Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Paul Cook A Republican

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San Bernardino County Sheriffs Deputies Endorse Paul Cook For County Supervisor

Full Wasserman: Why Should GOP Incumbents Run Again In This Political Climate? | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Colonel Paul Cook announced the endorsement of the Sheriffs Employees Benefit Association , the public safety association for the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Departments sworn personnel and District Attorney investigators, in his race for County Supervisor, District 1. Cook stated, Im proud to have the endorsement of the most important law enforcement employee association

Early Life Education And Military Career

Cook was born in Meriden, Connecticut in 1943. He was raised in Meriden and didn’t permanently move to California until the end of his military career. In 1966, he graduated from Southern Connecticut State University, earning a B.S. in teaching. Late that year, he joined the United States Marine Corps. As an infantry officer, Cook served in the Vietnam War. He later earned an MPA from California State University, San Bernardino in 1996 and a master’s in political science from University of California Riverside in 2000. Cook’s military record spanned twenty-six years. His actions in combat earned him many honors, including the Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts. He served in the Marine Corps for 26 years.

Foreign Policy And National Defense

Some, including neoconservatives, in the Republican Party support unilateralism on issues of national security, believing in the ability and right of the United States to act without external support in matters of its national defense. In general, Republican thinking on defense and international relations is heavily influenced by the theories of neorealism and realism, characterizing conflicts between nations as struggles between faceless forces of an international structure as opposed to being the result of the ideas and actions of individual leaders. The realist school’s influence shows in Reagan’s “Evil Empire” stance on the Soviet Union and George W. Bush’s Axis of evil stance.

Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, many in the party have supported neoconservative policies with regard to the War on Terror, including the 2001 war in Afghanistan and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The George W. Bush administration took the position that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to unlawful combatants, while other prominent Republicans strongly oppose the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, which they view as torture.

Republicans have frequently advocated for restricting foreign aid as a means of asserting the national security and immigration interests of the United States.

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This Is The First Wave Of An Invasion

But Tony Quinn, editor of the California Target Book, which handicaps races in the state, says the rift illustrates that in Cooks 8th Congressional District a suburban area where Republicans hold nearly a five-point voter registrationadvantage Trump and Republicans are facing the same kind of challenges and pressures as Democrats from their more radical wings.

The presidents endorsement in the race mirrors his actions in several other areas of the country, including in New York and Alabama, where he has backed more mainstream candidates in his party, Quinn said.

So while many fault Trump and the GOP for various strategic moves in the midterm elections, Quinn said, this time it appears theyre being smart in endorsing the stronger, more reliable and more establishment choice.

But activist Laura Riffle says that Donnellys snub may have less to do with strategy and more to do with money in a state party that has been strapped for cash and is barely breathing in a solidly blue state.

There is so much going on here that is corrupt, she said. The GOP establishment in California are a very few people who monetarily support the party. And what they say goes.

Jeremy B. White contributed to this report.

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Republican Rep Paul Cook To Retire From Congress After Current Term

Republican Rep. Paul Cook Of California Announces Hes Retiring From ...

Sept. 17 — Rep. Paul Cook announced Tuesday that he will retire from Congress to seek a seat on the San Bernadino County, Calif., Board of Supervisors.

The Republican from California issued a statement on Facebook declaring he will leave his post in the House at the end of his term after being elected to Congress in 2013.

“After 26 years in the , my attention turned first to local government. And while I’ve been called to serve in other capacities such as Congress, my focus has always been on empowering communities and making sure local residents have the strongest voice in decisions that affect them,” he wrote.

Cook said he will run for 1st District Supervisor in San Bernadino County with the support of the current supervisor, Robert Lovingood, who won’t seek re-election in 2020.

“As supervisor, I’ll work to carry out the will of my constituents, while fighting the bureacracies in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., that seek to overrun rural communities like ours,” he added.

Cook has endorsed Assemblyman Jay Obernolte to serve as his successor.

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Early Life And Education

Cook was born in Meriden, Connecticut in 1943. He was raised in Meriden and did not permanently move to California until the end of his military career. In 1966, he graduated from Southern Connecticut State University, earning a B.S. in teaching. Later that year, he joined the United States Marine Corps. As an infantry officer, Cook served in the Vietnam War. His actions in combat earned him many honors, including the Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts. He served in the Marine Corps for 26 years.

