Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Amy Mcgrath Pro Trump

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Rnc Says Full Steam Ahead With Convention Plans Biden Remains Unsure For Dnc

McConnell Challenger Amy McGrath Concerned About Trumpâs âPolicy By Tweetâ | Hardball | MSNBC

Monica Alba, Marianna Sotomayor and Melissa Holzberg

WASHINGTON The Democratic and Republican parties are on different tracks when it comes to planning their nominating conventions during the coronavirus pandemic.

On Monday, the apparent Democratic nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said he wasnt sure if a traditional convention could happen at all, while Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said the party is moving full steam ahead in planning an in-person convention for late August in Charlotte, N.C.

We dont build out our convention until July. So I think we have at least until the end of June or early July to make a decision if we have to switch from a traditional convention to something scaled back. But we will have to have an in-person convention. Those are the bylaws of the RNC and so currently, going forward, were planning on a full-scale convention, McDaniel said on Monday.

The Democratic National Committee has already postponed their convention to Aug. 17 from their original week in July due to the pandemic. However, the apparent nominee said that unless science makes that possible, it still might not happen.

When asked about the likelihood of any traditional, in-person convention for his apparent nomination, Biden said, I, honest to God, dont know.

We will get back to those rallies. Never fear, the president is certain that were going to be back out there speaking directly to the American people, Murtaugh said.

Flipping The Senate Is Crucial This Fall These 8 Women Can Make It Happen

Refinery29: Flipping The Senate Is Crucial This Fall. These 8 Women Can Make It Happen.By Sophie Hayssen

Getting rid of Donald Trump in order to put the country back on its feet is undoubtedly Democrats’ key goal in the 2020 elections. Retaking the presidency would, of course, be a major victory, but in order for Democrats to enact the game-changing policies they have promised, winning back the U.S. Senate is equally crucial.

Especially as the presidential race has narrowed to a contest between older, white men, Senate races offer an exciting opportunity for new voices to emerge. In this latest cycle, an impressive group of women candidates have taken up the mantle of flipping the Senate, facing off against Republicans in historically red or competitive states. For anyone still mourning Elizabeth Warrens campaign, these women offer a glimpse into a potentially bright future for women in politics. “The formidable women candidates in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary were senators,” Erin Vilardi, founder of the nonprofit VoteRunLead, told Refinery29. “More women senators may well translate to more national female leadership and future presidential candidates.”

MJ Hegar, Texas

Paulette Jordan, Idaho

Teresa Tomlinson, Georgia

Theresa Greenfield, Iowa

Sara Gideon, Maine

Return To The United States

In 2011, McGrath returned to the United States and was assigned as a congressional fellow for Representative Susan Davis‘s office in Washington, D.C., as a defense and foreign affairs advisor for a year. Davis was chair and ranking member on the Subcommittee on Military Personnel of the House Armed Services Committee.

From 2012 to 2014, McGrath worked at the Headquarters Marine Corps in The Pentagon, as a Marine Corps liaison to the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development.

From 2014 to 2017, McGrath taught as a senior political science instructor at the United States Naval Academy.

After reaching her 20-year service mark, McGrath retired from the armed forces on June 1, 2017, at the rank of lieutenant colonel.

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As Kansas Republicans Squabble In Senate Primary Democrat Pitches Herself A Sensible Centrist

In Campaign Launch, Amy McGrath Accuses McConnell Of Blocking Trump

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON While the Kansas Republican primary has been dominated by attack ads, calls for candidates to drop out and other partisan tensions, Democrat Barbara Bollier is going up on the air seeking to present herself as above the partisan fray.

In a new ad released this week, the state senators campaign pitches herself as a sensible centrist a leading moderate voice independent.

At a time like this, we need a reasonable voice like hers in the U. S. Senate, the narrator says, adding shell work with both parties on issues like health care and jobs.

