Friday, July 26, 2024

Who Is More Popular Democrats Or Republicans

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Not A Generalization But The Majority Of Racists Are Republican

The Backstory: Has Texas elected more Democrats or Republicans to the U.S. Senate? | KVUE

OK, as current proof of my point, for the long link, but it completely proves my point. RACIST!Also, it is not uncommon for people to hold up highly offensive posters at rallies, speeches etc. For example, one said Impeach the half-breed Muslim . Tell me again that that isnt racist. I also want to make the point that NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS! PEOPLE SHOULDNT CARE IF THEIR PRESIDENT IS MUSLIM ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!! I actually know many Muslims and they are awesome and some of the nicest people on earth . Just because some Muslims screwed up doesnt mean that every Muslim is the same way. Dont pull the argument about slavery, the parties have morphed and current examples are better.

Poll: Americans Oppose New Texas

As the national debate over voting rights intensifies, the Democratic Partys plan to safeguard ballot access is proving more popular with the public than the type of restrictions being pushed by Texas Republicans, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

In fact, all of the recent GOP restrictions tested in the poll garner more opposition than support, while all of the reforms from a recent Democratic proposal attract more support than opposition.

For instance, more than twice as many Americans favor than oppose a Democratic plan to require at least 15 consecutive days of early voting in federal elections. In contrast, just 31 percent of Americans favor ongoing Republican efforts in the states to shorten the early or absentee voting period. Forty-six percent oppose such efforts.

Yet many Americans also remain uncertain about whether they would ultimately support new federal voting-rights legislation underscoring the steep challenges ahead for Democrats determined to meet what President Biden described in a fiery speech Tuesday as the most significant test to our democracy since the Civil War.;

Theres an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote in fair and free elections, Biden said. An assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault on who we are as Americans.

Yet independents also side with Biden and against Republicans on both questions .



The Party Thats Actually Best For The Economy

Many analyses look at which party is best for the economy. A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that Democratic presidents since World War II have performed much better than Republicans. On average, Democratic presidents grew the economy 4.4% each year versus 2.5% for Republicans.

A study by Princeton University economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson found that the economy performs better when the president is a Democrat. They report that by many measures, the performance gap is startlingly large. Between Truman and Obama, growth was 1.8% higher under Democrats than Republicans.

A Hudson Institute study found that the six years with the best growth were evenly split between Republican and Democrat presidents.

Most of these evaluations measure growth during the presidents term in office. But no president has control over the growth added during his first year. The budget for that fiscal year was already set by the previous president, so you should compare the gross domestic product at the end of the presidents last budget to the end of his predecessors last budget.

For Obama, that would be the fiscal year from October 1, 2009, to September 30, 2018. Thats FY 2010 through FY 2017. During that time, GDP increased from $15.6 trillion to $17.7 trillion, or by 14%. Thats 1.7% a year.

The chart below ranks the presidents since 1929 on the average annual increase in GDP.


A president would have better growth if he had no recession.

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Who Gets The Most Government Benefits: Urban Democrats Or Rural Republicans

Todays Republican Party, fueled by the Tea Party movements right-wing populism, rails against government benefits and those who receive them. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, for example, warns that Social Security and Medicare will turn us into a bunch of people sitting on a couch, waiting for their next government check. But who really receives the bulk of government benefits: urban districts represented by Democrats or rural districts represented by Republicans?

Using the New York Times map of the county-level distribution of government benefits, Ive compared Republican and Democratic districts in two states. Here is Californias 9th District compared with the 19th District :

We find a similar story in Minnesotas 5th District and the 6th District :;

This is, of course, a small and unrepresentative sample but more comprehensive studies have shown that the pattern holds: the regions of the United States most inflamed by right-wing, anti-government populism benefit disproportionately from government programs and income transfers. To put it another way, Cadillac driving welfare queens are easily outnumbered by pickup truck driving welfare cowboys.

