Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Who Has Started The Most Wars Democrats Or Republicans

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Well To Begin With Wars Do Not Necessarily Start On The Date Of The First Shot For Instance Wwii

What if Civil War broke out between Republicans and Democrats?
was in the works as far back as 1923. Not in the US but that is when the Nazi party started to rise. So to say that the Democratic presidents caused these wars is a real lie. But an even bigger lie is that Democrats are soft of our enemies is the point. Somewhere in the world things are boiling over and we may be expected to join in when it gets serious. In recent years we are fighting wars that do not call for war and that is the kind that the rethugs cause: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. All of these are corporate wars not Democrat wars.

Argument No : Biden Seems Aloof From It All

Optics matter in politics just as much, if not more, than policy.

Bidens decision to work from Camp David rather than the White House as the Taliban decimated the Afghan government has allowed Republicans to frame him as a distant president.

As Kabul fell Sunday and images circulated of the Taliban inside the presidential palace, some Republicans, such as Rep. Adam Kinzinger , who served in Afghanistan, urged Biden to address Americans that night. On Monday morning, Biden said hed return to the White House and address Americans.

With Newsom Poised To Win California Recall Another Indication Covid Politics May Be Starting To Favor Democrats Over Republicans

LOS ANGELES With polls now showing Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom ahead by double-digit margins on the eve of Californias much-hyped recall election, voters here seem ready to reject the laissez-faire COVID-19 policies that have failed to contain huge summer surges in Republican-led states such as Florida and vindicate the Golden States more careful approach to the hypercontagious Delta variant.

Their verdict could have national implications for both Democrats and Republicans heading into the 2022 midterm elections.

No Republican running for governor could possibly have defeated Gavin Newsom in the recall election, but COVID could have, Dan Schnur, a former spokesman for Republican former California Gov. Pete Wilson and the late GOP Sen. John McCain who teaches politics at several leading California universities, recently said on Yahoo News “Skullduggery” podcast. The reason its not is because voters here have come to conclude that he is doing a much better job on it than theyd thought last spring and last winter.

So if Newsom does win, Schnur added, every smart Democratic candidate running in next years midterms is going to be looking to take that playbook and run it for themselves.

The latest numbers from California paint a clear picture of where things stand and Newsom is looking strong.

More voters say COVID is the most important issue facing the state than anything else, according to a new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California.


Also Check: What Did Republicans Gain From The Compromise Of 1877?

What Biden Is Saying About This

In a sign hes feeling the political heat, Biden issued a lengthy statement Saturday explaining why he decided to withdraw. The crux of his defense pointed the finger at Trump, whom Biden accused of negotiating a deal with the Taliban that required America to decide whether to stay and fight, or leave entirely.

When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019 that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. Forces. Shortly before he left office, he also drew U.S. Forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500. Therefore, when I became President, I faced a choice follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our Forces and our allies Forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another countrys civil conflict. I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan two Republicans, two Democrats. I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.

While Republicans such as Cheney openly say Trump shouldnt have set a date for a withdrawal, they argue that Biden is presenting Americans with a false choice. Hes had no problem reversing Trumps other major foreign policy decisions, for example.

These are the early contours of a political battle that is just beginning as the war in Afghanistan is ending.

What Each Political Party Has Given The United States

Republicans vs Democrats in Launching Wars: We Have the ...

Today’s Republicans like to parade around in the emperor’s clothing of family values. Since results speak louder than bombast, let’s examine what each political party has given the United States. You have to go all the way back to Lincoln to find a Republican whom virtually everyone alive today agrees is wholly admirable, so we’ll start in 1861, with Lincoln a diamond in the muckpile.

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In The Us Have There Been More Democrat Or Republican Presidents

There have been more Republican presidents than Democratic presidents. Between 1789 and 2013, 43 people have been sworn into office as the president of the United States of America. Of these, a larger number have belonged to the Republican Party than have belonged to the Democratic Party. There have been 18 Republican presidents and 15 Democratic presidents. Actually, while the Democratic Party tends to claim Andrew Johnson as their own, he was sworn into office in 1865 while he was a member of the National Union Party. This would technically make it 18 Republicans to 14 Democrats. Since the first presidency in 1789, and until 2013, there have been 44 total presidencies in the United States. This includes only those presidents who were sworn into office, not acting presidents.

Of course, not all of those who held office have been Democrats or Republicans. The presidency of the United States has also been held by Whigs, Democratic-Republicans, and those with no party affiliation. Most have been either Democrat or Republican presidents, however. It is important to note that, while presidents centuries ago may have been identified as Democrat or Republican, these definitions have changed over time; what a Democrat was in the 19th century is not the exact same thing that people think of a Democrat today.