Bollier, a former Republican, has raised the most money of any candidate on either side of the race so far almost $3.5 million through March. And she is the far-and-away favorite to win the August Democratic Senate primary and face off against whoever wins the heated Republican primary.

That GOP primary has gotten chippy.

Some Republicans believe that former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach would cost their party the race if he wins the primary, pointing to his 2018 gubernatorial loss. And theyre running ads to that effect.

But opponents of Rep. Roger Marshall are piling onto him too, as the state party chairman has so that voters can have a more clear choice. Thats rubbed some people the wrong way.

The whole back and forth prompted state Sen. President Susan Wagle, one of those candidates asked by the chairman to drop out, to release an ad of her own framing her as above the food fight herself.

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Elon Musk Says Spacex Cant Fund Ukraine Starlink Service Indefinitely

The SpaceX and Tesla chief said the cost of maintaining Starlink terminals in Ukraine, where they have played a crucial role during the war, is approaching $20 million a month. Read more > >

We tried to warn you No dem donations to her!!! Amazing The Democrats have ONE reputable person In their party. May the best canidate win AmyMcGrathKY – I had donatedto her campaign, and supported her, but this stinks. WTH! A ‘real’ Democrat supported by other ‘real’ Democrats. Very happy I’m not a Democrat.

Watch ZyroFoxtrot’s broadcast: TRUMP RUSHED TO HOSPITAL AFTER TESTING POSITIVE FOR CORONAVIRUS – 2020 ELECTION COUNTDOWN WITH HARRISON SMITH – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2ND, 2020 Wow and I wanted her to beat McConnel, what a huge disappointment. And she is a veteran, just wow. Worthless vanity project at this point.

what Why AmyMcGrathKY ? We need a win for BidenHarris2020 in Ohio Election2020 And this is why I supported Booker4KY

Ive given her quite a bit of money. I wont be giving any more. She did not need to hurt Biden in order to bring down McConnell. Bad move, AmyMcGrathKY What a waste of fundraising and hurt for Biden. Those dollars could go to Senate Campaigns that have a chance to unseat the sitting Republican


That assertion drew .

Mcgrath: You Cant Drain The Swamp Until You Get Rid Of Mitch Mcconnell

To win in Kentucky, Amy McGrath will need to attract support from Trump voters. How? By arguing that McConnell is blocking big pieces of his agenda.

Amy McGrath. | Zack Stanton/POLITICO

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Amy McGrath knows the image Mitch McConnell has: the steely, cold-but-effective master of the Senate. The tactician who will win at all costs, and who has quietly gone about enacting major pieces of President Donald Trumps agenda and filling the federal bench with Trump appointees.

The problem, McGrath says, is that this is exactly backwards: The majority leader is the one preventing many of Trumps central 2016 campaign promises from becoming reality.

For voters, when they cast a vote for Donald Trump, he said a lot of big things, McGrath said in an interview for POLITICOsWomen Rule podcast. He said, Were going to do big things on infrastructure. He said, Im going to take it to the pharmaceutical industries and Im going to bring down drug prices. He said he was going to fix healthcare. He said all of these things, and for a lot of those things, they havent gotten done actually because of Mitch McConnell.

And so while national Democrats gnash their teeth about McConnells cold efficacy in supporting the Trump agenda, in Kentucky, McGraths challenge is, in part, convincing Trump voters that McConnell has been an obstacle to the things that attracted voters to Trump in the first place.

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Trump Campaign Committee Facebook Ad Draws Mask On Biden

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON President Trumps re-election committee ran a Facebook ad on Thursday featuring former Vice President Joe Biden in a drawn-on mask as the president continues to poke at his Democratic rivals decision to wear a mask in public, a decision based on public health guidance.

While Biden is depicted in front of a Chinese flag wearing the mask, which says Sleepy Joe on it, Trump is maskless and in front of the American flag.