A Wide And Growing Generational Divide In Partisanship

Fifteen Differences Between Democrats And Republicans ...

The generational gap in partisanship is now more pronounced than in the past, and this echoes the widening generational gaps seen in many political values and preferences.

Millennial voters have had a Democratic tilt since they first entered adulthood; this advantage has only grown as they have aged.

Democrats enjoy a 27-percentage-point advantage among Millennial voters . In 2014, 53% of Millennial voters were Democrats or leaned Democratic, 37% tilted toward the GOP.

Millennials remain more likely than those in older generations to call themselves independents ; still, the roughly two-to-one Democratic advantage among Millennials is apparent both in straight and leaned partisan affiliation.

Generation X voters are more divided in their partisan attachments, but also tilt toward the Democratic Party . The balance of leaned partisan identification among Gen X voters has been relatively consistent over the past several years. Baby Boomer voters are nearly evenly divided .

The Silent Generation is the only generational group that has more GOP leaners and identifying voters than Democratic-oriented voters. About half of Silent Generation voters identify with or lean toward the Republican Party, a larger share than a decade ago; 43% identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party.

Gender gaps in other generations are more modest. For instance, 57% of Silent Generation men identify with or lean toward the GOP, compared with 48% of Silent women.

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Most Americans Say Partisan Disagreements Extend Beyond Policies To Basic Facts

Fully 73% of the public says that most Republican and Democratic voters not only disagree over plans and policies, but also disagree on basic facts. Just 26% say that while partisan voters often differ over plans and policies, they can agree on basic facts. These opinions have changed only modestly since last year.

Comparable majorities of Republicans and Democrats say that Republican and Democratic voters cannot agree on basic facts.

Warning For Dems: Youth Vote As A Percentage Collapses

Particularly worrisome for Democrats is the absence of the youth voters as a percentage. Because voting is up 309% from this time in 2016, raw numbers show the youth vote up. In 2020, as a percentage of the electorate, 18-29 year olds cast only 5% of the total vote. In 2016, they were 17% of the electorate. This data suggests that young people are not showing up at the same rate.

As Democratic strategists pore over early numbers, a clear and unexpected trend is emerging: The lock-downs are suppressing the college vote. Many college social events are tied to campaign events for Democratic candidates. Not this year with COVID-19 lock-downs.

Also, a general complacency within college-age Democrats of an inevitable Biden win has gripped campuses. As it turns out, many college outreach initiatives have been cancelled. Some of these events include virtual rallies, voting caravans and door-to-door canvassing. From our interview with a few organizers in the upper-Midwest, these cancellations are due to Bidens huge lead and concerns over social distancing. The result? College students have not turned out to vote, yet. Its not clear if they will turn out.

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Reality Check #: The Electoral College And The Senate Are Profoundly Undemocraticand Were Stuck With Them

Because the Constitution set up a state-by-state system for picking presidents, the massive Democratic majorities we now see in California and New York often mislead us about the partys national electoral prospects. In 2016, Hillary Clintons 3-million-vote plurality came entirely from California. In 2020, Bidens 7-million-vote edge came entirely from California and New York. These are largely what election experts call wasted votesDemocratic votes that dont, ultimately, help the Democrat to win. That imbalance explains why Trump won the Electoral College in 2016 and came within a handful of votes in three states from doing the same last November, despite his decisive popular-vote losses.

The response from aggrieved Democrats? Abolish the Electoral College! In practice, theyd need to get two-thirds of the House and Senate, and three-fourths of the state legislatures, to ditch the process that gives Republicans their only plausible chance these days to win the White House. Shortly after the 2016 election, Gallup found that Republican support for abolishing the electoral college had dropped to 19 percent. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a state-by-state scheme to effectively abolish the Electoral College without changing the Constitution, hasnt seen support from a single red or purple state.

