Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Are Republicans Saying About Donald Trump

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Views About Prospects For Future Generations Improve Among Black And Hispanic Americans

Why If Trump Loses In November, GOP Will Say ‘Donald Who? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

About half of the public says life for future generations of Americans will be worse than life today, while a quarter say it will be better and a similar share say it will be about the same. Within nearly all major demographic and political groups, more say life will be worse for future generations than say it will be better.

Younger adults are somewhat more likely than older adults to say life will be better for future generations. A third of those ages 18 to 29 say this, compared with about a quarter of those ages 30 to 49 and 50 to 64 and 20% of adults 65 and older.

A third of Black Americans say life will be better for future generations, while a smaller share of white Americans say this. About a quarter of Hispanic Americans say life will be better for future generations.

There are only modest partisan differences on this question, though Democrats are slightly more optimistic .

However, Democrats have become more optimistic about how life will be for future generations of Americans since the question was last asked last fall, while Republicans have become less optimistic. In September, just 14% of Democrats said life would be better for future generations; today, roughly double that share say this . In contrast, the proportion of Republicans saying life would be better decreased from 31% to 23% over the same period.

% Of Republicans View Trump As True Us President

A combination picture shows U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaking during the first 2020 presidential campaign debate, held on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., September 29, 2020. Picture taken September 29, 2020. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

WASHINGTON, May 24 – A majority of Republicans still believe Donald Trump won the 2020 U.S. presidential election and blame his loss to Joe Biden on illegal voting, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll.

The May 17-19 national poll found that 53% of Republicans believe Trump, their party’s nominee, is the true president now, compared to 3% of Democrats and 25% of all Americans.

About one-quarter of adults believe the Nov. 3 election was tainted by illegal voting, including 56% of Republicans, according to the poll. The figures were roughly the same in a poll that ran from Nov. 13-17 which found that 28% of all Americans and 59% of Republicans felt that way.

A Democrat, Biden won by more than seven million votes. Dozens of courts rejected Trumps challenges to the results, but Trump and his supporters have persisted in pushing baseless conspiracy theories on conservative news outlets.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll showed that 61% of Republicans believe the election was “stolen” from Trump. Only about 29% of Republicans believe he should share some of the blame for his supporters’ Jan. 6 deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol.

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Voxs German Lopez is here to guide you through the Biden administrations burst of policymaking. .

Bartiromo later pressed Cramer to specifically address Trumps threat. Trump said on Saturday that Joe Bidens infrastructure bill will be used against the Republican Party in the upcoming elections in 2022 and 2024. It will be very hard for me to endorse anyone foolish enough to vote in favor of this deal.

But Cramer, who is up for reelection in 2024, didnt back down.

He didnt give one reason why its a bad deal, other than its Joe Bidens … I think hes wrong on this issue, he said.

Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer on Trump’s statement opposing the bipartisan infrastructure bill: “He didn’t give one reason why it’s a bad deal, other than it’s Joe Biden’s … I think he’s wrong on this issue.”

Aaron Rupar

It should be noted that Cramer is known as a fierce Trumpist, not a Mitt Romney-type moderate who occasionally breaks with the former president. He campaigned in 2018 as the most MAGA-friendly candidate in the North Dakota race, and after getting elected ended up being among the top 10 Republican senators in terms of reliably voting in step with Trump.

In February, Cramer voted against Trumps conviction for inciting the January 6 insurrection following his second impeachment trial, then mocked Democrats for impeaching the former president in the first place, saying, Why are Democrats so concerned about having on the ballot 4 years from now?

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Most Americans Feel Anger Fear About The State Of The Nation

About seven-in-ten Americans say they feel angry about the state of the country these days, while roughly two-thirds say they feel fearful. While majorities in both parties say this, these views are more widespread among Democrats than Republicans. Nearly eight-in-ten Democrats report feeling angry about the state of the nation; 63% of Republicans say the same. And while 75% of Democrats say they feel fearful thinking about the state of the country these days, a narrower majority of Republicans say this.

Far smaller shares of Americans report feeling hopeful or proud thinking about current national conditions 46% say they feel hopeful, while just 17% report feeling proud.

Republicans are modestly more likely than Democrats to say they are hopeful . Only a quarter of Republicans report feeling proud thinking about the country these days. Still, that is substantially higher than the share of Democrats saying this .

There are only minor demographic differences in reported emotional reactions about the state of the country. Two-thirds or more across all age groups say they are angry about the state of the nation, with those ages 18 to 29; modestly more likely than older groups to say this . And roughly two-thirds across age groups say they are fearful about the state of the country these days. There are similarly no significant age differences in the shares saying they are hopeful or proud.

