Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Many Congressional Representatives From Indiana Are Republicans

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Rep Greg Murphy North Carolina

Republicans target each other in Indiana Senate primary

Murphy voted to object to the Pennsylvania count, but not to the Arizona count.

In questioning results in key swing states, Murphy was explicit when explaining his stance on whether or not those states’ results violated the Constitution. He also claimed executive officials and judges usurped the legislative power in order;to rewrite election laws from “thin air.”;;

Rep Bill Posey Florida

Posey;voted to support objections for both contested states.

There has not been a serious investigation by federal agencies into the growing body of evidence of election fraud,” Posey told USA TODAY Network paper TCPalm in a statement Monday, “and among the court cases dismissed, most were dismissed on technical grounds rather than review of evidence of fraud, thus I will object as the evidence must be examined.”

Rep Kevin Mccarthy California

McCarthy;voted to support objections for both contested states.

McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, expressed support ahead of Congress meeting;for his colleagues’ efforts.;

I think it’s right that we have the debate. I mean, you see now that senators are going to object, the House is going to object how else do we have a way to change the election problems? McCarthy said.

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Filed Candidates By Political Party

As of September 7, 2020, there were 3,263 candidates filed with the FEC to run for U.S. House in 2020. Of those, 2,767â1,291 Democrats and 1,476 Republicansâwere from one of the two major political parties. In 2018, 3,244 candidates filed with the FEC, including 1,566 Democrats and 1,155 Republicans.

The following chart shows the number of filed candidates by political party.

Sen Marsha Blackburn Tenn

No, Maryland is not the most gerrymandered state. There is ...

Blackburn previously announced she was joining her Senate colleagues in planning to object, but did not do so.

“I will vote in support of certifying the electoral college results,” she tweeted following the violence at the Capitol.

“I cannot in good conscience turn a blind eye to the countless allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election,” Blackburn previously posted on Twitter.;”On January 6, I will vote in favor of objecting to the certification of the electoral college results.”

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Arguments For Expanding The Number Of House Members

Advocates;for increasing the number of seats in the House say such a move would increase the quality of representation by reducing the number of constituents each lawmaker represents. Each House member now represents about 710,000 people.

The group argues that the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights never intended for the population of each congressional district to exceed 50,000 or 60,000. The principle of proportionally equitable representation has been abandoned, the group argues.

Another argument for increasing the size of the House is that is would diminish the influence of lobbyists. That line of reasoning assumes that lawmakers would be more closely connected to their constituents and therefore less likely to listen to special interests.

Sen John Kennedy Louisiana

Kennedy objected to Arizona’s electoral votes count, but not to Pennsylvania’s.

Kennedy previously announced he would join his 11 Republican colleagues and object to certifying Biden’s Electoral College victory.;

Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not regularly given and lawfully certified , unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed,” a joint statement that includes Kennedy states.

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What Braun’s Letter Said

Braun, in a joint statement with 10 other sitting and incoming Senate Republicans, said the 2020 presidential election “featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud” and called for an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in states in which President Trump had challenged results.;

Voter fraud has posed a persistent challenge in our elections, although its breadth and scope are disputed,” the statement said. “By any measure, the allegations of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes.”;

Ideally, the courts would have heard evidence and resolved these claims of serious election fraud,” the senators added. “Twice, the Supreme Court had the opportunity to do so; twice, the Court declined.”

Last month,;Attorney General William Barr said;that the Justice Department has not found evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the vote.

In the statement, the senators acknowledged they would face pushback.

“We are not naive. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise,” the statement said.;”But support of election integrity should not be a partisan issue.”

Former Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly criticized Braun saying he believed the senator broke with a tradition of always doing what was right upheld by predecessors such as;Republican Richard Lugar and;Democrat Birch Bayh.

Braun unseated Donnelly in 2018.;

Rep John Joyce Pennsylvania

Indiana Republicans Embrace President Donald Trump Ahead Of Primary | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joyce voted to support objections for both contested states.

Joyce said, Unfortunately, the many unlawful actions undertaken by the Pennsylvania Governors office, the Secretary of State, and what has been described as a rogue Pennsylvania Supreme Court exceeded and circumvented the state legislatures clear constitutional authority.”

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Voting Members By State

  • Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. United States Congress. Retrieved October 31, 2020.
  • Washington, U. S. Capitol Room H154; p:225-7000, DC 20515-6601. Mike Rogers ), 117th Congress Profile. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  • Washington, U. S. Capitol Room H154; p:225-7000, DC 20515-6601. David Schweikert ), 117th Congress Profile. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  • Washington, U. S. Capitol Room H154; p:225-7000, DC 20515-6601. Doug LaMalfa ), 117th Congress Profile. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  • Washington, U. S. Capitol Room H154; p:225-7000, DC 20515-6601. Julia Brownley ), 117th Congress Profile. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  • History of Maryknoll. Retrieved March 13, 2016.
  • Rep Fred Keller Pennsylvania

    Keller voted to object to Pennsylvania’s result, but not to Arizona’s result.

