Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who Is Trump Running Against

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Trumps Fear Factor Shows Signs Of Waning As 2024 Republican Hopefuls Jockey

Pence was asked if he’d run against Trump in 2024. Hear his response

If Donald Trump runs for president again, hell likely be the partys nominee. But a raft of GOP candidates looks ready to take him on, a sign hes losing some of his dominance in Republican circles.

Just this week, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem launched a commercial aimed at introducing her to a national audience. Trumps former U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley, publicly floated a possible presidential bid Thursday in early state Iowa. And Trumps former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, began targeting evangelical voters in Iowa and South Carolina with a new ad on the Supreme Court and religious freedom.

Meanwhile, Trumps estranged 2020 running mate, former Vice President Mike Pence, is positioning himself for an expected run against his old boss, while Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton has become a frequent visitor to Iowa and New Hampshire, another early voting state.

For months, consultants and grassroots conservatives like Iowas Bob Vander Plaats believed many of the Republicans were testing the waters in a less serious way, perhaps in the hopes of auditioning as Trumps running mate. But now they think Trump will face a real primary.

The best way I can put it is that if theres a Trump candidacy and so many of us respect what he did as president many are afraid were going to end up in an endless debate on the past versus a debate on moving forward in the future, Vander Plaats said of what hes hearing on the ground in the first-in-the-nation caucus state.

Trump Sued For Defamation After Blasting Rape Claim

Mr Trump also faces a defamation case from writer E Jean Carroll, who sued Trump for defamation in 2019 in state court after he called her a liar for saying he raped her in a New York department store dressing room in the mid-1990s.

In denying her claims, Mr Trump said that she was not his type, and alleged she had made up the claim to help the sales of her book.

Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington posted a statement by the former president on Truth Social ahead of his deposition in the case on 19 October.

You have to fight for years, and spend a fortune, in order to get your reputation back from liars, cheaters, and hacksIt is a Hoax and a lie, just like all the other Hoaxes that have been played on me for the past seven years, Mr Trump said in part.

And, while I am not supposed to say it, I will. This woman is not my type! She has no idea what day, what week, what month, what year, or what decade this so-called event supposedly took place, he added.

The new statement may open Mr Trump up to a new defamation claim, according to legal experts, as he launched the verbal assault as a private citizen and not as the president of the United States.

When Do The Polls Close

First polls will close in Georgia at 7 p.m. the only state voting Tuesday in Eastern Time.

Texas polls close at 7 p.m. local time, with the state covering both Central and Mountain Time. Alabama polls also close at 7, and Arkansas ends voting at 7:30 pm, with both states in Central Time.

Merdie Nzanga

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Previously Called Trump ‘racist And Xenophobic’

Trump’s memory is short when it comes to endorsing candidates who have flip-flopped from being critical of him to becoming stark defenders. Hageman is no different. In 2016, she condemned Trump as a “racist and xenophobic” candidate who would repel voters Republicans needed to win a national election.

She backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for the Republican presidential nomination, joining with other Cruz supporters at the GOP convention in Cleveland — when she was a Wyoming delegate — to force a vote on the floor to block Trump’s ascension. Cheney supported Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Hageman has not publicly addressed those efforts, but has briefly mentioned her past opposition to Trump, telling the New York Times in 2021 that she “heard and believed the lies the Democrats and Liz Cheney’s friends in the media were telling at the time.”

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The 2020 election, but its 2008 Biden running against Trump : r/YAPms

Palin, the late Sen. John McCains running mate in the 2008 presidential election, is running against fellow Republican Nick Begich and Democrat Mary Petrola in a ranked-choice election.

Begich, a businessman from a family of prominent Democrats, has come out hard against Palin, seeking to cast her as a fame-chaser and a quitter after she resigned during her term as governor in 2009. In one Begich ad, a woman says: Im voting for smart not Sarah.

Palin does not have a strong track record of effective advocacy for the state and thats not going to work for us, Begich said in an interview.

His attacks have hit close to home for the former governor Palins former in-laws hosted an election eve fundraiser for Begich at their Wasilla home, the Anchorage Daily News reported.

Palin, meanwhile, has questioned Begichs Republican credentials.

Peltola, a former lawmaker, would be the first Alaska Native woman elected to the House.

If one of the three candidates wins more than 50% of the first-choice vote, they will take Youngs seat. If that doesnt happen, the candidate with the fewest first-place votes is eliminated and that candidates voters have their ballots redistributed to their second choice. The process continues until one candidate receives at least 50% of the vote.

Trump endorsed Palin in April, just days after she announced her candidacy.

With Post wires

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

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Donald Trump Harrumphs It Would Be Very Disloyal If Former Cabinet Members Ran For President In 2024

Former President Donald Trump said it would be very disloyal if former Vice President Mike Pence or others once in his cabinet ran for president in the 2024 election. To date, Trump has not formally announced a third bid for re-election, although he often alludes to a decision.