Fact Check: Trump Did Not Call Republicans The Dumbest Group Of Voters

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger says

5 Min Read

An old quote falsely attributed to Donald Trump has recently resurfaced online. The viral meme alleges Trump told People magazine in 1998 that Republicans are the dumbest group of voters in the country. This is false.

While the quote has been debunked several times since it apparently surfaced in 2015, users have recently been resharing it on social media. Examples can be seen here , here , here , here

The meme reads: If I were to run, Id run as a Republican. Theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and theyd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific. – Donald Trump, People Magazine, 1998

Snopes first wrote about the false quote here in October 2015 . Since then, the quote has been debunked multiple times .

People magazine has confirmed in the past that its archive has no register of this alleged exchange.

People looked into this exhaustively when it first surfaced back in Oct. . We combed through every Trump story in our archive. We couldnt find anything remotely like this quoteand no interview at all in 1998., a magazine spokesperson told that year .

In December 1987, People published a profile on Donald Trump titled Too Darn Rich. The article quoted him saying he was too busy to run for president .

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Trump As A Stalking Horse

Of course, there was plenty of speculation during the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination that Trump was trying to sabotage the GOP candidates by saying outrageous things and making a mockery of the process in a bid to help Hillary Clinton win the election.

“Donald Trump is trolling the GOP,” political reporter Jonathan Allen wrote. Trump also threatened to run for president as an independent, a move many believed would siphon votes from the Republican nominee as other, similar candidates have done in the past.

Senator Ron Johnson Recorded Saying Donald Trump Lost Wisconsin Because 51000 Republicans Didnt Vote For Him

Republican Senator Ron Johnson, one of Donald Trump‘s most loyal allies in Congress, was caught on video blaming the former president for his election defeat in 2020.

Mr Johnson made the comments to a liberal activist pretending to be a conservative while she questioned him during an event in Milwaukee. The woman pretended to buy into Mr Trump’s election conspiracy theories, and suggested that voter fraud was the reason the former president lost in Wisconsin.

Mr Johnson tells the woman that he disagreed, noting that there was “nothing obviously skewed about the results.

If all the Republicans voted for Trump the way they voted for the Assembly candidates, he would have won. He didnt get 51,000 votes that other Republicans got, and thats why he lost, Mr Johnson said.

Mr Johnson was asked about the incident by The Washington Post. He defended his comments, saying they were in line with his other public statements, but complained that a “Democrat political operative” recorded him without his knowledge.

Ever since the Electoral College met, I acknowledged that former vice president Joe Biden was the president-elect and repeatedly said I could not envision any scenario where any Biden electors would be rejected, he said.

He noted that in the past he acknowledged that we should respect our system of individual state certification of election results, and that in Wisconsin, there is nothing obviously wrong with the statewide results.

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Trumps Job Approval Rating Declines

Donald Trumps job approval rating has declined since the spring. Currently, 39% of U.S. adults say they approve of how he is handling his job as president, while 59% say they disapprove. In March and April of this year, during the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S., larger shares said they approved of Trumps job performance . While Trumps job rating has declined in recent months, it has now returned to about where it had been throughout much of his presidency.

The recent decline in Trumps job approval can be seen across most demographic and political groups. For instance, Republicans and Republican leaners are now 7 percentage points less likely to say they approve of Trump than in March . Among Democrats and Democratic leaners, Trumps approval rating is down 6 points over this period of time . The partisan gap in ratings of Trump remains as wide or wider than those seen for other previous U.S. presidents in the polling era.

There continue to be wide differences in assessments of Trumps job performance across demographic groups.

White adults are now about evenly split in their views of Trump: 48% approve of how hes handling his job, while 50% say they disapprove. In March, Trumps ratings among whites tilted positive .

Criticisms Of Trump’s Voting Record

Donald Trump Jr. Says Biden Is Killing People By Protecting Them From Pandemic

Trump’s inconsistency when it comes to party affiliationhe’s also been registered with the Independence Party and as an independentwas an issue in the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. Many in the large field of presidential hopefuls criticized his affiliation with the Democrats, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

He was a Democrat longer than he was a Republican. He’s given more money to Democrats than he has to Republicans,” Bush said.

It probably didn’t help Trump’s case among conservative voters;that he’s spoken very highly of some of Democrats who are typically vilified by conservatives, including former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid,;Oprah Winfrey, and even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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Views Of The Candidates On The Issues

When it comes to which candidate would do the better job handling key issues, voters give the edge to Clinton over Trump in several areas, including making wise foreign policy decisions and dealing with immigration.

But while Clinton is seen as having the edge over Trump on a greater number of the issues included in the survey, Trump holds a narrow advantage over Clinton when it comes to improving economic conditions and defending the country from future terrorist attacks two issues voters place near the top of their importance list.

