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Difference Between Nationalism And Patriotism

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Patriotism Vs Nationalism | What is the difference between Patriotism and Nationalism?

There are certain differences which we do not bother about. The difference between customer and consumer nation and country etc. So is the difference between Patriotism and nationalism. Ism is nothing but a school of thought. Now Ill try to bring out the difference.

Patriotism, on one hand, is the love for the nation to the extent of willingness to sacrifice for the cause of the nation. Nationalism on the other hand is the feeling that the culture and tradition of one nation are superior to any other.

Thats about the literal meaning. We use it synonymously but there is a difference. But in the Indian context, both of them hold good. Otherwise, certain academicians cite the example of Hitler and come to the conclusion that nationalism may result in the holocaust.

In an interview, Modi had said that he is a Hindu nationalist. For which many journalists said he needs to rectify and replace nationalism with patriotism. India is known for unity in diversity so nationalism isnt a problem.

Indian culture and traditions are obviously superior for which many international leaders like Margaret Thatcher have expressed their consent. Margaret Thatcher had sought the Indian family system is the need of the hour in Britain because the British families are breaking apart despite being nuclear families. Then the Indian family system was strong enough to sustain even undivided families.

Difference Between Patriotism And Nationalism

Key difference: Patriotism refers to the quality of being patriotic, i.e. to feel proud of ones country and what it does and has achieved. In nationalism, not only do people love their country, but they actually put their country before themselves and others.

Patriotism and Nationalism are drilled into a person since childhood. One is often thought that one has to feel patriotic or nationalism. There are even types when people feel that they have to overcompensate to prove their patriotism or nationalism to others. In addition to this, there are times when there is a surge in patriotism and nationalism, which tends to happen during times of turmoil or war. However, what most people dont realize is that there is a difference between Patriotism and Nationalism.

Patriotism refers to the quality of being patriotic, i.e. to feel proud of ones country and what it does and has achieved. Being patriotic also means to show tremendous support for the country. While patriotism is often associated with ones capability of feeling pride for ones country, it is also associated with feeling proud of their ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects.

While patriotism supports and feels proud in their country or culture, nationalism often tends to elevate ones own culture or nation above others, feeling that their own culture and nation is better or superior to others.

Comparison between Patriotism and Nationalism:

The Moral Standing Of Patriotism

Many think of patriotism as a natural and appropriate expression ofattachment to the country in which we were born and raised and ofgratitude for the benefits of life on its soil, among its people, andunder its laws. They also consider patriotism an important componentof our identity. Some go further, and argue that patriotism is morallymandatory, or even that it is the core of morality. There is, however,a major tradition in moral philosophy which understands morality asessentially universal and impartial, and seems to rule out local,partial attachment and loyalty. Adherents of this tradition tend tothink of patriotism as a type of groupegoism, a morally arbitrary partiality to ones own atodds with demands of universal justice and common human solidarity. Arelated objection is that patriotism is exclusive in invidious anddangerous ways. Love of ones own country characteristicallygoes together with dislike of and hostility towards other countries.It tends to encourage militarism, and makes for international tensionand conflict. Tolstoys and Katebs moral objections topatriotism, mentioned above, are in line with this position.

What, then, is the moral status of patriotism? The question does notadmit of a single answer. We can distinguish five types of patriotism,and each needs to be judged on its merits.

2.2.1 Extreme patriotism

2.2.2 Robust patriotism

2.2.3 Moderate patriotism

2.2.4 Deflated patriotism

Mason goes on to claim:

2.2.5 Ethical patriotism

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Pros And Cons Of Patriotism

Few countries survive and prosper without some degree of patriotic feelings among their people. A love of country and shared pride bring the people together, helping them endure challenges. Without shared patriotic beliefs, colonial Americans may not have chosen to travel the road to independence from England. More recently, patriotism brought the American people together to overcome the Great Depression and achieve victory in World War II.

The potential downside of patriotism is that if it becomes a mandatory political doctrine, it can be used to turn groups of people against each other and can even lead the country to reject its fundamental values.

A few examples from United States history include:

As early as 1798, extreme patriotism, spurred by fears a war with France, led Congress to enact the Alien and Sedition Acts allowing the jailing of certain U.S. immigrants without due process of law and restricting the First Amendment freedoms of speech and the press.

In 1919, early fears of Communism triggered the Palmer raids resulting in the arrest and immediate deportation without trial of more than 10,000 German- and Russian-American immigrants.

