Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Joe Biden A Republican Or Democrat

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Two More House Democrats Are Retiring

President Joe Biden campaigns with Democrat Terry McAuliffe for Virginia governor race

After two more retirements on Tuesday, the number of House Democrats not seeking re-election in 2022 has hit 28 ahead of this year’s midterms.

Eleven-term Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I., and five-term Rep. Jerry McNerney, D-Calif., announced their plans to retire on Tuesday.

In a video shared on Twitter, Langevin said retiring will “allow me to be closer to home.” He said he will “always be most proud” of his vote for the Affordable Care Act. Langevin also published an op-ed in The Providence Journal explaining his decision.

Thank you, Rhode Island.

Jim Langevin

McNerney said in a statement he “will keep working for the people of my district throughout the remainder of my term and look forward to new opportunities to continue to serve.”

Today I am announcing that I will not seek reelection in Californias newly created 9th Congressional District.

Jerry McNerney

Twenty House Democrats are retiring at the end of the year, while eight are running for a different office. By comparison, six Republicans are retiring and seven are running for a different office.

National Polls Show Lower White And Older Support For Trump

Exit polls released by the national election consortium Edison Research allow for national- and state-level comparisons with those from 2016. Figure 1 shows the shifts in Democratic minus Republican voter margins for racial groups.

While whites continued to favor the Republican candidate in 2020as they have in every presidential election since 1968it is notable that this margin was reduced from 20% to 17% nationally. At the same time, the Democratic margins for each of the major nonwhite groups was somewhat reduced. The Black Democratic marginwhile still high, at 75%was the lowest in a presidential election since 2004. The Latino or Hispanic and Asian American Democratic margins of 33% and 27% were the lowest since the 2004 and 2008 elections, respectively. These shifts do not apply to all states, and are not applicable to most battleground states where voters of color were crucial to Bidens win

It is clear that white voting blocs start at different levels of Democratic or Republican support. In fact, there was a modest decline in Republican support in a key Trump base: white men without college educations. This group showed a reduced Republican advantage from 48% to a still sizeable 42% between 2016 and 2020.

The First Volleys Are Over The Very Existence Of Voter Suppression

Underscoring the insurmountable gap between the parties on the biggest issues, the opening hours of the Senate debate on the Democrats voting rights legislation were dominated by arguments over the very existence of voter suppression.

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, immediately set the tone by referring to the election of 1868: the first time freed Black men were able to participate in a federal election. He suggested that the question before the Senate on Wednesday was whether it would accede to efforts to roll back voting rights that were secured over more than 150 years.

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, followed Mr. Schumers speech with three references, in quick succession, to Washington Democrats fake panic, a fake panic over election laws that seems to exist only in their own imaginations and professional liberals fake hysteria over state voting laws. He argued that the laws passed by Republicans in 19 states last year, which would make voting harder in many ways, had no suppressive effect.

Mr. McConnell then left the Senate floor, a fact that Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Democratic whip, commented on acidly.

Senator John Thune of South Dakota, the Republican whip, took the floor after Mr. Durbin. Saying he was not a racist, Mr. Thune sought to frame Republican opposition to Democrats voting rights push as a matter of states right to regulate their own elections.

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Why Are Voting Rights An Issue Now

The 2020 election saw a sea change in voting habits. Driven largely by the pandemic, millions of Americans embraced voting early in person and voting by mail.

Democrats in particular flocked to the two forms of early voting a trend that raised alarms among Republicans. And Mr. Trump attacked mailed-in ballots in hopes of overturning the elections result.

Since then, Republican-led legislatures have justified new restrictions on voting by citing a lack of public confidence in elections.

‘like A Clown Car On Fire’: Cooper Reacts To Giuliani’s Fake Electors Plot

Asian American super PAC endorses Joe Biden

Combine President Joe Biden’s age and his ongoing political struggles and you get this: a series of stories examining whether Biden runs again and, if not, who might take his place.

* Kamala Harris* Pete Buttigieg* Elizabeth Warren* Amy Klobuchar* Roy Cooper* Mitch Landrieu* Gina Raimondo

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Prominent Democrats Are Expressing More Rage At Sinema And Manchin Than At Republicans

This past Martin Luther King Jr. Day, with a fight for voting rights again at the center of the political agenda, one quotation from the slain civil rights leaders vast repertoire dominated liberals calls to action.

I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, and that when they fail in this purpose, they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress, ran the quote circulated on Monday by many Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, who openly called it a jab.

The contemporary targets of those words Dr. King wrote from a Birmingham jail in 1963 were two particular white moderates, Senators Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin III of West Virginia. They were singled out not because they oppose the far-reaching voting rights bill that is before the Senate this week they and 48 other senators who caucus with the Democrats support it but because they refuse to obliterate the Senates filibuster rule to pass it over the opposition of all 50 Republicans.