The former president, who is currently facing numerous investigations, spoke to host Brian Kilmeade on his radio show via phone on Friday: Many of them have said they would never run if I run, so well see if that turns out to be true. I think it would be very disloyal if they did, but thats OK too.

Will the results of this election and the people you endorse influence whether you run or not in 2024? Kilmeade asked. Yes and no, Trump replied, doubling down on false claims that he won the 2020 election. If we did badly, Im not sure that that wouldn’t make it even more imperative to run because Ive done very well. I won the first election. I won the second by a lot. A lot.

He added the polls have him leading by 40, 50 points a recent New York Times poll showed that 49% of registered Republican voters would support Trump in 2024, compared to the 26% who would support Florida Governor Ron Desantis. According to a Quinnipiac poll released this week, 78% of Republicans want Trump to run for president in the next election.

Notable Expenditures And Allegations Of Grifting

Trump properties

In June 2018, ProPublica reported that Trump Organization properties had received at least $16.1 millionfrom his campaign, Republican organizations, and government agencies since late 2015. In October 2019, OpenSecrets found that total spending on Trump properties had increased to $16.8 million even when just considering payments made by the Trump campaign and other Republican political campaigns and PACs .

During the first three months of 2017, the Trump 2020 campaign reported spending $6.3 million, of which nearly $500,000 was to companies owned by Trump. In the Trump 2020 campaigns first two years , it paid more than $890,000 in rent for space in Trump Tower, while the Republican National Committee paid $225,000. As of October 2020, the campaigns committees had directed more than $17.9 million of campaign donor money to Trump properties, while the Republican National Committee had paid $3.0 million.

Legal and compliance work


As of March 2019, Trumps campaign had spent almost twice as much on Facebook and Google ads as the entire Democratic field combined.


During the first three months of his presidency, his reelection campaign spent more than $4 million on memorabilia.

Money funneled through Brad Parscale

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Make Even More Inroads Among Voters Of Color

Trump or any Republican who runs for the White House should travel down inroads the former president made among voters of color, said Jeff Roe, who managed Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s 2021 campaign in Virginia as well as Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Hispanics, in particular, are becoming more conservative, said Roe, who now runs the consulting firm Axiom Strategies that represents GOP candidates all around the US.

While most voters of color decisively supported Biden during the 2020 election and fueled his victory, Trump did improve his showingcompared to 2016. In all, 26% of Trump’s support during the last presidential election came from nonwhite voters. A report by the Democratic data firm Catalist found there was about an 8 percentage-point swing toward Trump in 2020 compared to 2016.

“With that growth it’s a real opportunity for Republicans,” Roe said.

Former Ambassador To The United Nations Nikki Haley

Trump: âNo Prohibition Against Runningâ If Indicted In Mar-A-Lago Probe

Haley has changed her tone when it comes to Trump. After saying he let us down and lost any sort of political viability he was going to have following Jan. 6, Haley is, at least publicly, a fan again. During her remarks at the Iowa Republican Party dinner on June 24, Haley praised Trump and told a story about him asking if he should call Kim Jong Un little rocket man during his speech at the U.N. Haley said she cautioned him to treat the audience like church instead of a rally, but he went ahead and used the term.

Haley even sounded kind of Trumpian during her speech, telling Republicans they were too nice. We have to be tough about how we fight, she said. We keep getting steamrolled and then whine and complain about it. The days of being nice should be over.

She also didnt shy away from her gender, opening the speech by saying, America needs more strong conservative women leaders and less of Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris, and praising female Iowa Republicans like U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst and Gov. Kim Reynolds. I wear heels, Haley said. Its not for a fashion statement. I use it for kicking. But I always kick with a smile.

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Yang was widely regarded as a breakthrough candidate who surpassed the expectation of many as he outlasted sitting senators, former governors and other lifelong politicians as political newcomer. Yang has never held an elected position, yet generated a strong following that carried him through multiple Democratic debates.

Shortly after the polls closed in New Hampshire, Yang announced he was ending his bid.

While there is great work left to be done you know I am the MATH guy it is clear tonight from the numbers that we are not going to win this race, he said.

Trump Should Announce Run For 2024 Soon To Avoid Indictment Source Says

Donald Trump has to announce a campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 in the next two weeks, according to a senior source close to Trump, if the former president wants to head off being indicted under the Espionage Act after the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago last week.

In communications reviewed by the Guardian, the source indicated Trump needed to announce because politically it would be harder for the US Department of Justice to indict a candidate for office than a former president out of the electoral running.

A source also suggested Ron DeSantis, Trumps only serious competitor in Republican polling, will not run in 2024 if Trump chooses to enter the race.