After the December 7, 1941, Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor, the Franklin Roosevelt administration ordered some 127,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry imprisoned in internment camps for the duration of World War II.

The Difference Between ‘patriotism’ And ‘nationalism’

Patriotism vs Nationalism

One of the many difficulties inherent in creating a dictionary that accurately reflects the language of any large group of people is that these people may not all view certain words and values as equal. Nationalism and patriotism present us with an appropriately problematic pair with which to illustrate this. Are these words synonymous? Is one an insult, and the other not? Can either of them mean different things to different people?

How does the speaker or writer define them?

Lets take a few minutes to go over the respective histories of these two words to see where and when they shared meaning and in what senses they have drifted apart.

Patriotism is the older of the two words, with published written evidence dating back to the middle of the 17th century. Patriotism came from adding the suffix of –ism to the existing word patriot, which itself came into English from the French patriote, and may be traced back further to the Greek word patrios .

We do not have any evidence of nationalism occurring until just before the 19th century, almost a hundred and fifty years after patriotism. And in its early use, from the end of the 18th century onward for a number of decades, nationalism appears to have been largely interchangeable with patriotism, with both words primarily being used to refer to a general love of ones country.

In U.S. usage nationalism is now perhaps most frequently associated with white nationalism, and has considerably negative connotations.

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First Things First: How Do Both Differ From Libertarianism And Conservatism

Libertarianism and conservatism operate from a similar set of principles. These principles are abstract and platonic in as much as they are about divining the truest form of an ideal ideology from a stated goal. Libertarianism has a clear philosophical principle: more liberty is always good. American conservatism is a diffuse and often contradictory philosophy, but for the purposes of extrapolating the difference between conservatism and other ideologies, we will say that the defining characteristic of American conservatism , is that of limited government.

We can conflate both of these ideals into the somewhat more vague notion that freedom is always good. The point here isnt to oversimplify and make a strawman. Its simply to come up with a uniting ethos to illustrate how nationalism and patriotism as ideologies differ from currents that have been more mainstream on the American right for a longer period of time.

Nationalism and patriotism, on the other hand, might find value in freedom and might even make a secondary goal out of it. However, the uniting principle of each is that it is the country itself, the success of the body politic, that is paramount, not more abstract notions of freedom.

Difference Between Nationalism And Patriotism

  • 1985

Nationalism and Patriotism are two words that are frequently used interchangeably. Patriotism disguised as nationalism or nationalism disguised as patriotism and we are not capable to recognize it. That is incorrect since there is a world of difference between the two words, despite a few shared goals.

These two words Patriotism and Nationalism have been bandied encompassing both by the government, the media, and the people at large for some time now. Add to that another word that may be associated in some way and that is intolerance. In fact, possibly it is the word intolerance that has inspired the other two words.

Three words that was not common in our vocabulary for 68 years after independence has become common in an everyday tongue in almost every discussion on the state of the nation discussion. You almost fall over the words thinking they may mean much the same thing. Irani also said that the debate of nationalism made her wonder why any Indian should have to explain why he or she is patriotic. I dont have to confirm your patriotism, and you dont have to certify my patriotism. Smriti Irani who is our Minister for Human Resource Development also appears to use the words nationalism and patriotism interchangeably and in the same breath.

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Patriotism Vs Nationalism: Differences Made Simple

People sometimes use the words “patriotism” and “nationalism” as if they mean the same thing. They do not. At the most basic level, patriotism is a form of national pride. The phrase “national pride” isn’t that far off from the word “nationalism,” but these words are worlds away in terms of meaning. Discover the differences between patriotism vs. nationalism.

There Is No Difference

Patriotism vs nationalism: Do you know the difference?

There are many arguments in favor of there being no real difference at all. To summarize:

  • There is no political theory literature on patriotism, only nationalism.
  • Most discussions of either could easily be applied to both.
  • When definitions are made, they typically encompass what a non-expert would think of as both patriotism and nationalism.
  • The scant references to patriotism that do exist reference non-expert works which do not provide any clarity.
  • In today’s world, the nation and state are the same, preventing any need for different ideas in the first place.
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    Nationalism And Patriotism Faqs

    Q1. How to express the feeling of patriotism?Ans. There are many ways to show patriotism, but listing 10 here:

  • Understand the actual meaning of patriotism.
  • Dont forget to Vote.
  • Always try to purchase local products.
  • Respect and support Army and military
  • Maintain cleanliness around you.
  • Try to spread and tell the goodness of your country
  • Respect and celebrate the diversities in the country
  • Be particular about paying taxes
  • Always present yourself as a Volunteer in public events
  • Respect and fly the National flag
  • Q2. What activities define Nationalism?Ans. Nationalism can be defined with various day to day acts. Find the 10 acts below to define nationalism:

  • Show your respect for the National anthem.
  • Dont think about what the country has given you, but look what you have done for the country.
  • Be proud of your Nationality.
  • Maintain equality with your fellow citizens.
  • Obey the rule and respect your constitution.
  • Always speak up for your country without being afraid.
  • Always prefer locally made products.
  • Be a decent and obedient person.
  • Select your leaders wisely without any difference on the basis of caste, creed, etc.
  • Do everything for the country whole-heartedly.
  • Q3. What were the major nationalist movements led by Gandhiji?Ans. The major nationalist movements led by Gandhiji are:

  • The Non- Cooperation Movement
  • The Dandi March
  • The Quit India Movement
  • The Cost of Independence
  • Q5. What is the importance of nationalism?Ans. The importance of nationalism are:

    Nationalism Vs Patriotism Simple Explanation With Examples

    Now that our world is becoming more and more interconnected, some people believe that it is important to support ones own country. Both nationalism and patriotism can be used to describe a pride for ones country. Whats the difference?

    The main difference between these two terms is the degree to which people feel them, and whether they are beneficial feelings or not.


    Noun: The root of the word patriotism is patriot, or a person who is loyal to their country. In general, this is a very positive feeling. Patriotism is support for ones country because you feel pride in it, and a belief in the values of that country.


    • People who volunteer to serve in the military feel a sense of patriotism to their country.
    • Patriotism is needed in a country after war to help revive the countrys economy and society.


    Noun: For nationalism, the meaning is quite different. Instead of just a positive feeling of pride in your country, nationalism is a feeling of superiority.

    You will think that your country is better than other countries, to the point that you reject other countries their people, products, culture, language, etc. simply because they are from other countries. Even if things from your own country are inferior, you defend them unconditionally because you believe you country is better.


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    Nationalism And Patriotism Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin But There Is A Thin Line Demarcating Both The Ideologies Find Out Here If You Are A Nationalist Or A Patriot

    Indians are divided on a lot of issues and it’s natural considering the fact that even within a group of four friends there could be four different opinions and India has a population of over 127 crore people.

    Expecting every citizen of India to be united at all times, agreeing to a rational stand, would be idealistic and impractical. More so because a rational stance on issues cannot be expected from all in the first place. But if there is one emotion that resonates from majority of people living in any country would be the love for their nation. Whether the concept of a ‘nation’ is rational or not is another debate altogether, though.

    It is not an unknown fact that an average Indian’s love for his nation is at its peak at two instances, one when Indian is playing a cricket match against Pakistan, and the other when there is a war or an attack on its army. Other than in these two cases, an average Indian hardly thinks about his nation, for he is busy earning a living and trying to win the race he is, fortunately or unfortunately, a part of.

    With the advent of social media into the lives of people and the immense popularity it has received owing to the fact that now every citizen feels that his voice, his opinion is being heard by at least a few people on social media platforms, politicians and the media have also realised that social media is the place to incept ideas into the minds of Indians.




    Difference Between Nationalism And Patriotism Upsc Notes:

    Patriotism and nationalism

    The differences between Nationalism and Patriotism are:

    Patriotism involves social conditioning and personal opinions
    Nationalism is little aggressive by nature Patriotism is little passive by nature
    In Nationalism people consider their nation as superior to other nations In Patriotism, all nations are considered as equals.
    Nationalism unites people against a foreign hostile nation, it unites people against a common enemy. Patriotism unites people for the overall well being and prosperity of the nation.
    In Nationalism the sentiments are more inclined towards sentiments and aggression towards other nations. In Patriotism, the sentiments are more inclined towards the idea of peaceful coexistence between nations.
    Under concept of Nationalism, people find it hard to accept criticism towards ones nation and considers it as humiliation or an insult Under Patriotism, there is more tolerance towards criticism and tries to incorporate improvements and changes for the better.
    Nationalism gives more emphasis on the heritage, culture and language of a Nation Patriotism gives more emphasis on the values and beliefs of a nation.
    Nationalism tries to find justifications for the mistakes done in the past. Patriotism does not try to justify mistakes rather they try to understand the shortcomings and make improvements accordingly.

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