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Did Biden Campaign For A Republican

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Efforts To Reform 19th Century Law Could Decide Who Is President In 2024

Republican-backed Arizona audit confirms Joe Biden win for president

In the weeks after the 2020 election, then-President Donald Trump’s allies sent fake certificates to the National Archives declaring that Trump won seven states that he actually lost. The documents had no impact on the outcome of the election, but they are yet another example of how Team Trump tried to subvert the Electoral College — a key line of inquiry for the January 6 committee.

Voting Patterns In The 2020 Election

The 2020 election featured continuity in the voting patterns of major demographic and political groups in the population, but there were a few important shifts. The gender gap in the 2020 election was narrower than it had been in 2016 as Democrats made gains among men and Republicans made gains among women. In the 2016 election, Donald Trump won men by 11 percentage points while Hillary Clinton won women by 15 points . In the 2018 election, Democrats substantially narrowed the gap with men while maintaining an 18-point lead among women. In the 2020 election, men again divided nearly evenly , while Bidens advantage narrowed to 11 points among women .

Similarly, as Biden increased his level of support among White men in the 2020 election relative to Clintons in 2016, Trump gained among White women, which had the effect of further narrowing the gender gap among White voters. In 2016, Trump won White men by 30 points . That gap narrowed to a 17-point margin for Trump in 2020 . White women, a group sometimes categorized as swing voters and who broke nearly evenly in 2016 , favored him in 2020 .

Biden received the support of 92% of Black voters, nearly the same as Clinton received in 2016 and Democratic candidates for the U.S. House received in 2018.

Party and ideology

Age and generation



White non-evangelical Protestants voted for Trump over Biden by a 14-point margin , while Black Protestants were an overwhelmingly Democratic group .

Us Senate Campaign In Delaware

In 1972, Biden defeated Republican incumbent J. Caleb Boggs to become the junior U.S. senator from Delaware. He was the only Democrat willing to challenge Boggs. With minimal campaign funds, he was given no chance of winning. Family members managed and staffed the campaign, which relied on meeting voters face-to-face and hand-distributing position papers, an approach made feasible by Delaware’s small size. He received help from the AFLCIO and Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell. His platform focused on the environment, withdrawal from Vietnam, civil rights, mass transit, equitable taxation, health care, and public dissatisfaction with “politics as usual”. A few months before the election, Biden trailed Boggs by almost thirty percentage points, but his energy, attractive young family, and ability to connect with voters’ emotions worked to his advantage, and he won with 50.5 percent of the vote. At the time of his election, he was still 29 years old, but reached the constitutionally required age of 30 before he was sworn in as Senator.

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Allegations Of Inappropriate Physical Contact

Biden has been accused several times of inappropriate non-sexual contact, such as embracing, kissing, and other forms of physical contact. He has described himself as a “tactile politician” and admitted this behavior has caused trouble for him in the past. By 2015, a series of swearings-in and other events at which Biden had placed his hands on people and talked closely to them, attracted attention both in the press and on social media. Various people defended Biden, including a senator who issued a statement, as well as Stephanie Carter, a woman whose photograph with Biden had gone viral, who described the photo as “misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends”. In February 2016, Biden gave a speech about sexual assault awareness at the 88th Academy Awards, before introducing Lady Gaga.

In early April 2019, three women told The Washington Post Biden had touched them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. Also in April 2019, former Biden staffer Tara Reade said she had felt uncomfortable on several occasions when Biden touched her on her shoulder and neck during her employment in his Senate office in 1993. In March 2020, Reade accused him of a 1993 sexual assault. There were inconsistences between Reade’s 2019 and 2020 allegations. Biden and his campaign vehemently denied the allegation.The New York Times investigated and “found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden”.

Agriculture And Rural Issues

Biden Campaign Obtains New Debate

Biden supported the 2008 farm bill, calling it a “responsible compromise.” When he chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden identified agricultural development and global food prices as major issues.

While in the Senate, Biden called for strong action against invasive species, citing the economic and environmental risks associated with them, including displacement of native shipping, the introduction of disease, and interference with shipping.

In the Senate, Biden paid particular attention to issues affecting the poultry industry, which is economically important to Delaware, especially in the Delmarva peninsula. In the 1990s, Biden criticized the Russian government for threatening to ban imported U.S. chicken, and in 2008 criticized the Russian government for banning imports of chicken from 19 poultry processing plants in the United States, Biden stated that “Russia is once again using non-tariff barriers as an excuse to close its markets to American poultry. … Russia has repeatedly shown that it is not ready to abide by the rules of international trade.” Biden described the Russian action as “part of a bigger picture in which Russia has failed to behave as a responsible member in the international community” and called for the U.S. to block Russia’s application to join the World Trade Organization. Biden also worked to promote funding to research avian influenza.

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Us Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s Workplace Vaccine Mandate

The US Supreme Court has blocked President Joe Biden’s rule requiring workers at large companies to be vaccinated or masked and tested weekly.

The justices at the nation’s highest court said the mandate exceeded the Biden administration’s authority.

The administration said the mandates would help fight the pandemic.