Trumps campaign ran the ad from his verified account and was paid for by the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee affiliated with both the campaign and the Republican National Committee. Facebook data shows that the campaign spent less than $100 promoting the ad.

The president has not donned a mask during any public events, but did during a private portion of his recent trip to a Ford plant in Michigan. This week, he retweeted a photo mocking Biden wearing a mask during a Memorial Day ceremony. And he tweeted an article by The Federalist warning that masks are about social control, adding the commentary So many different viewpoints.

So many different viewpoints!

Donald J. Trump May 28, 2020

Amy Mcgrath Ran A Pro

Amy McGrath discusses trying to beat Mitch McConnell in red Kentucky | ABC News

Sure, its a dilemma.

Give Ohio to Trump, or knock off McConnell. Which would you choose? Its kind of a Sophies Choice, isnt it?

Amy McGrath ran the ad. It probably wont cost Biden Ohio. And it probably wont win McGrath a U.S. Senate seat in Kentucky. But theres a chance Biden could keep Ohio and McGrath could defeat McConnell. Theres also a chance Biden could lose Ohio and McConnell could keep his Senate seat.

The ad features a working-class man from Paducah, Kentucky, a city on the Ohio River whose two largest employers are health care providers , who supports Trump but doesnt like McConnells votes for trade deals that sent jobs overseas.

There are many more like him in Kentucky, and McGraths only hope of winning is peeling away a substantial number of Trump voters from McConnell. It might be possible. But to reach the Paducah market, McGrath has to run the ad on broacast stations in Cincinatti, across the river. So she did. Read the details here.

I think Democratic diehards should go easy on McGrath. She isnt trying to help Trump. McConnell is so odious and destructive its worth taking some risk to get rid of him. You certainly can argue that Trump is even more odious and destructive, which I wont dispute, but the polls suggest Biden can make do without Ohio if things go south there.

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Racial Unrest Seeps Into Kentucky Senate Primary Reshaping Contest To Take On Mcconnell

The Democratic primary between Amy McGrath and Charles Booker is heating up.

Amy McGrath, the former Marine fighter pilot, heads into Tuesday’s Kentucky Senate primary the presumptive Democratic frontrunner to take on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, with the backing of the national Democratic establishment and a $41 million war chest. But it might not be enough to get through the primary.

After a string of recent killings of African Americans by law enforcement, including two within the state since mid-March, the contest is on new terrain, one in which the 2018 congressional candidate’s advantages are struggling to offset the grassroots momentum that is sweeping her lesser-known rival, state Rep. Charles Booker, into contention for the nomination.

McGrath is a darling of national Democrats, earning the backing of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee back in February and establishing her campaign as a fundraising behemoth since she launched her Senate bid in July 2019. But as Booker and his campaign cast her as a consultant-driven, more-of-the-same, moderate, “pro-Trump Democrat,” McGrath invokes her outsider status to contrast herself with Booker, who she suggests is part of the “political establishment.”

Funding Two Of The Most Expensive Senate Campaigns In The Country

McGrath has been one of the biggest fundraisers during this election cycle. According to the campaigns most recent financial filing, they have raised approximately $88 million dollars and have roughly $14 million in cash-on-hand.

Opposingly, McConnells campaign has raised approximately $55 million and only has $11 million in cash-on-hand.

This contrast has exemplified democratic voters’ dislike of McConnell, with a vast portion of McGraths funds coming from donors outside of Kentucky and across the nation.

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President Trump To Resume In

Monica Alba

WASHINGTON Afterforegoing in-person fundraisers due to the coronavirus pandemic in March, President Trump is expected to resume the campaign staple in mid-June, according to a Republican National Committee official.

The president will participate in two high-dollar fundraisers next month: one on June 11 at a private home in Dallas there will be approximately 25 guests and it will cost about $580,600 per couple to attend. The second will take place at Trumps Bedminster, N.J. golf club on June 13. There will also be about 25 attendees and each person will pay $250,000 to attend. POLITICO first reported the campaigns decision.