    Keller added his name to the joint statement, and;tweeted that “PA’s Governor, Secretary of State and Supreme Court acted unlawfully to violate the state legislature’s clear, constitutional authority to set election procedure. Until these actions are addressed, I cannot support electors chosen based on an inaccurate vote count.”

    He also elaborated during an interview;why he would not certify his state’s electors, insisting that the “Executive Branch in Pennsylvania violated the Constitution” and “they need to be sent a message that this is unacceptable.”

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    Rep Rob Wittman Virginia

    Wittman objected in Pennsylvania, but not in Arizona.

    Wittman said he is in full support of the GOP effort seeking to overturn the election results.

    “Like many of my constituents, I have concerns that several states failed to follow the Constitution in conducting elections and deserve scrutiny to ensure a fair and free election, Wittman wrote, concluding;a thread via Twitter.

    What Is Gerrymandering And Does Indiana Do It

    No, Maryland is not the most gerrymandered state. There is ...

    Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing electoral district lines to favor one political party or group over another.;

    Indiana’s current state and congressional maps substantially favor Republicans, according to a recent study commissioned by activist group Women4Change and completed by;Christopher Warshaw, a political science professor at George Washington University.

    Warshaw arrived at that conclusion by looking at the number of wasted votes; or the number of votes above what is needed to win in Democratic districts compared to those in Republican districts.;

    During the 2012 House race immediately following redistricting, for example, the efficiency gap; or difference between wasted Republican and wasted Democratic votes;; was more extreme than 95% of other statehouse elections;throughout the country and in Indiana over the past five decades.;

    Likewise, the 2014 state Senate election results, when the 2011 plan fully went into effect, had a higher efficiency gap than 96%;of other state Senate elections. A similar gap exists on the congressional side.;

    Warshaw concluded the disparity wasn’t just due to Indiana’s natural geographical makeup.;

    Wesco argued that the maps Indiana uses currently are more fair than those used in the early 2000s when Democrats controlled the House.

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    Rep Mike Garcia California

    Garcia;voted to support objections for both contested states.

    I do believe there is enough evidence of compromised processes and breakdowns in election integrity by certain state legislatures that do in fact warrant a closer examination, Garcia said in a statement. We need a full forensic audit of several states to ensure all Americans have confidence in our elections.”;

    Incumbents Defeated In Primary Elections

    The following table lists incumbents defeated in 2020 House primary elections or conventions.

    Incumbents defeated in primaries
    See also: Incumbents defeated in 2018 congressional elections

    In the 2018 midterm elections, 378 U.S. House incumbents ran for re-election. This was the lowest number of U.S. House incumbents seeking re-election since 1992.

    Thirty-four incumbentsâ9 percentâlost their re-election bids. That included two Democrats and 32 Republicans. This was the highest percentage of incumbents defeated since 2012, when 10.2 percent were not re-elected.

    The following data for congressional re-election rates from 2000 to 2016 was reported in Vital Statistics, a joint research project of the Brookings Institution and the American Enterprise Institute. Find the original datasets and methodology here. Data for the 2018 election came from Ballotpedia.

    Defeated U.S. House incumbents by party, 2000-2018

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    Rep Jack Bergman Michigan

    Bergman;voted to support objections for both contested states.

    Bergman tweeted:;”Our options arent binary -Congress has an obligation to the millions of Americans who have lost faith in our election process.;@RepWalberg;and I join our Senate colleagues calling for an Emergency Electoral Commission to perform an audit of the election.”

    Rep Ralph Norman South Carolina

    Republicans keep control of the House and Senate

    Norman;voted to support objections for both contested states.

    “At the end of the day, I believe Congress has a responsibility to ensure that our federal elections are fair and transparent, Norman said in a statement.

    He continued, “Because there remain valid questions as to whether several states have actually met this threshold for certification, Congress has a right and a responsibility to examine and debate the results.”

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    Indiana House Of Representatives

    The Indiana House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the Indiana General Assembly. Alongside the Indiana State Senate, it forms the legislative branch of the Indiana state government and works alongside the governor of Indiana to create laws and establish a state budget. Legislative authority and responsibilities of the Indiana House of Representatives include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.

    The Indiana House of Representatives meets in the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis, Indiana.

  • All 100 seats in the Indiana House of Representatives were up for election in 2020. The chamber’s Republican majority increased from 67-33 to 71-29.
  • Indiana has a Republican state government trifecta. A trifecta exists when one political party simultaneously holds the governors office and majorities in both state legislative chambers. As of September 8, 2021, there are 23 Republican trifectas, 15 Democratic trifectas, and 12 divided governments where neither party holds trifecta control.In the 2020 election, Republicans had a net gain of two trifectas and two states under divided government became trifectas. Prior to that election, Indiana had a Republican trifecta. There were 21 Republican trifectas, 15 Democratic trifectas, and 14 divided governments.
  • This page contains the following information on the Indiana House of Representatives.