Voters overwhelming say Clinton would do a better job dealing with race relations than Trump the widest issue advantage for either candidate. Clinton also holds a wide advantage over Trump when it comes to the candidate who could better reflect voters views on abortion and deal with health care . By almost 20 points, more voters say Clinton would be better at making wise foreign policy decisions than Trump . On the issue of immigration an area where Trump has made a series of controversial comments 51% of voters say Clinton would do the better job compared with fewer who say Trump would do better.

With a current vacancy on the Supreme Court, 52% say Clinton would do better selecting Supreme Court justices, compared with 40% who think Trump would have the better approach.

In Gop Poll From Hell Republicans Say They Want Donald Trump Jr To Be President In 2024

A recurring nightmare among millions of Americans is that come 2024, Donald Trump will forget the fact that he actually hated being president, decide to run again, and win. Seriously, can you think of a more horrifying scenario, except perhaps falling through a sidewalk into a rat-filled chasm,;which some people might still prefer? We maintain that you cannot. But an equally terrifying, skin-crawling situation would definitely be to turn on the TV on January 20, 2025, and see Donald Trump Jr. being sworn in as president of the United States, which a number of Republican voters apparently actually want to happen.

The poll, which was conducted between July 6 and 8, did not include Donald Trump Senior, who maintains an inexplicable grip on voters despite the mass-death stuff, an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election, and a mental state that suggests he should be in a home or studied by a team of Swiss doctors.

And the fact that Don Jr. came out on top is not where the scary news ends. Because apparently if Republicans cant have Sheep Killer over here, their second-favorite choice is Florida governor Ron DeSantis, the man currently responsible for this:

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Trump Appointee To West Point Board Who Refuses To Resign Speaks Out

Most Republicans want former President Donald Trump to remain their party’s leader, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. But differing views about Trump’s role in the party — and his strength as a future presidential nominee — highlight divides within the GOP.

Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler

Arizona Republican Paul Boyer Says Donald Trump

Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington State said that she would vote to impeach because she believed that the president had acted in violation of his oath of office.

I understand the argument that the best course is not to further inflame the country or alienate Republican voters, she said. But I am a Republican voter. I believe in our Constitution, individual liberty, free markets, charity, life, justice, peace and this exceptional country. I see that my own party will be best served when those among us choose truth.

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California Recall Vote Shows Trumps Big Lie Is Now Republican Playbook

Pre-emptively branding as rigged an election you are likely to lose risks turning off GOP voters and undermining democracy

It was a pre-emptive strike against truth by some of the biggest names on the American right wing.

Former president Donald Trump warned that the ballot would be rigged. The Republican candidate Larry Elder predicted shenanigans. The conservative media star Tomi Lahren suggested that voter fraud was inevitable.

The attempt to sow distrust in Californias recall effort began well before the Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, scored a crushing victory on Tuesday, thwarting Elder and other Republicans who hoped to replace him.

The barrage of mendacious claims echoed Trumps big lie of a stolen presidential election and were equally baseless. But, crucially, they also demonstrated that undermining faith in election integrity has become normalized as a strategy for many Republicans facing defeat at the ballot box.

We saw it in the November election; we saw it in the January 6th insurrection, Sean Clegg, a Newsom aide, told reporters this week. We do not have a Democratic and Republican party in this country. We have a democratic party and an anti-democratic party.

Although Democrats outnumber Republicans nearly two-to-one in California, party leaders had feared that Newsom could be vulnerable to a recall over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, including mask and vaccine mandates.

% Of Gop Voters Say ‘believing’ Trump Won 2020 ‘important’ To Being A Republican: Poll

As former President Donald Trump and his allies continue to push false claims that the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats, most Republicans now think supporting Trump’s claim that he won to be a crucial part of their own partisan identity, according to a new poll.

In a new CNN poll released Sunday, 59 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say that believing Trump won the 2020 election is “important” to being a Republican36 percent indicated that it’s “very important” and 23 percent “somewhat important.”

Of the 40 percent who say that believing Trump won is not important to being a Republican, 15 percent indicated that it’s “not too important” and 25 percent “not important at all.”

Additionally, 61 percent of Republicans consider support for Trump to be a crucial part of what it means to be a Republican34 percent say it’s “very important” and 27 percent “somewhat important.” Only 23 percent say supporting Trump is “not at all important” to what it means to be a Republican.

Trump’s ongoing claim that the 2020 election was “rigged” in favor of President Joe Biden has been exhaustively litigated in court and discredited. Even Trump-appointed judges and other Republican officials have rejected the false claim.

Former Attorney General William Barr, who was one of Trump’s most loyal Cabinet officials, said in December that there was “no evidence” of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election.

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