Friday, July 26, 2024

What Has Trump Accomplishments As President List

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Trump Arrested And Dismantled Sex And Human Trafficking Rings In Several Countries

Which of President Trump’s accomplishments are the media not talking about?

USA TODAY previously reported that there have been 8,559 arrests related to human trafficking made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Immigration and Customers Enforcements Homeland Security Investigations.

Fact check:Over 8,000 US trafficking arrests since 2017 have not included members of Congress

Claims that human trafficking arrests have skyrocketed during Trumps presidency are false, an in-depth analysis by found.

Trump has, however, been a vocal advocate for ending trafficking. He has signed several laws intended to bolster efforts to eradicate the crime and gave more than $35 million in Justice Department grants to nonprofit organizations that provide housing for human trafficking victims this month.

Our rating: False

Donald Trump Hosts Far

Trump acknowledged the dinner in a Truth Social post, saying Ye ‘unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends.’

Former President Donald Trump has officially announced he is running for president in 2024, marking his third bid for the White House.

Former President Donald Trump hosted White nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and rapper Kanye West at his Mar-a-Lago estate this week, demonstrating his continued willingness to associate with figures who have well-publicized antisemitic views as he embarks on another White House run.

West, who has legally changed his name to Ye, posted a video Thursday on Twitter in which he claimed that Trump “is really impressed with Fuentes,” who has repeatedly made antisemitic and racist comments as chronicled by the Anti-Defamation League.

Fuentes, West said in the Twitter video, “is actually a loyalist” to Trump, unlike others who he said abandoned the former president after the 2020 election.

In a text message conversation tweeted by West on Thursday, he and Fuentes said they both met with the former president. A source confirmed to CNN Trump’s dinner with Fuentes and West, who became engulfed in controversy after repeating antisemitic conspiracy theories and making other offensive claims during an appearance on a podcast in October.

The-CNN-Wire & © 2022 Cable News Network, Inc., a WarnerMedia Company. All rights reserved.

Took Action To Address Gender

In 1994, then-Senator Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act which provided legal protection against domestic violence and sexual assault for 28 years until it was allowed to expire under the Trump administration.

As President, Joe Biden broke through two years of Republican obstruction and signed legislation in March 2022 to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act.

Thanks to President Bidens leadership, the Violence Against Women Act is now reauthorized through 2027 and includes new provisions to expand legal services for survivors and support underserved communities.

President Biden also signed historic legislation ending forced arbitration of sexual assault and sexual harassment, protecting survivors and making it safer to report harassment in the workplace.

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Letters: Trump Has Strong Accomplishments Trump’s Actions Are Wrong On Pandemic

President Trump is running on a

list of impressive accomplishments

President Donald Trump has presided over a booming economy that includes historically low unemployment rates for Blacks, Hispanic and Asian Americans. He has stood up to China and North Korea while overseeing a significant peace settlement in the Middle East.

While Joe Biden helped write and voted for the 1994 crime bill that caused mass incarcerations, Trump signed the bipartisan First Step Act that promotes badly needed prison reforms through alternative sentencing guidelines and programs to lower recidivism.

Robert Bilsky, Jacksonville

More respect needed for presidency,

there is too much envy, division

Where does all the hate come from that permeates our streets?

Our Congress has projected its hate and contempt for this president from the first day he was put in office. It is shameful that they could not even respect the office itself no matter who sits in the chair.

Had they worked with him instead of fighting every day, we might have had an even greater country than the one this president has given to the people.

The virus came to challenge us all, but we will overcome this just like we overcome other viruses. Bring God back into your homes, churches and schools and see what this country can and will be again.

We are better than this. And the media doesn’t help.

Science and planning are being lost

Vote as if your life depended upon it, because it just may.

Paul Pitel, physician, Jacksonville

Complete List Of President Trumps Accomplishments In The Two Years Since His Historic 2016 Election Win


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In the two years since the 2016 Presidential election, President Donald J. Trump amassed numerous successes. His efforts are arguably the best of any President during this relative time period in spite of massive headwinds from the corrupt prior administration, the Fed, the Democrat Party and their MSM!

Below is a list of President Trumps major accomplishments.

President Trump won the 2016 Presidential election on November 8th, 2016, two years ago. It was a miracle. The Mainstream Media said he wasnt supposed to win.

Since that day President Trumps accomplishments are nothing short of miraculous. In spite of massive attacks from the MSM, an investigation created through the efforts of the prior corrupt administration, and a Democrat Party that does all they can to derail him, the President kept his promises and did all he could to Make America Great Again. The results speak for themselves.

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More Than 400000 Manufacturing Jobs Created Since His Election

It was true, but since the pandemic, the Trump administration has seen a net loss of about 200,000 manufacturing jobs, wiping out the past six years of growth, according to the Alliance for American Manufacturing. More than 900,000 manufacturing jobs were added between 2010 and 2016 during the Obama administration.