He can wait, the source said of the Florida governor.

In contrast, a former White House official said Trump could yet decide not to run, for fear of losing his grip on his party and role as a kingmaker should an indictment force him to drop out of the race.

A search warrant unsealed on Friday showed that the FBI seized from Mar-a-Lago five sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents and three sets of confidential documents, as well as other records.

It was reported that some seized documents concerned nuclear weapons. Trump called that report a hoax.

The warrant also revealed Trump to be under investigation for possible violations of the Espionage Act, which dates from 1917 and has been used to go after whistleblowers.

But his legal jeopardy extends further.

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Donald Trump And Mike Pences 2024 Rivalry Heats Up

The newly formed rivalry of former key allies Donald Trump and Mike Pence is set to increase over the coming days, as the former vice president puts himself in direct competition with his old confidante.

Both Trump and Pence are set to hold dueling campaign events in Arizona on Friday, with the pair endorsing separate candidates in the states Republican gubernatorial primary on August 2.

In one corner, there is the Trump-endorsed candidate Kari Lake, a former TV anchor who has continuously backed the false claim the 2020 presidential election was rigged due to widespread voter fraud.

Then, there is Karrin Taylor Robson, a former Arizona Board of Regents who, as of Monday, has the endorsement of Pence.

As Arizona Democrats pursue the reckless Biden-Harris agenda, Karrin Taylor Robson is the only candidate for Governor that will keep Arizonas border secure and streets safe, empower parents and create great schools, and promote conservative values, Pence said in a statement on July 18. Karrin is the best choice for Arizonas future, and I am proud to support her.

Pence confirmed along with his endorsement that he will appear with her at campaign events this Friday in Phoenix and southern Arizona.

The same day, Trump is set to headline a political rally in support of Lake, which was rescheduled following the death of his first wife, Ivana Trump.

Turns out, it doesnt. Heres CNN again:

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Who Is Running Against President Trump

Former Cheney adviser and never-Trumper Harriet Hageman has won the endorsement of the man she called “the weakest candidate” in 2016, joining other Republicans in attempting to undermine his nomination at that year’s Republican national convention.

On Tuesday, as expected, the natural resources attorney who ran an unsuccessful primary bid for Wyoming’s Republican gubernatorial nomination in 2018 clinched her race against longstanding Wyoming political royalty in one of the most watched races in the nation, an indication of how strongly voters turn out around Trump’s unsubstantiated claims of election fraud — in a state he won with some 70% in 2020.

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Nearly 1 In 3 Republican Candidates For Statewide Office Support False Election Claims

Nearly 1 in 3 Republican candidates for statewide offices that play a role in overseeing, certifying or defending elections supported overturning the results of the 2020 presidential race, according to an Associated Press review.

They include contenders from one end of the country to the other, often in pivotal swing states, for positions that are the linchpins of democracy.

In Michigan, Kristina Karamo, a community college professor who signed an affidavit to a lawsuit seeking to throw out President Joe Bidens win, is running to be the states top elections official. In Arizona, GOP candidates for the three top statewide offices all backed setting aside Bidens victory in their state.

The breadth of election denial among Republicans is a reminder of the grip that Donald Trump has on the party. As the midterm primary season reaches its conclusion next week, Trump has wielded the power of his endorsement with great effect, lifting candidates who parrot his conspiracy theories while largely sidelining those who accepted the legitimacy of Bidens election.

Of the 86 Republican candidates vying for those positions in 37 states in the fall, one-third have echoed Trumps lies about widespread fraud costing him reelection, according to the AP review. Only 40% would directly say Biden was legitimately elected.

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The issue is particularly animating campaigns for secretary of state the office that in many states oversees elections in electoral battlegrounds that narrowly backed Biden over Trump in 2020 and will be hotly contested again in the 2024 presidential election.

Consciously or not, voters could render a final judgment on the conspiracy theories that Trump and his allies have spent 11 months nurturing.

Iâm the only candidate in this race whoâs willing to stand up all over Ohio, and all over America, and say that I believe the election was stolen from Donald J. Trump, Josh Mandel, a Republican Senate candidate in Ohio who has made the stolen election lie central to his campaign, told NBC News.

Its the right thing to do for our country, Mandel added, when asked if he worried his position might hurt him in a general election. And I donât care how it impacts me politically.

In Arizonas race for secretary of state, Trump has endorsed Mark Finchem, a state legislator who promoted a partisan review of Maricopa Countys election results that reaffirmed Bidens victory. In Georgia, Trump is supporting Rep. Jody Hice in a Republican primary to oust Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state who resisted Trumps pressure to rig the states 2020 vote in his favor.

In Georgia, Hice has held himself up as an unabashed Trump defender.

All of this focus on rehashing the 2022 election based on baseless allegations is holding us back, she said. Its out of touch.

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