After he retired from the Marine Corps in 1992 as a colonel, he earned an MPA from California State University, San Bernardino in 1996 and a master’s in political science from University of California Riverside in 2000.

The Interim Vacant Office Status

By federal law and the Rules of the House of Representatives, the employees of the former Representative continue to staff the offices of the congressional district under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. This interim vacant status continues until a new Representative is elected to fill the unexpired term. Currently, the congressional district does not have voting representation. Although the scope of the vacant congressional office is limited, constituents of the district are invited to contact this interim office for information and assistance as indicated below.

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Cook Will Run For The San Bernardino County Board Of Supervisors

Four-term California Rep. Paul Cook is retiring from Congress to run for county office instead, continuing the stream of House Republicans heading toward the exit.

Cooks chief of staff, John Sobel, told the Los Angeles Times that the congressman plans to run for the San Bernadino County Board of Supervisors. Sobel did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Cook is the 13th House GOP lawmaker so far to announce his or her retirement. Like several other retiring colleagues, serving in the minority has been a new experience for Cook. He was first elected in 2012 after serving in the California State Assembly.

President Donald Trump carried Cooks 8th District, which includes most of San Bernadino County, by 15 points in 2016, and the congressman won reelection last fall by 20 points. Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales rates the 8th District race Solid Republican.

Cook wasted no time endorsing a successor. California Assemblyman Jay Obernolte listed Cook among his endorsements on his campaign website, which the Republican launched moments after the news of Cooks retirement broke. Obernoltes campaign site notes that his Assembly district overlaps with 65 percent of the 8th District.

Cook is a retired Marine Corps colonel and earned two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star for his service during the Vietnam War. He is a member of the House Armed Services and Natural Resources committees.

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End Campus Sexual Assault

Victims of sexual assault require specialized medical treatment and counseling services. Campus sexual assault survivors suffer high rates of PTSD, depression, and drug or alcohol abuse which can hamper both the ability to succeed in school and future employment. Educational equity for women and girls requires fair, responsive, fully developed campus sexual assault policies, knowledgeable administrators, and ultimately, an end to sexual violence on college campuses.

Pgi: Change In Net Worth

Republican Rep. Paul Cook Of California Announces Hes Retiring From ...
See also: Changes in Net Worth of U.S. Senators and Representatives and Net worth of United States Senators and Representatives

Based on congressional financial disclosure forms and calculations made available by, Cook’s net worth as of 2012 was estimated between $529,016 and $1,212,000. That averages to $870,508, which is lower than the average net worth of Republican representatives in 2012 of $7,614,097.96. Cook ranked as the 223rd most wealthy representative in 2012. Between 2011 and 2012, Cook’s calculated net worth decreased by an average of 4 percent per year. Between 2004 and 2012, the average annual percentage increase for a member of Congress was 15.4 percent.

Paul Cook Yearly Net Worth
Comparatively, the American citizen experienced a median yearly in net worth of -0.94%.

The data used to calculate changes in net worth may include changes resulting from assets gained through marriage, inheritance, changes in family estates and/or trusts, changes in family business ownership, and many other variables unrelated to a member’s behavior in Congress.

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California Congressman Is Latest In Long Line Of Republicans To Quit House

Rep. Paul Cook becomes the 17th Republican to announce he is leaving Congress since the Democrats retook the majority.

Rep. Paul Cook announced he will retire from the House of Representatives to run for a seat on the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, the L.A. Times reported Tuesday.

Cook joins a long line of Republican House members running for the exit, becoming the 17th to announce he is leaving since the beginning of 2019.

Cook was first elected to Congress in 2012 and will retire after serving four terms. This is the first term Cook and many other Republicans have served in the minority, and judging by the number of retirements, many are not happy at the prospect of remaining in the minority.

Cook is one of the few remaining Republicans in Congress from the state of California. Before the 2018 election, there were 14 Republicans in the state’s 53-seat delegation. However, the “blue wave” midterm wiped out seven of them, leaving just seven remaining.

Cook won reelection in 2018 by 20 points, defeating fellow Republican Tim Donnelly . Trump won the district in 2016 by about 15 points, and the nonpartisan Cook Political Report rates the district as leaning Republican by 9 points.