Trump Victorys top priority is ensuring the safety of President Trump and our attendees, and that includes testing all attendees as well as several other safety measures that align with CDCs guidance, the RNC official explained.

The White House Medical Unit and U.S. Secret Service will also evaluate all attendees in order for them to be admitted to the event. All attendees will have to test negative for coronavirus on the day of the fundraiser, complete a wellness questionnaire and pass a temperature screening.

The costs of the tests will be covered by Trump Victory, the joint fundraising committee that includes the Trump campaign, RNC and 22 state parties. Each event site will be professionally cleaned and sanitized prior to the fundraisers, according to the RNC official.

Mcgrath Builds A Mcgrath

Amy McGrath for KY in 2020

Even with huge margins in Jefferson and Fayette counties, Beshear could not have won without making substantial gains compared to other Democrats

  • In the states more rural areas
  • With Republicans.
  • McGrath will probably need to do the same.

    Beshear won 16% of voters who identified themselves as Republicans and 15% of those who said they had favorable views of Trump, according to an exit poll conducted by a group of researchers from Centre College, Campbellsville University, Morehead State University, the University of Cincinnati, the University of Kentucky, and the University of Pennsylvania. The Republican-Beshear voters tended to be under 50 years old, according to the exit poll.

    The researchers estimated that 8% of Kentuckys voters overall in 2019 were Republicans who backed Beshear a very important bloc, considering the Democrat won the election by 0.4%. Beshear did significantly better than Clinton did in 2016 in Eastern Kentucky in particular, also suggesting that some Trump backers embraced him.

    Ive talked to Republicans who wont support Bevin or McConnell who are still for Trump, said Chuck Eddy, a self-described moderate, Never Trump Republican who organized a Republicans for Beshear group last year. Eddy, who lives in Lexington, said he will vote against McConnell and Trump this November.

    Every vote of a Republican against McConnell will be very hard fought, he said.

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    State Ethics Board Votes To Hold Hickenlooper In Contempt After Refusing To Testify At Hearing

    Ben Kamisar

    Colorados state ethics commission voted to hold former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper in contempt for refusing to testify at an ethics hearing Thursday despite a subpoena, even after the former governors lawyer ultimately announced Hickenlooper would relent and testify later this month.

    The governor did not attend Thursdays hearing, an almost six-hour proceeding held online because of the coronavirus. He had argued for an in-person hearing, warning that a virtual one into whether he violated the states gift ban while in office would violate his right to due process.

    A local district court judge declined to quash the subpoena on Wednesday.

    As Thursdays meeting crept toward a close, Hickenloopers lawyer, Mark Grueskin, announced that Hickenlooper would relent and appear, although not on Thursday. He offered June 16 as a possible date on which the governor would appear.

    The governor hears the gravity of the concerns and is very much committed to the commission process. And it is not his first choice, as you know, but he has indicated to me he will comply with the subpoena, Grueskin said.

    But that reversal did not quell a frustrated commission. Elizabeth Espinosa Krupa, the groups chair, told Grueskin that she wasnt willing to wait until the 16th.

    Its unclear whether Hickenlooper will appear Friday, although Melissa Miller, a Hickenlooper spokesperson, said in a statement he remains ready to appear.

    Three Americans Recognized For Heroism In Train Attack By French President

    He later played himself in the Clint Eastwood movie The 15:17 to Paris, which portrayed the train episode, appeared on ABCs Dancing with the Stars and lost a close commissioner race in Douglas County, Ore. in 2018 before launching his congressional bid.

    If his lead holds, Skarlatos will face off against Rep. Pete DeFazio, the longtime Democratic congressman who chairs the House Transportation Committee.

    DeFazio has regularly cruised to victory over the years, but in 2016, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton beat President Donald Trump in the district by just 0.1 percentage points, according to the Cook Political Reports analysis.

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