Thursday, July 25, 2024

Did Trump Serve In The Military

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In July 2016 Trump Attacked The Family Of Capt Humayun Khan A Slain Soldier Dismissing A Speech His Father Khizr Khan Made Because He Said Khan’s Mother Hadn’t Been Allowed To Speak

Multiple News Outlets Mirror Report Of Trump Denigrating Veterans, Military Service | MSNBC

Trump was referring to Islam tradition of female subservience, but the family said she had not spoken because she was too emotional to talk about her son’s death.

The elder Khan also said Trump had never sacrificed anything or lost anyone, to which Trump responded, I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I’ve worked very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs.

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Generals can recommend whether or not to go to war, but the decision is ultimately made by politicians on both sides who are so distanced from the realities of combat that they cant even bother to pay respect to those who give their lives in service to those decisions. The people who shoulder the most risk have the least control. The people who die dont make the decisions that lead to their deaths.

The absolute least that the politicians who make those decisions can do is to respect the men and women who risk their lives to carry them out.


Federal Court Rules Trump Cant Block Citizenship Path For Military Service Members

WASHINGTON A federal court today ruled that the Trump administrations policy of depriving military service members of an expedited path to citizenship is unlawful. The ruling comes in a lawsuit, Samma v. U.S. Department of Defense, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of eight non-citizen U.S. service members who represent a class of thousands in uniform. The plaintiffs include active-duty service members who are long-time permanent residents and one DACA recipient.

Congress has long recognized that immigrants who serve in the military during wartime are entitled to be Americans, said Scarlet Kim, staff attorney with the ACLUs National Security Project. This decision rejects the Trump administrations racist attempt to subvert this clear congressional mandate in furtherance of its anti-immigrant agenda. Were pleased that our clients and thousands of others like them can finally benefit from the expedited path to citizenship they have rightfully earned through their honorable military service.

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In An Investigation By The New York Times It Was Found That Trump Himself Had Been Deferred From Getting Drafted And Serving In The Military Five Times

At last weeks Democratic National Convention, Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq, posed a question to Donald Trump: Have you read the Constitution? Pakistan-born Khan attacked the billionaire businessman saying that if it was up to Trump, his son would have never been American or served in the military. You have sacrificed nothing, he told Trump.

Days later, The New York Times in the course of an investigation, has reported that Trump himself had been deferred from getting drafted and serving in the military five times four for education, once for a bad heel. In 1968, Trump was reported to be in the best of his health and was eligible to be drafted in the US military after his graduation from college. However, in that year, a bone spurs in his heels a problem that caused a part of the bone in the heel to grow out caused a deferment. When this diagnosis was produced in front of the medical officer, Trump got the much desired 1-Y medical deferment which exempted him from military service temporarily. This was during the Vietnam war, when a huge number of American troops were being sent to Southeast Asia.

In the next month, however, Trump got the first educational deferment for completing undergraduate studies and three more deferments during the next four years for completing his education.

WATCH VIDEO: Donald Trump Was Deferred From Military Service Five Times: Report

Trump Made Up Injury To Dodge Vietnam Service His Former Lawyer Testifies

Donald Trump pictured in uniform as a cadet captain

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because I wasnt going to Vietnam, his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. I like people who werent captured,” Trump said during a July 2015 interview.

Mr. Trump claimed was because of a bone spur, but when I asked for medical records, he gave me none and said there was no surgery, Cohen told members of the House Oversight Committee. He told me not to answer the specific questions by reporters but rather offer simply the fact that he received a medical deferment.

He finished the conversation with the following comment: You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.


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Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes Facing 40 Years In Prison For Trusting In Trump

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News

On December 28, 2020 I published an article titled: Trump Proves Hes Been Part of the Swamp All Along Do NOT Go to D.C. on Jan. 6th! where I wrote:

One of those people who did go to Washington D.C. on January 6th, 2021, following Trumps directives, was Stewart Rhodes, the leader of Oath Keepers.

Earlier this week Mr. Rhodes was convicted in Federal Court of seditious conspiracy and obstruction of an official proceeding, with each charge carrying a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, for being in Washington D.C. on January 6th.

Mr. Rhodes is apparently going to appeal this decision, but if he is sentenced and ends up behind bars, he will pay the price for trusting in Trump, and going to Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021 to support Trump.

Why didnt President Trump pardon Rhodes and many others before leaving office, since he is the one who invited them all to Washington D.C. on that fateful day?

Gabe Cohen wrote this on January 7, 2021, the day after the events at the Capitol:

Right before Trump left office, many people were also pleading with him to pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. But he didnt pardon them either.

Who did President Trump pardon during his final days in office?

He pardoned Jewish spies who betrayed America, and Big Pharma criminals.

President Donald Trump did neither.

And then late last night he pardoned his handler, Aviem Sella.