The remarkable vitriol being trained by Democratic activists on two members of their own party has largely given Republicans a pass for blocking the bill and standing by new state laws designed to limit access to the ballot box and empower partisan actors to administer elections and count votes.

Election Day And Beyond

The election was held on November 3. On November 6, election-calling organization forecast that Biden had won the election based on its forecast that Biden had won Pennsylvania this result coupled with Biden’s other projected state wins would grant him over 270 electoral college votes.

By November 7, news organizations ABC News, Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, NBC News, Reuters, and the New York Times all forecast that Biden had won the election.

As of December 27, Joe Biden has received 81,283,098 votes to Donald Trump’s 74,222,958 votes, or 51.3% to 46.8%. In addition, Biden has won 306 electoral college votes to Trump’s 232, exactly the same margins as the 2016 election, which Donald Trump had repeatedly called a “landslide victory”. Biden broke the record for most votes cast during an election in the history of the United States, while Trump received the most votes ever for a sitting president.

On December 9, every state had certified their election results, with West Virginia being the last state to do so. On Monday December 14, the Electoral College voted to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris President and Vice President-Elect, affirming what was projected to happen on November 6 and 7. After a chaotic attack on the Capitol, lawmakers met on January 6 and counted the electoral votes submitted by the states, finally ensuring that Joe Biden would take office on .

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Biden Will Struggle To Steer Us Agenda In 202: Analysts

With poll numbers down and domestic priorities stalled, US president faces a tough midterm election battle.

Washington, DC US President Joe Bidens first year in office was a rollercoaster, marked by legislative victories and major political setbacks and with midterm elections set for November, next year promises to be even tougher.

When Biden was inaugurated this past January, outgoing President Donald Trumps supporters were still angling to overturn election results, the US Capitol was cordoned off by troops, the COVID-19 pandemic was raging, and the US economy was in shambles.

Today, Bidens approval ratings are low and his signature policy proposals bogged down, as Republicans appear set to retake control of Congress.

Under the circumstances, Bidens done phenomenally well, getting what he did get done, James Thurber, a professor of government at American University in Washington, DC, who is writing a book on Bidens first year in office, told Al Jazeera.

Democrats in Congress pushed through a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief and economic stimulus package in March. Bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan in November and a $777bn defence budget in December.

People will still be disappointed and he will have a rough time in 2022 because its an election year, Thurber said. It will be an ugly year of confrontation, partisanship and gridlock.

After A Day Of Debate The Voting Rights Bill Is Blocked In The Senate

Democratic and Republican representatives debate President Joe Biden’s stimulus bill

WASHINGTON Senate Democrats made an impassioned case on Wednesday for legislation to counter an onslaught of new voting restrictions around the country, but they failed to overcome a Republican blockade or unite their own members behind a change in filibuster rules to pass it.

Though the twin defeats were never in doubt, Democrats pushed forward in an effort to highlight what they called a crisis in voting rights and to underscore the refusal of Republicans to confront it. They did succeed in forcing the Senate for the first time to debate the bill, leading to hours of raw and emotional arguments on the floor over civil rights, racism and how elections are conducted.

The people of this country will not tolerate silencing, said Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota and a chief author of the voting bill. I think by voting this down, by not allowing us even to debate this, to get to the conclusion of a vote, that is silencing the people of America, all in the name of an archaic Senate rule that isnt even in the Constitution. Thats just wrong.

After Republicans stymied action on the legislation on Wednesday night, Democrats made a last-ditch bid to alter the Senates filibuster rules and allow the voting rights measure to move forward with a simple majority. But that effort also fell flat because they lacked the support in their own ranks to change the rules.


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The Mystery Of Joe Biden’s 5 Gop Senators

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Midway through his nearly-two-hour-long news conference on Wednesday, President Joe Biden dropped a very interesting nugget.

The Point: Biden isn’t talking about who the five senators were . And it does none of them any good to talk about conversations with the Democratic President in which they were critical of the leader of the Republican Party. This looks like another unsolved Washington mystery.CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article listed the wrong state for Sen. Mitt Romney. He represents Utah.

How The Biden Administration Lost Its Way

Molly Ball Brian Bennett

Last October, President Biden went to Capitol Hill to meet with the Democrats in the House of Representatives. Party members had been feuding over his proposed legislation, and leaders believed only the President could rally them together. Instead Biden stunned the caucus by sending them back to the drawing board. As he was leaving, a member approached him and pleaded, Mr. President, we need a plan. Biden didnt answer, according to a source familiar with the exchange.