An Important Part Of Being Pro

The above-mentioned Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has taken many actions to protect the rights of vulnerable people, particularly those with disabilities. It is this office that was part of the Trump administrations efforts to get California and Vermont to comply with laws protecting conscience rights in healthcare, and its intervention to ensure people hospitalized with the coronavirus had access to a priest and the Last Rites.

Below is a list from OCR of its many accomplishments in the area of protecting and helping Americans with disabilities. Many of these also intersect with bioethics, like the rationing of healthcare. OCR compiled this list in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act .

Defending Rights and Supporting Critical Needs During COVID-19

Protecting Rights in Healthcare

Preventing Discrimination in Human Services

Empowering Americans with Disabilities to Live in the Community

Expanding Work Opportunities

Improving Healthcare

Expanding Research on Disability Issues

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Took Historic Action To Address The Gun Violence Epidemic

President Biden brought together Democrats and Republicans to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation. The legislation took important steps, including requiring people under 21 to undergo enhanced background checks, closing the boyfriend loophole, and providing funding to address youth mental health.

President Biden has moved decisively to combat gun violence issuing dozens of executive orders and signing the most significant gun violence reduction legislation to pass Congress in 30 years.

President Biden has launched a whole-of-government approach to make our communities safer and issued more executive orders to reduce gun violence in his first year than any other President at the same point in their administration. In July of 2022, Steve Dettelbach, President Bidens nominee for director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, became the first Senate-confirmed director of the agency in more than 7 years.

Early on in his administration, President Biden took on the gun lobby to rein in the proliferation of ghost guns. The Biden administration acted to ban the manufacture of ghost gun kits and make it illegal to sell ghost guns without a background check.

Nato Allies Increased Their Defense Spending Because Of His Pressure Campaign

Trump’s Presidency Recap: The Most Defining Stories

True. Although NATO countries were already modestly increasing their military spending before Mr. Trump took office, there is evidence that his public complaints led to a deal that allowed the United States to decrease its own spending, while some other countries increased their share each year that he has been in office.

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Inauguration Day : Heres The Schedule Of Events

But it remains unclear how many people will be there to see him off. Several former administration officials-turned-Trump critics have expressed surprise that they received invitations. And even Vice President Mike Pence will be absent. A person familiar with his schedule cited the logistical challenges of getting from the base back to D.C. for Bidens inauguration ceremonies, which Pence will be attending.

Trump has also refused to take part in any of the symbolic passing-of-the-torch traditions that have been the capstones of the peaceful transition of power from one administration to the next. He is boycotting not just the ceremony at the Capitol, but also passed on inviting the Bidens to the White House for a get-to-know-you meeting. And it remains unclear whether he will write Biden a personal welcome letter, like the one he received from former President Obama when he moved in.

Denied his Twitter bullhorn and with little else planned, Trump did participate in multiple meetings over the long weekend to discuss pending clemency actions, according to a White House official, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity because the action had yet to be made public.

Trump has since been impeached for a second time and a sense of wariness has set in, with the presidents inner circle fearful of doing anything that could provoke a conviction in the Senate that would potentially bar him from ever holding office again.

What Donald Trump Has Accomplished As President

On the cusp of the final debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden on Thursday night, many are expecting the records of both candidates to be raked over throughout the 90-minute head-to-head.

According to a list of topics announced by debate moderator Kristen Welker, Trump and Biden will be quizzed on race in America, climate change, American families, national security and leadership when they appear at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.

It is also likely that topics not on the approved list will come up over the course of the showdownparticularly the coronavirus pandemic, the state of U.S. employment and Hunter Biden‘s business dealings.

President Trump will be eager to defend his record over the past four years, and could be expected to tout his supposed achievements on matters of foreign policy, job creation and other economic matters during the course of his first term in the White House.

Here are five of Trump’s key accomplishments in the eyes of the administration, the president and his supporters.

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Because Of A Bill Signed And Championed By Trump In 2020 Most Federal Employees Will See Their Pay Increase By An Average Of 31% The Largest Raise In More Than 10 Years

This is grossly misleading, at best.Far from being a champion of pay raises for federal workers, Mr. Trump proposed pay freezes for federal employees three years in a row he was overridden by Congress. For 2020, Mr. Trump initially proposed a pay freeze, but then changed his proposal to a 2.6 percent increase. Congress raised that further, to 3.1 percent. Mr. Trump signed that pay raise into law when he put his signature on an omnibus budget bill, according to Jacqueline Simon, policy director of the American Federation of Government Employees.