While Cook’s seat may be relatively safe for Republicans, his retirement announcement is a trend most experts, and even some Republicans, say is a bad sign for the party’s chances of recapturing the majority in 2020.

If that’s the case, McCarthy has one more reason to celebrate.

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San Bernardino County Public Attorneys Association

The San Bernardino County Public Attorneys Association-Prosecutors PAC, which represents over 200 Deputy District Attorneys in the County of San Bernardino, endorsed Col. Paul Cook for Supervisor in San Bernardino County. SBCPAA released the following statement: Our decision was based on your long-standing dedication to justice and protecting the community. Your commitment to public

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Rep Paul Cook At Stakeout: Weve Got To Fix Our Military Funding Problems

House Republicans share President Trumps vision for a safe, proud, and strong America and are doing their part.

Ahead of President Trumps first State of the Union address, Chair McMorris Rodgers invited Rep. Paul Cook to join this mornings House Republican Leadership press conference to discuss the work the House is doing to bolster our national security.

We are LIVE to discuss how everyday Americans are winning because of tax reform and how we must prioritize military

House Republicans

It seems like every week, every month, we have another training accidentwe have to remember with this budget here, our military has really slipped a lot. We have less troops, we have less airplanes, we have less ships because of the budget process. We have more enemies, we have more commitments, and weve got to make sure we fix and fix it fast.

My job was to take care of the troops. I still feel that way, and right now one of the most important votes is coming up. If we let them down again, I dont know how I can look a Gold Star mom in the eye, how I can look at troops and say that I took care of you. I cant remember where I left my keys. I cant remember where I left my cell phone. But I remember every Marine that died when I was in command. I am bound and determined to fix .

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Tim Donnelly Challenges Paul Cook From The Right

Republicans Who Stood Up For Ukraine Aid Quiet On Trump Scheme | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Nasty All-GOP race in 8th CD Includes Transphobic Billboard

By Laura Hauther, October 11, 2018 7:15 am

Californias jungle primary system propels the top two vote-earners to the general election, regardless of party, giving us a House race for District 8 that pits three-term incumbent Republican Paul Cook against challenger Tim Donnelly . Despite Cook getting a coveted endorsement-via-tweet from President Donald Trump, Donnelly is busily trying to out-MAGA the incumbent, the latest evidence of which is in the form of a controversial billboard.

On the highway that runs between the artsy enclave of Joshua Tree and the Marine Base in 29 Palms, Donnelly is paying for a billboard that dings Cook for voting against the Hartzler Amendment to a military funding bill that would have barred the use of military funds for any gender reassignment treatment for military personnel.

The billboard isnt subtle. It shows a uniformed soldier with a square jaw and a short, blond bob with the message Ask Paul Cook Why He Voted To Allow Our Military Funds To Be Used For Sex Change Surgeries!

The image on the ad is that of transgender sailor Allison Hannan from an article on transgender vets in OUT magazine. The Donnelly campaign used the image without permission, according to the Los Angeles Blade. The magazine also argues that using Hannans picture is deceptive, given that she paid for the transition herself with no help from the military.

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Paul Cook Elected To Board Of Supervisors Resigns From Congress

Highland Community News photo by Charles Roberts Congressman Paul Cook talks to supporters at the San Manuel Events Center in Highland on Feb. 13.

Jay Obernolte

Rep. Paul Cook announced on Monday, Dec. 7, that he resigned from Congress in order to take his seat on the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. Following his resignation as the U.S. Representative for Californias 8th District, Cook will be sworn in as the 1st District Supervisor for San Bernardino County.

During the 2020 Presidential Election, Republican Jay Obernolte defeated Democrat Christine Bubser to represent the 8th Congressional District. Obernolte earned 56.1 percent of the votes to Bubsers 43.9 percent as of Monday, Dec. 7.

Cook issued the following statement:

Serving the people of the Eighth Congressional District has been one of the greatest honors of my life. While there have been many partisan battles, there have also been important bipartisan successes that dont get as much attention.

Im particularly proud of the work weve accomplished for our veterans, ensuring our nations heroes receive the benefits they deserve and that we properly honor their service to our country. My HIRE Vets Act, which was signed into law nearly 4 years ago, recognizes and promotes businesses that have proven their commitment to hiring and retaining our veterans, and the Education Equity Act ensures that veterans can afford housing while using their educational benefits.

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