazine’s literary editor, Leon Wieseltier, resigned in protest. Subsequent days brought many more resignations, including those of executive editors Rachel Morris and Greg Veis nine of the magazine’s eleven active senior writers legal-affairs editor Jeffrey Rosen the digital-media editor six culture writers and editors and thirty-six out of thirty-eight contributing editors . In all, two-thirds of the names on the editorial masthead were gone.

What Really Drives Members Of Congress To Do The Unthinkable

Back in January, 1983, the twenty-eight-year-old Democrat Jim Cooper of Tennessee was the youngest member of the United States Congressa former Eagle Scout and Rhodes Scholar, just a few years out of Harvard Law School, with an unabashed zeal for public service. I feel like Im the luckiest person in the United States, he told a reporter, shortly after arriving in Washington, D.C. When the Washington Post arranged an interview at a trendy lunch place on Pennsylvania Avenue, Cooper was aggrieved to find that the beverage menu did not include milk. You cant get milk at a restaurant here? he asked. Where am I?

These days, the restaurant is gone, but Cooper remainsfor a few more months. He is set to retire from Congress in January, because Tennessee Republicans redrew his district into oblivion. It was murder, not suicide, he said the other day, when we met for lunch near the spot where he once professed his good fortune to be in Washington. I wanted to hear some of what he has learned over the yearsespecially why so many of his colleagues seem willing to gamble with the future of democracy just to avoid losing their jobs.

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About The News Interest Index

The News Interest Index is a weekly survey conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press aimed at gauging the publics interest in and reaction to major news events.

This project has been undertaken in conjunction with the Project for Excellence in Journalisms News Coverage Index, an ongoing content analysis of the news. The News Coverage Index catalogues the news from top news organizations across five major sectors of the media: newspapers, network television, cable television, radio and the internet. Each week PEJ will compile this data to identify the top stories for the week. The News Interest Index survey will collect data from Friday through Monday to gauge public interest in the most covered stories of the week.

Results for the weekly surveys are based on telephone interviews among a nationwide sample of approximately 1,000 adults, 18 years of age or older, conducted under the direction of ORC . For results based on the total sample, one can say with 95% confidence that the error attributable to sampling is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

In addition to sampling error, one should bear in mind that question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of opinion polls, and that results based on subgroups will have larger margins of error.

For more information about the Project for Excellence in Journalisms News Coverage Index, go to

Obama Continues To Dominate Coverage And Public Visibility

Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Heres How. | NYT Opinion

In other campaign news last week, 34% of the public heard a lot about the first leg of Obamas tour of the Middle East and parts of Europe. Given the extensive media coverage of the trip, that number is certain to rise by next week. According to the Project for Excellence in Journalisms Campaign Coverage Index, Obamas trip was the top campaign story last week.

Obama and John McCain both addressed the NAACPs annual convention last week. McCains appearance attracted a fair amount of media coverage, but failed to register with the public. Only 13% of the public heard a lot about this fully 47% heard nothing at all.

Overall, coverage of Obama continued to outpace that of McCain by a substantial margin. According to PEJ, Obama was featured prominently in 83% of all campaign stories last week while McCain was featured in 51% of the stories. The imbalance in media coverage is reflected in the candidates public visibility. When asked which candidate they have heard the most about in the news in the last week or so, 76% named Obama while only 10% named McCain.

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Into The Online Rabbit Hole

The Facebook groups were just the beginning of an online journey that took some parents from more mainstream views of reopening schools toward a single-issue position.

In Chico, Calif., Kim Snyder, 36, who has a 7-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son, said she was a longtime Republican. After her children had to stay home in the pandemic, she helped create a Facebook group in 2020 for Chico parents committed to reopening schools full-time.

At the time, her local schools had partially reopened and children were learning both online and in-person, Ms. Snyder said. But frustration over hybrid learning was mounting, and schools were repeatedly shut down when Covid surged.

Ms. Snyder counted herself in the latter category. She channeled her discontent by attending in-person protests against mask requirements at public schools. At the rallies, she met activists who opposed all types of vaccines. She invited some to join her Facebook group, she said, because we were all fighting for the same thing. We wanted a return to normalcy.

The focus of her Facebook group soon morphed from reopening schools to standing against masks in schools. By late last year, more content decrying every vaccine had also started appearing in the Facebook group.

I started to read more about how masks and vaccines were causing all this damage to our kids, Ms. Snyder said.

This is absolutely dangerous! one parent wrote. This hasnt been really tested and is NOT NECESSARY.OMG!