Three months later, the fate of Bidens social-spending and climate package is more uncertain than ever. The pandemic he promised to bring to heel rages out of control. Inflation is at a four-decade high, canceling out rising wages. The border is a mess. Violent crime continues to climb. His approval rating has sunk to the low 40s. In the eyes of many Americans, its just been one disappointment after another, says Iowa-based nonpartisan pollster J. Ann Selzer. Joe Biden was supposed to be the expert at dealing with all of these issues. What is it that hes done right? Other than getting infrastructure passed, what has he done thats come off really well?

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Read More: Joe Biden Defended the Filibuster for Years. Now He Wants to End It for Voting Rights

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Democrats Domestic Agenda Bogged Down By Republican Obstructionism

Key issues such as election reform, voting rights and gun control have seen Republican pushback

Joe Bidens far-reaching domestic agenda in the US is facing serious setbacks on a range of issues as the political quagmire of a tightly contested Senate is seeing Democratic ambitions sharply curtailed in the face of Republican obstruction.

On a number of key fronts such as pushing election reform and voting rights, gun control and moving forwards on LGBTQ civil rights, there has been an effective pushback by Republicans and a handful of conservative Democrats that is forcing Biden and the wider Democratic party on to the back foot.

The Senate, which critics deride as an increasingly unrepresentative body that gives undue influence to smaller, less diverse Republican-run states, is scheduled to vote on Tuesday on For the People Act, the voting rights bill thats certain to be defeated having won no support from Republicans.

Republicans are expected to run down the clock a controversial tactical rule known as a filibuster on the package that requires lawmakers to reach a 60-vote threshold.

On Sunday, the Ohio Republican senator Rob Portman shot down amendments proposed by West Virginias conservative Democrat Joe Manchin, whose rejection of the initial bill all but scuttled the Democrats project. Portman described the planned legislation as a federal takeover of our election system.

Well see if it goes anywhere, Graham told Politico.

Biden Voting Rights Push Scuttled By Democrats Kyrsten Sinema Joe Manchin

The Republican endorses Joe Biden for president (Editorial ...

U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema arrives to a Senate Democratic lunch to discuss the party’s push to enact voting rights legislation and possible changes to Senate rules, on Capitol Hill in Washington on Jan. 13.JONATHAN ERNST/Reuters

U.S. President Joe Bidens attempt to rally Democrats on Thursday to alter Senate rules and pass voting-rights laws was stymied, even before he arrived at the U.S. Capitol, by opposition from a key moderate lawmaker.

U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona said in a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday less than an hour before Mr. Bidens lunchtime arrival that the filibuster rule that allows a minority of senators to block legislation was necessary to prevent worsening political divisions in the country.

After Mr. Biden left the Capitol following his meeting with Democrats, West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin joined Ms. Sinema in opposing Senate rule changes.

While officials were not anticipating any breakthroughs, Mr. Biden continued pressing his case with Ms. Sinema and Mr. Manchin. The two senators met Mr. Biden on Thursday evening at the White House for a meeting that lasted over an hour, the administration said.

When he left the Capitol, the President acknowledged his party may not succeed in getting a voting-rights bill passed.

Non-white voters disproportionately support Democratic candidates for federal office.

We cant allow it to be used to block efforts to protect our democracy, Mr. Obama wrote.

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Voting Legislation That Democrats And Civil Rights Groups Argue Is Vital For Protecting Democracy Has Collapsed

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Voting legislation that Democrats and civil rights leaders say is vital to protecting democracy collapsed when two senators refused to join their own party in changing Senate rules to overcome a Republican filibuster after a raw, emotional debate.

The outcome Wednesday night was a stinging defeat for President Joe Biden and his party, coming at the tumultuous close to his first year in office.

Despite a day of piercing debate and speeches that often carried echoes of an earlier era when the Senate filibuster was deployed by opponents of civil rights legislation, Democrats could not persuade holdout senators Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia to change the Senate procedures on this one bill and allow a simple majority to advance it.

“I am profoundly disappointed,” Biden said in a statement after the vote.

However, the president said he is “not deterred and vowed to explore every measure and use every tool at our disposal to stand up for democracy.

Can The Courts Do Anything About Voting Laws

Yes but far less than they once could.

The Supreme Court has greatly weakened the Voting Rights Act over the last decade, deeply cutting into the Justice Departments authority over voting and giving states new latitude to impose restrictions.

Democrats, civil-rights groups and voting-rights organizations have filed more than 30 lawsuits opposing new voting laws. But the legal process can sometimes take years.

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Campaign Staff And Policy Team

Biden’s campaign manager was Tim Ridley, his press secretary was Larry Rasky, and his pollster and strategist was Pat Caddell. Biden’s Senate chief-of-staff Ted Kaufman served as the campaign treasurer and principle fundraiser.John Marttila served as a political consultant and Tom Donilon served as another strategist. Biden’s sister Valerie Biden Owens also served a major role in running the campaign, as she had in all of his Senate campaigns, and was considered “first among equals” in making decisions.

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