Ku Klux Klan Violence In The South

From 1867 onward, Black participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as Black people won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia and the White Brotherhood.;

At least 10 percent of the Black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans and Black institutions such as schools and churchessymbols of Black autonomywere also targets for Klan attacks.

READ MORE: The First Black Man Elected to Congress Was Nearly Blocked From Taking His Seat

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The Start Of The Wars

Three days after the attacks, the Senate and the House voted to authorize the president to use military force to retaliate against the perpetrators and avert future acts of terrorism. The key 60-word provision granted the president the sole power to determine which “nations, organizations or persons … planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks … or harbored such organizations or persons.”

It is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which Americans were shaken by the attacks and unified in their fear, desire for revenge and insistence on preventive measures to thwart terrorism. The country had just endured the bloodiest day on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor, and the ongoing threat appeared more exotic and imminent stateless terrorists’ striking the mainland than that posed by the overseas Axis powers in World War II.

Only one lawmaker in either chamber voted no: Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif. She would get death threats for her opposition to the war in Afghanistan.

“This unspeakable act on the United States has forced me … to rely on my moral compass, my conscience and my God for direction,” Lee said on the House floor. “Sept. 11 changed the world. Our deepest fears now haunt us. Yet I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States.”

A longtime friend, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., turned out to be more prophetic.

Nearly all of the legislation handed power to the president.

Warren G Harding Republican Candidate For President

Democrats Vs Republicans | What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans?

Warren Harding, publisher and editor of the Ohio was active in politics throughout his life. He served as an Ohio state Senator , as Lieutenant Governor of Ohio , and as a United States Senator . While Harding was serving in the Senate, the Republican party nominated him as their presidential candidate for the election of 1920. Harding’s campaign promised a return to “normalcy,” rejecting the activism of Theodore Roosevelt and the idealism of Woodrow Wilson. Voters responded to his genial nature, impressive stature, and bland message; he won by a landslide.

Harding recorded several speeches for the Nation’s Forum. The speech featured here is the most notable of his campaign, containing his famous plea for normalcy: “America’s present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration…not surgery but serenity.”

Audio Selection:“Readjustment.” Warren Gamaliel Harding .

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History Of The Democratic Party

The party can trace its roots all the way back to Thomas Jefferson when they were known as Jeffersons Republicans and they strongly opposed the Federalist Party and their nationalist views. The Democrats adopted the donkey as their symbol due to Andrew Jackson who was publicly nicknamed jackass because of his popular position of let the people rule. The Democratic National Committee was officially created in 1848. During the civil war a rift grew within the party between those who supported slavery and those who opposed it. This deep division led to the creation of a new Democratic party, the one we now know today.

Wwi And Wwii Were Kind Of Started By Germany

The Korean War was started by the Soviet and Chinese-backed North Koreans invading South Korea which led to UN intervention. The Republicans were in the White House for the Spanish-American War. The Civil War was started by the states of the Confederacy first seceding and then opening fire on Fort Sumter; you could make an argument that most of the Southern political leaders of the time would have been Democrats as they were then, but applying present-day labels to parties of a century and a half ago is kind of pointless.

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The Philosophy Behind Democratic Economic Policy

Democrats gear their economic policies to benefit low-income and middle-income families. They argue that reducing income inequality is the best way to foster economic growth. Low-income families are more likely to spend any extra money on necessities instead of saving or investing it. That directly increases demand and spurs economic growth. Democrats also support a Keynesian economic theory, which says that the government should spend its way out of a recession.

One dollar spent on increased food stamp benefits generates $1.73 in economic output.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt first outlined the Economic Bill of Rights in his 1944 State of the Union address. It included taxes on war profiteering and price controls on food costs. President Harry Trumans 1949 Fair Deal proposed an increase in the minimum wage, civil rights legislation, and national health care. President Barack Obama expanded Medicaid with the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

Argument No : Biden Didnt See Or Didnt Prepare For What Was Coming

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Listen closely, and youll hear that powerful Republican lawmakers arent joining Trump in blaming Biden for the Afghan government falling to the Taliban. Thats because intelligence reports warned that the Taliban could take over the country mere months after the United States left.

Few thought the takeover would happen in just days, though. And Republicans argue that Biden was not ready for the worst-case scenario. They argue that he did not make the necessary preparations to get Americans and their Afghan helpers out when the country would fall to the Taliban.

The example they hold up is the timeline: Biden announced in April that Americans would be leaving soon. By mid-August, the vast majority of Afghans who supported the United States were still in the country when the Taliban took over.