What Hr 1 Really Is

The New Yorker writer relies on The New York Times claim that H.R. 1 is the most substantial expansion of voting rights in a half-century. Mayer says the efforts by Republicans to deter Democratic constituencies from voting is even more appalling given the extraordinary attempts by Donald Trump and his supporters to undermine the 2020 election.

For starters, Mayer chiefly neglects to mention supporters of Democrat candidates who have also objected to election results. The left has made a big stink about the Republicans who objected to the 2020 certification of the Electoral College, but Democrats have done just this for the last three Republican presidents.

Even if the writers characterization of extraordinary is to define those who wished to undermine the election is in the context of the breach at the Capitol in January, the idea this group represents a majority of the Republican Party is completely unsubstantiated, not to mention the opposite of the truth. Also, if Mayer wants to talk about extraordinary attempts to undermine the American system, look no further than the billions of dollars in rioting and looting Black Lives Matter and Antifa inflicted in more than 20 cities in the most expensive manmade disaster in U.S. history.

A Rasmussen poll from March showed 75 percent of voters support ID laws as a prerequisite to casting a ballot. This is echoed by the aforementioned Honest Elections Project poll. It states:

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Increased Interest In Iraq And Afghanistan

Interest in the war in Iraq was higher last week than it has been in several months. A third of the public followed news about Iraq very closely, up from 24% the previous week, and 13% listed this as their most closely followed news story. Interest in the situation in Afghanistan was also up significantly. More than one-in-four Americans followed news about the military effort in Afghanistan very closely, and another 33% paid fairly close attention. This is up from 19% who followed the story very closely the previous week. Still, only 5% listed Afghanistan as their most closely followed story.

Republicans and Democrats followed Iraq news in roughly equal proportions. However, Republicans were somewhat more likely than Democrats to follow the situation in Afghanistan closely. The media devoted slightly more of its coverage to Afghanistan than to Iraq. Overall, coverage of these two military conflicts accounted for 5% of the national newshole.

Closer to home, 23% of the public paid very close attention to news about U.S. energy policy. Another 22% paid fairly close attention to this story and fully a third didnt follow it closely at all.

View Of The World Cover

Democrats and Republicans Debate the Legitimacy of Trumps Border ...

Saul Steinberg created 85 covers and 642 internal drawings and illustrations for the magazine. His most famous work is probably its March 29, 1976, cover, an illustration most often referred to as “View of the World from 9th Avenue“, sometimes referred to as “A Parochial New Yorker’s View of the World” or “A New Yorker’s View of the World”, which depicts a map of the world as seen by self-absorbed New Yorkers.

The illustration is split in two, with the bottom half of the image showing Manhattan‘s 9th Avenue, 10th Avenue, and the Hudson River , and the top half depicting the rest of the world. The rest of the United States is the size of the three New York City blocks and is drawn as a square, with a thin brown strip along the Hudson representing “Jersey”, the names of five cities and three states scattered among a few rocks for the United States beyond New Jersey. The Pacific Ocean, perhaps half again as wide as the Hudson, separates the United States from three flattened land masses labeled China, Japan and Russia.

The illustrationhumorously depicting New Yorkers’ self-image of their place in the world, or perhaps outsiders’ view of New Yorkers’ self-imageinspired many similar works, including the poster for the 1984 film Moscow on the Hudson that movie poster led to a lawsuit, Steinberg v. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., 663 F. Supp. 706 , which held that Columbia Pictures violated the copyright that Steinberg held on his work.

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Can Ron Desantis Displace Donald Trump As The Gops Combatant

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One Sunday afternoon in September, 2020, Jay Bhattacharya, an epidemiologist at Stanford University, was at home in Los Altos when he got an unexpected call. It was Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, and he wanted to talk about the coronavirus. In the early months of the pandemic, Bhattacharya had established himself as an outlier among public-health experts. He is one of three scientists who drafted the Great Barrington Declaration, which argued that many governments were doing more harm than good by shutting down economies and schools. The only practical approach, they said, would be to protect the most vulnerablemainly by isolating the elderlyand allow everyone else to go about their lives until vaccines and herd immunity neutralized the disease. With COVID-19 killing hundreds of Americans every day, the signers of the declaration became pariahs in their profession. Ive lost friends, Bhattacharya told me. Im lucky to have tenure.

Back in Florida, DeSantis started dating Casey Black, a television news reporter for WJXT, in Jacksonville in 2010, they were married. Not long afterward, a seat opened up in the Sixth Congressional District, south of Jacksonville Beach. In 2012, DeSantis entered the race.

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