President Biden, whose approval rating has been sagging, expressed disappointment with the decision “to block common-sense life-saving requirements for employees”.

He added: “I call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up – including one third of Fortune 100 companies – and institute vaccination requirements to protect their workers, customers, and communities.”

Former President Donald Trump cheered the court’s decision, and said vaccine mandates “would have further destroyed the economy”.

“We are proud of the Supreme Court for not backing down,” he said in a statement. “No mandates!”

The administration’s workplace vaccine mandate would have required workers to receive a Covid-19 shot, or be masked and tested weekly at their own expense.

It would have applied to workplaces with at least 100 employees and affected some 84 million workers. It was designed to be enforced by employers.

Biden’s Approval Rating Recovers Some From Last Month’s Low An Npr Poll Finds

They were worried about the spread of the delta variant and how COVID-19 continues to hurt the economy. They were wary of Democrats’ big spending plans on infrastructure and other programs, alarmed by the troubles they see along the Texas border, and were very disturbed by the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“What happened in Afghanistan, to me, was the worst thing that’s happened since Saigon.” That reference to the 1975 U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam came from Paul, who lives in central Pennsylvania.

He didn’t buy Biden’s explanation that Trump set the exit in motion by committing to a withdrawal of troops in a deal with the Taliban last year.

“He didn’t have to stick to the timeframe Trump set up,” Paul asserted, “but he kept sticking to it and sticking to it, and a lot of people died and a lot of people were left behind. So I think that was squarely on him.”

Still, perhaps unlike the pandemic and the economy, Afghanistan may fade from the news over time and, as such, may not affect long-term impressions of Biden as much.

And on the coronavirus, the focus group participants all vaccinated mostly gave Biden solid marks. It’s clear he benefits from comparisons to his predecessor on that.

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New York Times: Joe Biden Campaigned For Michigan Republican Ahead Of Midterms

PostedByTom Perkins on Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 1:13 PM

  • Evan El-Amin /


Mr. Upton alluded to Mr. Bidens praise in a debate with Mr. Longjohn the next day, and his campaign sent out a mailer stressing Mr. Uptons bipartisan streak, including Mr. Bidens description of him as the reason were going to beat cancer. A business-backed Republican group, Defending Main Street, ran digital ads on Facebook showing a grinning Mr. Biden and the crucial quote Fred Upton is one of the finest guys Ive ever worked with above a mock version of the former vice presidents signature.

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Election Day And Beyond

Sen. Joe Manchin pulls support for President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better

The election was held on November 3. On November 6, election-calling organization forecast that Biden had won the election based on its forecast that Biden had won Pennsylvania this result coupled with Biden’s other projected state wins would grant him over 270 electoral college votes.

By November 7, news organizations ABC News, Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, NBC News, Reuters, and the New York Times all forecast that Biden had won the election.

As of December 27, Joe Biden has received 81,283,098 votes to Donald Trump’s 74,222,958 votes, or 51.3% to 46.8%. In addition, Biden has won 306 electoral college votes to Trump’s 232, exactly the same margins as the 2016 election, which Donald Trump had repeatedly called a “landslide victory”. Biden broke the record for most votes cast during an election in the history of the United States, while Trump received the most votes ever for a sitting president.

On December 9, every state had certified their election results, with West Virginia being the last state to do so. On Monday December 14, the Electoral College voted to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris President and Vice President-Elect, affirming what was projected to happen on November 6 and 7. After a chaotic attack on the Capitol, lawmakers met on January 6 and counted the electoral votes submitted by the states, finally ensuring that Joe Biden would take office on .

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Friday Afternoon: Reawaken America Tour Leads To Police Calls At Dream City Church

A conservative forum in Phoenix overlapping Donald Trump’s return to Arizona opened Friday with calls to police.

Attendees at the ReAwaken America Tour at Dream City Church taunted teachers from the nearby BASIS Phoenix charter school over masks, school officials confirmed.

The tour, hosted by conservative podcaster Clay Clark and featuring Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, is scheduled to run through Saturday.

Election fraud and pandemic conspiracies dominate the itinerary, including a speech titled, “Its the COVID-19 Protocols That Are Mass Murdering COVID-19 Patients.”

Other topics include pinpointing where the world is on the Biblical timeline, communicating after the power grid is destroyed and “Jesus is King & Donald Trump is the REAL president of the United States.”

Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem, R-Oro Valley, state Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff, and Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward are among the scheduled speakers.

A pastor at Dream City Church confirmed about a dozen Phoenix police officers responded to the event Friday and the issue had been “taken care of.”

He said ReAwaken America rented space from the church but is not affiliated with the church. He said several armed private security guards were hired by the event.

Dream City has hosted a number of conservative events, including a by key operatives in the Arizona Senate’s largely discredited ballot review.

Trump held a rally at the church in 2020.

Robert Anglen

Letters To The Editor Jan 17 2022

Republicans seized on President Bidens Monday comment that there is no federal solution to the COVID-19 pandemic to demand an end to government mandates while labeling him a hypocrite and incompetent.

Biden, who famously vowed to shut down the virus during the 2020 presidential campaign, made the apparent admission during a virtual meeting with the nations governors about the pandemic response.