Gross incompetence has given the Taliban a terrible opportunity to slaughter our allies, writes Sen. Ben Sasse in the National Review on Monday. Eighty-eight thousand of our Afghani allies have applied for visas to get out of the country, but this administration has approved just 1,200 so far. Ive been among a bipartisan group of senators that has pushed Biden to expedite this process, but to no avail. At this point, its not clear how many well be able to get out. Every translator and ally who stood by us is now at risk.

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Senate Rejects The Treaty Of Versailles

When members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee learned of former president Woodrow Wilsons death in 1924, they asked their chairman, Henry Cabot Lodge, to represent them at the funeral. Learning of this plan, the presidents widow sent Lodge the following note: Realizing that your presence would be embarrassing to you and unwelcome to me, I write to request that you do not attend.

Democrat Wilson and Republican Lodge had disliked each other for years. Among the first to earn doctoral degrees from the nations newly established graduate schools, each man considered himself the countrys preeminent scholar in politics and scorned the other.

The emergence of World War I intensified their rivalry. By 1918, Wilson had been president for nearly six years, while Lodge had represented Massachusetts in the Senate for a quarter century. Both considered themselves experts in international affairs. In setting policy for ending the war, Wilson, the idealist, sought a peace without victory, while Lodge, the realist, demanded Germanys unconditional surrender.

When the 1918 midterm congressional elections transferred control of the Senate from the Democrats to the Republicans, Lodge became both majority leader and Foreign Relations Committee chairman. Whether Wilson liked it or not, he needed Lodges active support to ensure Senate approval of the Treaty of Versailles and its provision for a League of Nations on which he had staked so much of his political prestige.

Republican Party Platform Of 1940


The Republican party, in representative Convention assembled, submits to the people of the United States the following declaration of its principles and purposes:

We state our general objectives in the simple and comprehensive words of the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.

Those objectives as there stated are these:

“To form a more perfect Union; establish justice; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

Meeting within the shadow of Independence Hall where those words were written we solemnly reaffirm them as a perfect statement of the ends for which we as a party propose to plan and to labor.

The record of the Roosevelt Administration is a record of failure to attain any one of those essential objectives.

Instead of leading us into More Perfect Union the Administration has deliberately fanned the flames of class hatred.

Instead of the Establishment of Justice the Administration has sought the subjection of the Judiciary to Executive discipline and domination.

Instead of insuring Domestic Tranquility the Administration has made impossible the normal friendly relation between employers and employees and has even succeeded in alienating both the great divisions of Organized Labor.

It has failed by viciously attacking our industrial system and sapping its strength and vigor.

National Defense



Social Security

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Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Prominent Republican Sister Of Theodore Roosevelt

Corinne Roosevelt Robinson was a frequent participant in charities and politics. Active in both the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, she was also a member of the executive committee for the Republican National Committee, and the Republican New York State Committee.

A well-known Republican in New York, Corinne Robinson’s importance grew because the presidential campaign of 1920 marked the first election in which women could vote. Anxious to attract women’s votes, both the Republican and Democratic parties sought significant women to speak in support of their candidates. In the speech she recorded for the Nation’s Forum, Robinson speaks of her support for the Republican candidates because they are “one hundred percent American.”

Audio Selection:Safeguard America! Corinne Roosevelt Robinson .

Who Should The Oil Industry Root For Democrats Or Republicans

Why The Republicans Would Lose A Second Civil War

After George W. Bush was elected president, a friend attended an oil industry meeting and said that the mood was celebratory: ;They think theyll be drilling on the White House lawn, she noted. ;Reality ;proved somewhat different, despite the controversial Cheney Energy Task Force, which seemed to consist of industry executives setting out a wish list of policies, with a nod to energy efficiency. ;The controversy centered on the closed nature of deliberations and the attendees, with minimal attention paid to its suggestions, all too typical of our focus on the contest, not the policy culture.

The Bush/Cheney Administration did little for the petroleum industry, and some noted with chagrin that neither was really an oil man despite their reputations as such. ;Cheney was a lifetime politician, going to Halliburton only after leaving government, and George W. Bush wore a number of hats, and oil industry executive was not his primary occupation.

More prominently, many in the industry were appalled at Gulf War II, fearing that U.S. war against an Arab/Muslim nation would create a backlash against them and that their postwar access to Iraqi oil would be worth little, given a likely unattractive fiscal system and high political risk. ;And on other issues, like offshore drilling or the ban on exploration of ANWR in Alaska, the Bush Administration made little effort to change pre-existing policies.

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