As A Public Service I Have Endeavored To Distill The Differences Between The Parties Into Fair Terms That Children Can Understand

Texas Poll: Joe Biden Is More Popular Than Republican Officials

To keep the baseball analogy alive, the two parties are like the American and the National Leagues in baseball. If you have a little sports fan in your home, perhaps this analogy might help. In politics, the primaries are like the early playoff rounds. The parties will pick their winner like the American and National Leagues pick theirs. ;In baseball, the league winners play in the World Series. ;In politics, the primary winners will face off in the general election. ;The winner of the general election becomes President of the United States.

Jessicas note: Heres another take on it, in case your kids arent eloquent in the language of baseball. ? Imagine the boys and the girls in a class wanted to see who was the best at something. The boys would have a contest to pick their very best boy. Thats like the primary. And then all the girls would pick their best girl. And then everyone in the school;would choose between the best boy, and the best girl. The winner over all is like the President.

Back to our baseball analogy. In baseball, there are differences between the leagues. ;One league has a designated hitter and considers the foul poll fair. ;The other league does not. ;

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Who Is Richer Democrats Or Republicans The Answer Probably Wont Surprise You

Which of the two political parties has more money, Democrats or Republicans? Most would rush to say Republicans due to the partys ideas towards tax and money. In fact, polls have shown about 60 percent of the American people believe Republicans favor the rich. But how true is that? ;can help you write about the issue but read our post first.

Why Were The Polls Off Pollsters Have Some Early Theories

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A couple watches the election results at a Republican watch party at Huron Valley Guns in New Hudson, Mich. People watching the results come in saw President Trump outperforming his position in preelection polls.hide caption

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A couple watches the election results at a Republican watch party at Huron Valley Guns in New Hudson, Mich. People watching the results come in saw President Trump outperforming his position in preelection polls.

At some point on election night 2020, as CNNs KEY RACE ALERTS rolled in and the map turned red and blue, things started to feel eerily like election night 2016.

Specifically, it was that déjà vu feeling of Huh, maybe the polls were off. It was a feeling that grew as states such as Iowa and Ohio swung even harder for President Trump than polls seemed to indicate, key counties were tighter than expected and Republicans picked up one toss-up House seat after another.

Yes, Joe Biden ended up winning, as forecasters predicted. But polls overestimated his support in multiple swing states not to mention the fact that Democrats both lost House seats and didnt win the Senate outright, despite being favored to do the opposite.

It will likely be months until pollsters can study this years misses thoroughly . However, for now, pollsters have some educated guesses about what may have thrown polls off.

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Both Sides Rooted In Asymmetric Politics

The ethos of “both sides” “journalism” requires treating both parties symmetrically, but the two parties have never been symmetrical, as Matt Grossmann and David Hopkins showed in their 2016 book, “Asymmetric Politics: Ideological Republicans and Group Interest Democrats” .

“The Democratic Party is focused on producing concrete solutions for citizens whereas the Republican Party is obsessed with conservative ideological purity,” I wrote at the time. “This is useful for understanding how the nation got to a point of contemplating a possible Donald Trump presidency. ”

One key factor underlying this asymmetry was first fully documented in Lloyd Free and Hadley Cantril’s 1967 book, “The Political Beliefs of Americans.” As I summarized in 2018, “At the level of individual opinion, more people identify as conservatives than liberals, and conservative ideology is more popular. But on the other side of the ledger, support for specific liberal policies like Medicare, Social Security and so on is even more lopsided.” It was a disconnect the authors called “almost schizoid.”

This basic reality is not just ignored, but actively obscured by “both sides” coverage. Take, for example, this short, telling passage from CNBC:

Polling Data Shows Republican Party Affiliation Is Down As Independents Leaning Toward The Democratic Party Surge

"Democrats swear more than Republicans"

Democrats have a nine-percentage-point affiliation advantage over Republicans at the moment.