Donald Trumps Draft Experience

Mr. Trumps public statements about what kept him out of serving in Vietnam sometimes conflict with his Selective Service records.

Asked to provide The Times with a copy of the letter, which he had obtained after his fourth student deferment, Mr. Trump said he would have to look for it. A spokeswoman later did not respond to repeated requests for copies of it.

The Selective Service records that remain in the National Archives many have been discarded do not specify what medical condition exempted Mr. Trump from military service.

Mr. Trump has described the condition as heel spurs, which are protrusions caused by calcium built up on the heel bone, treated through stretching, orthotics or sometimes surgery.

Mr. Trump said that he could not recall exactly when he was no longer bothered by the spurs, but that he had not had an operation for the problem.

Over a period of time, it healed up, he said.

In the 2015 biography The Truth About Trump, the author, Michael DAntonio, described interviewing Mr. Trump, who at one point slipped off a loafer to display a tiny bulge on his heel. And during a news conference last year, Mr. Trump could not recall which heel had been involved, prompting his campaign to release a statement saying it was both.

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Legal Affairs And Bankruptcies

Fixer Roy Cohn served as Trump’s lawyer and mentor for 13 years in the 1970s and 1980s. According to Trump, Cohn sometimes waived fees due to their friendship. In 1973, Cohn helped Trump countersue the United States government for $100 million over its charges that Trump’s properties had racial discriminatory practices. Trump and Cohn lost that case when the countersuit was dismissed and the government’s case went forward. In 1975, an agreement was struck requiring Trump’s properties to furnish the New York Urban League with a list of all apartment vacancies, every week for two years, among other things. Cohn introduced political consultant Roger Stone to Trump, who enlisted Stone’s services to deal with the federal government.

As of November 2016, Trump and his businesses had been involved in more than 4,000 state and federal legal actions, according to a running tally by USA Today.

While Trump has not filed for personal bankruptcy, his over-leveraged hotel and casino businesses in Atlantic City and New York filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection six times between 1991 and 2009. They continued to operate while the banks restructured debt and reduced Trump’s shares in the properties.

Approval Ratings And Scholar Surveys

Trumps Reported Remarks About Veterans, War Dead Continues To Rankle Among Military | MSNBC

Trump was the only president to never reach a 50% approval rating in the Gallup poll dating to 1938. The approval ratings showed a record partisan gap: 88 percent among Republicans, 7 percent among Democrats. Until September 2020, the ratings were unusually stable, reaching a high of 49 percent and a low of 35 percent. Trump finished his term with a record-low approval rating of between 29 percent and 34 percent and a record-low average of 41 percent throughout his presidency.

In Gallup’s annual poll asking Americans to name the man they admire the most, Trump placed second to Obama in 2017 and 2018, tied with Obama for most admired man in 2019, and was named most admired in 2020. Since Gallup started conducting the poll in 1948, Trump is the first elected president not to be named most admired in his first year in office.

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President Warren G Harding

President Warren G. Harding served from 1921 until 1923, which was when he died. He was a member of the Republican Party but not a member of the military. His presidency, until now, is marred by multiple scandals, such as his extramarital affair and the Teapot Dome bribery case.

Prior to political service, Harding was a newspaper publisher and then a lieutenant governor.

How Deferments Protected Donald Trump From Serving In Vietnam

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Donald Trumps public feud with the Muslim family of a fallen soldier has drawn attention to the businessmans own record of military service.

Khizr Khan delivered an emotional speech at the Democratic National Convention in which he told the story of his son, Humayun, who was killed in 2004 by a car bomb while serving in Iraq. In his remarks, Khan, with his wife at his side, said the Republican presidential nominee had sacrificed nothing for his country.

And in a response condemned by both Democrats and Republicans, Trump criticized the Gold Star parents and insisted his own sacrifices included creating jobs and helping establish a Vietnam War memorial in New York.

But for all of Trumps boasting about his support from veterans, he has never served in the military, thanks to a string of deferments that enabled him to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War.

Heres a look at what happened:

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In May 2019 Several Days After The Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller Released His Investigative Report On Russian Election Interference And Trump’s Attempts To Obstruct Justice Trump Tweeted The Report Had Been Constructed By Trump Haters And Called Mueller Highly Conflicted

Mueller fought in the Vietnam War, and was awarded multiple awards, including a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. Trump disparaged him throughout the two-year investigation.

Also in May, Trump called up former Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly and said Mueller disliked him because Trump refused to give back a $15,000 deposit for a membership at one of Trump’s golf courses. Mueller disputed the account.

Trump also falsely accused Mueller of deleting emails and texts between FBI agents in June, when 19,000 texts were deleted due to a technical glitch.