Jobs Employment And Wages

Dear Fake News Media: Here

President Trump is the Jobs President. Yesterday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 250,000 new jobs were created in October. In President Trumps first two years since elected President, the US has gained over 4.3 million jobs. million jobs.) More people are working in the US than ever before and unemployment is at 50 year lows landing at 3.7% last month.

The Presidents tax plan passed in late December 2017 is greatly benefiting Americans and American companies. Employees will see increases in their income tax refunds next year due to the lower Federal taxes. Millions of Americans received bonuses due to the tax cuts and major companies announced plans to move capital and operations to the US due to these cuts. On top of income tax refund increases, Americans also are benefiting from the highest wage increases in a decade.

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President Donald Trump’s Accomplishments

Wyoming Republican Party Chairman Frank Eathorne cites some of President Trumps accomplishments in 2019.Our national economy has never been stronger! Take a look at what our president has accomplished through the simple policy of cutting taxes, resulting in a natural stimulation of the private sector: record and near record highs and lows in the benchmark sectors. Thank you President Trump for making the tough decisions and trusting the private sector to excel!


President Trumps policies have put the American economy into high gear.

Since President Trump was elected 7.3 million jobs have been created.

In 2019, 2.1 new jobs were created. o In 2019, 1.5 million jobs were added for women. This accounts for more than 50% of total job gains for the first time ever.

Over 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created since the President was elected.

The current unemployment rate is 3.5%, a 50-year low.

Highlights of Decembers jobs report: o 174,000 jobs were created in December.

o December marked the 22nd consecutive month that the unemployment rate has been at or below 4%.

o For 22 consecutive months, wage growth has been near or above 3%.

Throughout the Trump Administration we have seen record low unemployment for women, African Americans, Latino Americans, and Asian Americans. In December: o African American unemployment rate was at 5.9%.

o The Hispanic American unemployment rate remained at a near record low of 4.2%.


Foreign Policy


Robert Mooth: Trump’s List Of Accomplishments Lengthy

The following is a brief summary of the many accomplishments of President Trump and his administration. This record was achieved in spite of four years of constant baseless attacks by the Democrats and their friends in the media.

International recognition

  • President Trump received three separate nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize


Prior to the Covid 19 forced shutdown of the economy:

  • Almost 4 million jobs created since 2016 election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • Manufacturing jobs grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.
  • Economic growth has been as high as 4.2 percent.
  • New unemployment claims hit a 49-year low.
  • Median household income hit highest level ever recorded.
  • The Wall Street Journals Eric Morath and Jeffrey Sparshott report: Pay for the bottom 25% of wage earners rose 4.5% in November from a year earlier, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Wages for the top 25% of earners rose 2.9%. Similarly, the Atlanta Fed found wages for low-skilled workers have accelerated since early 2018, and last month matched the pace of high-skill workers for the first time since 2010.
  • African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, women and youth unemployment were the lowest rates ever recorded.
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
  • Veterans unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.

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Letter: Ny Times Lists Presidents Accomplishments

The New York Times has the following article: A Fact-Checked List of Trump Accomplishments . Listed here are some of the facts. Read the entire article to see all that Trump has accomplished during his term in office.

  • He eliminated a record number of regulations that hurt small businesses.

  • He has had the lowest unemployment rates since the 1950s for youth, women, Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans. .

  • Median household income is at the highest level ever recorded.

  • The stock market has reached record highs.

  • More Americans are employed than ever recorded in history .

  • He moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and by executive order withdrew funds from colleges and universities teaching antisemitic courses.

  • His Department of Justice dismantled the internet that promoted prostitution and human trafficking.

  • He signed the First Step Act against the inequalities of prison sentencing. Ninety percent of those helped are black Americans sentenced for nonviolent crimes.

  • He had over a dozen U.S. hostages freed. Many had been held since previous administrations.

  • He appointed five openly gay ambassadors.

  • He has helped to provide free HIV prevention drugs.

  • The US now produces more oil than Saudi Arabia or Russia. Natural gas exports are the highest they have been since 1957.

  • The European Union has agreed to buy U.S. oil and gas.

Trump Issued An Executive Order For The White House To Take Over All Electrical Grids Which Will Include Internet Servers Broadcasting Systems And Electronic Systems

President Donald Trump touts his accomplishments in farewell speech

The president did issue an executive order intended to secure the countrys bulk-power system, but the order does not allow the White House to take over electrical grids.

The order seeks to protect the U.S. electricity system from cyber and other attacks, Reuters reported.

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It is imperative the bulk-power system be secured against exploitation and attacks by foreign threats, Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said in a press release. This Executive Order will greatly diminish the ability of foreign adversaries to target our critical electric infrastructure.

The order makes no mention of assuming control over all electrical grids, and also does not mention internet servers, broadcasting systems or electronic systems.

Our rating: Partly false

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