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The GOP is losing its grip, according to the latest Gallup poll.;

The number of Americans identifying as Republicans or as independents who lean toward the GOP dropped to 40% in the first quarter of 2021, compared with the number of Democrats or independents leaning toward the Democratic party hitting 49%. And that nine-percentage-point lead is the greatest Democratic advantage that Gallup has measured since the fourth quarter of 2012, when former President Barack Obama was re-elected.;

Gallup routinely measures U.S. adults party identification and the political leanings of independents. The latest poll surveyed a random sample of 3,960 U.S. adults by phone between January and March of 2021. And while Democratic Party affiliation actually dropped by one point from the fourth quarter of 2020, to 30% where it has hovered for most of the past eight years the number of Americans identifying as independent rose to 44% from 38% last quarter. And this growing number of independents came at the expense of the Republican party, as 19% of independents said they lean Democrat, compared with 15% leaning Republican. Most of the remaining 11% of independents didnt swing either way.;

And several events have happened during those three months that could position the Democratic Party more favorably in voters eyes, the Gallup report noted.;

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Poll: Democrats More Likely Than Republicans To Say Their Party Keeps Keeping Campaign Promises

Democratic voters are 16 percentage points more likely than Republican voters to say their party is better at keeping campaign promises, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds.

Seventy-eight percent of registered Democratic voters in the July 28-29 survey said the Democratic Party is better at keeping campaign promises while 3 percent said the Republican Party is better and 19 percent said both parties are the same.

Sixty-two percent of registered Republican voters said the GOP is better at keeping campaign promises while 6 percent said the same of the Democratic Party and 32 percent said both parties are equally better at keeping campaign promises.

Fifty-nine percent of independent voters said both parties are the same when it comes to keeping campaign promises while 21 percent said the Democratic Party is better, and 20 percent said the GOP is better.

Thirty-seven percent of voters overall said the Democratic Party is better at keeping campaign promises while 29 percent said the same of the Republican Party.;

Thirty-four percent said both parties are the same when it comes to fulfilling campaign agenda items.

The most recent Hill-HarrisX poll was conducted online among 948;registered voters.;It has;a margin of error of 3.18;percentage points.

Gabriela Schulte

The Issue Of Slavery: Enter Abraham Lincoln

In the mid-nineteenth century, slavery was a widely discussed political issue. The Democratic Partys internal views on this matter differed greatly. Southern Democrats wished for slavery to be expanded and reach into Western parts of the country. Northern Democrats, on the other hand, argued that this issue should be settled on a local level and through popular referendum. Such Democratic infighting eventually led to Abraham Lincoln, who belonged to the Republican Party, winning the presidential election of 1860. This new Republican Party had recently been formed by a group of Whigs, Democrats and other politicians who had broken free from their respective parties in order to form a party based on an anti-slavery platform.

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Views Of The Democratic And Republican Parties

Just under half of Americans have a favorable view of the Democratic Party, while a slightly larger share have an unfavorable view.

The GOP is viewed more negatively 38% say they have a positive view of the Republican Party, while 60% rate it unfavorably. These views are modestly changed since last summer, with the share of Americans rating the GOP unfavorably slightly higher than it was in August and the share of Americans with a negative view of the Democratic Party down slightly .

About three-quarters of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents view the GOP favorably, while 81% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents view the Democratic Party positively.

Nearly all Republicans who say they strongly identify with the Republican Party express a favorable opinion of the GOP. Among Republicans who say they not so strongly identify with the party, 77% say have a favorable view, while 56% of independents who lean toward the Republican Party say the same.

Democrats who very strongly identify with the Democratic Party nearly universally view their party favorably, as do 87% of Democrats who describe themselves as not-so-strong Democrats. About six-in-ten Democratic leaners have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party.

Within both partisan groups, views of the opposing party are overwhelmingly unfavorable across-the-board, with more than eight-in-ten strong partisans, not so strong partisans and leaners alike saying this.

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