Look, there is no federal solution, the president said. This gets solved at a state level.

And then it ultimately gets down to where the rubber meets the road, and thats where the patient is in need of help or preventing the need for help, Biden added.

The Republican National Committee referenced Bidens campaign promise in a post on Twitter.

Joe Biden claimed he would shut down the virus. Now a year later when he failed to do so, he says there is no federal solution to COVID, the RNC said.

Joe Biden is a hypocrite, it concluded.

Earlier in Mondays meeting, Republican Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, the head of the National Governors Association, urged Biden not to downplay the role the states play in battling coronavirus.

As you look towards federal solutions that will help alleviate the challenge, make sure we do not let federal solutions stand in the way of state solutions, Hutchinson said.

The White House is struggling to get a handle on a surge in COVID-19 cases fueled by the highly contagious Omicron variant.

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Pm: Speaker Lineup Includes Lake 3 Members Of Congress

Besides Trump, speakers were expected to include several politicians who have spread falsehoods about the 2020 election and supported rioters who invaded the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. They include:

  • U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.

  • U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.

  • U.S. Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz.

  • State Rep. Mark Finchem, R-Oro Valley.

  • State Sen. Kelly Townsend, R-Mesa.

  • State Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff.

  • Kari Lake, candidate for Arizona governor.

  • Anthony Kern, former state representative and candidate for state Senate.

  • Kelli Ward, chair of the Arizona Republican Party.

  • Alveda King, 2020 campaign advisory board member.

  • Boris Epshteyn, Trump strategic adviser and 2020 campaign board member.

  • Mike Lindell, CEO of My Pillow.

You know what day it is, a voice said over the loudspeaker at about 4 p.m. Its Trump Day! Lets go, Brandon!

Many in the crowd responded in kind with the veiled, obscene insult of President Joe Biden.

Ray Stern

Trump Holds First 2022 Rally In Arizona As Heated Gop Senate Primary Is Underway

Biden Campaign Did Not Pre

Former President Donald Trump touched down in Arizona Saturday for his first rally of the midterm election year, bringing the spotlight to a state that will have hotly contested races for governor and the U.S. Senate in November.

In the governor’s race, Trump has endorsed Kari Lake, a former news anchor who says she wouldn’t have certified the 2020 election. He has not yet picked a Senate candidate to take on incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly.

The Republicans who are vying to challenge Kelly include Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, solar power executive Jim Lamon, venture capitalist Blake Masters and retired Air Force Major General Michael “Mick” McGuire.

Democrats have won the last two Senate races in Arizona, including the 2020 special election when Kelly defeated former Senator Martha McSally by 2.4 points. Kelly, a retired astronaut, is serving the remainder of the late Arizona Senator John McCain’s term and must run again this year for a full six-year term.

Trump isn’t expected to endorse anyone Saturday Arizona’s primary is August 2, and sources familiar with the race believe Trump is waiting to see how the race shapes up before he decides on a candidate.

Trump remains popular with Arizona Republicans. Though his endorsement failed to carry McSally to victory in the 2018 or 2020, it would be influential in the primary.

Lamon, a veteran who launched his candidacy in May, drew attention this week after he released using the anti-Biden slogan “let’s go Brandon.”

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Internet Privacy And File Sharing

In 2006, in its Technology Issues Voter’s Guide, gave Biden a score of 37.5% on his Senate voting record. Biden was a co-sponsor of the Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2007.

Biden also sponsored two bills, the Comprehensive Counter-Terrorism Act and the Violent Crime Control Act , both of which contained language seen as effectively banning encryption.Crypto notes Biden wrote that language into the text of SB 266.Phil Zimmermann, the creator of Pretty Good Privacy, has said it was SB 266 that “led to publish PGP electronically for free that year, shortly before the measure was defeated after vigorous protest by civil libertarians and industry groups.” He later stated in a Slashdot article that he was not specifically criticizing Biden, that he would consider the Senator’s “whole body of work” when considering whether to vote for him on the Democratic ticket in 2008 and that “considering the disastrous erosion in our privacy and civil liberties under the administration, I feel positively nostalgic about Biden’s quaint little non-binding resolution of 1991”.

Trump’s Refusal To Concede

Early in the morning on November 4, with vote counts still going on in many states, Trump claimed he had won. For weeks after the networks had called the election for Biden, Trump refused to acknowledge that Biden had won. Biden described Trump’s refusal as “an embarrassment”. In the wake of the election, the General Services Administration refused to formally acknowledge Biden’s victory, and the White House ordered government agencies not to cooperate with the Biden transition team in any way. Starting in 1896, when William Jennings Bryan established a precedent of formal concession by sending a congratulatory telegram to President-elect William McKinley, every losing major party presidential candidate has formally conceded.

Trump acknowledged Biden’s victory in a tweet on November 15, although he refused to concede and blamed his loss on fraud, stating: “He won because the Election was Rigged.” Trump then tweeted: “I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go.”

In a June 2021 interview with Sean Hannity, Trump stated that “we didn’t win” and said that he wished President Biden success in international diplomacy, which Forbes interpreted as Trump ” as close as hes ever been to conceding his 2020 election loss.”

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