Colossal Rebuilding Of The Military

Donald Trump pictured in uniform as a cadet captain

Rebuilt the military and created the Sixth Branch, the United States Space Force

  • Completely rebuilt the United States military with over $2.2 trillion in defense spending, including $738 billion for 2020
  • Secured three pay raises for our service members and their families, including the largest raise in a decade
  • Established the Space Force, the first new branch of the United States Armed Forces since 1947
  • Modernized and recapitalized our nuclear forces and missile defenses to ensure they continue to serve as a strong deterrent
  • Upgraded our cyber defenses by elevating the Cyber Command into a major warfighting command and reducing burdensome procedural restrictions on cyber operations
  • Vetoed the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act, which failed to protect our national security, disrespected the history of our veterans and military, and contradicted our efforts to put America first

Defeated terrorists, held leaders accountable for malign actions, and bolstered peace around the world

Addressed gaps in Americans defense-industrial base, providing much-needed updates to improve the safety of our country

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Trump Administration Confirms It Will Reduce Military Families Paychecks In 2021

Defense Economy Federal Employees Veterans Oversight COVID-19 Pandemic

Following initial reporting from Federal News Radio on Friday night, the Trump Administration confirmed over the weekend that all members of the United States military in the income range specified by President Trumps executive order will have their Social Security payroll taxes deferred. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service , which administers payroll for Department of Defense employees, wrote that no Payroll Providers, Departments/Agencies, or service members will be able to opt-in/opt-out of the deferral.

The decision will cause an increase in paychecks until just after the 2020 election as taxes are deferred, and then a larger decrease as taxes are reinstated and deferred taxes deducted from the paychecks of military families in January.

Thanks to Donald Trump, military families will see their paychecks reduced in January, said Rep. Beyer. The Presidents order will give the illusion of pay increases until after the election, and then require service members to pay the money back with double tax withholding. This is a disgraceful way to treat those who serve and sacrifice to keep us safe, and Trumps trickery is obviously designed to help his campaign. Trump may try to deny reporting that he called our fallen heroes suckers and losers, but his actions here show undeniable disrespect for military families.

An Overview Of Donald Trump’s Selective Service Records From 1964 Through 1972 When He Was Classified 4

Image Via Wikimedia


The matter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s military service surfaced multiple times during the 2016 election cycle, first in July 2015 when Trump maligned Sen. John McCain, a POW during the Vietnam War, for being captured, and again in July 2016 when he openly feuded with the family of slain U.S. soldier Humayun Khan after Khan’s father, Khizr, criticized Trump during an appearance at the Democratic National Convention.

Trump himself has never served in the military. Selective Service records obtained from the National Archives by The Smoking Gun in 2011 reveal the following history of his draft eligibility:

1964:Donald Trump became eligible for the draft on his 18th birthday and registered with the Selective Service System 10 days later. He received the first of four 2-S deferments on 28 July 1964.

1965:Trump received his second college deferment on 14 December 1965.

1966:Trump’s previous deferment expired and he was reclassified 1-A on 22 November 1966. His 2-S deferment was renewed on 13 December.

1967:No record.

1968:Trump received his fourth and final college deferment on 16 January 1968. After graduating from Wharton, he was reclassified 1-A on 9 July 1968. Trump underwent an Armed Forces physical examination on 19 September 1968 and was reclassified 1-Y on 15 October 1968.

According to a statement from the Trump campaign, the 1-Y classification stemmed from Trump’s having bone spurs in both heels:


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List Of Presidents Of The United States By Military Service

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Of the 45 men elected president of the United States, 31 have had prior military service, while only 14 have had no prior military service.

Three Other Outlets Confirm Much Of The Atlantics Reporting

Military families respond to report Trump insulted service members

Hours after the Atlantic story broke, the Associated Press had two unnamed sources a senior Defense Department official and senior Marine Corps officer confirm the report. Per the AP, Trump decided not to visit the cemetery in France after receiving his daily briefing on November 10, 2018, the day of the planned trip. And while members of the National Security Council and the Secret Service told Trump he could still drive to the site, Trump said no because the cemetery was filled with losers.

Thats important, as the APs reporting backs what the Atlantic revealed: Trump, during the morning of the scheduled visit, decided not to visit the war memorial and cemetery solely because he didnt respect who was buried there.

The Washington Post broadly confirmed Trumps feelings on US war dead. On Thursday night, the paper had an unnamed former senior administration official confirm that Trump frequently made disparaging comments about veterans and soldiers missing in action, referring to them at times as losers.

The Posts story then added some context:

Trumps animosity toward McCain is well known. In 2015, Trump derided McCain, who spent five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, saying, I like people who werent captured. Thats something he said live, on the record, on video not in private or disclosed by an anonymous source.

The New York Times on Friday morning also published a story that bolsters the reports that, in private, Trump blasts military service.

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