Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who Were The Republicans Who Voted For Impeachment

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Fred Upton Of Michigan

10 house Republicans voted to impeach Trump

A fixture in his southwest Michigan district, Mr. Upton is in his 18th congressional term, though in recent years, his margin of victory has shrunk with each election. Now, if he seeks re-election in 2022, he will face off against a primary challenger endorsed by Mr. Trump: Steve Carra, a first-term state representative who has led the push at the State Capitol for a review of the 2020 election results.

A spokesman said Mr. Upton would follow his practice of announcing his decision in the year of the election.

For years, Mr. Upton, a longtime friend of President Bidens, has prided himself on his willingness to work across the aisle. Mr. Upton announced that he would vote for impeachment after Mr. Trump described his language at the Jan. 6 rally outside the Capitol as totally appropriate.

Here Are The House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump

Ten GOP;House members joined Democrats in voting to impeach President Trump

It marks the first time in the countrys history that a president has been impeached twice in one term.

Its also the most bipartisan impeachment vote in the nations history.

Hugh Thompson RiceSC state Rep. Russell Fry launches primary bid against Rice over impeachment votePro-impeachment Republicans outpace GOP rivals in second-quarter fundraisingCheney, Kinzinger are sole GOP votes for Jan. 6 select committeeMORE was the most conservative of the members who supported the effort.

He said a reasonable person would see Trumps remarks to a crowd before the mob attacked the Capitol as having the potential to lead to violence.

Under the strict definition of the law, I dont know if the presidents speech last Wednesday morning amounted to incitement of a riot, but any reasonable person could see the potential for violence, he said.

Rice also took aim at the president for going after Vice President Pence.;

I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable, he said in a statement.;

The ten Republicans in the House who voted for Trumps impeachment were;House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney

Letters To The Editor Aug 20 2021

Ten House Republicans crossed party lines on Wednesday and voted to impeach President Trump which is 10 more than the amount to go against him the first time around.

The GOP lawmakers aligned with Democrats to formally charge the outgoing commander-in-chief with inciting violence against the government of the United States in last weeks;storming of the Capitol;by supporters he had;addressed during a rally;near the White House.

No Republicans voted;in 2019 to impeach Trump the first time.

Here are the 10 GOP members who voted to impeach on Wednesday:

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Gop Leader Mccarthy: Trump ‘bears Responsibility’ For Violence Won’t Vote To Impeach

Some ambitious Republican senators have never been as on board the Trump train as the more feverish GOP members in the House, and the former might be open to convicting Trump. But their ambition cuts two ways on the one hand, voting to ban Trump opens a lane to carry the Republican mantle in 2024 and be the party’s new standard-bearer, but, on the other, it has the potential to alienate many of the 74 million who voted for Trump, and whose votes they need.

It’s a long shot that Trump would ultimately be convicted, because 17 Republicans would need to join Democrats to get the two-thirds majority needed for a conviction. But it’s growing clearer that a majority of the Senate will vote to convict him, reflecting the number of Americans who are in favor of impeachment, disapproved of the job Trump has done and voted for his opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

Correction Jan. 14, 2021

A previous version of this story incorrectly said Rep. Peter Meijer is a West Point graduate. Meijer attended West Point, but he is a graduate of Columbia University.

Here Are All Of The House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Donald Trump

Two House Dems Voted Against Impeachment Resolution ...

Ten members of the GOP joined with Democrats in the vote.

President Donald Trump impeached for ‘incitement of insurrection’

The House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald Trump — making him the only president in American history to be impeached twice.

Unlike his first impeachment in 2019, 10 Republicans joined Democrats to charge Trump for the “incitement of insurrection” for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol with a final vote of 232-197.

Some Republicans may have feared for their own safety if they voted for impeachment, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of those who voted against Trump, said. Kinzinger told ABC’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast that some members of his party are likely holding back from voting for impeachment due to fear of highlighting their own participation in supporting the president’s false claims of election fraud.

Democrat Jason Crow, of Colorado, relayed similar thoughts in an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday morning.

“I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues last night, and a couple of them broke down in tears talking to me and saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment,” he said.

Here is a list of the 10 Republicans who took a stance against Trump:

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.“It’s not going to be some ‘Kumbaya moment’ on the floor — it’s going to be an awakening by the American people to hold their leaders accountable to their rhetoric,”

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Washington Rep Dan Newhouse

Newhouse was first elected during a Republican wave in 2014. He beat a Democratic challenger by 33 points in November, solidly overperforming Trumps 18-point win in Washingtons agricultural 4th District. He serves on the Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee with Herrera Beutler.