    Rep Dan Meuser Pennsylvania

    Meuser;voted to object in Pennsylvania, but not Arizona.

    Eight Republican congressmen from Pennsylvania, including Meuser and Joyce, signed a joint statement saying;they would;object.

    The congressmen claim Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a Democrat,;did nothing to stop alleged unlawful activities regarding issues like signature requirements on mail-in ballots.

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    Rep William Timmons South Carolina

    Timmons;voted to support objections for both contested states.

    Timmons announced his intention to object to the Electoral College certification process in an email on Saturday after soliciting input from constituents through a survey.

    He;said last-minute revisions in election rules “may have enabled widespread fraud that could have altered the results of the election.”

    Rep Andy Biggs Arizona


    Biggs;voted to support objections for both contested states.

    Biggs, who chairs the conservative House Freedom Caucus, told Fox Business the group that met with Trump discussed the process for objecting to electoral votes on Jan. 6.

    “We think we’re going to actually be able to contest this, as you say, with at least one objection from the House and we’ll have dozens of objectors in the House and then at least one in the Senate, and we think we’ll have more than that,” he said.

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    About Legislative Sessions In Indiana

    The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution declares that any power not already given to the federal government is reserved to the states and the people. State governments across the country use this authority to hold legislative sessions where a state’s elected representatives meet for a period of time to draft and vote on legislation and set state policies on issues such as taxation, education, and government spending. The different types of legislation passed by a legislature may include resolutions, legislatively referred constitutional amendments, and bills that become law.

    Article 4 of the Indiana Constitution establishes when the Indiana General Assembly, of which the House of Representatives is a part, is to be in session. Section 9 of Article 4 states that the General Assembly will begin its regular session on the Tuesday following the second Monday in January of each year. However, Section 9 allows the starting state for the session to be changed by law. This happened in 2010, as the General Assembly’s session convened on January 5th instead of the constitutionally designated date, which was January 12th. Section 9 also gives the governor of Indiana the power to call special sessions of the General Assembly.

    What Was The Outlook Prior To The Election

    Republicans needed to get to 218 seats to win back the majority they lost in 2018. The National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign arm of House Republicans, in early 2019 identified dozens of Democratic-held districts to target. They included;30 Democrats;who were elected or re-elected in 2018 in districts that voted for President Donald Trump in 2016. All but one Dave Loebsack of Iowa sought re-election. Most were first-term members who defeated or succeeded Republicans in the 2018 election. Republicans won some of these Trump Democrat districts but needed to unseat most to win back control of the House.

    The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the campaign arm of House Democrats, identified more than 40 Frontline Democrats it expected to have very competitive re-election campaigns. Many of these members represented;suburban districts;that have diversified their populations in recent years. In most of these districts, Democrats were running for re-election for the first time. The Frontline Democrats amassed large campaign funds.

    Democrats also identified more than three dozen Republican-held districts they intended to target, including seven in Texas.

    Democrats also made a play for the suburban Texas districts of retiring Republican Reps.;Pete Olson;of the 22nd District and Kenny Marchant of the 24th District. They lost the 22nd District, but the 24th is currently too close to call, with Republican Beth Van Duyne leading.

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    Sen Bill Hagerty Tenn

    Hagerty, recently sworn in, also changed course and voted to certify election results in contested states.;

    He had previously announced he would be joining Blackburn and his other GOP colleagues in objecting.

    On behalf of Tennesseans, we are taking a united stand against the tainted electoral results from the recent Presidential election,;said Hagerty and Blackburn in a joint statement. American democracy relies on the consent of the governed. Allegations of voter fraud, irregularities and unconstitutional actions diminish public confidence in what should be a free, fair and transparent process. Protecting the integrity of the electoral process is paramount to preserving trust and legitimacy in the final outcome.

    Rep Chris Stewart Utah

    Guide to the 2018 Indiana US Senate race

    Stewart voted to object in Pennsylvania, but not Arizona.

    Stewart, in a thread posted to Twitter, said he will not vote to certify the election results.;

    “Until we have resolved the issues surrounding voting irregularities, ballot integrity and security, and the implementation of state election laws, I can not, in good conscience, uphold the oath I took to protect and defend our constitution by voting to certify the election.”

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    About The House Of Representatives

    The United States is also divided into 435 congressional districts with a population of about 750,000 each. Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives for a two-year term.

    As in the Senate, the day-to-day activities of the House are controlled by the majority party. Here is a count of representatives by party:

    Rep Sam Graves Missouri

    Graves;voted to support objections for both contested states.

    In a joint statement, Graves joined three other Republican representatives from Missouri in stating they will object.

    “This isn’t going to change the outcome of the 2020 election, but it’s about standing up for the thousands of North Missourians and millions of Americans that have legitimate concerns about the integrity of the 2020 elections and every election from here on,” Graves said in a Facebook post.;

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