A vote against this impeachment is a vote to validate the unacceptable violence we witnessed in our nations capital, he said in a statement. It is also a vote to condone the presidents inaction.

Newhouses views have not always aligned with Trumps on key issues, but he has modified positions in response to the Trump administrations actions. He was a strong supporter of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program but said after the Trump administration ended the program that it was never the long-term answer. He is concerned about the national debt but voted for the 2017 GOP tax overhaul that contributed to its increase. He has had a 90 percent presidential unity score during the Trump administration. But on Wednesday, he said Trump failed when the country needed a leader.;

Adam Kinzinger Of Illinois

None of the 10 pro-impeachment House Republicans have raised their profiles more than Mr. Kinzinger, a six-term conservative who represents an exurban and rural part of northern and central Illinois. He has created a political action committee and become a frequent anti-Trump presence on cable television and social media since the Capitol riot.

Mr. Kinzinger hasnt formally announced a 2022 re-election bid, and the Illinois legislature, controlled by Democrats, is likely to redraw his district to make it more difficult for a Republican to win.

A half-dozen Republicans are vying to challenge him, including Catalina Lauf, a former Commerce Department official under Mr. Trump, who placed third in a Republican primary in a neighboring congressional district last year.

So far, Ms. Lauf has been endorsed by Representative Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, one of the leading purveyors of pro-Trump misinformation in Congress.

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Rep Tom Rice South Carolina

Rep. Tom Rice, representing South Carolinas 7th Congressional District, voted to impeach Trump, though he had not spoken out publicly about his decision prior to the vote.

In a statement after the vote Wednesday, Rice said he was not sure whether Trumps speech before the mobs attack amounted to incitement of a riot, but any reasonable person could see the potential for violence.

Once the violence began, when the Capitol was under siege, when the Capitol Police were being beaten and killed, and when the Vice President and the Congress were being locked down, the President was watching and tweeted about the Vice Presidents lack of courage, Rice wrote.

I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable.

Republicans Voted To Impeach Trump 7 Already Facing Challenges For Their Seats In Congress

These House Republicans voted for impeachment

Some of the Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump in January are already having their seats challenged and their ability to hold onto their place in Congress may be dependent on the moves the former president makes in the next 18 months.

Ten Republicans joined Democrats in impeaching Trump a historic second time, a move that was quickly met with condemnation back in their home states. Theyve been publicly scolded, pushed to resign and warned that local organizations will mount a strong push to oust them from office in the primary.

After my last election, I had decided not to run again. But the vote by Congressman Valadao to impeach President Trump with no witnesses, evidence, or without allowing any defense was too much for me to stay on the sidelines, Chris Mathys, a former Fresno, California, city council member, told Newsweek.

Valadao, who represents Californias 21st district, wasnt in office during Trumps first impeachment, as he had been ousted from office in 2018 by Democrat TJ Coxx. In November, Valadao won back his seat from the Democrat who beat him in 2018 by less than a point. The Republican placed blame on Trump for the Capitol riot, saying that his rhetoric was un-American, abhorrent and absolutely an impeachable offense.

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Michigan Rep Peter Meijer

The freshman Republican, who won a primary last summer in the 3rd District with the backing of House GOP leaders such as Kevin McCarthy, already is cutting an image for himself independent of his party after two weeks on the job. Its less surprising considering that former Rep. Justin Amash, the Republican-turned-independent-turned-Libertarian who split with Trump, held the seat before Meijer. Amash voted to impeach Trump in 2019.;

The scion of the Meijer family, which founded the grocery store chain of the same name, is a veteran of the Iraq War. Trump won the 3rd District, which includes Grand Rapids and Battle Creek, with 51 percent of the vote. Meijer, who turned his campaign operation into a grocery delivery service in the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, outperformed Trump in November, taking 53 percent of the vote.;

Impeachment Of Bill Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton
Floor proceedings of the U.S. Senate during the trial of President Bill Clinton in 1999, Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding
Accused Bill Clinton, President of the United States
Outcome Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remained in office
Charges Perjury , obstruction of justice, abuse of power
Congressional votes
Voting in the U.S. Senate
Accusation Article I perjury;/grand jury
Votes in favor
Accusation Article II obstruction of justice
Votes in favor
This article is part of a series about

The impeachment of Bill Clinton occurred when Bill Clinton, the 42ndpresident of the United States, was impeached by the United States House of Representatives of the 105th United States Congress on December 19, 1998 for “high crimes and misdemeanors“. The House adopted two articles of impeachment against Clinton, with the specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. Two other articles had been considered, but rejected by House vote.

Clinton was the second American president to be impeached .

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Rep John Katko New York

To impeach a sitting president is a decision I do not take lightly, Rep. John Katko of New Yorks 24th Congressional District said in a statement Tuesday.

As a former federal prosecutor, I approach the question of impeachment by reviewing the facts at hand, he said. To allow the President of the United States to incite this attack without consequence is a direct threat to the future of our democracy. For that reason, I cannot sit by without taking action. I will vote to impeach this President.

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Stupidest Week In The Senate

Donald Trump becomes the first impeached president to run ...

Perhaps the lone voice of reason coming out of Congress this week was that of Senator Kevin Cramer who described the impeachment trial as, well stupid.

Welcome to the stupidest week in the Senate, he announced in a video statement.

Sen. Kevin Cramer made it clear today what he thought about the historic second impeachment trial of Donald Trump: Welcome to the stupidest week in the Senate


Cramer also blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for using impeachment flippantly as a political tool and described her impeachment managers as backbenchers.

While Speaker Pelosi sent these backbenchers to tie up the Senate, Cramer said, she sent the rest of the House home instead of leaving them here to carry out the actual work of the American people.

Read this

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The 10 House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach President Trump

The House of Representatives voted Wednesday afternoon to impeach President Trump for his role in last weeks assault on the Capitol as Congress started to formally count the electoral votes showing that President-elect Joe Biden was victorious in last Novembers election.

The article of impeachment charged that Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of Government by promoting false election fraud claims, seeking to illegally manufacture a different election outcome and inviting his supporters to attend the Jan. 6 rally in Washington that turned violent.

He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government, read the impeachment article. He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Trump became the first president to ever be impeached twice, following his December 2019 impeachment for soliciting foreign election interference before he was acquitted in the Senate. Those articles had no support among House Republicans, who unanimously opposed them, but this time 10 members of Trumps party voted to impeach.

Rep Dan Newhouse Washington

Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washingtons 4th Congressional District on Wednesday voted to impeach Trump shortly after announcing his decision to do so on the House floor.

These articles of impeachment are flawed, but I will not use process as an excuse for President Trumps actions, Newhouse said.

The president took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Last week there was a domestic threat at the door of the Capitol and he did nothing to stop it.

In a separate statement released the same day, Newhouse said Trump did not strongly condemn the attack nor did he call in reinforcements when our officers were overwhelmed. Our country needed a leader, and President Trump failed to fulfill his oath of office.

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Rep Anthony Gonzalez Ohio

As House members cast their votes on the articles of impeachment, Rep. Anthony Gonzalez from Ohios 16th Congressional District, tweeted a statement asserting that Trump helped organize and incite a mob that attacked the United States Congress in an attempt to prevent us from completing our solemn duties as prescribed by the Congress.

When I consider the full scope of events leading up to January 6th including the presidents lack of response as the United States Capitol was under attack, I am compelled to support impeachment, he wrote.

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Rep Anthony Gonzalez One Of The 10 House Republicans Who Voted In Favor Of Impeaching Trump Will Not Seek Reelection

Opinion | Republicans on impeachment witnesses, then and now
  • GOP Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio announced Thursday he is not running for reelection in 2022.
  • Gonzalez was one of 10 House Republicans to vote in favor of impeachment, drawing Trumps ire.
  • Gonzalez called Trump a cancer for the country in an interview with The New York Times.
  • See more stories on Insiders business page.

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, a Republican from Ohio, announced Thursday he would not be running for reelection in 2022.

Gonzalez, one of the 10 House Republicans who voted in favor of impeaching former President Donald Trump, said the decision was based on what was best for his family, but that the current political environment also played a role.

While my desire to build a fuller family life is at the heart of my decision, it is also true that the current state of our politics, especially many of the toxic dynamics inside our party, is a significant factor in my decision, Gonzalez said in a statement.

Gonzalez, who is married with two young children, said the decision was the best path for our family.

Gonzalez came under fire from Trump after voting for impeachment in January after the Capitol insurrection. The former president has indicated he will play an active role in the 2022 elections to unseat Republicans who voted against him and replace them with pro-Trump candidates.

In February, Trump endorsed Gonzalezs primary challenger, Max Miller, who worked for Trumps 2016 and 2020 campaigns and as a White House aide.

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